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分析10份外引马铃薯块茎在贮藏期间营养物质变化,以期为引种马铃薯后期的生产应用提供科学依据。结果表明:AGRICO-10、AGRICO-6、AGRICO-8这3个品种在长期贮藏时其淀粉含量较高。AGRICO-10、AGRICO-5、AGRICO-7这3个品种可溶性糖含量损失率较低,干物质含量较高,具有很高的长期贮藏价值。AGRICO-4、AGRICO-1在整个贮藏期间还原糖含量较低,建议用于马铃薯油炸类食品的生产,但二者由于贮藏期间淀粉损失率较高,因此不易贮藏。AGRICO-10、AGRICO-9、AGRICO-6这3个品种在贮藏期间蛋白质含量较高。  相似文献   
陈红  曾鹏  徐全乐 《西北植物学报》2021,41(11):1954-1961
为研究山黧豆(Lathyrus sativus)硫酸盐转运蛋白(sulfate transporter,SULTR)与内源活性物质β N 草酰 L α,β 二氨基丙酸(β N oxalyl L α,β diaminopropionic acid,β ODAP)含量之间的关系,该研究采用序列比对的方法,从山黧豆转录组数据(SRP145030)中查找SULTR基因序列,并进行生物信息学分析;采用PCR方法克隆基因全长序列并进行组织特异性表达分析,以筛选与β ODAP含量相关的SULTR基因。结果表明:(1)经序列比对共查找到13条SULTR基因序列,其编码蛋白分别隶属于SULTR Ⅰ-Ⅳ。其中LsSULTR3;3和LsSULTR3;5具有SULTR蛋白家族保守的STAS结构域 (PF01740) 和Sulfate_transp结构域(PF00916),且二者活性受到转录因子MYB和激素响应等多个顺式作用元件的共同调节,并受蛋白水平互作及磷酸化等翻译后修饰调控。(2)成功获得LsSULTR3;3和LsSULTR3;5基因全长cDNA分别为1 962 bp和1 923 bp,分别编码653和640个氨基酸。(3)半定量RT PCR分析显示,LsSULTR3;3在山黧豆主根、成熟叶、茎、花、盛荚初期(S2)种子和鼓粒满期(S6)种子中表达,并在茎中的表达量较高;LsSULTR3;5在山黧豆主根、侧根、花、S2时期种子中均有表达,且花中的表达量最为显著。该研究结果为进一步研究山黧豆中硫酸盐的吸收、转运及同化、β ODAP的生物合成途径等奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) catalyzes the interconversion of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Photosynthetic organisms generally contain two isoforms of TPI located in both cytoplasm and chloroplasts. While the cytoplasmic TPI is involved in the glycolysis, the chloroplastic isoform participates in the Calvin-Benson cycle, a key photosynthetic process responsible for carbon fixation. Compared with its cytoplasmic counterpart, the functional features of chloroplastic TPI have been poorly investigated and its three-dimensional structure has not been solved. Recently, several studies proposed TPI as a potential target of different redox modifications including dithiol/disulfide interchanges, glutathionylation, and nitrosylation. However, neither the effects on protein activity nor the molecular mechanisms underlying these redox modifications have been investigated. Here, we have produced recombinantly and purified TPI from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Cr). The biochemical properties of the enzyme were delineated and its crystallographic structure was determined at a resolution of 1.1 A. CrTPI is a homodimer with subunits containing the typical (β/α)8-barrel fold. Although no evidence for TRX regulation was obtained, CrTPI was found to undergo glutathionylation by oxidized glutathione and trans-nitrosylation by nitrosoglutathione, confirming its sensitivity to multiple redox modifications.  相似文献   
