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为明确拟小食螨瓢虫的觅食特性,揭示其觅食行为机制,本研究针对拟小食螨瓢虫成虫对朱砂叶螨不同虫态的取食选择、日取食节律以及觅食行为活动特点等进行了观察和阐述。结果表明,拟小食螨瓢虫成虫对朱砂叶螨卵、幼螨、若螨和成螨的取食嗜好性有显著差异,取食量分别为23.2、15.8、10.5和8.0头;瓢虫对成螨的平均日取食量为14.7头,其中在白天其觅食行为较频繁,9∶00-12∶00为捕食高峰期,此时段的平均取食量为4.0头成螨,夜间基本不取食;其觅食行为过程主要分为7个部分:搜索、捕捉、嚼食、梳理、展翅、排泄和静止。 相似文献
Noelle FABRFE Eduardo GARCIA-GALEA Dolors VINYOLES 《动物学报(英文版)》2014,(3):373-380
Boldness is defined as the tendency of an individual to take risks when exposed to novel objects or situations. The main aim of this work was to dilucidate if boldness was related to the development of the secondary sexual traits (SSTs) in the male of the fiver blenny Salariafluviatilis, a freshwater fish which takes care of eggs. As a second objective SSTs effect on pa rental status adoption was also be explored. Wild young fish were caught in the Segre River (Ebro basin) in November 2010. Fish were kept in five aquaria in groups of eight males and eight females with artificial nests. Boldness (boldness score and hesitancy) of males (initially with little SSTs development) was tested as the time required to exit a refuge when exposed to a new environ ment. Fish were mantained in the same aquaria for several months, and males' SSTs development and reproductive behaviour were monitored. Boldness score was negatively associated to cephalic crest development. Hesitancy was negatively related to male length and was also influenced by the interaction between male length and cephalic crest. Parental status acquisition was positively related to the male's length, marginally related to anal gland development, and nonrelated to cephalic crest. These re sults suggest an intrasexual role of the crest as an informative trait of boldness (honest signal) which might not necessarily be chosen by the females. It is also discussed that correlational selection could be responsible for linking boldness and growth rate in this species. Sexual selection, in addition to having directed the evolution of secondary sexual traits, might have favored certain personality traits (e.g. boldness) associated with the achievement of a larger body length . 相似文献
斑块质量对大斑啄木鸟冬季觅食行为的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了解大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocoposmajor)冬季对食物斑块的利用对策,2011年1月和2012年2~3月,在内蒙古乌拉特前旗的农田防护林中,采用目标动物取样法和全事件记录法,观察了大斑啄木鸟在食物斑块的觅食行为,利用主成分分析方法对斑块质量进行评价,通过比较不同质量斑块中大斑啄木鸟的觅食频次、停留时间、觅食成功频次及觅食成功率等指标,分析斑块质量对其觅食行为的影响.结果显示,在不同质量斑块中大斑啄木鸟的觅食频次、停留时间、觅食成功频次差异都极显著,但觅食成功率差异不显著;除停留时间外,不同性别间觅食差异不显著.大斑啄木鸟的觅食频次、停留时间、觅食成功频次与斑块质量呈显著正相关,觅食成功率与斑块质量相关性不显著.大斑啄木鸟倾向于在质量水平高的斑块觅食,表现为在这些斑块停留时间更长、往返次数更频繁;但觅食成功率不受斑块质量影响,这可能是大斑啄木鸟适应不同觅食环境的一种生存本能. 相似文献
