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It is widely accepted that the genetic divergence and reproductive incompat- ibility between closely related species and/or populations is often viewed as an important step toward speciation. In this study, sexual compatibility in crosses between the southern XS population and the northern TA population of the polyandrous cabbage beetle Co- laphellus bowringi was investigated by testing their mating preferences, mating latency, copulation duration, and reproductive performances of post-mating. In choice mating ex- periments, the percentages ofmatings were significantly higher in intra-population crosses than in inter-population crosses. Both isolation index (/) and index of pair sexual isolation (/PSi) indicated partial mating incompatibility or assortative mating in crosses between the two different geographical populations. In single pair mating experiments, XS females in inter-population crosses mated significantly later and copulated significantly shorter than those in intra-population crosses. However, TA females in inter-population crosses mated significantly earlier and copulated longer than those in intra-population crosses, suggesting that larger XS males may enhance heterotypic mating. The lifetime fecundity was highest in XS homotypic matings, lowest in TA homotypic matings, and intermedi- ate in heterotypic rnatings between their parents. The inter-population crosses resulted in significantly lower egg hatching rate and shorter female longevity than intra-population crosses. These results demonstrated that there exist some incompatibilities in premating, postmating-prezygotic, and postzygotic stages between the southern XS population and northern TA population of the cabbage beetle Colaphellus bowringi.  相似文献   
梨果实糖酸含量及比值对其综合品质的影响(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对梨90个品种(品系)果实的糖和酸含量的测定结果表明,含酶量是影响梨综合品质的主要因子之一。当含酸量特别高时,几乎没有优质的果实;而很低时,优质果所占的比重则较大。一般20~60的糖酸比是优质果实所要求的。酸度适中时,糖酸比对品质影响的规律性不明显。怪味、石细胞多少等因素,可使某些品种偏离上述结论。  相似文献   
应用近红外光谱法估测小麦叶片糖氮比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
糖氮比能够反映作物碳氮代谢的协调程度,及时、准确地监测糖氮比对于作物氮素营养诊断和调控具有重要意义.本研究以不同年份、品种、施氮水平的小麦大田试验为基础,获取鲜叶和粉末状干叶近红外(NIR)光谱及糖氮比信息,分别运用偏最小二乘法(partial least squares, PLS)、BP神经网络(back propagation neural network, BPNN)和小波神经网络(wavelet neural network, WNN)3种方法建立了小麦叶片糖氮比预测模型,并利用随机选择的样品集对所建模型进行测试和检验.结果表明: 小麦鲜叶光谱模型预测性能不佳;而干叶片预测模型表现了较好的准确性,在1655~2378 nm谱区范围内基于3种方法构建的干叶粉末糖氮比估算模型,其预测均方根误差均低于0.3%,决定系数均高于0.9.比较而言,WNN法表现最佳.总体显示,近红外光谱法可以准确预测小麦叶片糖氮比状况,为科学诊断糖氮比提供了理论基础和技术途径.  相似文献   
[目的]为明确不同太阳能光源波长对松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus诱捕效果的影响,并评价太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用对松墨天牛引诱剂的促进作用,以应用于松墨天牛的绿色防控.[方法]选择波长为365-370、370-375、380-385、390-395、395-400、400-405、405-420、515-520、580-590和600-610nm的10种太阳能LED光源,测定不同光源对松墨天牛的林间诱捕效果,并筛选出诱捕效果最好的光源波长,选择此波长与引诱剂组合对松墨天牛进行诱捕试验.[结果]10种不同波长太阳能光源对松墨天牛均表现出一定的引诱作用,其中波长为380-385 nm的太阳能光源对松墨天牛诱捕效果最好,诱捕量为(12.00±6.53)头,其次是390-395nm,显著优于波长为365-370、370-375、390-395、395-400、400-405、405-420、515-520、580-590和600-610 nm;与单独使用引诱剂相比,太阳能光源与引诱剂组合对松墨天牛诱捕效果具有显著的促进作用(P<0.05).太阳能光源与引诱剂诱捕量均值为(21.83±10.65)头,比单独引诱剂诱捕效果提高35%,为单独太阳能光源诱捕效果的5.9倍;引诱剂诱、太阳能光源和太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用捕到的松墨天牛雌雄性比分别为2.4∶1、1.7∶1和3.3∶1,均具有显著的偏雌性.[结论]太阳能光源与引诱剂联合应用具有比单独引诱剂诱捕更好的诱捕效果.这一结论对降低松墨天牛种群密度和减少松材线虫病传播几率具有重要意义.  相似文献   
