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在室内不同温度条件下(15~27℃,RH60%~70%),系统测定了云南不同菜区小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)的产卵规律、发育起点温度和有效积温。结果表明,云南不同菜区小菜蛾的产卵规律、发育起点温度和有效积温有所不同,差异显著,呈现不同的区域性种群特征。(1)玉溪市通海县、昆明市呈贡县、红河州石屏县和曲靖市陆良县的小菜蛾单雌产卵量分别为213.0、182.5、132.2和71.6粒,区域间差异显著,以通海县小菜蛾种群的产卵量为最高,陆良县的最低;产卵天数分别为7.76、5.81、7.0和3.63d。(2)玉溪市通海县、昆明市呈贡县、红河州石屏县、曲靖市陆良县和大理州弥渡县的小菜蛾全世代发育起点温度分别为:(9.5±0.5)、(10.0±0.5)、(9.3±1.0)、(9.2±0.7)和(9.4±0.8)℃;有效积温分别为:(407.2±17.2)、(404.5±15.4)、(419.2±29.6)、(383.0±20.5)和(398.0±23.9)日·度。  相似文献   
为了明确新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂对天敌赤眼蜂Trichogramma spp.的影响, 在室内采用药膜法测定了其对稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead、 亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Pang et Chen、 拟澳洲赤眼蜂Trichogramma confusum Viggiani和广赤眼蜂Trichogramma evanescens Westwood成蜂的急性毒性, 并进行了安全性评价。急性毒性测定结果表明: 在测定的新烟碱类药剂中, 噻虫嗪对拟澳洲赤眼蜂和稻螟赤眼蜂表现出最高的急性毒性, 其LC50分别为0.24 (0.21~0.27) 和0.40 (0.37~0.44) mg a.i./L; 其次为烯啶虫胺, 该药剂对上述两种赤眼蜂的LC50分别为0.83 (0.74~0.96) 和0.72 (0.65~0.80) mg a.i./L; 而吡虫啉对亚洲玉米螟赤眼蜂和拟澳洲赤眼蜂的毒性最低, 其LC50分别为502.13 (459.80~549.62)和752.62 (687.51~828.63) mg a.i./L。在测定的大环内酯类药剂中, 阿维菌素对稻螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性最高, 其LC50为0.49 (0.46~0.65) mg a.i./L, 而甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对拟澳洲赤眼蜂表现出最低的急性毒性, 其LC50为21.76 (19.59~24.40) mg a.i./L。安全性评价结果表明, 吡虫啉、 啶虫脒、 氯噻啉和甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐对4种赤眼蜂为低风险~中等风险性, 安全性系数为0.57~23.54; 噻虫啉和依维菌素对4种赤眼蜂却为中等风险~高风险性, 安全性系数为0.16~3.45; 而烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素对4种赤眼蜂为高风险~极高风险性, 安全性系数为0.01~0.15。本研究测定的大部分杀虫剂对赤眼蜂都有一定的急性毒性风险。因此, 在害虫综合治理中应谨慎使用新烟碱类和大环内酯类杀虫剂尤其是烯啶虫胺、 噻虫嗪和阿维菌素, 以免造成对赤眼蜂的大量杀伤。  相似文献   
了解敏感和抗性蚊虫的繁殖适合度对于规划和实施蚊虫防治计划具有重要意义。本研究分别将斯氏按蚊Anopheles stephensi幼虫用溴氰菊酯(AnDL)及溴氰菊酯和PBO混配制剂(1∶5) (AnDP), 或斯氏按蚊成虫用溴氰菊酯(AnDA) 进行选择后, 在实验室内检测了起源于印度德里的斯氏按蚊亲本(AnS)和抗性品系 (AnR) 的繁殖适合度的变化,从繁殖力、生育力、卵孵化率和生殖营养周期的长度等方面评价了斯氏按蚊的繁殖适合度。结果表明:与AnS品系相比, AnR品系的生殖营养周期缩短了60%~73%。与AnS品系相比, AnR品系的产卵量显著降低, 降幅达14.5%~37.9%,对溴氰菊酯抗性最强的AnDL40品系的产卵量降低得最多。这些结果说明溴氰菊酯抗性与繁殖劣势之间可能存在正相关。与亲本品系相比, AnDL40品系的卵孵化率降低了19.4%~30.9%, 进一步证实了这一相关性。在RDP品系中观察到繁殖适合度降低, 表明溴氰菊酯增效剂的选择不仅在降低溴氰菊酯抗性水平而且在降低抗性个体频率上的效率。在对溴氰菊酯几乎不具有抗性的成虫品系的选择中繁殖适合度降低, 暗示溴氰菊酯作为灭杀斯氏按蚊成虫剂的效果要好于作为杀幼虫剂的效果。这些结果提示, 通过对斯氏按蚊实施不同抗性治理策略, 种群中抗性基因型的繁殖适合度的降低可消除杂合子和抗性纯合子。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种用绒面壁纸作为卵卡收集桃小食心虫Carposina sasakii Matsumura卵的方法。利用显微镜测试了绒面的绒毛高度和密度,并从落卵量和卵的孵化率两方面对这种卵卡和传统的滤纸卵卡进行了比较。结果表明,滤纸卵卡和绒面卵卡上的总落卵量无显著差异,平均为(303.77±51.03)粒和(330.23±44.85)粒,其中成虫交尾后48 h内的落卵量平均为(303.77±51.03)粒和(330.23±44.85)粒,其中成虫交尾后48 h内的落卵量为(176.31±38.96)粒和(223.92±30.69)粒(P<0.001)。成虫交尾后48 h内产下的卵平均孵化率为93.97%和94.56%,48 h后产下的卵平均孵化率为83.87%和83.58%,即成虫交尾后48 h后产下的卵的孵化率显著低于交尾后48 h内产下的卵(P<0.001),但同期落于两种卵卡上的卵孵化率差异不大。因此,使用绒面卵卡能显著提高初孵幼虫的数量,在得到相同虫量的情况下,显著降低成本。且相对于人工刮制的传统卵卡,使用绒面卵卡,很好的避免了因手工制作导致的一致性差、耗时长、人工费昂贵的问题,为收集桃小食心虫卵提供了一种较为理想的方法。  相似文献   
不同孵化湿度下的乌龟卵孵化成功率及新生幼体特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杜卫国  郑荣泉 《动物学报》2004,50(1):133-136
