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Histone lysine methylation is known to be involved in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression in all eukaryotes including plants. Here we show that the rice SDG714 is primarily responsible for dimethylation but not trimethylation on histone H3K9 in vivo. Overexpression of YFP-SDG714 in Arabidopsis significantly inhibits plant growth and this inhibition is associated with an enhanced level of H3K9 dimethylation. Our microarray results show that many genes essential for the plant growth and development were downregulated in transgenic Arabidopsis plants overexpressing YFP-SDG714. By chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, we show that YFP-SDG714 is targeted to specific chromatin regions and dimethylate the H3K9, which is linked with heterochromatinization and the downregulation of genes. Most interestingly, when YFP-SDG714 production is stopped, the inhibited plants can partially restore their growth, suggesting that the perturbation of gene expression caused by YFP-SDG714 is revertible. Taken together, our results point to an important role of SDG714 in H3K9 dimethylation, suppression of gene expression and plant growth, and provide a potential method to regulate gene expression and plant development by an on-off switch of SDG714 expression.  相似文献   
目的 针对医院事业基金使用管理制度不完善和使用不规范问题,通过研究为国家制定政策提供参考依据。方法 理论分析与实证研究相结合,尤其对近3年河南省各级医院事业基金相关数据进行具体研究分析。结果 事业基金能否使用与事业基金滚存结余数占上年业务支出的比例没有直接关系。结论 事业基金使用要满足一定条件,可根据推定公式计算出事业基金可使用最高限额。  相似文献   
湖南师范大学基因敲除与转基因动物研究室成立于2000年。由教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授张健回国后一手创建,属于国家“211工程”重点发展学科、教育部重点实验室。在各级领导和学校的亲切关心和支持下.张健教授所率领的研究室通过近8年的努力己初具规模。自行设计并建成了一个约200m^2的SPF级小鼠房以及约300m^2的分子生物学实验室。  相似文献   
路易斯·桑切斯·萨穆迪奥是土生土长的赛罗庞塔村人。在他人生迄今为止31年的绝大多数时间里,巴拿马塔拉满卡山脉起伏的山峰是他眼中锯齿形的地平线,云雾缭绕的森林是他家的后院,附近的一座死火山,颜色鲜艳的蜂鸟,火红的唐纳雀和美丽的绿咬鹃是他的邻居。桑切斯几年前在巴拿马的一座闷热的大都市生活了半年。"在大城市生活,总感觉喘不过气来",桑切斯捧着一杯茶,坐在赛罗庞塔的雅迪拉餐厅中回忆  相似文献   
为及时反映全国各地临床医学、生物医学等科研成果、新技术、新方法,本刊将对获得国家、省、市级等各类科研基金资助、立项的来稿予以最快处理及优先录用。请全国各地医药科研工作者踊跃赐稿,投稿时请附相关证明材料、单位介绍信及稿件首页左下角脚注项目名称、编号。  相似文献   
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