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Das C  Frankel AD 《Biopolymers》2003,70(1):80-85
Studies of RNA-binding peptides, and recent combinatorial library experiments in particular, have demonstrated that diverse peptide sequences and structures can be used to recognize specific RNA sites. The identification of large numbers of sequences capable of binding to a particular site has provided extensive phylogenetic information used to deduce basic principles of recognition. The high frequency at which RNA-binding peptides are found in large sequence libraries suggests plausible routes to evolve sequence-specific binders, facilitating the design of new binding molecules and perhaps reflecting characteristics of natural evolution.  相似文献   
The single-chain insulin (PIP) can spontaneously fold into native structure through preferred kinetic intermediates. During refolding, pairing of the first disulfide A20-B19 is highly specific, whereas pairing of the second disulfide is likely random because two two-disulfide intermediates have been trapped. To get more details of pairing property of the second disulfide, four model peptides of possible folding intermediates with two disulfides were prepared by protein engineering, and their properties were analyzed. The four model peptides were named [A20-B19, A7-B7]PIP, [A20-B19, A6-B7]PIP, [A20-B19, A6-A11]PIP, and [A20-B19, A7-A11]PIP according to their remaining disulfides. The four model peptides all adopt partially folded structure with moderate conformational differences. In redox buffer, the disulfides of the model peptides are more easily reduced than those of the wild-type PIP. During in vitro refolding, the reduced model peptides share similar relative folding rates but different folding yields: The refolding efficiency of the reduced [A20-B19, A7-A11]PIP is about threefold lower than that of the other three peptides. The present results indicate that the folding intermediates corresponding to the present model peptides all adopt partially folded conformation, and can be formed during PIP refolding, but the chance of forming the intermediate with disulfide [A20-B19, A7-A11] is much lower than that of forming the other three intermediates.  相似文献   
The once accepted idea that LEF-1 transports beta-catenin into nuclei has recently been challenged by experiments using exogenous beta-catenin. Here, we investigated the effects of beta-catenin and LEF-1 on nuclear import of beta-catenin using different combinations of exogenous and endogenous molecules over longer lengths of time than previously studied. Nuclear beta-catenin is not detectable in corneal fibroblasts and epithelia or NIH 3T3 and MDCK cells. In LEF-1 transfections, we show that the B-box of LEF-1 is required to move cytoplasmic endogenous beta-catenin into the nuclei of such cells, proving that LEF-1 does transport endogenous beta-catenin into nuclei. Moreover, transfection of uveal melanoma cells with B-box deficient LEF-1 inhibits nuclear import of beta-catenin by endogenous LEF-1. However, the movement of overexpressed exogenous beta-catenin into nuclei is unaffected by the presence or absence of LEF-1 and forms abnormal nuclear aggregates that are a prelude to subsequent apoptosis. We conclude that nuclear transport of exogenous beta-catenin independently of LEF-1 has questionable physiological significance.  相似文献   
Lung‐cancer mortality (LCM) is elevated in underground miners who chronically inhaled the mutagenic, cytotoxic α‐decay products of radon gas. Epidemiologie studies of LCM rates vs. residential‐radon concentration levels are generally considered inconclusive. However, Cohen (Health Physics 68, 157–174, 1995) has hypothesized that data on LCM vs. residential radon concentrations at the U.S. county level are clearly inconsistent with a linear no‐threshold (LN) dose‐response model, and rather are consistent with threshold or hormesis model. Cohen's hypothesis has been criticized as “ecological fallacy,”; particularly because LN (but not threshold or hormesis) models are generally considered biologically plausible for agents like α radiation that damage DNA in linear proportion to dose. To assess the biological plausibility of Cohen's hypothesis, a preliminary study was made of whether a biologically realistic, cytodynamic 2‐stage (CD2) cancer model can provide a good, joint fit to Cohen's set of U.S. county data as well as to underground‐miner data. The CD2 model used adapts a widely applied, mechanistic, 2‐stage stochastic model of carcinogenesis to realistically account for interrelated cell killing and mutation (both assumed to have a LN dose‐response), cell turnover, and incomplete exposure of stem cells. A CD2 fit was obtained to combined summary data on LCM vs. radon‐exposure in white males in 1, 601 U.S. counties (from Cohen) and in white male Colorado Plateau (CP) uranium miners (from the National Research Council's “BEIRIV”; report). The CD2 fit is shown to: (i) be consistent with the combined data; (ii) have parameter values all consistent with biological data; and (iii) predict inverse dose‐rate‐effects data for CP and other radon‐exposed miners, despite the fact that optimization had not involved any of these dose‐rate data. The latter data were not predicted by a simplified CD2 model in which all stem cells were presumed to be exposed. It is concluded that this study provides preliminary evidence that Cohen's hypothesis is biologically plausible.  相似文献   
Olfaction plays an indispensable role in human and animals in self and environmental recognition, as well as intra‐ and interspecific communication. Following the discovery of a family of olfactory receptors (ORs) by Buck and Axel in 1991, it has been established that the sense of smell begins with the molecular recognition of a chemical odorant by one or more ORs expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons. Therefore, characterization of the molecular interactions between odorant molecules and ORs is a key step in the elucidation of the general properties of the olfactory system and in the development of applications, i.e., design of new odorants, search for blockers, etc. The process putted in place at ChemCom to improve the expression of ORs at the cytoplasmic membrane of the HEK293 cell and assays enabling large‐scale deorphanization, and to characterize the interaction between chemical odorants and ORs is described. The family of human ORs includes ca. 400 putatively functional ORs which are GPCRs (G protein‐coupled receptors); to date over 100 human ORs have been deorphanized.  相似文献   
