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本文通过生物杀虫剂螨虫素对棉花、蔬菜害虫的毒力评价及田间应用研究表明,它对棉朱砂叶螨和菜青虫两种害虫杀伤力最强,其中LC90分别为0.078ppm和0.013ppm。兼有胃毒、触杀作用,残效期较长,分别达13天和9天。田间小区试验认为防治菜青虫和茄朱砂叶螨以2ppm浓度为宜。防治适期为卵孵化初期或低龄幼(若)虫(螨)期,其防效能达90%以上。该药特点用药量低、效果好、无公害、值得推广。  相似文献   
癌的基因治疗及现状邓小莉(河南省新乡市平原大学生物系,453003)一、致癌的原因──遗传因素和环境因素(1)环境因素环境中存在着多种多样的物理性的如各种射线,化学性的如试剂、农药、洗涤剂、色素、染料等,生物性的如病毒等致癌因子,它们在一定条件卞诱发...  相似文献   
孕牛血清早孕因子的分离纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以透析、离子交换层及聚丙烯凝胶电泳等手段从孕牛血清中分离纯化早孕因子(EPF)。EPF的活性用玫瑰花环抑制实验确定,其分子量用SDS-PAGE法测定,含量用Lowry方法测定。  相似文献   
人肝刺激因子对大鼠实验性慢性肝损伤的保护作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从健康孕妇水囊引产4─6个月龄的胎儿取肝,采用LaBrecque方法提取人肝刺激因子(hHSS)。经3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷参入肝DNA法测定其生物活性。表明此hHSS可刺激肝细胞DNA合成。采用皮下注射CCl4和饮用10%乙醇来制备慢性肝损伤动物模型,观察了hHSS的保护肝脏作用。结果表明:hHSS可使CCl4-乙醇所致慢性肝损伤大鼠的死亡率、血清谷丙转氨酶水平、肝组织中羟脯氨酸含量的升高以及肝组织中丙二醛的含量降低。肝组织切片表明:hHSS能减轻肝组织的损伤程度,促进肝细胞再生,并能明显防止肝纤维化的形成和发展。可见,hHSS对CCl4-乙醇所致的慢性肝损伤大鼠有明显的保护作用,其机制可能与促进肝细胞再生及抑制肝细胞膜的脂质过氧化有关。  相似文献   
SUNTONG  YADICHEN 《Cell research》1994,4(2):135-143
The DNaseI hypersensitive site 2 (HS2) of human β-globin locus control region(LCR) is required for the high level expression of human β-globin genes.In the present study,a stage-specific protein factor (LPF-β) was identified in the nuclear extract prepared from mouse fetal liver at d 18 of gestation,which could bind to the HS2 region of human β-globin LCR.We also found that the shift band of LPF-β factor could be competed by human β-globin promoter.However,it couldn‘t be competed by human ε-globin promoter or by human ^Aγ-globin promoter.Furthermore,our data demonstrated that the binding-sequence of LPF-β factor is 5‘CACACCCTA 3‘,which is located at the HS2 region of β-LCR(from-10845 to-10853 bp)and human β-globin promoter(from-92 to -84 bp).We speculated that these regions containing the CACCC box in both the human β-globin promoter and HS2 might function as stage selector elements in the regulation of human β-globin switching and the LPF-β factor might be a stage-specific protein factor involved in the regulation of human β-globin gene expression.  相似文献   
以棉铃虫初孵幼虫为供试虫,用合成饲料和天然饲料两种饲毒法,CS3ab-1991(毒力效价Ha 15000IU/mg)为标准品对Bt 8010粉剂进行毒力测定,饲毒后的供试虫在30℃恒温下培育72小时,合成饲料饲毒法测定的CS3ab-1991 LC50=108.6±10.8μg/ml,Bt8010 LC50=197.1±15.6μg/ml,毒力效价8273.1±715.8Ha IU/mg,天然饲料饲毒法测定的CS3ab-1991 LC50=406.3±47.5μg/ml,Bt8010 LC50=705.0±86.8μg/ml,毒力效价8633.2±871.8Ha IU/mg。  相似文献   
环境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究人类改造荒漠的活动,植被,潜在的可利用的食物资源,竞争种的密度,土壤理化性质等坏境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度的影响。结果说明:人类的活动对沙蜥种群密度没有显著影响;决定沙蜥种群密度的主导因子是潜在的可利用的食物资源,植被,土壤含水量,竞争种的密度。这些因子的任何改变都能改变沙蜥的种群密度,均具有调节种群的作用。  相似文献   
本文应用近年发展起来的生化技术――蛋白质双向电泳(其第一向为等电聚焦,第二向为SDS凝胶电泳),将小鼠腹水细胞核糖体蛋进行了指纹分离。并利用蛋白质印迹转移(Western blotting),将转移后的硝酸纤维膜与交联了碱性磷酸酶的第二抗体和抗酵母EF-3抗体反应,证实该核糖体蛋白含有EF-3同源片段,进而制备了蛋白质合成无细胞体系。通过测定PolyU指导下3 H-phe掺入活力的免疫失活实验,初步证实此同源片段是小鼠腹水细胞蛋白质合成所必需。 The ribosomal proteins of H22a cell,were separated with the method of two-D gel electrophoresis (the first dimention is isoelectric focus and the second is SDS PAGE).Then the Western blotting was used,the transferred nitrocellulose sheet was treated with antiyeast EF-3 antibody and the second antibody bonded with alklinephosphoesterase.The result shows that the ribosomal proteins have a homologous fragment to yeast EF-3 factor.The cell-free system of protein synthesis was also established.By determing the activity of polyU direeted 3H-phe intervention in immunodeactivitive experiment,it is primaril confirmed that this fragment is the esscntial for the protein biosynthesis in H22a cell.  相似文献   
白细胞介素—1,肿瘤坏死因子与炎症   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
所有细胞因子都直接或间接影响炎症反应,其中以白细胞介素-1和肿瘤坏死因子等与炎症关系最为密切。它们对血管内皮细胞、白细胞、单核-巨噬细胞等具有广泛的调节和效应,在诱导炎症反应中,具有多效、高效、协同、相互诱生和激发其它炎性介质级联反应的特征。对疾病具有双重作用。  相似文献   
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