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描述了始新世基辅鸟类新标本。研究表明基辅鸟类生活在特提斯海中始新世早路特期至早巴顿期,分布范围至少包括乌克兰东部的伊克夫到中部的基辅地区。暂时将基辅鸟归人鹱形目。虽然基辅鸟具有一些鹱形目的典型特征,但缺少鹱形目的衍生特征,或许代表了近祖状态。  相似文献   
研究测定了19属33种中国瓢蜡蝉和1种外群(Paravarcia decapterix)的18S r DNA及无翅基因(Wg)部分DNA序列,并利用最大简约法(maximum parsimony,MP)和贝叶斯法(bayesian inference,BI)进行系统发育关系分析。研究结果表明:采用最大简约法和贝叶斯法2种分析方法获得的瓢蜡蝉科(Issidae)系统发育树的拓扑结构基本一致,将该科分为5个亚科:杯瓢蜡蝉亚科(Caliscelinae)、汤瓢蜡蝉亚科(Tonginae)、帕瓢蜡蝉亚科(Parahiraciinae)、球瓢蜡蝉亚科(Hemisphaeriinae)和瓢蜡蝉亚科(Issinae)。并支持将角唇瓢蜡蝉属(Eusudasina)归入球瓢蜡蝉亚科(Hemisphaeriinae)。  相似文献   
采用常规染色体制片方法,对雏蝗属的模式种白边雏蝗Chorthippus albomarginatus(De Geer)和异爪蝗属的模式种素色异爪蝗Euchorthippus unicolor(Ikonnikov)的染色体核型进行了分析比较。结果表明,两种蝗虫的染色体数目均为2n(♂)=17=16+XO;常染色体为中部着丝粒(m,6条)和端部着丝粒(t,10条)两种类型,性染色体类型为端部着丝粒。二者的相似性显示出2属具有较近的亲缘关系,并且在进化过程中处于较近的发展阶段。但2种蝗虫的核型公式和染色体的相对长度组成则不相同,白边雏蝗K(2n,♂)=6m+11t=8L+4M+4S+XO;素色异爪蝗K(2n,♂)=6m+11t=8L+6M+2S+XO;且2种蝗虫性染色体的位次也有明显差别,白边雏蝗的性染色体为第9位,而素色异爪蝗则为第8位。由此看出,该2属的蝗虫存在的不同遗传特征。  相似文献   
2014年8月19—21日,在贵州省罗甸龙滩库区进行鱼类资源调查时,在一渔民的渔获物中采集到1尾鲤形目鱼类标本,经鉴定为大眼卷口鱼Ptychidio macrops,系贵州省鱼类新纪录。标本保存于黔南民族师范学院动物标本室。本文对该标本进行形态描述,并首次记述了鳍条皮褶这一独特性状。该标本与广西标本在体长/头长、头长/尾柄长、头长/尾柄高、吻须长/眼径、颌须长/眼径、流苏、肛门的位置、腹鳍基腹面特大鳞片等性状方面有一定差异。大眼卷口鱼为珍稀濒危物种,分布范围狭窄,此纪录扩大了其分布范围,也为进一步研究大眼卷口鱼和卷口鱼属这一中国特有属提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
<正>蜘蛛是常见的中小型或极小型动物,隶属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)蛛形纲(Arachnida)蜘蛛目(Araneae)。1935年王凤振根据文献,统计中国蜘蛛共566种。1936–1946年间他又到柏林、慕尼黑、维也纳、巴塞尔及巴黎等地的自然历史博物馆中查阅中国蜘蛛标本及有关文献,删去可疑种类,合并同种异名,尚余30科130属438种(李枢强,2004)。1962–1963年王凤振和朱传典补入1946–1963年在中国发现的蜘蛛新种,共得34科149属521种15亚种(王凤振和朱传典,1963)。1983年,朱传典发表新修  相似文献   
Bal  K.  Gautam Gregg  Henderson Cai  Wang 《Insect Science》2014,21(2):174-180
Use of proper application methods and formulations of termiticides are im- portant to reduce their negative impact to the environment. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to determine the effect of localized treatments with commercial dust and liquid formulations of fipronil against Formosan subterranean termites, Coptoter- mes formosanus Shiraki. The test arena consisted of a specially designed 16-chambered structure with a center chamber connected to 5 foraging chambers that themselves were connected to 10 additional foraging chambers. One peripheral chamber received a liquid or dust treatment and termites were released in the center chamber. Results showed that 〉 91% of the termites were dead within the 9-d test period despite the localized treatment of only 1 foraging chamber. Termites that were still alive after 9 d were transferred to an untreated dish and held for 10 more days. The majority of those termites were dead and the rest were moribund on day 19. Regardless of the specific dish treated, both formulations of fipronil were found to be highly efficacious. Termites did not exhibit repellency to either formulation. Our results suggest that localized (or spot) treatment with either commer- cially available dust or liquid formulations of fipronil can be a viable option for control of a termite infestation where complete soil drenching is not desirable.  相似文献   
正瑞兽在《兽谱》中,瑞兽竟然占了近六成的比例,如此众多具有传奇色彩的瑞兽,图文并茂地集中在一部图志中,它所蕴藏的深厚的历史、政治、宗教、美学和科技等内涵,值得读者进一步挖掘与探讨。譬如中国历代统治者,往往要借助于一些超自然力量的"瑞兽"的出  相似文献   
Although preference and utilization of clay have been studied in many higher termites, little attention has been paid to lower termites, especially subterranean termites. The Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, can modify its habitat by using clay to fill tree cavities. Here, the biological significance of clay on C. formosanus was investigated. Choice tests showed that significantly more termites aggre- gated in chambers where clay blocks were provided, regardless of colony group, observation period, or nutritional condition (fed or starved). No-choice tests showed that clay had no observable effect on survivorship, live or dry biomass, water content, and tunneling activity after 33-35 d. However, clay appeared to significantly decrease filter paper consumption (dry weight loss). Active particle (sand, paper, and clay) transport behavior was observed in both choice and no-choice tests. When present, clay was preferentially spread on the substrate, attached to the smooth surfaces of the containers, and used to line sand tunnels. Mechanisms and potential application of clay attraction are discussed.  相似文献   
正最初认识黏菌是在实验室的资料图片中。还记得我的导师王琦教授为了让我对这个我完全陌生的生物体感兴趣,她把书柜中多年积累的带有黏菌彩色图片的文献资料全部拿给我看,我翻阅着,也惊艳着!图片中它小巧亮丽、多姿多彩的精致身影一下子吸引了我的眼球,我感叹于大自然的鬼斧神工,这样米粒儿大小的生物体,居然也能呈现出这样的美丽!也就从那一刻起,我与黏菌结下了不解之缘!因为要做实验,这几年一到  相似文献   
正每当你走近大自然,走进森林,那夹杂着泥土芳香的气息,那树叶随风摆动的婆娑声,那山泉水拍击着岩石的叮咚声,那鸟儿嬉戏的啁啾声……会瞬间把你拽进这大自然的生物家族。而在这里,每个家族都有着自己精细的分工,都在认真地执行着自己的任务。细细观察落下的一片树叶或倒下的一棵腐木,你会发现一群魔幻的精灵——黏菌,生物世界里的一个微小的家族。它们那柔弱但有力量的身躯,冲破时间和空间的束缚,寻找自己的一  相似文献   
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