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生物毒素总的来说是有害的,可使生命有机体得病,重者死亡。某些原核生物和真核生物或某些低等生物和高等生物均有产生毒素的能力。美国一位生理学家曾做过实验,证实人生气时会分泌毒素。把人生气时呼出的“生气水”注射到大白鼠身上,几分钟后大白鼠就死亡了。生气时的分泌物比任何情绪时都复杂,更具有毒性。生物毒素固然有其害,但同时亦有其利,“以毒攻毒”,可用于治病。因此,  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr induces cell death in mammalian and fssion yeast cells, suggesting that Vpr may affect a conserved cellular process. It is unclear, however, whether Vpr-induced yeast cell death mimics Vpr-mediated apoptosis in mammalian cells. We have recently identified a number of Vpr suppressors that not only suppress Vpr-induced cell death in fission yeast, but also block Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells. These findings suggest that Vpr-induced cell death in yeast may resemble some of the apoptotic processes of mammalian cells. The goal of this study was to develop and validate a fission yeast model system for future studies of apoptosis. Similar to Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells, we show here that Vpr in fission yeast promotes phosphatidylserine externalization and induces hyperpolarization of mitochondria, leading to changes of mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover, Vpr triggers production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), indicating that the apoptotic-like cell death might be mediated by ROS. Interestingly, Vpr induces unique morphologic changes in mitochondria that may provide a simple marker for measuring the apoptotic-like process in fission yeast. To verify this possibility, we tested two Vpr suppressors (EF2 and Hspl6) that suppress Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells in addition to a newly identified Vpr suppressor (Skpl). All three proteins abolished cell death mediated by Vpr and restored normal mitochondrial morphology in the yeast cells. In conclusion, Vpr-induced cell death in fission yeast resembles the mammalian apoptotic process. Fission yeast may thus potentially be used as a simple model organism for the future study of the apoptotic-like process induced by Vpr and other proapoptotic agents.  相似文献   
人体是自然界最复杂的有机体,新陈代谢是最基本的特征。但是,人体的新陈代谢必须要有适宜的环境。其中人体对酸碱度的要求是一个重要方面。在生命活动过程中,人体不断产生酸性物质和碱性物质,人体外也有相当数量的酸性物质和碱性物质进入体内。因而,酸性物质和碱性物质必须保持一定数量的比例,即酸碱度的大小在人体的各部分都有一定的范围,如果一旦发生变化,就可能对有机体产生毒性。  相似文献   
科学网2007年12月4日讯有机体的每种细胞都有其特定的尺寸和形态,这与它们发挥特定的功能有关。而一旦细胞不能保持固有形态,其功能就会受到损害,从而会给有机体带来一系列问题。近日,德国和荷兰科学家阐明了一个在细胞形态形成过程中发挥重要作用的分子机制。这一研究成果有助于深入理解细胞骨架和蛋白之间的关系。相关论文12月2日在线发表于《自然》(Nature)上。每种细胞都有独特的形态,这主要是由细胞骨架决定。细胞骨架主要由蛋白纤丝构成,其中特别重要的是微管(microtubule),这是一种动力  相似文献   
有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有机体之间化学相互作用的研究及其应用宋启示(中国科学院昆明生态研究所,650223)ChemicalInteractionAmongOrganismsandTheirApplication¥SongQishi(KunmingInstituteofEcolo-gy,AcademiaSinica650223).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):45-48。Thispaperreviewsthemostactiveresearchfieldsonchemicalinteractionamongorganisms:(1)allelopa-thyamongplants,whichiswidelyappliedinagricultureandhorticulture,(2)biochemicalinteractionbe-tweenplantsandinsects,(3)biochemicalinteractionamonginsectsand(4)biochemicalinteractionamongmammalsandbetweenmammalsandplants.Inaddit  相似文献   
生命世界的深奥和复杂超出了人类的想象,如果上帝是不可知的,那么生物圈的大部分也是如此。生物学家不停地强调,我们对于周边生命世界的了解是如此之少,人类驯化的植物和驯养的动物仅是生命多样性中微不足道的一些变异。我们开展的对生命程序的复杂模拟大部分仍缺乏真实的东西,我们甚至仍然不能造出最低等的人造有机体。  相似文献   
食根动物是植物的主要危害者,植物与食根动物之间的相互作用一直备受关注.本文从食根动物与异质性土壤、根系的关系,以及食根动物对植物的影响等方面,探讨了食根动物与根系生物量的变化、再生能力、存活,植物化学物质与其他有机体之间的作用机理和食根动物对植物生理、种群动态、植物结构的影响.建议加强对植物控制食根动物取食时采取的对策、食根动物改变生态系统C、N循环的机制以及植物寄生性线虫存在的生态系统养分的动态变化等方面的研究.  相似文献   
美国科学家已使得一种酶从一个有机体的DNA中精确地切下完整单一的基因。这种酶正好在基因的首端和尾端而不是在中间切割,从而为遗传工程学家们按照意愿杂交和重组基因提供了一个新的精密工具。他们的工怍还可能导致对于分隔有用基因的所谓“无用”(junk)DNA结构特点作出新的揭示。  相似文献   
从大量的单个有机体中快速分离DNA的这种能力大大地促进了对这些有机体的基因组的特性的鉴定。特别是应用DNA重组的技术,从含有克隆DNA片段的有机体中快速分离DNA的这种方法大大地促进了对这些克隆的鉴定。这里所叙述的方法是用于从细菌、酵母及组织培养细胞中分离DNA的方法。但是,这些方法是很通用的方法,可以用于从任何有机体中分离DNA。用这些方法得到的DNA制品虽然不是纯的DNA,但是对  相似文献   
Targeted genome modifications with the Cas9/gRNA system derived from the clustered regularly interspaced short palin- dromic repeat/CRISPR-associated (CRISPR/Cas) system have been successfully used in cultured human cells as well as in most model organisms, including zebrafish (Danio rerio), mouse, and fruit fly (Chang et al., 2013; Cong et al., 2013; Gratz et al., 2013; Hwang et al., 2013; Jao et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2013; Wei et al., 2013). Its application in zebrafish is particu- larly attractive due to the ease of handling this organism and the simple application of this method by direct injection of Cas9/ gRNA. However, the information about its specificity in this organism is very limited and needs further evaluation. In addition, it is conceivable that a Cas9 mRNA optimized for zebrafish codon preference could enhance its activity.  相似文献   
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