Studies on anti‐picornavirus compounds have revealed an essential role of a novel cellular pathway via host phosphatidylinositol‐4 kinase III beta (PI4KB) and oxysterol‐binding protein (OSBP) family I in poliovirus (PV) replication. However, the molecular role for this pathway in PV replication has yet to be determined. Here, viral and host proteins modulating production of phosphatidylinositol 4‐phosphate (PI4P) and accumulation of unesterified cholesterol (UC) in cells were analyzed and the role of the PI4KB/OSBP pathway in PV replication characterized. Virus protein 2BC was identified as a novel interactant of PI4KB. PI4KB and VCP/p97 bind to a partially overlapped region of 2BC with different sensitivity to a 2C inhibitor. Production of PI4P and accumulation of UC were enhanced by virus protein 2BC, but suppressed by virus proteins 3A and 3AB. In PV‐infected cells, a PI4KB inhibitor suppressed production of PI4P, and both a PI4KB inhibitor and an OSBP ligand suppressed accumulation of UC on virus‐induced membrane structure. Inhibition of PI4KB activity caused dissociation of OSBP from virus‐induced membrane structure in PV‐infected cells. Synthesis of viral nascent RNA in PV‐infected cells was not affected in the presence of PI4KB inhibitor and OSBP ligand; however, transient pre‐treatment of PV‐infected cells with these inhibitors suppressed viral RNA synthesis. These results suggest that virus proteins modulate PI4KB activity and provide PI4P for recruitment of OSBP to accumulate UC on virus‐induced membrane structure for formation of a virus replication complex.  相似文献   
As approaches to ecological restoration become increasingly large scale and collaborative, there is a need to better understand social aspects of restoration and how they influence land management. In this article, we examine social perspectives that influence the determination of ecological reference conditions in restoration. Our analysis is based on in‐depth interviews with diverse stakeholders involved in collaborative restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes. We conducted interviews with 86 respondents from six forest collaboratives that are part of the U.S. Forest Service's Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Collaboratives use a variety of approaches to develop reference conditions, including historic, contemporary, and future scenarios. Historical conditions prior to European settlement (nineteenth century or “pre‐settlement” conditions), or prior to more recent grazing, logging, and exclusion of fire, were the predominant type of reference used in all sites. Stakeholders described benefits and limitations of reference conditions. Primary benefits include (1) providing a science‐based framework for bringing stakeholders together around a common vision; (2) gaining social understanding and acceptance of the underlying need for restoration; and (3) serving to neutralize otherwise value‐laden discussions about multiple, sometimes competing, resource objectives. Limitations stem from (1) concerns over social conflict when reference conditions are perceived to contradict other stakeholder values and interests, (2) differing interpretations of reference condition science, (3) inappropriate application or over‐generalization of reference information, and (4) limited relevance of historical references for current and future conditions in some ecosystems. At the same time, collaboratives are adopting innovative strategies to address conceptual and methodological limitations of reference conditions.  相似文献   
In mammal, fertilization and early preimplantation embryo development occurs in the oviduct. Evidence is accumulating that the oviductal epithelia secrete various biomolecules to the lumen during the secretory phase of the estrus cycle to enhance embryo development. This secretory activity of the oviduct is under the regulation of steroid hormones. Observations also suggested that the gametes and embryos modulate the physiology and gene-expressing pattern of the oviduct. However, the underlying molecular changes remain elusive. We hypothesize that the developing embryos interact with the surrounding environment and affect the gene expression patterns of the oviduct, thereby modulating the oviductal secretory activity conducive to the preimplantation embryo development. To test this hypothesis, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to compare the gene expressions in mouse oviduct containing transferred in vitro cultured preimplantation embryos with that of oviduct containing oocytes during the preimplantation period. We reported here the identification and characterization of phospholipids transfer protein (PLTP), which is highly expressed in the embryo-containing oviduct and localized at the oviductal epithelium by in situ hybridization. PLTP contains signal peptide putative for secretory function. More importantly, PLTP mRNA increases in the oviductal epithelia of pregnant, but not pseudo-pregnant mice when assayed by real-time PCR. Taken together, our data suggested that PLTP may play important role(s) during in vivo preimplantation embryo development. This molecule would be a target to delineate the mechanisms and the roles of oviductal secretory proteins on early embryonic development.  相似文献   
Questions: How does disturbance and successional age influence richness, size and composition of the soil seed bank? What is the potential contribution of the soil seed bank to the plant community composition on sites differing in their successional age or disturbance intensity? Location: Experimental Botanical Garden of Göttingen University, central Germany. Methods: Above‐ground vegetation and soil seed bank were studied on formerly arable fields in a 36‐year‐old permanent plot study with five disturbance intensities, ranging from yearly ploughing via mowing to long‐term uninterrupted succession. We compared species compositions, seed densities and functional features of the seed bank and above‐ground vegetation by using several methods in parallel. Results: The seed bank was mainly composed of early successional species typical of strongly disturbed habitats. The difference between seed bank composition and above‐ground vegetation decreased with increasing disturbance intensity. The species of greatest quantitative importance in the seed bank was the non‐native forb Solidago canadensis. Conclusions: The ability of a plant community to regenerate from the soil seed bank dramatically decreases with increasing time since abandonment (successional age) and with decreasing disturbance intensity. The present study underlines that plant species typical of grasslands and woodlands are limited by dispersal capacity, owing to low capacity for accumulation of seeds in the soil and the fact that most species do not build up persistent seed banks. Rare and target species were almost absent from the seed bank and will, after local elimination, depend on reintroduction for continuation of their presence.  相似文献   
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