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Summary Ganglia from Auerbach's plexus of the large intestine (caecum, appendix vermiformis, colon transversum and rectum) in man, rhesus monkey and guinea-pig are composed of nerve cells and their processes, typical Schwann cells and a vast neuropil. The neuropil consists of dendrites and axons of intrinsic nerve cell perikarya and axons of extrinsic neurons. Axonal profiles in large nerve fibre bundles are of uniform size and appearance, embedded in infoldings of Schwann cell cytoplasm and contain occasional large granular vesicles, mitochondria and neurotubules. Preterminal axons widen into vesicle filled varicosities, some of which establish synaptic contact with intrinsic nerve cell bodies.At least three different types of neuronal processes can be distinguished in the myenteric neuropil according to the size, appearance and commutual proportion of vesicles present in axonal varicosities, and their ability to accumulate exogenous 5- and 6-hydroxydopamine and 5-hydroxydopa: 1. Axonal enlargements containing a major population of small electron lucent synaptic vesicles (350–600 Å in diameter) together with a small number of membrane-bound, opaque granules (800–1,100 Å). These profiles have been identified as cholinergic axons. The boutons establish synaptic contacts with dendritic processes of intrinsic nerve cell bodies; membrane specializations are found at the preand postsynaptic sites. 2. Axonal beads of sometimes very large diameter, containing an approximately equal amount of large granular vesicles (850–1,600 Å) and small, electron lucent or faintly opaque vesicles (400–600 Å). The granular core of the large vesicles is of medium electron density and may either fill the entire vesicle or is separated from the limiting membrane by a more or less clear interspace. The fibres probably belong to intrinsic neurons, and because of the similarity of the large, membrane-bound vesicles with neurosecretory elementary granules, they have been designated p-type fibres (polypeptide fibres). The granular core of the vesicles in these fibres becomes more electron dense after treatment with 5-OH-dopa. The accumulation of an amine precursor analogue in combination with a possible storage of a polypeptide substance (or an ATP-like substance) resembles the situation in several diffusely distributed endocrine cell systems. 3. Varicosities of axons equipped with small (400–600 Å) empty or sometimes granular vesicles, medium sized (500–900 Å) vesicles with highly electron dense cores and occasional large (900–1,300 Å) granular vesicles. Pretreatment with 5-OH-dopamine increases the electron density in almost all medium-sized granular vesicles and some of the large granular vesicles; an osmiophilic core develops in some small vesicles. 6-hydroxydopamine results in degenerative changes in the varicosities of this type of neurons. Concomitantly, both catecholamine analogues markedly reduce neuronal noradrenaline in the large intestine, as demonstrated by fluorescence histochemistry and in fluorimetric determinations. The ultrastructural features of these varicosities and their reaction to 5- and 6-OH-dopamine indicate that they belong to adrenergic, sympathetic nerves. No membrane specializations could be detected at sites of close contact of the adrenergic boutons with dendrites and cell bodies of intrinsic nerve cells.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Supported by a grant from Albert Pahlsson's Foundation, Sweden. The work was carried out within a research organization sponsored by the Swedish Medical Research Council (projects No. B70-14X-1007-05B, B70-14X-712-05, and B70-14X-56-06).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Aktinomycin auf die neurosekretorischen Q-und P-Zellen im Cerebralganglion von Enchytraeus wurde untersucht. Die Cytophotometrie lichtmikroskopischer Präparate von Q-Zellen ergab, daß in den ersten Stunden nach Aktinomycin-Behandlung eine deutliche Verminderung PAF-positiven Materials auftritt. Die ersten Veränderungen wurden elektronenmikroskopisch zwischen 1 und 4 Std nach Aktinomycin-Injektion beobachtet. Sie waren in beiden Zelltypen am eindeutigsten am Nucleolus. Es kommt zu einer Sonderung und räumlichen Trennung von granulärem und fibrillärem Material. Letzteres wird sehr stark vermehrt.In bezug auf Veränderungen der Strukturen des Cytoplasmas unterscheiden sich die Q-und P-Zellen besonders im Verhalten des Golgi-Apparates und der Ribosomen. Der Golgi-Apparat wird in den Q-Zellen kurze Zeit nach Applikation von Aktinomycin reduziert. In den P-Zellen persistiert er dagegen über alle beobachteten Zeitstufen hinweg. Die Ribosomen lösen sich von den Membranen in den Q-Zellen 4–8 Std nach Injektion, was in den P-Zellen nicht festzustellen ist. Diese Tatsachen führen zu der Annahme, daß das System der Proteinsynthese der P-Zellen relativ stabiler als das der Q-Zellen ist.Die in den späteren Zeitstufen beobachtete Normalisierung der Zellstrukturen läßt darauf schließen, daß die Wirkung des einmalig injizierten Aktinomycins 24 Std danach nachzulassen beginnt.
