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Summary Most of the inducible mutagenesis observed in Escherichia coli after treatment with many DNA damaging agents is dependent upon the products of the umuD,C operon. RecA-mediated proteolytic processing of UmuD yields a carboxyl-terminal fragment (UmuD) that is active for mutagenesis. Processing of UmuD is therefore a critical step in the fixation of mutations. In this paper we have analyzed the requirements for UmuD processing in vivo. Standard immuno-detection assays, coupled with a sensitive chemiluminescence detection assay, have been utilized to probe levels of chromosomally encoded Umu proteins from whole-cell E. coli extracts. We found that the derepression of additional SOS gene products, other than RecA, was not required for UmuD processing. Moreover, efficient cleavage of UmuD was observed only in the presence of elevated levels of activated RecA, suggesting that efficient processing would occur only under conditions of severe DNA damage. Detection of chromosomally encoded Umu proteins has allowed us, for the first time, to measure directly the cellular steady-state levels of these proteins under various SOS inducing conditions. UmuD was present at 180 copies per uninduced cell and was measured at 2400 copies per cell in strains that lacked a functional repressor. Induced levels of UmuC were approximately 12-fold lower than UmuD with 200 molecules per cell. These levels of cellular UmuC protein suggest that it functions through specific protein-DNA or protein-protein interactions, possibly as a lesion recognition protein or by interacting with DNA polymerase III.  相似文献   
Commonly used minirhizotrons consisting of a transparent tube inserted into the soil seldom attain good contact between the tube and the soil, which leads to root growth occurring in a gap rather than in the soil. A new system is described involving an inflatable flexible rubber wall, made from a modified motorcycle tube. Pressure ensures a proper tube/soil contact so that the environmental circumstances for root growth along the tube more closely correspond to those in the undisturbed soil. Before the endoscope slide is introduced into the minirhizotron for taking pictures, the inflatable tube is removed, so that there is no-often opaque-wall between the endoscope and the roots. This improves the picture quality and facilitates the analysis of root images.  相似文献   
Many N2-fixing organisms can turn off nitrogenase activity in the presence of NH4 + and turn it on again when the NH4 + is exhausted. One of the most interesting systems for accomplishing this is by covalent modification of one subunit of dinitrogenase reductase by dinitrogenase reductase ADP-ribosyltransferase (DRAT). The system can be reactivated when NH4 + is exhausted, by dinitrogenase reductase activating glycohydrolase (DRAG) which removes the inactivating group. It is fascinating that some species of the genusAzospirillum possess the DRAT and DRAG systems (A. lipoferum andA. brasilense), whereasA. amazonense in the same genus lacks DRAT and DRAG.A. amazonense responds to NH4 + but does not exhibit modification of dinitrogenase reductase characteristic of the action of DRAT. However, it has been possible to clone DRAT and DRAG and to introduce them intoA. amazonense, whereupon they become functional in this organism. The DRAT and DRAG system does not appear to function inAcetobacter diazotrophicus, an organism isolated from sugar cane, that fixes N2 at a pH as low as 3.0.A. diazotrophicus does show a rather sluggish response to NH4 +. A level of about 10 M NH4 + is required to switch off the system. The response to NH4 + is influenced by the dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC) as has been reported forAzospirillum sp. A DOC in equilibrium with 0.1 to 0.2 kPa O2 seems optimal for the response inA. diazotrophicus.  相似文献   
A coiling-inducing factor was isolated from tendrils of Bryonia dioica Jacq. and identified by infrared, 1H-, 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry as -linolenic acid. When applied to detached tendrils, exogenous -linolenic acid, but not linoleic acid or oleic acid, induced tendril coiling. Further investigations showed that metabolites of -linolenic acid, jasmonic acid and, even more so, methyljasmonate, are highly effective inducers of tendril coiling in B. dioica. Methyljasmonate was most active when administered by air and, in atmospheric concentrations as low as 40–80 nM, induced a full free-coiling response with kinetics similar to mechanical stimulation. Even atmospheric levels as low as 4–5 nM methyljasmonate were still found to be significantly active. Methyljasmonate could be one of the endogenous chemical signals produced in mechanically stimulated parts of a tendril and, being highly volatile, act as a diffusible gaseous mediator spreading through the intracellular spaces to trigger free coiling of tendrils.Abbreviations EI-MS electron impact-mass spectrometry - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - TFA trifluoroacetic acid We are indebted to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt (literature provision) for their support and to Dr. C. Brückner, Halle, for jasmonic-acid determinations.  相似文献   
M. Duranti  F. Faoro  N. Harris 《Protoplasma》1991,161(2-3):104-110
Summary The distribution of two seed proteins, namely conglutin and a legumin-like globulin, in developing and mature seeds ofLupinus albus L. has been examined by immunocytochemistry and the concomitant modifications of their constituent polypeptides followed by SDS-PAGE. Both proteins were found within vacuolar protein bodies in various tissues of the cotyledons, although with some differences in the distribution patterns. The legumin-like protein was found to be deposited within the large storage parenchyma cells of the cotyledons in a manner similar to that reported for other storage proteins; little or no immunolabelling was associated with the cotyledonary epidermal and vascular parenchyma cells. In contrast conglutin was present in all cell types.A precursor of the legumin-like protein accumulated transiently in the developing cotyledon, but was subsequently modified by proteolytic cleavage. The onset of such modification was concomitant with a transition in the predominant vacuolar forms within the storage parenchyma cells. No precursor molecules of conglutin have been detected in this study, thus indicating that this protein is deposited in the protein bodies in its mature form.Abbreviations LM light microscopy - EM electron microscopy - DAF days after flowering - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - GAR goat antirabbit antiserum  相似文献   
