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Three routes were investigated for the conversion of d-glucose into the title compound. In the first approach, reduction of the 5,6-thürane ring of 5,6-dideoxy-5,6-epithio-1,2-O-isopropylidene α-d-glucofuranose (17) as well as that of its 3-O-allyl derivative (13) with lithium aluminium hydride was investigated; 17 afforded the corresponding 6-deoxy derivative besides di-, tri-, and poly-mers, whereas only polymers were formed from 13. In the second approach, the oxirane ring of was reduced by sodium borohydride and the resulting 6-deoxy derivative was converted into the 5-thiobenzoate; the corresponding hex-4-enofuranose was formed as a byproduct. In the third approach partial mesylation of methyl 5-thio-α-d-glucopyranoside was attempted, but the 6-mesylate 27 could be isolated only in modest yield (28%) together with rearranged 2,5-thioanhydromannofuranoside derivatives. The mechanism of this rearrangement is discussed in detail. The 6-mesylate 27 was converted via the 6-iodo derivative into the title compound.  相似文献   
Linear and curvilinear electromyogram (EMG) normalization methods were compared among ten healthy men during a simulated work cycle demanding attention and static holding of the arm (Solitaire test). Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) and gradually increasing contractions up to 70% of MVC were used for normalization in different arm postures. The test contractions studied included inward and outward rotations, abduction, shoulder elevation, and flexion in different arm positions. The shoulder load moment was calculated for the flexion tests using a simple two-dimensional model. The effect of arm posture on the EMG versus shoulder load moment relationship was studied on the following muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, trapezius (three parts), deltoid (two parts) and pectoralis major. All muscles participated in the MVC tests performed, and its was not possible to suggest a single recommended test for each muscle. Differences in normalized EMG median values ranging up to 30% of MVC were found between linear and curvilinear normalization methods. Short-term repeatability of normalization based on a contraction with gradually increasing force was good. Arm posture affected the relationships between shoulder load moment and EMG activity of all muscles studied. Arm posture did not, however, have a significant effect on the estimated amplitude probability distribution functions during the simulated work task. Therefore, at least for the tasks studied, the principle of normalizing in the middle position of the range of movement was deemed acceptable.  相似文献   
基于扎根理论的社区参与国家公园建设与管理的机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何思源  魏钰  苏杨  闵庆文 《生态学报》2021,41(8):3021-3032
