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The identification and assessment of prognostic factors is one of the major tasks in clinical research. The assessment of one single prognostic factor can be done by recently established methods for using optimal cutpoints. Here, we suggest a method to consider an optimal selected prognostic factor from a set of prognostic factors of interest. This can be viewed as a variable selection method and is the underlying decision problem at each node of various tree building algorithms. We propose to use maximally selected statistics where the selection is defined over the set of prognostic factors and over all cutpoints in each prognostic factor. We demonstrate that it is feasible to compute the approximate null distribution. We illustrate the new variable selection test with data of the German Breast Cancer Study Group and of a small study on patients with diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma. Using the null distribution for a p‐value adjusted regression trees algorithm, we adjust for the number of variables analysed at each node as well. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
This paper describes a simulation problem, motivated by the study of glaucoma, a very serious and widespread ocular illness. To ascertain whether a patient suffers from glaucoma, a perimetric test is done, but the evolution of the disease is very slow, and large longitudinal sets of tests taken on the same patient are needed to study its evolution, to analyze the efficiency of existing methods to detect the progression of glaucoma and to develop new ones. Simulation can be a very useful procedure to get appropriate data sets to work with. Our aim in this work is to simulate several VFs in a healthy patient to reflect his evolution in time. We use a spatio‐temporal model to simulate from, taking into account the correlation existing between the observed (or simulated) values in space and time. Two different simulation procedures (unconditional and conditional) are studied, and applied to obtain the simulations we are interested in. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The chemiluminescence (CL) of bis(2,4,6‐trichlorophyenyl) oxalate with hydrogen peroxide in the present of cationic surfactant and gold nanoparticles was studied. The CL emission was obviously enhanced in the presence of surfactant at a suitable concentration, with a synergetic catalysis effect exhibited. Different sizes of gold nanoparticles (15 and 50 nm) showed different effects on CL intensity. Mechanisms of the CL reaction and sensitization effect are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
For an r × ctable with ordinal responses, odds ratios are commonly used to describe the relationship between the row and column variables. This article shows two types of ordinal odds ratios where local‐global odds ratios are used to compare several groups on a c‐category ordinal response and a global odds ratio is used to measure the global association between a pair of ordinal responses. When there is a stratification factor, we consider Mantel‐Haenszel (MH) type estimators of these odds ratios to summarize the association from several strata. Like the ordinary MH estimator of the common odds ratio for several 2 × 2 contingency tables, the estimators are used when the association is not expected to vary drastically among the strata. Also, the estimators are consistent under the ordinary asymptotic framework in which the number of strata is fixed and also under sparse asymptotics in which the number of strata grows with the sample size. Compared to the maximum likelihood estimators, simulations find that the MH type estimators perform better especially when each stratum has few observations. This article provides variances and covariances formulae for the local‐global odds ratios estimators and applies the bootstrap method to obtain a standard error for the global odds ratio estimator. At the end, we discuss possible ways of testing the homogeneity assumption.  相似文献   
Native bovine parathyroid hormone (bPTH) was found to be readily cleaved with human leukocyte elastase to yield the fragments bPTH(1–41) and bPTH(42–84). These were then isolated by reverse-phase HPLC and characterised by gas-phase sequencing and amino acid analysis. The biological activities of these fragments were assessed in an adenylate cyclase bioassay using the rat osteosarcoma cell line UMR106. bPTH(1–41) was found to have approximately twice the molar potency of the native hormone from which it was derived, bPTH(42–84) had no biological activity and did not modulate the adenylate cyclase response to these cells to the native hormone. The possible physiological significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   
The sinus gland is a major neurosecretory structure in Crustacea. Five peptides, labeled C, D, E, F, and I, isolated from the sinus gland of the land crab have been hypothesized to arise from the incomplete proteolysis at two internal sites on a single biosynthetic intermediate peptide "H", based on amino acid composition additivities and pulse-chase radiolabeling studies. The presence of only a single major precursor for the sinus gland peptides implies that peptide H may be synthesized on a common precursor with crustacean hyperglycemic hormone forms, "J" and "L," and a peptide, "K," similar to peptides with molt inhibiting activity. Here I report amino acid sequences of these peptides. The amino terminal sequence of the parent peptide, H, (and the homologous fragments) proved refractory to Edman degradation. Data from amino acid analysis and carboxypeptidase digestion of the naturally occurring fragments and of fragments produced by endopeptidase digestion were used together with Edman degradation to obtain the sequences. Amino acid analysis of fragments of the naturally occurring "overlap" peptides (those produced by internal cleavage at one site on H) was used to obtain the sequences across the cleavage sites. The amino acid sequence of the land crab peptide H is Arg-Ser-Ala-Asp-Gly-Phe-Gly-Arg-Met-Glu-Ser-Leu-Leu-Thr-Ser-Leu-Arg-Gly- Ser-Ala-Glu- Ser-Pro-Ala-Ala-Leu-Gly-Glu-Ala-Ser-Ala-Ala-His-Pro-Leu-Glu. In vivo cleavage at one site involves excision of arginine from the sequence Leu-Arg-Gly, whereas cleavage at the other site involves excision of serine from the sequence Glu-Ser-Leu. Proteolysis at the latter sequence has not been previously reported in intact secretory granules. The aspartate at position 4 is possibly covalently modified.  相似文献   
下丘脑外侧区注射TRH对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文采用连续收集胃腔灌流法,观察下丘脑外侧区(LHA)注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)对大鼠胃酸分泌的影响,并分析TRH在LHA促进胃酸分泌的作用机制。结果表明:(1)LHA注射TRH(1μg)明显地刺激胃酸分泌;(2)预先向LHA注射酚妥拉明(10μg)、美多心安(5μg)及胃泌素抗体1μl(1:640)并不影响TRH的泌酸作用,如预先向LHA注射阿托品(5μg)则可消除TRH的泌酸效应;(3)垂体摘除及肾上腺切除均不影响TRH的泌酸作用;(4)隔下迷走神经切断后,LHA注入TRH的泌酸效应仍然出现,但持续时间显著缩短;腹腔交感神经节摘除后,TRH仍能促进胃酸分泌,但分泌量少而平稳。以上结果提示:LHA是TRH中枢泌酸效应的有关结构之一,其中枢机制是通过胆碱能M受体中介的,腹腔交感神经节和膈下迷走神经是TRH泌酸效应的传出途径。前者引起的泌酸反应出现较早且引起泌酸高峰,但持续时间短;后者则引起低平的持续分泌。  相似文献   
Summary The synthetic peptides somatostatin (SRIF) and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GRH) were coupled directly to colloidal gold of different particle sizes. Both conjugates were biologically active in displacing the corresponding radiolabeled hormones from high affinity binding sites in pituitary membranes. Release of growth hormone (GH) from cultured anterior pituitary cells was modulated by both conjugates alone or in combination. Ultrastructural studies were performed with cells incubated at 4° C (2 h) and 37° C (2 min-2 h) with one of the labeled peptides or their combination. Somatotropes were identified by immunostaining with anti-rGH followed by protein A-ferritin, thus obtaining a triple labeling. Both hormone conjugates were internalized in different vesicles in the beginning but accumulated during longer incubation times in the same compartment. The secretory vesicles and the nucleus were not labeled by any hormone conjugate. In contrast to SRIF-gold, the uptake of GRH-gold conjugate decreased with longer incubation times. This effect could be neutralized by simulatenous incubation of the somatotropes with both regulating hormones. Hence, whereas the binding and internalization of SRIF by somatotropes do not seem to be influenced by GRH, the corresponding processes for GRH are stimulated by the presence of SRIF.  相似文献   
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