Citrate synthase has a key role in the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle of mitochondria of all organisms, as it cata- lyzes the first committed step which is the fusion of a carbon-carbon bond between oxaloacetate and acetyl CoA. The regulation of TCA cycle function is especially important in plants, since mitochondrial activities have to be coordinated with photosynthesis. The posttranslational regulation of TCA cycle activity in plants is thus far almost entirely unexplored. Although several TCA cycle enzymes have been identified as thioredoxin targets in vitro, the existence of any thioredoxin-dependent regulation as known for the Calvin cycle, yet remains to be demonstrated. Here we have investigated the redox regulation of the Arabidopsis citrate synthase enzyme by site-directed mutagenesis of its six cysteine residues. Our results indicate that oxidation inhibits the enzyme activity by the formation of mixed disulfides, as the partially oxidized citrate synthase enzyme forms large redox-dependent aggregates. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate that thioredoxin can cleave diverse intraas well as intermolecular disulfide bridges, which strongly enhances the activity of the enzyme. Activity measurements with the cysteine variants of the enzyme revealed important cysteine residues affecting total enzyme activity as well as the redox sensitivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
综述了蛋白质巯基亚硝基化修饰的特点、检测方法、功能研究、相关疾病和发展态势.蛋白质巯基亚硝基化(S-nitrosation)是指一氧化氮(nitricoxide,NO)及其衍生物修饰蛋白质半胱氨酸(cysteine,Cys)巯基—SH生成—SNO,其是一种典型的氧化还原依赖的蛋白质翻译后修饰,也是一氧化氮发挥其广泛信号转导作用的新的重要途径.  相似文献   
秦童  黄震 《植物学报》2019,54(1):119-132
硫氧还蛋白(Trx)属于巯基-二硫键氧化还原酶家族, 通过作用于底物蛋白侧链2个半胱氨酸残基之间的二硫键(还原、异构和转移)来调控胞内蛋白的结构和功能。叶绿体Trx系统包括Trx及Trx类似蛋白、铁氧还蛋白(Fd)依赖的硫氧还蛋白还原酶(FTR)和还原型烟酰腺嘌呤二核苷磷酸(NADPH)依赖的硫氧还蛋白还原酶C (NTRC)。除了基质蛋白酶类活性变化及叶绿体蛋白的转运受Trx系统调控之外, 在叶绿体中还存在1条跨类囊体膜的还原势传递途径, 把基质Trx的还原势经跨膜转运蛋白介导, 最终传递给类囊体腔蛋白。FTR和NTRC共同作用维持叶绿体的氧化还原平衡。该文对叶绿体硫氧还蛋白系统的调节机制进行了综述, 同时讨论了叶绿体硫氧还蛋白系统对维持植物光合效率的重要意义。  相似文献   
选择R-羰基还原酶和葡萄糖脱氢酶双酶,协同催化(R)-6-氰基5-羟基-3-羰基己酸叔丁酯不对称还原制备阿托伐他汀关键手性合成子6-氰基-(3R,5R)-二羟基已酸叔丁酯。转化条件优化结果显示:在不添加外源性辅酶NADP(H)、菌体用量15.0g/L、147.0g/L(R)-6-氰基-5-羟基-3-羰基己酸叔丁酯、128.2g/L葡萄糖,30℃、pH6.5条件下反应6h后,底物转化率达到100%,产物d.e.值大于99.5%。  相似文献   
利用工程改造过的肠道微生物进行无创、便宜便捷的肠道炎症检测、治疗可有效应用于医药行业。肠道炎症通常伴随着肠道中硫代硫酸盐和连四硫酸盐的增加,双组分系统ThsSR和TtrSR是两套分别检测这两种小分子的生物感受器系统。采用荧光蛋白作为指示剂需要复杂的测试仪器,不适用于家用检测环境,而肉眼可见的色素蛋白和有色小分子作为指示剂将可能扩大ThsSR和TtrSR的应用前景。两套系统分别被转入大肠杆菌EscherichiacoliTop10和益生菌E. coli Nissle 1917中,sfGFP信号表达效果证明了这两套系统可用。考虑实际应用,sfGFP被一系列色素蛋白和显色小分子替换,在E. coli Top10中,一系列色素蛋白和紫色杆菌素前体protoviolaceinic acid的显色效果明显,表明了该系统具有用于实际肠道炎症检测的可行性。结果表明,改进后的ThsSR和TtrSR系统能够针对不同浓度的肠道炎症标记物作出相应程度的反应,具备用于家庭环境人体肠道炎症检测的潜力。  相似文献   
硫酸盐活化复合体的分类及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硫酸盐进入细胞内活化的第一步是ATP硫酸化酶(ATP sulfurylase,ATPS)催化硫酸盐与ATP反应生成腺苷-5’-磷酰硫酸(adenosine 5’-phosphosulfate,APS)和焦磷酸,此反应非常不易进行。研究发现某些ATPS可与硫酸盐同化代谢相关酶组成硫酸盐活化复合体(sulfate activating complex,SAC)而促进硫的同化。本文介绍了目前已发现的三类SAC:GTPase型SAC(GTPase type SAC)、APSK型SAC(APSK type SAC)和APSR型SAC(APSR type SAC),并对其促进APS合成的方式及目前的研究热点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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