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The phospholipids of intact microsomal membranes were hydrolysed 50% by phospholipase C of Clostridium welchii, without loss of the secretory protein contents of the vesicle, which are therefore not permeable to the phospholipase. Phospholipids extracted from microsomes and dispersed by sonication were hydrolysed rapidly by phospholipase C-Cl. welchii with the exception of phosphatidylinositol. Assuming that only the phospholipids of the outside of the bilayer of the microsomal membrane are hydrolysed in intact vesicles, the composition of this leaflet was calculated as 84% phosphatidylcholine, 8% phosphatidylethanolamine, 9% sphingomyelin and 4% phosphatidylserine, and that of the inner leaflet 28% phosphatidylcholine, 37% phosphatidylethanolamine, 6% phosphatidylserine and 5% sphingomyelin. Microsomal vesicles were opened and their contents released in part by incubation with deoxycholate (0.098%) lysophosphatidylcholine (0.005%) or treatment with the French pressure cell. Under these conditions, hydrolysis of the phospholipids by phospholipase C-Cl. welchii was increased and this was mainly due to increased hydrolysis of those phospholipids assigned to the inner leaflet of the bilayer, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine. Phospholipase A2 of bee venom and phospholipase C of Bacillus cereus caused rapid loss of vesicle contents and complete hydrolysis of the membrane phospholipids, with the exception of sphingomyelin which is not hydrolysed by the former enzyme.  相似文献   
The redistribution of surface membrane immunoglobulin molecules (sIg) was studied in two functionally distinct populations of mouse splenic B lymphocytes, namely, those bearing membrane IgM(IgG?) and those bearing IgG. Brief exposure to mitogenic doses of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced direct but differential effects on the subsequent ability of specific antibodies to induce this redistribution on each cell type. Studied as a function of temperature, antibody-induced redistribution of sIgM on cells previously exposed to LPS was observed to occur at temperatures lower than the temperatures required for similar sIgM redistribution on lymphocytes not exposed to LPS. In contrast, mitogen-treated sIgG+ cells demonstrated an opposite and long-lasting effect (at least 40 hr), requiring higher temperatures to allow sIgG movement comparable to that seen on untreated sIgG-bearing lymphocytes. Thus, we conclude that LPS interacts with both IgM+(IgG?) and IgG+ lymphocytes, but that such interactions produced different membrane effects on each B-cell subset. This membrane change can therefore be useful as a quasi-functional differentiation marker. Furthermore, differences in sensitivity to cellular activation by LPS seen between sIgM-bearing (sIgG?) and sIgG-bearing B cells may be a reflection of such direct, although different, membrane effects.  相似文献   
Cesium ions block potassium channels in biological membranes in a voltage dependent manner. For example, external cesium blocks inward current with little or no effect on outward current. Consequently, it produces a characteristic N-shaped current-voltage relationship. We have modeled this result by single file diffusion of ions in a narrow channel spanning the membrane with a special blocking site in the channel for cesium ions. The model enables us to make detailed comparisons of the effects of cesium on potassium channels in different types of biological membranes.  相似文献   
Summary The voltage-dependent sodium channel from the eel electroplax was purified and reconstituted into vesicles of varying lipid composition. Isotopic sodium uptake experiments were conducted with vesicles at zero membrane potential, using veratridine to activate channels and tetrodotoxin to block them. Under these conditions, channel-dependent uptake of isotopic sodium by the vesicles was observed, demonstrating that a certain fraction of the reconstituted protein was capable of mediating ion fluxes. In addition, vesicles untreated with veratridine showed significant background uptake of sodium; a considerable proportion of this flux was blocked by tetrodotoxin. Thus these measurements showed that a significant subpopulation of channels was present that could mediate ionic fluxes in the absence of activating toxins. The proportion of channels exhibiting this behavior was dependent on the lipid composition of the vesicles and the temperature at which the uptake was measured; furthermore, the effect of temperature was reversible. However, the phenomenon was not affected by the degree of purification of the protein used for reconstitution, and channels in resealed electroplax membrane fragments or reconstituted, solely into native eel lipids did not show this behavior. The kinetics of vesicular uptake through these spontaneously-opening channels was slow, and we attribute this behavior to a modification of sodium channel inactivation.  相似文献   
Murine histocompatibility antigens were solubilized from the spleens and lungs of C57BL/6 (H-2b) animals with hypertonic salt (3 M KC1). Aggregate-free soluble antigens were incubated with nonadherent lymph node cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice for 18 hr prior to their use as responder cells in the mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR). It was found that the generation of cytotoxic cells was suppressed while the proliferative response was not affected. The observed suppression was not due to a shift in the kinetics of the generation of cytotoxicity as determined throughout a 10-day culture period. The suppression was specific in that the response in MLR to unrelated H-2f stimulator cells and the subsequent generation of cytotoxic cells were unchanged. Using various H-2 recombinant strains as target cells in the assay of cell-mediated lympholysis, suppression of cytotoxicity was observed when the D end, but not the K end, was shared with the C57BL/6 strain from which the antigens were derived.  相似文献   
Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) was detected in almonds, plum and apricot germplasm accessions and local almond cultivars in Israel. PNRSV was widespread both in wild and cultivated almond trees and uncommon in wild apricots and plums. The possible variation among the PNRSV isolates was initially evaluated by restriction analysis of PCR products representing the CP gene with the endonuclease RsaI and followed by nucleotide sequence analysis of selected isolates. It was concluded that all 13 isolates belong to group PV96, the largest cluster of PNRSV isolates, described previously. Two PNRSV isolates, one from a plum accession and one from an almond cultivar, were found to be distinct members of group PV96 with unique nucleotide modifications not found in other documented isolates of this virus. However, no PNRSV isolate typical to a specific host and/or to the Middle East region could be identified. This study expands the body of data on variability of PNRSV isolates and highlights the importance of assessing the virus status of germplasm collections by applying reliable diagnostic and differentiating methods.  相似文献   
Six condition indices based on RNA, total soluble protein and two metabolic enzymes [lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and citrate synthase (CS)] were analysed in muscle tissue of individual larvae, post-flexion reared sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax using DNA and total soluble protein as standards for size. In addition, the effect of 2 days of food deprivation on the cell proliferation rates was assessed. The RNA:DNA best reflected short-term changes in feeding conditions. If standardized by DNA content, LDH activity was a better indicator of condition than any other index but RNA:DNA. Further, the analysis of cell proliferation rates in muscle from 26 day-old larvae proved useful in distinguishing continuously fed larvae from individuals subjected to 2 days of fast.  相似文献   
Ammineruthenium(III) complexes have been found to act as electron acceptors for the transplasmalemma electron transport system of animal cells. The active complexes hexaammineruthenium(III), pyridine pentaammineruthenium(III), and chloropentaammineruthenium(III) range in redox potential (E 0) from 305 to –42 mV. These compounds also act as electron acceptors for the NADH dehydrogenase of isolated plasma membranes. Stimulation of HeLa cell growth, in the absence of calf serum, by these compounds provides evidence that growth stimulation by the transplasma membrane electron transport system is not entirely based on reduction and uptake of iron.  相似文献   
Gramicidin A forms ion-conducting channels which can traverse the hydrocarbon core of lipid bilayer membranes. The structures formed by gramicidin A are among the best characterized of all membrane-bound polypeptides or proteins. In this review a brief summary is given of the occurrence, conformation, and synthesis of gramicidin A, and of its use as a model for ion transport and the interaction of proteins and lipids in biological membranes.  相似文献   
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