?????? 目的 从目前护理人员承担的工作量出发,探讨临床科室护理人员配置理想床护比,为医院护理人力配置提供依据。方法 以工作量测算法作为核心研究方法,采用工现场观察法对西安市某大型综合医院42个临床科室护士的工作量进行测算,并使用Excel、SPSS17.0统计软件进行公式运算和统计分析。结果 (1)临床科室护理人员的工作时间超过标准工作时间6小时;(2)所调研科室现有床护比仅为1: 0.46,缺编41.50%;(3)依据目前的工作量需要,内科病房的床护比应为1:0.62,外科病房床护比应为1:0.63,监护科室为1:2.08,平均床护比1:0.78。结论 临床科室医师人员配备亟待补充,医院应根据实际工作量进行合理测算后配置护理人员,通过工时测定提出了的理想床护比可为其他医院提供参考。  相似文献   
Muscle unloading due to long-term exposure of weightlessness or simulated weightlessness causes atrophy, loss of functional capacity, impaired locomotor coordination, and decreased resistance to fatigue in the antigravity muscles of the lower limbs. Besides reducing astronauts' mobility in space and on returning to a gravity environment, the molecular mechanisms for the adaptation of skeletal muscle to unloading also play an important medical role in conditions such as disuse and paralysis. The tail-suspended rat model was used to simulate the effects of weightlessness on skeletal muscles and to induce muscle unloading in the rat hindlimb. Our series studies have shown that the maximum of twitch tension and the twitch duration decreased significantly in the atrophic soleus muscles, the maximal tension of high-frequency tetanic contraction was significantly reduced in 2-week unloaded soleus muscles, however, the fatigability of high- frequency tetanic contraction increased after one week of unloading. The maximal isometric tension of intermittent tetanic contraction at optimal stimulating frequency did not alter in 1- and 2-week unloaded soleus, but significantly decreased in 4-week unloaded soleus. The 1-week unloaded soleus, but not extensor digitorum Iongus (EDL), was more susceptible to fatigue during intermittent tetanic contraction than the synchronous controls. The changes in K+ channel characteristics may increase the fatigability during high-frequency tetanic contraction in atrophic soleus muscles. High fatigability of intermittent tetanic contraction may be involved in enhanced activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) and switching from slow to fast isoform of myosin heavy chain, tropomyosin, troponin I and T subunit in atrophic soleus muscles. Unloaded soleus muscle also showed a decreased protein level of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and the reduction in nNOS-derived NO increased frequency of calcium sparks and elevated intracellular resting Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in unloaded soleus muscles. High [Ca2+]i activated calpain-1 which induced a higher degradation of desmin. Desmin degradation may loose connections between adjacent myofibrils and further misaligned Z-disc during repeated tetanic contractions. Passive stretch in unloaded muscle could preserve the stability of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release channels