Light and electron microscopic studies on the influence of actinomycin D on the dynamics of neurosecretory cells of Enchytraeus (Oligochaeta)
Summary The influence of actinomycin on the neurosecretory Q and P cells of the brain of Enchytraeus was studied. Cytophotometrical measurements of Q cells in light mirocscopic preparations showed a significant decrease of PAF-positive material in the first hours after actinomycin application. At the ultrastructural level primary changes were established one to four hours after injection of actinomycin: In the nucleolus granular and fibrillar material became separated; there was a substantial increase of the fibrillar component.Concerning structural changes of the cytoplasm, Q and P cells differed especially with respect to the Golgi apparatus and the ribosomes. In the Q cells the Golgi apparatus had become greatly reduced shortly after actinomycin treatment. However, it persisted in P cells during all stages examined. Ribosomes became detached from membranes only in Q cells between 4 and 8 hours after injection.These data indicate that protein synthesis in P cells shows greater stability than in Q cells. The restitution of normal ultrastruoture during subsequent stages indicates that effects begin to subside 24 hours after a single injection.
Für technische Unterstützung danken wir Frl. B. Reymann, Frl. A. Zinßer, Frau B. Cosack und Frau E. Wolschner.  相似文献   
Summary By combining the Golgi and the electronmicroscope techniques it has been possible to identify accurately the system of centrifugal fibers which arborizes in the lamina of muscoid flies forming the so-called nervous bags. Each of them originates from a single fiber entering the lamina at the site in which the second order and the long visual fibers leave it. This single fiber represents the peripheral portion of a T-shaped trunk stemming from a small neuronal body located in the external region of the medulla. The central branch terminates within the first synaptic field of this visual center.After entering the lamina the centrifugal fiber ramifies profusely and its branches can be seen climbing and synapsing on the surface of the photoreceptor axon endings. The synaptic loci show characteristic synaptic ribbons located within the nervous bag fibers. This fact suggests that direction of conduction is from the medulla to the lamina. This study has also revealed that the intramedullar terminals of the centrifugal fibers establish intimate contacts with one of the two second order fiber endings.This work was supported by Grant No. 618–67 (Mod No. 67–0618) of the Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force and by NIH grant NSO 866901.  相似文献   
The energy vs distance balance of cell suspensions (in the presence and in the absence of extracellular biopolymer solutions) is studied, not only in the light of the classical Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Over-beek (DLVO) theory (which considered just the electrostatic (EL) and Lifshitz-van der Waals (LW) interactions), but also by taking electron-acceptor/electron-donor, or Lewis acid-base (AB) and osmotic (OS) interactions into account. Since cell surfaces, as well as many biopolymers tend to have strong monopolar electron-donor properties, they are able to engage in a strong mutual AB repulsion when immersed in a polar liquid such as water. The effects of that repulsion have been observed earlier in the guise of hydration pressure. The AB repulsion is, at close range, typically one or two orders of magnitude stronger than the EL repulsion, but its rate of decay is much steeper. In most cases, AB interactions are quantitatively the dominant factor in cell stability (when repulsive) and in “hydrophobic interactions” (when attractive). OS interactions exerted by extracellularly dissolved biopolymers are weak, but their rate of decay is very gradual, so OS repulsions engendered by biopolymer solutions may be of importance in certain long-range interactions. OS interactions exerted by biopolymers attached to cells or particles (e.g., by glycocalix glycoproteins), are very short-ranged and usually are negligibly small in comparison with the other interaction forces, in aqueous media.  相似文献   
