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中国青年生长发育环境差异的研究   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:17  
本文应用因子分析方法确定身高、体重、胸围三项指标的权重系数,计算出中国28个城市18岁汉族男女青年生长发育水平的“发育分”。并将发育分与有关自然环境因素进行了相关性研究。发育分与地球纬度、日照时数、气温年较差等具有高度相关性(r=0.6221~0.6715ρ<0.01),与其它气候因素也有相关性。不同水系水质地区的发育分有显著性差异(ρ<0.05—0.01)。由此提示,自然环境因素,是影响人类生长发育的一个不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   
以华南沿海污损生物群落优势种网纹藤壶(Balanus reticulatus)的幼虫为研究对象,探讨钾、铬2种金属离子对其幼虫存活及发育的影响。实验所用金属离子溶液是将K+和Cr6+母液添加到过滤消毒海水中配制。将活泼健壮的网纹藤壶无节幼虫置于上述溶液中,以亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)为饵料于30℃左右的黑暗环境中培养5d,镜检观察记录幼虫发育状况并进行统计分析。结果表明,K+对网纹藤壶幼虫发育和存活的影响均不明显;而Cr6+对幼虫发育具有一定的毒杀和抑制作用,不仅幼虫存活率低于对照组,而且金星幼虫所占百分率也低于对照组。  相似文献   
被子植物离体受精与合子培养研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
被子植物离体受精与合子培养研究进展杨弘远周嫦(武汉大学生命科学学院武汉430072)关键词被子植物,离体受精,合子培养,发育生物学RECENTADVANCESININVITROFERTILIZATIONANDZYGOTECULTUREOFANGIO...  相似文献   
地黄块根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地黄根的初生构造与次生生长的发生类似一般双子叶植物。但在以后的发育过程中,木栓形成层产生了多层栓内层薄壁细胞,维管形成层则产生了大量高度薄壁组织化的次生维管组织,从而形成了肉质膨大的块根。地黄块根的这种形成方式为一种异常生长。  相似文献   
南亚热带常绿阔叶林几个树种的种子萌发和幼苗发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南亚热带常绿阔叶林树种光叶红豆(Orm osia glaberrim a Wu)、扁斗青冈(Quercus huiChun)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana Hance)和阳性速生树种木蝴蝶(Oroxylum indicum (L.)Vent.)、香椿(Toona sinensis (A. Tuss.) Roem .)和泡桐(Paulow nia fortunei(Seem .) Hem -sl.)的种子中,除光叶红豆外都为迅速萌发,处理2—3 d 便开始萌发,2—4周萌发完全。光叶红豆因种皮特性而延迟萌发,切破种皮即能迅速萌发。速生树种的萌发较快。森林树种和阳性速生树种木蝴蝶、香椿在光、暗下均能萌发,种子微小的速生树种泡桐则几乎只在光下萌发。种子萌发过程中吸水显示出3个阶段,不同种有所不同。幼苗的形态可能和耐阴性和生长速度有关。在暗中,光叶红豆能形成正常的叶,植株不徒长,其它种不能形成正常的幼苗,植株徒长,不形成叶子(或仅有黄色的子叶)。森林树种的幼苗生长较慢。  相似文献   
The alveolar echinococcus is one of the most dangerous worm parasites in man. Rausch and Schiller reported a new species, Echinococcus sibiricensis n. sp. from arctic fox, Alpex logopus, on St. Lawrence Island of Alaska, USA. According to the view of Vogel, the sibiricensis form is only a geographical race or subspecies of Europe Echinococcus multilocularis. So far, the two names, Echinococcus multiocularis multilocularis and Echinococcus multilocularis sibiricensis, existed in many references and text books. We have found the adults of Echinococcus sibiricensis and Echinococcus multilocularis from sand foxes, Vulpes corsac and their larval stages (alveolar echinococcus) from field voles, Microtus brandti in the Hulunbeier Pasture of Inner Mongolia, northeastern China in 1985 and 1998-1999. Two types of metacestodes with quite different styles of early development of E. sibiricensis and E. multilocularis were found from field voles and laboratory experimental white mice. As one characteristic of alveolar E. multilocularis, the capsules are produced by the exogenous budding of germinal cell layer together with cyst wall. The protoscoleces grow from germinal cells on germinal cell layer. The peduncles of early protoscoleces attached to the germinal cell layer on the inner surface of capsule wall(Plate I, Figs. 1-2). Some protoscoleces in reticular structure were linked with the inner surface