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To investigate feeding‐related decisions in Aedes aegypti (L.), adults are presented with simple diets of paired gustatory stimuli conveying information concerning energy content, nutrient richness, osmotic balance and food toxicity in a two‐diet matrix assay. Assessment of mosquito gut contents indicates that both sexes accept single sugar diets in a dose‐dependent manner. When presented with a choice between two different yet equimolar sugar solutions, more individuals of both sexes accept the disaccharides, sucrose and trehalose, than the monosacharrides, fructose and glucose. The combination of pyranose and furanose sugars in solution, either physically associated (as in sucrose) or present as monomers (as glucose and fructose), is accepted over solutions containing a single sugar moiety. Using the two‐diet matrix assay, mosquito diet‐choice is also tested between two equimolar sucrose ‘driver’ solutions in which one is presented with various concentrations of another potential feeding cue ‘test’ compound (i.e. each of the 20 naturally‐occurring amino acids, sodium chloride, quinine or caffeine). Diet‐choice between the ‘driver’ sucrose‐only solution and the solution of the ‘driver’ sucrose containing a ‘test’ amino acid is influenced by sex, amino acid concentration and sucrose concentration. There is also an example of synergism between the diet components, leucine and sucrose. Mosquitoes demonstrate a dose‐dependent acceptance of sucrose‐only diets over sodium chloride‐containing sucrose when presented together. Interestingly, the sucrose‐only diet is accepted by more mosquitoes than all concentrations of the saline‐containing sucrose diets except those approximately isotonic to mosquito haemolymph, at which concentration mosquitoes show no clear choice between the diets. More individuals of both sexes accept sucrose‐only diets than the diets of caffeine‐containing sucrose in a dose‐dependent manner. Only females, however, respond to quinine‐containing sucrose diets and modulate this behaviour in relation to the energetic reward: more females imbibed quinine‐containing sucrose at the higher sucrose concentration (1 m ). A systematic characterization of diet selection behaviour of A. aegypti is presented for 27 putative feeding cues potentially involved in nectar/honeydew feeding. This study will be used as a basis from which to investigate further the mosquito's assessment of food quality and ultimately host choice.  相似文献   
Desferrioxamine (DFO) is a potent iron chelator that is also known to modulate inflammation and act as an efficient antioxidant under normal conditions and under oxidative stress. Many in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the efficacy of DFO in the treatment of viral, bacterial and protozoan infections. DFO is known to reduce the intensity of Trypanosoma cruzi infections in mice even during a course of therapy that is not effective in maintaining anaemia or low iron levels. To further clarify these findings, we investigated the action of DFO on mouse T. cruzi infection outcomes and the direct impact of DFO on parasites.Infected animals treated with DFO (5 mg/animal/day) for 35 days, beginning 14 days prior to infection, presented lower parasitemia and lower cumulative mortality rate. No significant effect was observed on iron metabolism markers, erythrograms, leukograms or lymphocyte subsets.In the rapid method for testing in vivo T. cruzi susceptibility, DFO also induced lower parasitemia.In regard to its direct impact on parasites, DFO slightly inhibited the growth of amastigotes and trypomastigotes in fibroblast culture. Trypan blue staining showed no effects of DFO on parasite viability, and only minor apoptosis in trypomastigotes was observed. Nevertheless, a clear decrease in parasite mobility was detected.In conclusion, the beneficial actions of DFO on mice T. cruzi infection seem to be independent of host iron metabolism and free of significant haematological side effects. Through direct action on the parasite, DFO has more effective trypanostatic than trypanocidal properties.  相似文献   
