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无论是煤炭、石油、天然气等化石燃料,还是金银铜铁锡等金属矿,都深埋于地下。若要开发,人们必须首先圈定矿产资源的分布位置。在长期的实践活动中,人们已经总结了十分丰富的找矿经验,并形成了独立、系统的学科体系。简单地说,人们找矿的方法可以分为4大类:人工遗迹找矿法、地质方法、地球物理方法以及地球化学方法。  相似文献   
http://17ibc.csp.escience.cn2011年10月30日—11月3日,国家会议中心,北京第17届国际生物物理大会将于2011年10月30日-11月3日在北京国家会议中心召开。本届大会是生物物理研究领域的盛会,首次在华举办,由国际生物物理联合会(IUPAB)主办,中国生物物理学会和中国科学院生物物理研究所共同承办。大会主席由中国生物物理学会理事长饶子和院士担任,届时将有300余名享有盛誉的生物物理学家,包括多位诺贝奖获得者介绍本领域的最新研究进展及发展趋势。  相似文献   
通过牡竹属(Dendrocalamus) 3个竹笋品质佳的竹种(勃氏甜龙竹(D.brandisii)、马来麻竹(D. asper)、花吊丝竹(D. minor var. amoenus))竹材形态质量及材性比较的研究,结果表明:种间立竹枝下高、相对全高差异显著或极显著,勃氏甜龙竹相对枝下高最小,立竹胸径、全高、枝下高、尖削度值、壁厚率均为最大;竹秆含水率随立竹年龄增大而下降,3年立竹竹秆含水率花吊丝竹>勃氏甜龙竹>马来麻竹,种间差异极显著;相对材积勃氏甜龙竹(1771.35cm 3 cm-1)>马来麻竹(1166.66 cm3 cm-1)>花吊丝竹(659.78 cm3 cm-1),种间差异极显著;竹材密度随立竹年龄增大而提高,3a立竹竹材密度花吊丝竹(0.914 g.cm-3)>勃氏甜龙竹(0.812 g.cm-3)>马来麻竹(0.749 g.cm-3),种间差异显著。综合分析勃氏甜龙竹、马来麻竹可作为优良的笋材兼用竹种,花吊丝竹宜作为笋用、观赏竹种推广应用。  相似文献   
Solitary and gregarious locusts differ in many traits, such as body color, morphometrics and behavior. With respect to behavior, solitary animals shun each other, while gregarious animals seek each other's company, hence their crowding behavior. General activity, depending on the temperature, occurs throughout the day but is much lower in solitary locusts. Solitary locusts occasionally fly by night while gregarious locusts fly regularly during daytime (swarming). In search of new assays to identify substances that control or modify aspects of (phase) behavior, we designed a simple activity assay, meant to complement existing behavioral measurement tools. The general activity is reflected in the number of wall hits, that is, the number of contacts between the locust and the vertical walls of a small arena. Using this single parameter we were able to quantify differences in total activity of both nymphs and adults of isolation-reared (solitary), regrouped- and crowdreared (gregarious) locusts under different conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there are inter- and intra-phase dependent differences in activities of 5th instar nymphs afar injections of the three different adipokinetic hormones.  相似文献   
以冷却猪肉为研究对象,评价近红外光谱(NIR)技术用于肉类物理特性预测的可行性以及不同的光谱处理方法和建模方法对预测准确性的影响。试样取自排酸24h的同一批猪胴体的小里脊肉,采集4000—10000cm-1的光谱。经外部验证的偏最小二乘(PLS)模型在预测pH时表现出良好的相关性(Rc^2=0.88,Rp^2=0.80,SEC=0.08,SEP=0.084),嫩度与蒸煮损失模型的相关性分别是Rc^2=0.50和0.57,R;=0.34和0.50。在各种光谱预处理方法中,平滑处理结合多元散射校正(MSC)或标准正态变量变换(SNV)的效果最好。  相似文献   
研究自然历史的学问,叫做“博物学”。“自然历史”很好理解,就是大自然的发展过程,讲的是它的过去。当然,亦包括现在,因为还有几百万到几千万的物种现存于世。动物、植物、矿物都是传统的博物学研究对象。今天,我们看到的“自然博物馆”,就是展现自然历史的舞台,它的藏品大致分为此三大类,是为经典。  相似文献   
我国完成大熊猫基因组序列图谱,我国完成世界首例转基因克隆免实验,我国诞生世界首例带有抗猪瘟病毒基因的克隆猪,2008诺贝尔生理或医学奖颁布,科学家绘制出首幅小麦基因组物理图谱,澳大利亚首次批准克隆人体胚胎,美国科学家成功绘制出完整肿瘤基因图谱。  相似文献   
The present study aims to identify the narrow spectral bands that are most suitable for characterizing rice biophysical parameters. The data used for this study come from ground-level hyperspectral reflectance measurements for five rice species at three levels of nitrogen fertilization during the growing period. Reflectance was measured in discrete narrow bands between 350 and 2 500 nm. Observed rice biophysical parameters included leaf area index (LAI), wet biomass and dry biomass. The stepwise regression method was applied to identify the optimal bands for rice biophysical parameter estimation. This research indicated that combinations of four narrow bands in stepwise regression models explained 69% to 83% variability for LAI, 56% to 73% for aboveground wet biomass and 70% to 83% for leaf wet biomass. An overwhelming proportion of rice information was in a particular portion of near infrared (NIR) (1 100-1 150 nm), red-edge (700-750 nm), and a longer portion of green (550-600 nm). These were followed by the moisture-sensitive NIR (950-1 000 nm), the intermediate portion of shortwave infrared (SWlR) (1 650-1 700 nm), and another portion of NIR (1 000-1 050 nm).  相似文献   
现为海南省热带农业资源研究所所长、研究员。1984年毕业于浙江大学,1987年硕士毕业于中国农业大学,1994年毕业于中国农科院研究生院生物物理专业,获博士学位。1995-1997年香港大学的生态与分类学系、动物学系分子群体遗传实验室博士后。  相似文献   
许彦国  王媛媛  李芳  王丹  郑中志 《蛇志》2005,17(3):222-222
中药材的贮藏主要从防霉变、防虫蛀、防药材变色、防泛油的预防抓起,传统方法主要采用物理方法:曝晒、烘烤、低温冷藏、同贮等;化学方法:采用杀虫剂、酒精等化学药物灭虫。近年来生药贮藏的新技术有很大发展,现简述如下。  相似文献   
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