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Drug resistance is a critical obstacle to effective treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. To understand the underlying resistance mechanisms in response to imatinib mesylate (IMA) and adriamycin (ADR), the parental K562 cells were treated with low doses of IMA or ADR for 2 months to generate derivative cells with mild, intermediate, and severe resistance to the drugs as defined by their increasing resistance index. PulseDIA-based (DIA [data-independent acquisition]) quantitative proteomics was then employed to reveal the proteome changes in these resistant cells. In total, 7082 proteins from 98,232 peptides were identified and quantified from the dataset using four DIA software tools including OpenSWATH, Spectronaut, DIA-NN, and EncyclopeDIA. Sirtuin signaling pathway was found to be significantly enriched in both ADR-resistant and IMA-resistant K562 cells. In particular, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 was identified as a potential drug target correlated with the drug resistance phenotype, and its inhibition by the antagonist AGI-6780 reversed the acquired resistance in K562 cells to either ADR or IMA. Together, our study has implicated isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 as a potential target that can be therapeutically leveraged to alleviate the drug resistance in K562 cells when treated with IMA and ADR.  相似文献   
Identification of different protein functions facilitates a mechanistic understanding of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection and opens novel means for drug development. Support vector machines (SVM), useful for predicting the functional class of distantly related proteins, is employed to ascribe a possible functional class to Japanese encephalitis virus protein. Our study from SVMProt and available JE virus sequences suggests that structural and nonstructural proteins of JEV genome possibly belong to diverse protein functions, are expected to occur in the life cycle of JE virus. Protein functions common to both structural and non-structural proteins are iron-binding, metal-binding, lipid-binding, copper-binding, transmembrane, outer membrane, channels/Pores - Pore-forming toxins (proteins and peptides) group of proteins. Non-structural proteins perform functions like actin binding, zinc-binding, calcium-binding, hydrolases, Carbon-Oxygen Lyases, P-type ATPase, proteins belonging to major facilitator family (MFS), secreting main terminal branch (MTB) family, phosphotransfer-driven group translocators and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family group of proteins. Whereas structural proteins besides belonging to same structural group of proteins (capsid, structural, envelope), they also perform functions like nuclear receptor, antibiotic resistance, RNA-binding, DNA-binding, magnesium-binding, isomerase (intra-molecular), oxidoreductase and participate in type II (general) secretory pathway (IISP).  相似文献   
Myosin associated with the male germ cells of angiosperms interacts with actin, promoting transport of the non-motile generative and later sperm cells in the pollen tube. Myosin localizing on the sperm cell plasma membrane seems negligible in Plumbago, as reflected by the absence of: (i) anti-myosin labeling using immunoelectron microscopy, (ii) sperm motility on actin matrices, and (iii) electrophoretic movement changes after addition of antibody. Sperm cells injected directly into actively streaming Nitella internodal cells, however, follow actin bundles and their movement is sensitive to ATP and Mg2+. This may be based on simple charge binding since negatively charged latex beads also migrate on actin, whereas neutral or positively-charged latex beads do not. Sperm cells are negatively charged according to capillary microelectrophoresis, whereas killed sperm cells, which are positively charged do not migrate. The sperm cell that normally fertilizes the egg has a higher calculated charge (8.277 × 103 esu/cm2) compared with the sperm cell that fuses with the central cell (6.120 × 103 esu/cm2). Received: 15 December 1998 / Accepted: 21 January 1999  相似文献   
 Analyses of ITS sequences for 49 species of Olearia, including representatives from all currently recognised intergeneric sections, and 43 species from 23 other genera of Astereae, rooted on eight sequences from Anthemideae, provide no support for the monophyly of this large and morphologically diverse Australasian genus. Eighteen separate lineages of Olearia are recognised, including seven robust groups. Three of these groups and another eight species are placed within a primary clade incorporating representatives of Achnophora, Aster, Brachyscome, Calotis, Camptacra, Erigeron, Felicia, Grangea, Kippistia, Lagenifera, Minuria, Oritrophium, Peripleura, Podocoma, Remya, Solidago, Tetramolopium and Vittadinia. The remaining four groups and three individual species lie within a sister clade that also includes Celmisia, Chiliotrichum, Damnamenia, Pleurophyllum and Pachystegia. Relationships within each primary clade are poorly resolved. There is some congruence between this molecular estimate of the phylogeny and the distribution of types of abaxial leaf-hair, which is the basis of the present sectional classification of Olearia, but all states appear to have