We determined allozyme variability of 34 populations of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, from Florida (30°N) to northern Manitoba (54°N) and compared allozyme variability with the additive genetic variance for preadult development time and photoperiodic response determined previously for six populations over a similar range (30–50°N). Phylogenetic analysis of allozymes shows a well-defined split between Gulf Coast and lowland North Carolina populations, similar to previously observed phylogeographic patterns in a wide variety of taxa. A deeper split in the phylogeny of W. smithii coincides with the location of the maximum extent of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Furthermore, both average heterozygosity and patterns of isolation-by-distance decline in populations north of the former glacial border. It is likely that northern populations are the result of a range expansion that occurred subsequent to the late-Wisconsin retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and that these populations have not yet reached a drift-migration equilibrium. The northern decline in allozyme heterozygosity contrasts sharply with the northern increase in additive genetic variance of development time and photoperiodic response found in previous studies. These previous studies also showed that the genetic divergence of populations has involved stochastic variation in the contribution of dominance and epistasis to the genetic architecture underlying demographic traits, including preadult development time, and photoperiodic response. When taken together, the present and prior studies identify the genetic processes underlying the lack of concordance between geographic patterns of allozyme and quantitative genetic variation in natural populations of W. smithii. In the presence of nonadditive genetic variation, isolation and drift can result in opposite patterns of genetic variation for structural genes and quantitative traits.  相似文献   
Most of the wetlands located along the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) ineast-central Florida (USA) have been impounded since the 1950's and1960's to reduce mosquito reproduction. Impounded marsh (i.e.,impoundment) dikes physically separate the wetlands from the estuary toallow artificial flooding of the impoundments during the mosquito breedingperiod (May to October). Presently, Rotational ImpoundmentManagement (RIM) is the preferred impoundment management techniquein the IRL. Impoundments maintained under RIM have culverts installedthrough the dikes which are kept closed during the mosquito breedingseason (to control mosquitos) and are allowed to remain open for theremainder of the year (to allow tidal flow). A 24.3 ha impoundment8 km north of Sebastian Inlet that had been isolated from the IRL for over39 years was studied for 12 months to determine habitat use by fishes aftertidal reconnection and the implementation of RIM. Fish sampling wasconducted with a seine in the perimeter ditch and with clover and minnowtraps in the upper marsh and tidal creek areas of the impoundment. Waterlevel, impoundment bottom topography, and the seasonal nursery functionof the impoundment were factors that contributed to observed patterns offish habitat use during the study. Within the first 15 weeks of perimeterditch sampling, an increase from 9 to 40 species was observed. Transientspecies used the perimeter ditch almost exclusively and entered theimpoundment primarily during the spring open period. Juvenile Pogonias cromis (Linnaeus), Elops saurus Linnaeus, Centropomusundecimalis (Bloch), and Megalops atlanticus Valenciennes were themost abundant recreationally important species, respectively. Habitat useby the most abundant resident species (Gambusia holbrooki Girard,Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur), Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepède, andFundulus confluentus Goode & Bean) was influenced primarily bywater level fluctuations. Resident species used the upper marsh and tidalcreek habitats during summer flooded periods and the cyprinodontids leftthe interior surface of the impoundment last as water levels decreased. Thisstudy is the first to document the recovery of fish populations in areconnected impoundment north of Sebastian Inlet using both active andpassive sampling techniques.  相似文献   
For organisms with complex life cycles, larval environments can modify adult phenotypes. For mosquitoes and other vectors, when physiological impacts of stressors acting on larvae carry over into the adult stage they may interact with infectious dose of a vector-borne pathogen, producing a range of phenotypes for vector potential. Investigation of impacts of a common source of stress, larval crowding and intraspecific competition, on adult vector interactions with pathogens may increase our understanding of the dynamics of pathogen transmission by mosquito vectors. Using Aedes aegypti and the nematode parasite Brugia pahangi, we demonstrate dose dependency of fitness effects of B. pahangi infection on the mosquito, as well as interactions between competitive stress among larvae and infectious dose for resulting adults that affect the physiological and functional ability of mosquitoes to act as vectors. Contrary to results from studies on mosquito–arbovirus interactions, our results suggest that adults from crowded larvae may limit infection better than do adults from uncrowded controls, and that mosquitoes from high-quality larval environments are more physiologically and functionally capable vectors of B. pahangi. Our results provide another example of how the larval environment can have profound effects on vector potential of resulting adults.  相似文献   
