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The West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), is one of the most important pests throughout the Americas. CLIMEX 3.0 and ArcGIS 9.3 were used to model the current and future potential geographical distribution of this pest. Under current climatic conditions, A. obliqua is predicted to be able to establish throughout much of the tropics and subtropics, including not only North and South America, where it has been reported, but also southern Asia, northeastern Australia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The main factors limiting the pest's range expansion may be cold stress. Climate change expands the potential distribution of A. obliqua poleward as cold stress boundaries recede, but the predicted distribution in northwestern Australia and northern parts of Sub-Saharan Africa will decrease because of heat stress. Considering the widely suitable range for A. obliqua globally and in China, enhanced quarantine and monitoring measures should be implemented in areas that are projected to be suitable for the establishment of the pest under current and future climatic conditions.  相似文献   
西藏拉萨地区三叠系诺利阶牙形石分带及其国际对比   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
麦龙岗剖面位于西藏拉萨地区达孜县麦龙岗村 (N2 9°5 6′0 6″ ,E91°2 7′5 5″)。麦龙岗组中共发现牙形石 7属 :Epigondolella ,Hindeodella ,Priniodella ,Xaniognathodus,Lonchodina ,Metalonchodina和Enantiognathus属。其中Epigondolella属有 9种 ,包括 1新种和 1未定种 ,它们是E .primitia ,E .spiculata ,E .cf.spiculata ,E .tozeri,E .violinformissp .nov .,E .cf.triangularisuniformis,E .postera ,E .bidentata ,E .sp .。基于本次发现的化石材料 ,对西藏林周地区麦龙岗组进行新的牙形石带划分。自下而上划分为 :?Epigondolellaprimitia ,E .spiculata ,E .tozer i,E .postera和E .bidentata等带。与毛力等 (1987)、Orchard(1983,1991,1994 )和Krystyn(1977)的划分方案进行对比和讨论  相似文献   
吴未  陈明  欧名豪 《生态学报》2018,38(14):5141-5148
建设用地减量化管理国家战略的本质就是土地利用格局优化,具有重要理论价值和实践意义。以建设用地减量化为背景、快速城市化苏锡常地区为研究区,采用目标物种白鹭生境网络优化为减量化依据的方法,旨在回答"建设用地怎么减?减哪里?减多少?依据是什么?"的土地利用格局优化问题。结果表明:1)白鹭核心生境斑块距离人为干扰源较远,需减量化的建设用地数量较少,但多数核心生境斑块面积小于平均值,破碎化现象较严重;白鹭迁移廊道受人为干扰严重,需减量化的建设用地数量为6542.1 hm~2,占减量化总面积的99%以上;生态核心区经过耕地占补平衡后,城乡建设用地二次减量213.7 hm~2、新增水田208.7 hm~2;研究区建设用地减量化总面积6755.8 hm~2。2)通过增加核心生境斑块面积、提高迁移廊道通达安全性,白鹭生境网络优化了。同时完成了建设用地总量减量化,实现了区域土地利用格局优化的目的。  相似文献   
青海可可西里地区鱼类资源及其保护的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
青海可可西里地区是世界上最少研究的地区之一。通过多次零星的鱼类调查(1973-1986)和1990年5至8月间对本区进行的全面水生生物和鱼类考察。本文首次报道其有关的浮游植物、浮游动物和鱼类种类分布及生物学特性等问题。诸如浮游动、植物的水平分布、优势和群和生物量及鱼类食性、年龄、生长、繁殖等。  相似文献   
The population activities of golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Xiaoshennongjia of Badong county,Hubei Province had been surveyed by consecutively tracing and grossly counting from 0ct.2000 to June 2002.The result indicated the anmount the golden monkey that iuhabit in here about 600-800 individuals.They moved clockwise in a circular track.236 golden monkeys of 2 groups had recorded by video camera during survey in Apr.2001,among them there were 59.05% adult and 40.95% of underage,the rate was 1:0.9,the sex ratio of adult was 1:1.38 (male:female).117 individuals of three different groups were recorded in random in 2002,among them were 56.41% of adult and 43.59% underage,the rate was 1:0.67,the sex ratio of adult was 1:1.2.The young were hem from the beginning the month of March.  相似文献   
俄罗斯伏尔加格勒伏尔加地区上泥盆统弗拉阶和法门阶的界线以3种剖面类型为代表。第一种类型的界线剖面广泛分布于俄罗斯地台,但两阶之间有沉积间断。第二种类型剖面地层发育较完整,即Volgogradian层直覆于Livendian层之上。前者以Corbulispora viminea-Geminospora vasjamica孢子组合带为特征。第三种类型剖面存在于前里海(Pre-Caspian)凹陷的西侧,是最近根据孢粉资料确定的;地层剖面不完整,在中弗拉阶的Semilukian层有剥蚀面,上覆以不同时代的(弗拉期或法门期)盖层。  相似文献   
苏皖象山群下部一些本内苏铁目铁化石的表皮构造研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹正尧 《古生物学报》1998,37(3):283-294
报道象山群下部的本内苏铁植物5属6种:Tyrmia susongensis sp nov.Pterophyllum sp.1,P.SP.2,Anomozamites quadratus sp.nov.,Otozamites hsiangchiensis Sze,Nilsoniopteris vittata Florin,对其表皮构造进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   
锡霍特—阿林保护区是俄罗斯最古老的保护区,也是曾经聚集最多东北虎的地方。 锡霍特山脉是地球上温带地区最独特的地方之一。在这里北方针叶林特有的物种如驯鹿和棕熊与南方物种如远东豹、东北虎和亚洲黑熊共存。  相似文献   
对三江平原湿地虎林地区水域的浮游植物群落结构进行了初步研究。在采集区域设置10个采样点,经鉴定共有133个浮游植物分类单位,隶属于8门10纲16目27科48属。该地区浮游植物群落组成以硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)、绿藻门(Chlorophyta)为主。各采样点浮游植物种类组成及细胞密度差异显著,采样点Ⅸ的浮游植物种类最丰富,采样点Ⅱ的浮游植物细胞密度最大。在三江平原湿地虎林地区发现了大量的β-中污指示种,经聚类和多维尺度分析评价,初步推断三江平原湿地虎林地区水域受到一定污染,呈中营养状态。  相似文献   
目的:调查白内障的手术情况并评估其手术疗效。方法:采用整群随机抽样方法将黑龙江省南部农村人口按一定的标准划分成抽样单位,两组人员通过预实验统一标准后对年龄(?)50岁共5058人(受检率91%)进行视力和眼部检查,先后在其中的两个抽样单位进行一致性检验。结果:高年龄组、女性和低教育程度者的白内障患病率较高。在所有调查的68只白内障手术眼,最佳矫正视力(?)20/60的占51.5%(35/68)。结论:白内障是50及50岁以上农村人口的主要致盲眼病,迫切需要提高手术质量是关键,特别是高龄和女性患者。  相似文献   
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