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李锋瑞  王树芳 《生态学报》2001,21(10):1620-1626
采用非破坏性的田间观测方法,以主匍匐茎的叶片伤害数,叶片伤害率和叶片伤害程度3个变量为指标,综合评价了小型无脊椎动物对多年生黑麦草与白三叶的混播草地白三叶叶片的伤害程度,系统探讨了白三叶品种类型(Alice,Retor和Gwenda),刈割频率(高与低)及草地特征(如三叶含量,地上生物量和草层高度)对小型无脊椎动物对叶片伤害的影响。研究表明,高频率刈割的草地白三叶叶片总的伤害数及中等程度伤害的叶片数明显地高于低频率刈割处理(分别为21%和35%),另外,研究期总的叶片伤害数不同程度伤害的叶片数因白三叶品种的不同而存在着很大差异,且这种差异在春季,夏末和秋季等3个时期均十分明显,在这3个时期,在两种频率刈割下,均是品种Retor的叶片伤害数和叶片伤害率明显高于品种Alice和Gwenda,研究还表明,叶片的伤害与白三叶种群特征如白三叶含量和地上生物量存在显著的负相关,白三叶含量和地上生物量越低,则叶片的伤害数和伤害率就越高,回归模型显示,白三叶含量和地上生物量可以解释叶片的伤害数在春季,夏末,秋季各65%,59%和50%的变异,可以解释叶片伤害率在这3个时期各58%,57%和45%。  相似文献   
小球藻细胞活性物质的提取及对啤酒酵母的生理效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小妹藻(Chlorella vulgaris)为绿藻门普生性单细胞藻类。因其具有极为丰富均衡的营养成分,常作为医疗保健品,或用于食品、轻工业以及饲料添加剂,并可用于重金属的生物吸附、污水处理及环境评价方面.小球藻生长因子(Chlorena Growth Factor,CGF)又称小球藻精,为其细胞活性物质,含有氨基酸、核酸、多糖、多肽、蛋白质、酶、维生素、矿物质等成分,被誉为“类荷尔蒙”。  相似文献   
用河流生物指数评价秦淮河上游水质的研究   总被引:16,自引:7,他引:16  
王备新  杨莲芳 《生态学报》2003,23(10):2082-2091
1999~2001年用D-形网半定量法采集了南京秦淮河上游21个样点的大型底栖无脊椎动物。12个底栖生物指数值的频数分布分析、Pearson相关分析和敏感性检测表明,总分类单元数、ET分类单元数、香农多样性指数、水生昆虫分类单元数和优势分类单元%最适合于秦淮河上游水质生物评价。采用5、3、1生物指数记分法统一量纲。提出了河流生物指数(RBI)概念,其值即为累加上述5个指数后的总分值,建立了河流生物指数评价秦淮河水质的标准,并对21个样点的水质进行重新评价,效果较单项生物指数如香农多样性指数评价结果更接近实际情况。  相似文献   
Resistance in insect pests against the endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) is a major threat to the usefulness of this biopesticide, both used as traditional formulations and in transgenic crops. A crucial requirement for the development of successful resistance management strategies is a molecular understanding of the nature and inheritance of resistance mechanisms. This information can be used to design management strategies that will delay or counteract Bt resistance. The best known Bt resistance mechanism is inactivation of brush border membrane receptors. This type of resistance has a largely recessive mode of inheritance, which has enabled the design of resistance management approaches involving high dose and refuge strategies. Recent observations suggest that other resistance mechanisms are possible, including a mechanism that sequesters the toxin in the gut lumen through inducible immune reactions. The elevated immune status associated with tolerance to the toxin can be transmitted to subsequent generations by a maternal effect, which has implications for resistance management in the field. The high dose/refuge strategy may not be appropriate for the management of these alternative resistance mechanisms and other strategies have to be developed if inducible dominant resistance or tolerance mechanisms occur frequently in the field.  相似文献   
鼎湖山地表无脊椎动物多样性及其与凋落物的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解鼎湖山国家级自然保护区3种代表林型地表无脊椎动物的多样性及其与凋落物的关系,利用巴氏罐诱法共采集无脊椎动物3门7纲31目58科(总科)7310头,3种林型中蚂蚁占绝对优势,蜘蛛,甲螨,长角跳虫,毛蕈甲,蟋蟀和果蝇为常见类群,其中季风常绿单身汉叶林地表无脊椎动物的多样性和均匀性指数最高;针阔叶混交林与之接近;马尾松林最低,但其优势度指数最高。3种林型地表无脊椎动物群落之间均中等不相似,年凋落物量与地表无脊椎动物的多样性,均匀性呈现显著正相关,与优势度呈显著负相关;调落物的周转期与地表无脊椎动物的多样性与均匀性呈显著负相关,与优势度呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