Prostate cancer (CaP) is the second leading malignancy in men. The role of epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM), also known as CD326, in CaP progression and therapeutic resistance is still uncertain. Here, we aimed to investigate the roles of EpCAM in CaP metastasis and chemo/radioresistance. Expression of EpCAM in CaP cell lines and human CaP tissues was assessed using immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry, respectively. EpCAM was knocked down (KD) in PC-3, DU145 and LNCaP-C4-2B cells using small interfering RNA (siRNA), and KD results were confirmed by confocal microscope, Western blotting and quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Cell growth was evaluated by proliferation and colony formation assays. The invasive potential was assessed using a matrigel chamber assay. Tumorigenesis potential was measured by a sphere formation assay. Chemo-/radiosensitivity were measured using a colony formation assay. Over-expression of EpCAM was found in primary CaP tissues and lymph node metastases including cancer cells and surrounding stromal cells. KD of EpCAM suppressed CaP proliferation and invasive ability, reduced sphere formation, enhanced chemo-/radiosensitivity, and down-regulated E-cadherin, p-Akt, p-mTOR, p-4EBP1 and p-S6K expression in CaP cells. Our findings suggest that EpCAM plays an important role in CaP proliferation, invasion, metastasis and chemo-/radioresistance associated with the activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway and is a novel therapeutic target to sensitize CaP cells to chemo-/radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Larvae of the invasive mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say are morphologically similar to those of the native Culex pervigilans Bergroth, yet distinguishing these species can be hampered by morphological variations in Cx. quinquefasciatus. We present detail about the extent of these variations in an urban population of Cx. quinquefasciatus in Auckland. To aid in identification of this exotic species, we provide images of key diagnostic characters and some observed exceptions to these. Details regarding variation in diagnostic characters for < 3rd instar and 3rd/4th instar larvae are given. Of the nine characters used for identification, three were highly consistent (dorsal papillae, mantle plate, pecten teeth); each observed in > 90% of larvae, although these characters were not always visible. Other characters were less reliable, for instance, the expected position of seta 1a-S in relation to the pecten teeth was observed in < 10% of larvae. Further exploration of regional morphological variation in both Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pervigilans is recommended, ideally with associated molecular characterisation.  相似文献   
硒对NO诱导的内皮细胞内游离钙离子浓度变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用Fura-2显微荧光测钙技术,研究了用外源性一氧化氮(NO)供体S-亚硝基谷胱甘肽(GSNO)诱导的,人脐静脉内皮细胞系ECV-304细胞胞内游离钙离子浓度([Ca2+i )升高以及硒的抑制效应.结果表明,GSNO作用于ECV-304细胞,短时间内即可导致其胞内游离钙离子浓度升高.胞外液换为无钙液或向胞外液中加入CdCl2(1 mmol/L)对GSNO引起的[Ca2+i升高无影响.提示,GSNO刺激主要引起胞内钙库释放.而且,一氧化氮清除剂血红蛋白(Hb)对这一过程有抑制作用,说明GSNO引起的胞内钙库释放由NO介导.经亚硒酸钠(1 μmol/L)处理的细胞,其NO引起的[Ca2+i升高幅度明显被抑制,说明NO的这种作用可能与细胞的氧化还原状态有关.  相似文献   
Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) were surveyed using ovitraps in residential areas in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. Egg populations (both species inclusive) remained low in the dry season, but increased/decreased exponentially during the first/latter half of the rainy season, respectively. This seasonal pattern was similar to the seasonal distribution of dengue haemorrhagic fever cases in the area. During the dry season (November-March) Ae.aegypti was dominant in urban and indoor ovitraps. With onset of the rainy season in April, relative abundance of Ae.albopictus increased in rural and outdoor ovitraps. Ae.albopictus displaced Ae.aegypti in the latter half of the rainy season in the rural area. Possible mechanisms to account for this seasonal decline of Ae.aegypti and reciprocal fluctuations in relative abundance of Ae.albopictus are discussed in relation to food availability for larvae in container habitats.  相似文献   
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