近年来,大气CO2浓度升高等全球气候变化和转Bt作物非靶标害虫抗虫性等问题备受关注.大气CO2浓度升高直接或间接地影响植食性昆虫,而迄今为止有关大气CO2浓度升高对刺吸式昆虫(同时也是转Bt作物的非靶标害虫)的影响结论不一,且对其刺吸取食行为的影响研究少有报道.本研究利用智能人工气候箱设置CO2浓度,研究大气CO2浓度倍增(800 μL·L-1)对转Bt水稻的非靶标害虫褐飞虱取食行为及其生长发育和繁殖等的影响.结果表明: 大气CO2浓度倍增对褐飞虱卵和若虫历期、成虫体质量和寿命,以及4龄和5龄若虫的刺吸取食行为等都具有显著影响,但对其繁殖力影响不显著.与对照CO2浓度(400 μL·L-1)相比,倍增CO2浓度处理下褐飞虱的卵和若虫历期及雌成虫寿命分别显著缩短了4.0%、4.2%和6.6%;长翅型成虫比例显著增加了11.6%;初羽化成虫体质量降低,且雌成虫体质量显著降低了2.2%;此外,倍增CO2浓度处理下褐飞虱4龄和5龄若虫口针的刺探效率都显著增加;其中,N4b波的持续时间分别显著延长了60.0%和50.1%,频次分别显著增加了230.0%和155.9%.可见,CO2浓度倍增可通过提高褐飞虱的刺吸取食而促进其生长发育,并缩短其世代历期、提高长翅成虫比例,最终导致大气CO2浓度升高下转Bt水稻的非靶标害虫褐飞虱发生危害严重,并面临其迁飞扩散为害加重的风险. 相似文献
1987年9月至1989年8月,笔者对来自云南瑞丽的2只雄性马来熊成体和7只幼体(3♂,4♀♀)在人工饲养条件下进行了观察研究,本文报道在不同生长时期的不同饲料配方、幼熊感觉器官的发育、齿式的形成、外部形态的变化、体重的生长方法及行为。 相似文献
《Entomologia Sinica》2003,10(2):109-114
Angiogenesis process in development is temporally accurate, and involves sprouting, subsequent endothelial cell prolifer- ation, and migration. Tip cells, sensing the extracellular cues, play an important role in this process. Although it is known that several pathways including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Notch control tip cell behaviors, the signaling process is largely unknown. Here we showed that an endothelial tyrosine kinase receptor-Tie2 was required for intersegmental vessel 0SV) growth and essen- tial for the sprouting, migration, and proliferation of tip cells with morpholino knockdown strategy in zebrafish. Knockdown of vegfeffectively reduced tie2 mRNA level, and tie2 knockdown efficiently blocked the vegf over-expression induced tyrosine kinase receptor-VEGFR1 (flkl) expression, which suggested that the function of Tie2 may be linked to the downstream of VEGF signaling pathway. Furthermore, we found that the embryos displayed normal ISV growth when injected with tie2 or vegf morpholino alone at a low dose, while co-knockdown of them resulted in a severe ISV defect, indicating a synergistic role in ISV formation. These observations demonstrate that Tie2 is an important regula- tor of tip cell behaviors. Moreover, these findings provide in vivo evidence that Tie2 acts coordinately with Vegf signal- ing to control angiogenesis. 相似文献
CURRENT ZOOLOGY is a bimonthly, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes reviews, research articles, and short communications in all aspects of Zoology, including significant new findings of fundamental and general interest. Submissions in the research fields of ecology, behavioral biology, biogeography, conservation biology, and evolutionary biology are especially welcome. In particular, CURRENT ZOOLOGY seeks to publish research that ex- plores the interface between zoological disciplines, and is truly integrative by illuminating the greater picture. 相似文献
为揭示和探讨中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)繁殖前期的冲凉行为及其意义,在仿生态养殖环境条件下,采用定时定点观察法和全事件记录法,对中国大鲵冲凉行为的过程及姿势进行了观察记录,进而研究了冲凉行为与年龄、求偶行为之间的关系。结果表明,雄性成鲵表现出冲凉行为,冲凉过程包括冲凉试探、姿势调整、冲凉和离开等4个阶段;冲凉姿势可分为头部冲凉、躯干冲凉、尾部冲凉、移动冲凉、环抱冲凉、贴壁冲凉和抬头冲凉等7种;雄性成鲵的冲凉行为与求偶行为之间存在极显著的正相关。本文认为,雄性成鲵可能通过冲凉行为来促进精巢的发育,进而通过求偶行为达到自然配对并成功繁殖、最终实现种族延续的目的。 相似文献