arisen more than once within the tribe. It is concluded that those species placed within the second primary clade should be removed from the genus, but the extent to which species placed within the first primary clade constitute a monophyletic group can only be resolved with further sequence data. Received November 12, 2001; accepted April 29, 2002 Published online: November 22, 2002 Addresses of authors: Edward W. Cross, Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, GPO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia (E-mail: ed.cross@csiro.au); Christopher J . Quinn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Mrs Macquaries Rd., Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia; Steven J. Wagstaff, Landcare Research, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand.  相似文献   
《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(5):882-889
The VP4 protein of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a serine protease that processes the polyprotein for viral assembly. VP4 has been found to associate primarily with type II IBDV tubules that are 24 nm in diameter. In this study, a chimeric VP4, assigned as HS1VP4, was constructed with a VP4-autocleavage site inserted between the N-terminal His-tag and the VP4 sequence. The results showed that the VP4 forms tubules after the self-cleavage of HS1VP4 when expressed in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, a deletion of 28 amino acids at the C-terminus of VP4 resulted in monomers and dimers instead of tubule formation; mutants of S652A and K692A at active site destroyed the activity. The endopeptidase activity of these monomers and dimers was approximately 12.5 times higher than that of VP4 tubules. Additionally, the formation of tubules inhibited VP4 protease activity, as demonstrated through in vitro assays. The production and characterization of monomers or dimers that have greater endopeptidase activity and protease activity than tubules can provide further insight into VP4 tubule assembly and the regulation of VP4 activity in host cells; this insight will facilitate the development of new anti-IBDV strategies.  相似文献   
Aspergillus flavus is a common saprophytic and pathogenic fungus, and its secondary metabolic pathways are one of the most highly characterized owing to its aflatoxin (AF) metabolite affecting global economic crops and human health. Different natural environments can cause significant variations in AF synthesis. Succinylation was recently identified as one of the most critical regulatory post-translational modifications affecting metabolic pathways. It is primarily reported in human cells and bacteria with few studies on fungi. Proteomic quantification of lysine succinylation (Ksuc) exploring its potential involvement in secondary metabolism regulation (including AF production) has not been performed under natural conditions in A. flavus. In this study, a quantification method was performed based on tandem mass tag labeling and antibody-based affinity enrichment of succinylated peptides via high accuracy nano-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry to explore the succinylation mechanism affecting the pathogenicity of naturally isolated A. flavus strains with varying toxin production. Altogether, 1240 Ksuc sites in 768 proteins were identified with 1103 sites in 685 proteins quantified. Comparing succinylated protein levels between high and low AF-producing A. flavus strains, bioinformatics analysis indicated that most succinylated proteins located in the AF biosynthetic pathway were downregulated, which directly affected AF synthesis. Versicolorin B synthase is a key catalytic enzyme for heterochrome B synthesis during AF synthesis. Site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical studies revealed that versicolorin B synthase succinylation is an important regulatory mechanism affecting sclerotia development and AF biosynthesis in A. flavus. In summary, our quantitative study of the lysine succinylome in high/low AF-producing strains revealed the role of Ksuc in regulating AF biosynthesis. We revealed novel insights into the metabolism of AF biosynthesis using naturally isolated A. flavus strains and identified a rich source of metabolism-related enzymes regulated by succinylation.  相似文献   
Abstract The 3D gene of foot-and-mouth disease virus encodes the viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase, also called virus infection associated (VIA) antigen, which is the most important serological marker of virus infection. This 3D gene from a serotype Cl virus has been cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli under the control of the strong lambda lytic promoters. The resulting 51 kDa recombinant protein has been shown to be immunoreactive with sera from infected animals. After induction of gene expression, an immediate and dramatic arrest of cell DNA synthesis occurs, similar to that produced by genotoxic doses of the drug mitomycin C. This effect does not occur during the production of either a truncated VIA antigen or other related and non-related viral proteins. The inhibition of DNA replication results in a subsequent induction of the host SOS DNA-repair response and in an increase of the mutation frequency in the surviving cells.  相似文献   
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