大量研究表明自然保护地周边社区居民对保护地的态度是影响社区参与保护,实现保护地管理目标的主要因素,由此建立了"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑。中国国家公园体制建设希望进一步推进社区与保护地的关系,全面提升自然保护管理效率,也建立在对这一行为逻辑的认同之上。为验证社区认知与行为的关系,并为促进不同利益相关者参与国家公园建设与管理提供科学支持,研究试图分析武夷山国家公园体制试点区社区居民的国家公园的"认知-态度-参与"的行为逻辑以揭示社区参与国家公园建设与管理的深层机制。与一般研究不同在于,本研究是针对正在建设中的国家公园,使得本地利益相关方的态度有机会影响国家公园建设进程。为获得社区"认知-态度-参与"核心观念,探索社区参与的过程和方式,提出促进社区参与的方法,研究采用扎根理论这一质性研究方法,基于对本地利益相关者采用半结构化开放问题的深度访谈,归纳出概念与范畴,形成社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论。研究首先形成45个概念与13个范畴,通过范式模型研究发现,稳定资源使用权利、引导社区参与决策、保障社区发展权利、创新社区产业模式、提高个体适应能力、降低政策风险影响等六个主范畴能够解释社区居民对国家公园的认知-态度-参与这一行为逻辑。通过归纳主范畴,研究进一步提炼出社区参与国家公园建设与管理的理论核心在于社区自然资源管理的自主性、创新性与适应性,其内在机制在于社区参与是一个自主性提高的动态过程,需要通过保障社区生计资源禀赋来实现长期的价值转化,最终使其成为社会-生态系统适应性治理的组成部分。在理论阐释基础上,研究提出从改善社区认知、提升社区参与角度推进国家公园建设的路径。研究也指出,所提出的社区参与机制理论能够提炼量化指标评价社区参与,追踪武夷山国家公园体制试点进程。  相似文献   
三江源牧户参与草地生态保护的意愿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李惠梅  张安录  王珊  张雄  杨海镇  卓玛措 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5943-5951
牧民对环境保护的响应是生态保护战略有效实施的关键,主体参与意愿直接影响生态保护项目实施的成效和可持续性,是区域生态经济可持续发展的前提。通过对三江源地区约283户藏族牧民通过翻译进行结构式访谈,采用Logistic模型从主体角度探讨了牧户愿意参与生态保护行为响应的主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)三江源区域约87%的牧户认为生态保护对牧户有好处,但受各种内外部因素的影响只有近70%的牧户是在政府主导下基于有限理性而被动的参与生态保护行为响应。(2)三江源牧户参与生态保护行为响应的意愿主要受当地政府的保护力度及牧户对生态保护外部性的认知水平、生计水平、外界接触程度、工作机会的正影响,并受牧户的年龄、离中心城镇的距离和区域气候恶劣情况等因素的负影响,系数依次为:2.22、3.98、1.93、2.26、1.48、-1.63、-2.43、-0.92。(3)牧户的生计水平、退化感知和外部性认知是影响三江源牧户参与生态保护意愿的关键因素,牧户参与生态保护意愿的概率不仅仅是牧户出于自身利益和未知风险考虑下被动的响应,更是当地政府的环境知识宣传和保护投入影响下个体的抉择结果。(4)创造更多的就业机会和解决牧户的单一化生计问题,构建完善地生态补偿机制让牧户分享生态保护的外部性效益,并激励牧户主动参与生态保护行为响应,才能最终实现区域生态保护、牧户幸福和生态经济可持续发展的多赢局面。  相似文献   
生态文明是人类文明发展的新阶段,其强调人与自然的协调发展。基于公众科学理论框架,采用模型模拟方法、实地问卷调查、多元回归方法,分析了乌鲁木齐居民参与城市生态文明建设的自我感知、满意程度、参与意愿,并构建了结构方程模型(SEM),探讨了居民参与城市生态文明意愿的可行路径,分析了居民参与城市生态文明建设的意愿与其相关因素间的关系,揭示了居民参与城市生态文明建设主要限制因素。结果表明:(1)居民自我感知与城市生态文明建设参与意愿呈显著正相关,满意程度与参与意愿呈显著负相关;(2)45.36%的受访者表示非常愿意参与城市生态文明建设;(3)居民主体意识和支持度占比分别为72.92%、72.04%,生态认知、生态关注及参与信心占比分别为43.08%、64.33%和55.14%;(4)受访者对城市生态文明建设状况满意度的平均偏效应为2.32,各项满意度均值情况为:城市绿化状况(2.51)政府环境信息公开程度(2.41)城市空气状况(2.35)城市垃圾处理与分类状况(1.99)。研究成果以期为建立和推进城市生态文明建设提供科学参考。  相似文献   
Von Hippel and colleagues have highlighted the crucial role of users in innovation in different industries and types of products. They describe the innovation process in terms of the distinct domains of knowledge that producers and users possess. Producers have knowledge about technical solutions and users about their needs, the context of use, and their own capabilities as users. Both sets of knowledge are characterized by "stickiness": They move relatively freely within their own domain but are difficult to transfer outside of it.
In the case of radical innovations for sustainable consumption, the problem of "sticky information" is compounded. Both producers and consumers need to reach out of their conventional competencies and search for new solutions. "Societal actors," such as government bodies or environmental experts, can show the way to such solutions, but this new knowledge needs to be integrated with the "sticky" knowledge about everyday practices in production and consumption.