of capsule wall (Plate I, Fig. 3) in livers of mice in 9.5th month postinfection. In 14th month old alveolar multilocularis, large number of mature protoscoleces in reticular structure were still linked to the inner surface of capsule wall (Plate I, Figs. 4-8). The cavities of some capsules were filled with protoscoleces in meshes of reticular structure which were also linked around with the inner surface of capsule wall (Plate I, Fig. 9). The superficial surface of livers of positive field voles and experimental mice never showed any hyperemic phenomenon. The superficial surfaces of livers and lungs of positive field voles and experimental mice infected with alveolar E. sibiricensis were highly hyperemic. The metacestodes of E. sibiricensis composed of mother cyst, undifferentiated embryonic cysts and small brood capsules. Cavities of all cysts were fully filled with germinal cell masses. Host reaction appeared to be very strong, all cysts were surrounded by thick connective tissue and dense leukocytes (Plate II, Fig. 10). All alveolar vesicles were found located in lungs tissue of experimental mice. Large germinal cell masses metastasized out from undifferentiated embryonic cysts into host lung tissue, where germinal cell masses developed into accumulation of early protoscoleces (Plate II, Figs. 11-12). Early protoscoleces of alveolar E. sibiricensis were seen earliest in mice lung tissues on 101-104th days after infection. Many small capsules in different sizes and different shapes containing mature protoscoleces and reticular structure (Plate II, Figs. 13-15) were found in lungs of mice in 9th month after infection. Only in one experimental mouse infected with alveolar E. sibiricensis in 8.5th month postinfection, both its lung and liver existed alveolar cysts; the capsules in liver were surrounded by very thick connective tissue of the host, and there were some protoscoleces in their cavities (Plate II, Figs. 16-18).  相似文献   
为了研究在突触功能中起重要作用的磷蛋白状况,利用高分辩率的放射自显影、梯度电泳和双向电泳,以及抗CaN多克隆抗体封闭CaN磷酸酶活力等技术,并运用计算机图象处理系统,对大鼠大脑皮层突触体中磷蛋白生后发育变化进行定量分析.结果表明,大鼠出生后(PND)3d、7d、21d、和成年磷蛋白表达有很大不同,在出生后早期对应突触主要形成时期,磷蛋白呈高表达;从PND21d开始至成年,底物蛋白磷酸化状态逐渐降低,同时研究了突触主要形成时期有显著变化的钙调神经磷酸酶,它的内源底物及其在其生后发育所发生的变化.  相似文献   
NAA和6-BA对蝴蝶兰原球茎增殖的影响(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以"瑞丽美人"蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis wilsonii)幼嫩花梗侧芽为外植体诱导原球茎,在附加6组不同浓度植物生长调节剂的MS培养基进行原球茎增殖培养。结果表明,添加6-BA 2.0mg/L、6-BA 0.5mg/L NAA 1.0mg/L、NAA 2.0mg/L的繁殖系数较高,均达4倍以上,其中6-BA 0.5mg/L NAA 1.0mg/L的增殖效果最明显,繁殖系数达4.806;体积大的接种外植体比体积小的繁殖系数高;5%椰乳有利于原球茎增殖。  相似文献   
应用石蜡切片法.观察橡胶树的实生树和RRIM600、GT-1品系的花药壁以及小孢子的发生和发育过程,得到如下结果:1.实生树的花药壁通常由四层细胞组成,发育形式为双子叶型。药室内壁细胞在发育后期进行径向条纹加厚.至花药开裂时仍保留着原生质体。中层由一层或不规则的两层细胞组成,在小孢子单核期消失。绒毡层细胞具单棱或双核,属分泌型,至花粉发育到三细胞时消失。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型。成熟花粉粒具三十细胞。精细胞椭圆形,在光镜下不能区分出细胞质鞘和核仁。所观察的实生树雄花,多数发育正常,很少有空秕的花粉。2.RRIMB00品系的花药和小孢子发生与发育和实生树相似,但至后期只有少数花粉发育正常,多数成为大小不等的败育花粉;此外也有一些败育的雄花。3.GT-1的花药在小孢子母细胞减数分裂时,绒毡层细胞的体积开始异常增大并液泡化.小孢子在四分体内解体或分离后成为空秕花粉。  相似文献   
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