Vertebrate genomes are characterized with CpG deficiency, particularly for GCpoor regions. The GC content-related CpG deficiency is probably caused by context-dependent deamination of methylated CpG sites. This hypothesis was examined in this study by comparing nucleotide frequencies at CpG flanking positions among invertebrate and vertebrate genomes. The finding is a transition of nucleotide preference of 5' T to 5' A at the invertebrate-vertebrate boundary, indicating that a large number of CpG sites with 5' Ts were depleted because of global DNA methylation developed in vertebrates. At genome level, we investigated CpG observed/expected (obs/exp) values in 500 bp fragments, and found that higher CpG obs/exp value is shown in GC-poor regions of invertebrate genomes (except sea urchin) but in GC-rich sequences of vertebrate genomes. We next compared GC content at CpG flanking positions with genomic average, showing that the GC content is lower than the average in invertebrate genomes, but higher than that in vertebrate genomes. These results indicate that although 5' T and 5' A are different in inducing deamination of methylated CpG sites, GC content is even more important in affecting the deamination rate. In all the tests, the results of sea urchin are similar to vertebrates perhaps due to its fractional DNA methylation. CpG deficiency is therefore suggested to be mainly a result of high mutation rates of methylated CpG sites in GC-poor regions.  相似文献   
有时,鱼类、爬行动物、甚至一些无脊椎动物都好像是在玩耍。但当它们玩耍时,有没有在传达别的意思呢?还有,动物为什么会有这样的行为呢?  相似文献   
无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白(MTs)多样性及其生态服务功能   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
金属硫蛋白(MTs)是一类低分子量、半胱氨酸含量异常丰富的金属结合多肽,自从20世纪70年代中期发现海洋无脊椎动物MTs以来,MTs已被证明广泛存在于无脊椎动物的各个类群之中。无脊椎动物物种间的金属硫蛋白存在着显著差异,研究无脊椎动物MTs多样性并揭示其生态服务功能,在理论与实践上都至关重要。本文分析了无脊椎动物MTs的多样性:结合金属元素多样性、同形体及其变体的蛋白质遗传多样性和生态服务功能多样性,并讨论了 MTs的三个生态服务功能:MTs对重金属解毒和调节作用、MTs作为环境监测的生物标志物、MTs的环境重金属污染净化功能及其在环境污染治理中的作用。  相似文献   
2008年1月25日,我刊副主编宋大祥院士因患癌症病逝。我们为痛失良师益友深感悲痛。宋大祥院士,1935年生.浙江绍兴人。我国著名的无脊椎动物学家。系统地研究环节动物(蛭类)、甲壳动物(枝角类、桡足类)和蛛形动物的分类学,建立14新属,发表290余新种。还结合生产实际研究无脊椎动物的生物学,  相似文献   
张跃伟  袁兴中  刘红  任海庆  邓伟  岳俊生 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4873-4880
通过包埋人工基质法研究大型无脊椎动物在山地河流潜流层中的拓殖过程。结果表明:群落个体密度在7—29 d呈"J"型增长,在29 d后骤然降低,55 d后呈波动趋势;物种丰富度在1—29 d呈增加趋势,29 d后呈波动状态;群落的生物量总体呈增加趋势。群落的物种丰富度、密度和生物量在第29、71和83天时没有显著性差异(P0.05),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在第55、71、83天没有显著性差异(P0.05),综合不同拓殖时间段物种的主成分分析,表明潜流层大型无脊椎动物群落在55 d后趋于稳定。群落优势种为摇蚊(Camptochironomus sp.)、河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)、四节蜉(Baetis sp.)、动蜉(Cinygmina sp.)、纹石蛾(Hydropsyche sp.)和扁泥甲科的一种(Psephenidae)。滤食者和收集者在整个拓殖过程中均是优势功能摄食群。群落拓殖过程是一个群落自身恢复能力和外部环境影响相互作用的过程,拓殖初期潜流层的结构是影响着无脊椎动物迁入的主要因素,中期动物的生活史特征起主要作用,稳定期之后群落可能受到各因素的综合影响。  相似文献   
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