by means of keeping nNOS activity, and decrease the enhanced protein level and activity of calpain to control levels in unloaded soleus muscles. Therefore, passive stretch restored normal appearance of Z-disc and resisted in part atrophy of unloaded soleus muscles. The above results indicate that enhanced fatigability of high-frequency tetanic contraction is associated to the alteration in K+ channel characteristics, and elevated SERCA activity and slow to fast transition of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms increases fatigability of intermittent tetanic contraction in atrophic soleus muscle. The sarcomeric damage induced by tetanic contraction can be retarded by stretch in atrophic soleus muscles.  相似文献   
为了更好地执行国务院发布的《关于在我国统一实行法定计量单位的命令》的规定,根据国标(GB3100~3102—93)标准,单位符号一般用英文小写(正体),来源于人名的单位,其符号的首字母大写,只有体积单位升例外,它的符号用“L,(1)”,推荐采用L。现将本刊常用计量单位符号及与之容易混淆的符号介绍如下,希望作者参照执行。  相似文献   
Shoaling intensity in zebrafish Danio rerio is believed to vary throughout subjective day and night hours. This experiment examines long term variations in shoaling behavior. Adult zebrafish Dan io rerio were maintained under a 12:12 LD cycle (with dim red light serving as reduced visibility during subjective dark hours), and their shoaling behavior was monitored every hour for a three-day period of time. Our results show that zebrafish perform shoaling behavior throughout subjective day and under reduced visibility conditions, although mean shoaling times during the light phase were significantly higher than mean shoaling times during the dark phase. However, on the 3^rd day of the experiment, mean shoaling times during the subjective night had increased and mean shoaling times during the subjective day had decreased. This shift in intensity was not seen on the first two days of the study, and may represent the influence of experience on the behavior of the test fish. We believe this study shows that shoaling behavior changes with light/dark cycles and that fish shoal even during reduced visibility conditions.  相似文献   
为研究藏羚羊初生性别比例,判断母羊怀孕期间有无偏性选择孕育过程,根据藏羚羊繁殖特点,在可可西里自然保护区卓乃湖藏羚羊产羔地收集到116份藏羚羊胎盘样品,阿尔金山兔子湖产羔地收集到32份胎盘样品,参照文献中对牛科动物进行性别鉴定的3对特异性引物,利用分子生物学方法对样品性染色体类型进行鉴定,从而得到藏羚羊新生羊羔的性别,即藏羚羊初生性比。结果显示,148份藏羚羊胎盘样品中共有雌性76头,雄性72头,初生性比为1︰1.06,经χ~2检验,差异不显著(P=0.742),说明藏羚羊初生性比未明显偏离理论值1︰1。以上研究表明,雌性藏羚羊在怀孕期间无偏性选择作用或这种选择作用非常微弱,不足以影响藏羚羊种群性别比例;而且,利用胎盘对藏羚羊进行初生性比研究是可行的,其他有类似繁殖模式的野生动物也可用此方法研究其初生性比。  相似文献   
盐沼湿地植物叶片功能性状对淹水的响应分析, 有助于探究植物叶片可塑性机制与光合生理特征间的内在关联性, 对深入理解盐沼湿地植物的生境抗逆性策略具有重要意义。根据小苏干湖湖水泛滥区静水持留时间长短分别设置: 轻度淹水区(静水持留30-90天)、中度淹水区(静水持留90-150天)、重度淹水区(静水持留150-210天) 3个试验样地, 以盐地风毛菊(Saussurea salsa)为研究对象, 研究了小苏干湖盐沼湿地盐地风毛菊叶片功能性状对淹水的响应。结果表明: 随着静水持留时间的增加, 轻度淹水区盐地风毛菊形态上采用小比叶面积(SLA)的肉质化小叶模式, 光合生理上具有高实际光合效率(Y(II))和低调节性能量耗散的量子产额(Y(NPQ))的协同变异; 重度淹水区盐地风毛菊形态和光合生理上则采用与轻度淹水区完全相反的协同变异策略; 在3个样地中, SLAY(II)、光化学淬灭(QP)和Y(NPQ)间均呈极显著相关关系; 叶绿素a含量和叶绿素b含量与调节性能量耗散的量子产额(Y(NO))均呈显著正相关关系。小苏干湖湖水泛滥区静水时空演变格局影响下, 盐地风毛菊种群通过改变叶面积、叶厚度和SLA等叶片形态特征, 适时调整叶片Y(II)和Y(NPQ)等光合生理特征, 实现植物叶片光合碳同化产物的收支平衡, 表现出对水盐异质性环境较强的耐受性, 反映了盐沼湿地植物在极端生存环境下的叶片可塑性和抗逆性机制。  相似文献   
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