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Summary The occurrence of 2n pollen-producing plants was investigated in 187 plant introductions (PIs) of 38 wild species of tuber-bearing Solanum. These 2x, 4x, and 6x species are from Mexico, and Central and South America. The determination of 2n pollen-producing plants was conducted using acetocarmine glycerol. Plants with more than 1% large-size pollen were regarded as 2n pollen-producing plants. 2n pollen-producing plants were identified in the following species: 10 out of 12 Mexican 2x species, seven of nine South American 2x species, seven of seven Mexican and Central American 4x species, five of five South American 4x species, and five of five Mexican 6x species. The frequency of 2n pollen-producing plants varied among species at the same ploidy level, but the range of frequency, generally between 2 and 10% among species, was similar over different ploidy levels. The general occurrence of 2n pollen in both 2x and polyploid species, which are evolutionarily related, is evidence that the mode of polyploidization in tuber-bearing Solanums is sexual polyploidization. Furthermore, the frequencies of 2n pollen-producing plants in autogamous disomic polyploid species were not markably different from those of their related diploid species. It is thought that the frequent occurrence of 2n gametes with autogamy tends to disturb the fertility and consequently reduce fitness of polyploids. Thus, we propose that the breeding behavior of polyploids and the occurrence of 2n gametes may be genetically balanced in order to conserve high fitness in polyploid species in tuberbearing Solanum.Paper No. 3114 from the Laboratory of Genetics. Research supported by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; International Potato Center; USDA, SEA, CGRO 84-CRCR-1-1389; and Frito Lay, Inc.  相似文献   
Major knowledge gaps exist with respect to light-quality regimes in the coastal-zone Strandzha Quercus frainetto (Q.f.) forest region adjoining the southern Bulgarian Black Sea. This paper presents preliminary results that help narrow these gaps. In conjunction with leaf area index (LAI) field campaigns we undertook measurements with an array of 7 broad-band (ca 40 nm) sensors covering the range 0.40–0.94 μm, plus 1 sensor for UVB (0.297 μm peak) and 1 for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Measurements focused on inside-forest shade conditions at sites 0 to ca 15 km from the Black Sea and at altitudes up to ca 120 m above sea level. Some of the sites were also studied using a high-resolution spectroradiometer. A sequential measuring strategy was necessary. This involves potentially large uncertainties, here addressed through estimations of the variability around the sinusoidal course of daylight. Light-quality regimes were found to be in general support of earlier studies of deciduous forests. Our data from the broad-band sensors and from the spectroradiometer are mutually supportive. They indicate a stronger red-shift below Q.f. canopies than below canopies in enclaves dominated by Fagus orientalis and Pinus sylvestris. Transmission in the range 0.50–0.55 μm increases beneath the three types of canopies, most pronounced in the Q.f. case. Analysis of relationships between the inside-forest to open-field irradiance ratio and LAI supports the use of Beer’s Law. We found a fairly strong relationship between the red (0.66 μm) to far-red (0.73 μm) irradiance ratios (R/FR) and LAI for the Q.f. forest. In quantitative terms, the result is new for this Q.f. region, and suggests further research to explore whether a two-sensor approach (0.66 and 0.73 μm) might offer possibilities for further low-cost mapping of the spatio-temporal patterns of R/FR and LAI in Strandzha. Such mapping would assist in further studies of the region’s forest biogeochemistry and vitality.  相似文献   
The temporal variation of stoichiometry between consumed oxygen and oxidized carbon was investigated for the aerobic mineralization of leachates from aquatic macrophytes. Seven species of aquatic plants, viz. Cabomba piauhyensis, Cyperus giganteus, Egeria najas, Eichhornia azurea, Salvinia auriculata, Scirpus cubensisand Utricularia breviscapa, were collected from Òleo lagoon located in the floodplain of Mogi-Guacu river (São Paulo State, Brazil). After being collected, the plants were washed, oven-dried and triturated. In order to obtain the leachate, the fragments were submitted to an aqueous extraction (cold). Mineralization chambers were incubated at 20 °C containing leachates dissolved in water samples from Òleo lagoon to a final concentration of ca. 200 mg l–1on carbon basis. The chambers were maintained under aerobic conditions; the concentrations of the organic carbon (particulate and dissolved) and the dissolved oxygen were measured during approximately 80 days. Elemental analysis of the detritus and the concentrations of the remaining material (DOC and POC) were used to determine the amounts of mineralized organic carbon. The data were analyzed with first-order kinetics models, from which the daily rates of consumption (carbon and oxygen) and the stoichiometry (O/C) were determined. In the early phase of mineralization the O/C rates increased before reaching a maximum, after which they tended to decrease. For the mineralization of leachates from C. giganteus, S. auriculata and U. breviscapa, the decrease was relatively slow. For all substrata the initial values were smaller than 1, and ranged from 0.42 (S. cubensis) to 0.81 (C. piauhyensis). The maximum values were within the range from 0.58 (U. breviscapa) to 23.1 (E. najas) and at their highest 26th (C. piauhyensis) and 106th (C. giganteus) days. These variations are believed to be associated with the chemical composition of the leachates, with their transformations and alterations of metabolic pathways involved in the mineralization.  相似文献   
Beyond its role as an electron acceptor in aerobic respiration, oxygen is also a key effector of many developmental events. The oxygen‐sensing machinery and the very fabric of cell identity and function have been shown to be deeply intertwined. Here we take a first look at how oxygen might lie at the crossroads of at least two of the major molecular pathways that shape pancreatic development. Based on recent evidence and a thorough review of the literature, we present a theoretical model whereby evolving oxygen tensions might choreograph to a large extent the sequence of molecular events resulting in the development of the organ. In particular, we propose that lower oxygenation prior to the expansion of the vasculature may favour HIF (hypoxia inducible factor)‐mediated activation of Notch and repression of Wnt/β‐catenin signalling, limiting endocrine cell differentiation. With the development of vasculature and improved oxygen delivery to the developing organ, HIF‐mediated support for Notch signalling may decline while the β‐catenin‐directed Wnt signalling is favoured, which would support endocrine cell differentiation and perhaps exocrine cell proliferation/differentiation.  相似文献   
Aim We propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for the marine‐derived sciaenid genus Plagioscion in the context of geomorphology and adaptation to freshwaters of South America, and assess the extent to which contemporary freshwater hydrochemical gradients influence diversification within a widely distributed Plagioscion species, Plagioscion squamosissimus. Location Amazon Basin and South America. Methods Using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data, phylogenetic analyses were conducted on the five nominal Plagioscion species, together with representatives from Pachyurus and Pachypops, using character and model‐based methods. Genealogical relationships and population genetic structure of 152 P. squamosissimus specimens sampled from the five major rivers and three hydrochemical settings/‘colours’ (i.e. white, black and clear water) of the Amazon Basin were assessed. Results Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of Plagioscion in South America and identify two putative cryptic species of Plagioscion. Divergence estimates suggest that the Plagioscion ancestor invaded South America via a northern route during the late Oligocene to early Miocene. Within P. squamosissimus a strong association of haplotype and water colour was observed, together with significant population structure detected between water colours. Main conclusions Our analyses of Plagioscion are consistent with a biogeographic scenario of early Miocene marine incursions into South America. Based on our phylogenetic results, the fossil record, geomorphological history and distributional data of extant Plagioscion species, we propose that marine incursions into western Venezuela between the late Oligocene and early Miocene were responsible for the adaptation to freshwaters in Plagioscion species. Following the termination of the marine incursions during the late Miocene and the establishment of the modern Amazon River, Plagioscion experienced a rapid diversification. Plagioscion squamosissimus arose during that time. The formation of the Amazon River probably facilitated population and range expansions for this species. Further, the large‐scale hydrochemical gradients within the Amazon Basin appear to be acting as ecological barriers maintaining population discontinuities in P. squamosissimus even in the face of gene flow. Our results highlight the importance of divergent natural selection through time in the generation and maintenance of sciaenid diversity in Amazonia.  相似文献   