Summary Rye -Amy1, -Amy2, and -Amy3 genes were studied in the cross between inbred lines using wheat -amylase cDNA probes. The -Amy1 and -Amy2 probes uncovered considerable restriction fragment length polymorphism, whereas the -Amy3 region was much more conserved. The numbers of restriction fragments found and the F2 segregation data suggest that there are three -Amy1 genes, two or three -Amy2 genes, and three -Amy3 genes in rye. These conclusions were supported by a simultaneous study of -amylase isozyme polymorphism. The F2 data showed the three individual -Amy1 genes to span a distance of 3cM at the locus on chromosome 6RL. The genes were mapped relative to other RFLP markers on 6RL. On chromosome 7RL two -Amy2 genes were shown to be separated by 5 cM. Linkage data within -Amy3 on 5RL were not obtained since RFLP could be detected at only one of the genes.  相似文献   
Summary Extremely asymmetric nuclear hybrids have been obtained via protoplast fusion in an intergeneric combination. Irradiated (cobalt60,100 krad) kanamycinresistant Petunia hybrida mesophyll protoplasts were chemically fused with wild-type mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Eighty-six hybrid colonies were selected on kanamycin-containing medium, and twenty-four of these could be induced to regenerate numerous shoots. Cytological analysis of the regenerants showed the presence of a few chromosome fragments in some lines, and even a metacentric chromosome in yet another line. Besides additional chromosome fragments some lines only possessed typical Nicotiana chromosomes, and this at the diploid (2n = 2X = 20) as well as the tetraploid (2n = 2X = 40) level. Biochemical analysis showed that all regenerants had neomycin phosphotransferase activity (NPTII), which suggests that intergenomic recombination and or translocation events took place at least in those lines where no additional chromosome fragments could be detected. The presence of the NPTII gene was shown by Southern hybridization. All regenerants tested were fertile, and the segregation ratios for the kanamycin gene (for self and backcross pollinations to the recipient partner) for some of the regenerants correspond with Mendelian rules for a monogenic dominant marker. Most of the regenerants showed abnormal segregation ratios; in this case, no correlation could be made between segregation ratio and chromosome composition.Our results demonstrate the existence of intergenomic recombination and translocations evens in nuclear somatic hybrid plants obtained via gamma-fusion.  相似文献   
Abstract. Gas exchange measurements were performed to test the hypothesis that failure of stomata to open in senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca is caused by elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide in the intercellular spaces of leaf mesophyll tissue (ci). Senescing leaves selected for experiments were completely chlorotic and lacked positive rates of photosynthesis. When stomata in detached epidermis from senescing leaves were illuminated in CO2-free air, they opened to similar apertures as those in detached epidermis from nonsenescing leaves. To compare the effects of changes in ci on stomatal responses of the two leaf types, leaf 'flags' of either nonsenescing or senescing leaves were illuminated at a photosynthetic photon flux density of 500 μmol m−2 s−1 in a gas exchange cuvette. Leaf temperatures were maintained at 23.5 ± 0.5°C, and vapour pressure differences between leaves and the air were maintained between 0.70 and 0.75kPa. Ci was adjusted by changing external concentrations of carbon dioxide in air circulating through the cuvette. Conductances and photosynthetic rates of nonsenescing leaves changed in response to changes in ci, but neither the conductances nor the photosynthetic rates of senescing leaves were affected significantly by changes in q. We conclude that guard cells of senescing leaves of Nicotiana glauca do not lose the capacity to respond to changes in carbon dioxide concentration and that increases in ci resulting from declining rates of mesophyll photosynthesis are not the sole cause of maintenance of stomatal closure during leaf senescence. The data suggest that factors external to guard cells may prevent them from responding to changes in carbon dioxide concentrations in intact senescing leaves.  相似文献   
Barley aleurone layer cell protoplasts as a transient expression system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Protoplasts were prepared from barley aleurone layers using Onozuka cellulase digestion and purification through a Percoll gradient. Protoplasts prepared by this procedure had a viability ranging from 60% to 80% during the first two days of culture. They were responsive to gibberellic acid (GA) as measured by the stimulation of -amylase synthesis. The GA stimulation was counteracted by abscisic acid (ABA). In the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG), the protoplasts took up exogenously added plasmid DNA containing the reporter gene coding for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) linked to a 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) or to barley -amylase gene promoters and expressed CAT activity. Therefore, barley aleurone layer protoplasts are suitable for analysis of hormoneresponsive elements in hydrolase genes.  相似文献   
Endochitinases (E.C. 3.2.14, chitinase) are believed to be important in the biochemical defense of plants against chitin-containing fungal pathogens. We introduced a gene for class I (basic) tobacco chitinase regulated by Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S-RNA expression signals into Nicotiana sylvestris. The gene was expressed to give mature, enzymatically active chitinase targeted to the intracellular compartment of leaves. Most transformants accumulated extremely high levels of chitinase-up to 120-fold that of non-transformed plants in comparable tissues. Unexpectedly, some transformants exhibited chitinase levels lower than in non-transformed plants suggesting that the transgene inhibited expression of the homologous host gene. Progeny tests indicate this effect is not permanent. High levels of chitinase in transformants did not substantially increase resistance to the chitin-containing fungus Cercospora nicotiana, which causes Frog Eye disease. Therefore class I chitinase does not appear to be the limiting factor in the defense reaction to this pathogen.  相似文献   
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