A total of 51 Chinese three-keeled pond turtle Chinemys reevesii eggs were incubated on wet and dry substrates (water potentials of - 12 kPa and - 300 kPa, respectively) at 30℃ to assess the influence of the hydric environments on egg survival and hatchling traits. Eggs incubated in the dry condition lost weight, whereas those incubated in the wet condition did not. The hydric environments did not affect incubation lengths (60.3 vs 60.7 days) as well as hatching successes (69.2% vs 88.0% ). Except for wet body mass and carapace width, which were larger for hatchlings from the -12 kPa treatment than from the -300 kPa treatment, the hydric environments did not affect most hatchling traits. These unaffected traits included dry body mass, carapace length, tail length, limb length, hatehling components (carcass, residual yolk and fat bodies), swimming performance and critical thermal minimum. In conclusion, within the water potential of -12 to -300 kPa, hydric environments have little effect on embryonic development and hatchling traits in Chinese three-keeled pond turtles [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (1) : 133 - 136, 2004].  相似文献   
Two species-specific primers were designed depending on ITS2 sequence variation of 37 Trichogramma wasps, and these primers were applied to establish an assay,multiplex PCR (M-PCR), for molecular diagnosis of two important Trichogramma wasps,T. confusum and T. dendrolimi, in China. Multiplex-PCR results showed that only target species produced two PCR products, one product of ITS2 region species-specific amplification and one product of its ITS 1 region universal amplification, but other species produced only one ITS1 universal PCR product. Using this method, the target Trichogramma species can be distinguished from other Trichogramma species. Molecular identification based on M-PCR has particular value over morphological technology and other approaches, such as normal molecular and biochemical methods. Furthermore, because M-PCR assay can avoid false negative results, which frequently happen in PCR reaction, this method will be much more accurate and useful for Trichogramma identification, and can be developed as an easy and rapid diagnostic kit applied in the identification and quality monitoring of Trichogramma mass products both in the factory and in the field. Such an easy and rapid diagnostic kit will be valuable in the application of Trichogramma species as a biological control.  相似文献   
外源茉莉酸诱导植物反应对小菜蛾生长发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
Jasmonic acid (JA) is a naturally occurred growth regulator found in higher plants and a main signal molecule carrying information about injury. Its increased concentration in plants infested by herbivores can induce the wounded plants to produce defense responses which will affect herbivores. The application of exogenous JA to plants could imitate the effects of herbivores infestation. This study showed that applying exogenous JA on cabbage plants did not affect the survival of Plutella x vlostella larvae, but retarded their development and reduced the pupal weight and female fecundity.  相似文献   
本文研究了卵跳小蜂对豆缘蝽 (R .clavatusThunberg)和豆璧蝽 (P .hybneriGmelin)卵的选择性和密度反应。在自由选择试验中 ,两种豆蝽卵中羽化的卵跳小蜂在不同的卵密度和比例中均选择豆缘蝽 ;而在非选择性试验中 ,从豆璧蝽中羽化的卵跳小蜂同时选择豆缘蝽和豆璧蝽卵 ,寄生率较高 ;然而 ,从豆缘蝽卵羽化的卵跳小蜂对豆璧蝽卵的寄生率非常低。嗅觉试验表明 ,从豆缘蝽卵上释放的气味对卵跳小蜂的搜寻和寄生行为影响很大。卵跳小蜂寄生的卵数量随着豆缘蝽和豆璧蝽卵密度的增加而提高 ;然而 ,卵跳小蜂对豆璧蝽的寄生率随着卵的密度增加而降低 ,尤其是从豆缘蝽卵中羽化的寄生蜂。研究还表明 ,卵跳小蜂在大田中对豆缘蝽卵的寄生存在着空间或时间上的障碍。  相似文献   
水淹对钉螺卵影响的透射电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
春汛期钉螺繁殖期在洞庭湖现场进行水淹螺卵试验,观察螺卵结构的动态变化。结果显示,对照组螺卵胶膜由胶原纤维层和基底膜组成,卵细胞核大,呈圆形或椭圆形,染色质丰富,细胞内含丰富线粒体、内质网和分泌颗粒等。水淹10d时,结构尚未见明显变化;至20d时,胶膜胶原纤维横纹不清,断裂有空洞,线粒体肿胀,嵴结构不清,核内染色质减少;30d时,出现核固缩或崩解,线粒体消失。说明在螺卵发育期水淹能很快使其发生病理损  相似文献   
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