In the present article we attempt to conceptualize the role and interaction of user and producer knowledge with the knowledge of environmental experts in housing energy innovations. We do so by applying the user−producer interaction framework to a case study on the introduction of low-energy housing concepts in Finland. On the basis of this analysis, we draw conclusions on the potential and limitations of today's practices in the field. For example, we suggest that user involvement can help to enhance the acceptance of low-energy solutions but that the methods for involving users need to be adapted to the particular circumstances in each industry.  相似文献   
Looking ahead to the United Nations' 2021–2030 Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, we would like to ponder and discuss two fundamental goals to improve, mainstream, and scale up ecological restoration. The first is to cultivate alternative visions of the human dimension in relation to ecological restoration and other restorative activities. The second is to develop shared protocols for planning, revamping, and monitoring the progress of social goals related to ecological restoration within the social construction theoretical framework, based on three interrelated dimensions: stakeholder‐based problem definition, social representations, and legitimation. We draw on ongoing work in Caquetá (Colombian Amazonia) to consider how these dimensions may be incorporated into tangible restoration practices. Caquetá is facing the highest deforestation rates in the Amazonian region due to a highly volatile sociopolitical context and recent armed conflicts that have claimed thousands of victims to date. We conclude that the work in Caquetá demonstrates a process of social construction that effectively couples new human values with ecological restoration. Our work also provides evidence that the human dimension of restoration is a central issue in the restoration of human, social, and ecosystem health and must be integrated into the framework of the coming Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of changes in ankle joint angle on the mechanomyogram (MMG) amplitude of the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle during voluntary isometric plantarflexion contractions. Ten healthy individuals were asked to perform voluntary isometric contractions at six different contraction intensities (from 10% to 100%) and at three different ankle joint angles (plantarflexion of 26°; plantarflexion of 10°; dorsiflexion of 3°). MMG signals were recorded from the surface over the MG muscle, using a 3-axis accelerometer. The relations between root mean square (RMS) MMG and isometric plantarflexion torque at different ankle joint angles were characterized to evaluate the effects of altered muscle mechanical properties on RMS MMG.We found that the relation between RMS MMG and plantarflexion torque is changed at different ankle joint angles: RMS MMG increases monotonically with increasing the plantarflexion torque but decreases as the ankle joint became dorsiflexed. Moreover, RMS MMG shows a negative correlation with muscle length, with passive torque, and with maximum voluntary torque, which were all changed significantly at different ankle joint angles.Our findings demonstrate the potential effects of changing muscle mechanical properties on muscle vibration amplitude. Future studies are required to explore the major sources of this muscle vibration from the perspective of muscle mechanics and muscle activation level, attributable to changes in the neural command.  相似文献   
The effects of voluntary wheel-running exercise on cecal microbiota and short-chain fatty acid production were investigated in rats. The microbiota composition was notably different between the exercised and sedentary rats. Furthermore, the exercised rats showed a significantly higher n-butyrate concentration than the sedentary rats. This alteration of the cecal microbial environment may contribute to the beneficial effect of exercise on gastrointestinal disorders.  相似文献   
Background: Participation in screening tests for colorectal cancer (CRC) is generally low in Ontario, Canada. In addition, inequities in participation exist including lower participation among low-income individuals, males and individuals living in rural areas. In April 2008, Colon Cancer Check (CCC) program, the province-wide CRC screening program, was launched in Ontario. This study describes the trends and inequities in CRC screening participation three years before and three years after the CCC, and assesses the effect of the program on CRC screening participation, overall and among certain population groups. Methods: We used administrative data to identify cohorts of individuals eligible for CRC screening in fiscal years 2005–2011. We calculated the age-standardized percent of Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) participation, large bowel endoscopy participation, and being ‘up-to-date’ with CRC screening tests. Results: From 2005 to 2011, FOBT participation increased from 7.6% to 14.8%, large bowel endoscopy participation from 3.4% to 5.7%, and ‘up-to-date’ with CRC screening from 27.2% to 41.3%. Before the launch of the CCC program, the quarterly increase in FOBT participation was 0.07% (p = 0.19), increased immediately after the launch (1.8%, p < 0.01), followed by a decline (?0.08%, p = 0.08), returning to its pre-program increase rate. We noted a significant decrease in FOBT participation every summer (?0.44%, p < 0.01). The CCC program had minimal effect on large bowel endoscopy participation. Before the launch of the CCC program, the quarterly increase in ‘up-to-date’ with CRC screening was 0.9% (p < 0.01), increased immediately after the launch (2.5%, p = 0.05), followed by a modest decline thereafter (?0.59%, p < 0.02). From 2005 to 2011, recent residents living in low-income neighborhoods were consistently and significantly less likely to have a FOBT and be ‘up-to-date’ with CRC screening than long-term residents living in high-income neighborhoods (2.9–4.5%; 14.7–17.3% respectively). Pre-CCC inequities in CRC participation persisted after the launch of the program. Conclusion: CRC testing was increasing in Ontario from 2005. An immediate increase in CRC testing, FOBT in particular, occurred after the launch of the CCC program, followed by a return to its pre-CCC increase rate thereafter. Future efforts are needed to improve screening participation and address inequities.  相似文献   
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