The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters, spin-lattice (T1), and spin-spin (T2) relaxation time, are usually longer for neoplastic cells than for normal cells of the same cell type. This has generally been true at low NMR frequencies (≤100 MHz) when comparisons have been made between normal and neoplastic cells that have both spent a short time in culture. We have previously demonstrated that although the T1 values of paired normal and neoplastic Syrian hamster (SH) fibroblastic cells in culture are not significantly different when measured at 300 MHz, the 300 MHz T2 values for the neoplastic cells are smaller than those of the normal cells. (Xin et al. (1986),Cell Biophysics 8, 213.) Since treatment of normal diploid cells with polypeptide growth factors or tumor promoters frequently results in reversible expression of neoplasia-associated phenotypes, T1 and T2 were obtained at 300 MHz for treated and untreated SH cells to see if these compounds could also produce smaller 300 MHz T2 values. Secondary culture SH fetal fibroblast cells were treated with epidermal growth factor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), phorbol-12,13-didecanoate (PDD) and 4-α-phorbol-12,13-didecanoate (4αPDD). Treatment with either growth factor resulted in smaller T2 values, but a statistically significant decrease was not observed for PDD or 4αPDD. The observed reductions in T2 values were correlated with the morphological and growth-stimulatory effects of these compounds on the cells.  相似文献   
Toxic effects of desferrioxamine (DFO) upon cell growth were assayed with continuous bromodeoxyur-idine (BrdU) labeling and bivariate ethidium bromide/Hoechst 33258 Row cytometry. At 5% oxygen DFO caused a dose-dependent inhibition of cell growth. which was potentiated at 20% oxygen. and by cumene hydroperoxide but not by paraquat. An irreversible arrest in the GZ phase of the cell cycle was the cell-kinetic mechanism underlying this growth inhibition. The G2 arrest was not dependent upon the BrdU concentration in the medium, thus ruling out a direct attack of a free radical on thymidine residues. The observed cytotoxicity of DFO cautions against its use in the treatment of conditions of elevated oxidative stress.  相似文献   
溶液培养小麦幼苗转移至含Cd~(2 )的营养液中,根系乙烯产生较快地增加,约在12h达高峰,然后下降;ACC含量亦呈先升后降的趋势。未和Cd~(2 )溶液直接接触的地上部乙烯亦增加,至36h达高峰,此后急剧下降,而ACG和 MAGC含量持续上升。地上部乙烯的增加,主要是由通过根系运往地上部的镉直接作用的结果,不是根部合成ACG运往地上部后再产生的。电镜观察表明,地上部乙烯产生和ACC含量变化的时间进程,可以与镉进入叶细胞内的部位及其对细胞膜和细胞器的影响相联系。  相似文献   
再生植株具有高频率的染色体异常,其中有20.61%表现为染色体数量变异,最常见的为2n—1类型,其次为2n—2类型,也有2n 1、2n—3个体以及染色体数嵌合株。再生植株减数分裂各期均有染色体异常行为,可以见到的有落后染色体、染色体桥、断片、二分体延迟、微核,还有粗线期十字型配对等结构变异,以及五分体、六分体和畸型四分体等异常现象。微核率随培养时间延长而增加,可用作染色体伤害的一个指标。再生植株R_1代存在着许多形态学变异。性状变异与染色体数目变异没有明显关系。  相似文献   
云南10个民族红细胞酸性磷酸酶型分布调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹浪萍  申滨 《遗传学报》1991,18(6):481-484
用淀粉凝胶电泳法对云南省汉族及9个少数民族的红细胞酸性磷酸酶(ACP_1)的表型分布进行了调查,检出A、BA和B3种表型,计算得云南汉、彝、白、傣、瑶、佤、哈尼、布朗、基诺和拉祜族ACP_1~A、ACP_1~B的基因频率依次为0.2067、0.7933;0.2406、0.7594;0.2341、0.7659;0.3750、0.6250;0.2300、0.7700;0.2727、0.7273;0.3594、0.6406;0.3036、0.6964;0.2381、0.76119和0.4474、0.5526。未发现ACP_1~C基因及其它稀有基因。研究表明,ACP_1表型的分布存在着一定的种族与民族差异。  相似文献   
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