The balance between mitochondrial fission and fusion is disrupted during mitosis, but the mechanism governing this phenomenon in plant cells remains enigmatic. Here, we used mitochondrial matrix‐localized Kaede protein (mt‐Kaede) to analyze the dynamics of mitochondrial fission in BY‐2 suspension cells. Analysis of the photoactivatable fluorescence of mt‐Kaede suggested that the fission process is dominant during mitosis. This finding was confirmed by an electron microscopic analysis of the size distribution of mitochondria in BY‐2 suspension cells at various stages. Cellular proteins interacting with Myc‐tagged dynamin‐related protein 3A/3B (AtDRP3A and AtDRP3B) were immunoprecipitated with anti‐Myc antibody‐conjugated beads and subsequently identified by microcapillary liquid chromatography–quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (CapLC Q‐TOF) MS/MS. The identified proteins were broadly associated with cytoskeletal (microtubular), phosphorylation, or ubiquitination functions. Mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/AtDRP3B and mitochondrial fission at metaphase were inhibited by treatment of the cells with a CdkB/cyclin B inhibitor or a serine/threonine protein kinase inhibitor. The fate of AtDRP3A/3B during the cell cycle was followed by time‐lapse imaging of the fluorescence of Dendra2‐tagged AtDRP3A/3B after green‐to‐red photoconversion; this experiment showed that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded during interphase. Additionally, we found that microtubules are involved in mitochondrial fission during mitosis, and that mitochondria movement to daughter cell was limited as early as metaphase. Taken together, these findings suggest that mitotic phosphorylation of AtDRP3A/3B promotes mitochondrial fission during plant cell mitosis, and that AtDRP3A/3B is partially degraded at interphase, providing mechanistic insight into the mitochondrial morphological changes associated with cell‐cycle transitions in BY‐2 suspension cells.  相似文献   
Modifications of different EEG rhythms induced by a single neurofeedback session (by the EEG characteristics) directed toward an increase in the ratio of the spectral powers (SPs) of the α vs θ oscillations were compared with the psychological characteristics of the tested subjects (the group included 30 persons). A generally accepted neurofeedback technique was used; the intensity of acoustic white noise served as the feedback signal. EEG potentials were recorded from the C3 and C4 leads. Psychological testing was carried out using Eysenck’s (EPQ), Rusalov’s (OST), and (16 PF) questionnaires. The directions of changes in the SPs of EEG frequency components were found to significantly correlate with some individuality-related peculiarities of the tested subjects. The SP of the δ rhythm correlated with the EPQ scale “neuroticism,” OST scale “social plasticity,” and 16 PF factors H (“parmia”), I (“premsia”), and Q3 (“self-control of behavior”). The SP of the θ component demonstrated correlations with the OST scales “ergisity,” “plasticity,” and “social temp” and with 16 PF factors M (“autia”), Q4 (“frustration”), and Q1 (“exvia”). The SP of the α rhythm correlated with 16 PF factors Q3 (“self-control of behavior”), G (“strength of superEgo”), O (“hypothymia”), L (“protension”), and N (“shrewdness”). The SP of the β rhythm correlated with the OST scale “emotionality,” while that of the γ rhythm showed correlations with the 16 PF indices L (“protension”) and M (“autia”). Changes in the ratio of the α vs θ SPs correlated with the EPQ scale “neuroticism.” Thus, our data confirm the statement that a high individual variability of the results of a single (first in the series) neurofeedback session is to a great extent related to peculiarities of the individual psychological pattern of the subject. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 239–247, May–June, 2006.  相似文献   
The voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) is used to target symptoms of the neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). By blocking Kv channels, 4-AP facilitates action potential conduction and neurotransmitter release in presynaptic neurons, lessening the effects of demyelination. Because they conduct inward Na+ and Ca2+ currents that contribute to axonal degeneration in response to inflammatory conditions, acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) contribute to the pathology of MS. Consequently, ASICs are emerging as disease-modifying targets in MS. Surprisingly, as first demonstrated here, 4-AP inhibits neuronal degenerin/epithelial Na+ (Deg/ENaC) channels, including ASIC and BLINaC. This effect is specific for 4-AP compared with its heterocyclic base, pyridine, and the related derivative, 4-methylpyridine; and akin to the actions of 4-AP on the structurally unrelated Kv channels, dose- and voltage-dependent. 4-AP has differential actions on distinct ASICs, strongly inhibiting ASIC1a channels expressed in central neurons but being without effect on ASIC3, which is enriched in peripheral sensory neurons. The voltage dependence of the 4-AP block and the single binding site for this inhibitor are consistent with 4-AP binding in the pore of Deg/ENaC channels as it does Kv channels, suggesting a similar mechanism of inhibition in these two classes of channels. These findings argue that effects on both Kv and Deg/ENaC channels should be considered when evaluating the actions of 4-AP. Importantly, the current results are consistent with 4-AP influencing the symptoms of MS as well as the course of the disease because of inhibitory actions on Kv and ASIC channels, respectively.  相似文献   
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