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A hypothesis is presented that the availability of water for export of nitrogenous products from legume nodules is a major factor limiting the efficiency of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Water for export of solutes in the xylem probably depends largely on the import of water and reduced carbon in the phloeum, and one function of respiration may be to dispose of reduced carbon in order to increase the supply of water. A second hypothesis presented is that control of gas diffusion in soybean nodules is largely restricted to the cortex nearby the vascular bundles, thus making possible the linkage of solute balances in xylem and phloem with resistance to diffusion. These concepts are used in a re-examination of literature on manipulations of nodules and nodulated plants such as lowering of light levels, water stress, defoliation, stem girdling, and alteration of oxygen supply. The concept of translocation as a major factor limiting efficiency of symbiotic fixation is consistent with the failure of superior rhizobial isolates to improve N input significantly, and this limitation could also prevent exploitation of superior bacterial symbionts in the future  相似文献   
Summary Levels of seven messenger RNA species were compared in human umbilical vein endothelial cells of different lineage and time in culture. Specifically, cells obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and subcultured were compared to early passage cells from cultures produced in our laboratory. Messenger RNA for tissue plasminogen activator, plaminogen activator inhibitor 1, urokinase, and thrombomodulin were expressed at higher levels in the ATCC cells. Thrombospondin, von Willebrand's Factor, and protein S messenger RNA were expressed at higher levels in the cells that we isolated. In addition, in the ATCC cells a shift in the proportion of plasminogen activator inhibitor messenger RNA from the 3.4 to the 2.4 kilobase species was found. We conclude that specific messenger RNA levels can vary considerably between cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The large variation in mRNA levels which we describe has important implications for experiments involving gene expression in cultured endothelium.  相似文献   
Summary Human arterial smooth muscle cells (hASMC) from explants of the inner media of uterine arteries were studied in secondary culture. We had previously found that these cells depend on exogenous platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) for proliferation in vitro. Deprivation of the serum mitogen(s) by culture in plasma-derived serum or bovine serum albumin (BSA) caused a true growth arrest that was reversible upon reexposure to the mitogen(s). When added to serum-containing medium, heparin caused a reversible growth arrest which could be competed for by increasing concentrations of serum. In the current study we used a set of smooth muscle-specific actin and myosin, antibodies to study the expression of contractile proteins in stress fibers under indirect immunofluorescence on hASMC in culture. Even in sparse culture, grwoth-arrested hASMC expressed stress fibers containing these actin and myosin epitopes. This was true irrespective of whether growth arrest was achieved by culture in media containing only BSA or a combination of heparin and whole blood serum. hASMC proliferating in whole blood serum in sparse culture did not express such strees fibers, as judged by immunofluorescent staining. This was true also for cells that were restimulated to proliferate in serum after a growth arrest. Utilizing a monoclonal antibody against a nuclear antigen expressed in proliferating human cells, we were able to demonstrate an inverse relationship between the expression of this antigen and the SMC-specific contractile proteins, respectively. Under these culture conditions, the reversible transition between defifferentiated and differentiated hASMC was almost complete and terminated about 1 wk after the change in culture condition. We conclude that hASMC in vitro respond, to exogenous PDGF by proliferation and dedifferetiation as a single population of cells. We also conclude that this modulation is reversible, because the cells become uniformly quiescent and differentiated when the mitogenic stimulus is blocked or removed. This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project no. 4531 and 6816), the Swedish Association against Heart and Chest Diseases, the King Gustaf V and Queen Victoria Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD (grant HL 29873) and the Swedish National Board for Laboratory Animals.  相似文献   
The diurnal water budget of developing grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries was evaluated before and after the onset of fruit ripening (veraison). The diameter of individual berries of potted ‘Zinfandel’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines was measured continuously with electronic displacement transducers over 24 h periods under controlled environmental conditions, and leaf water status was determined by the pressure chamber technique. For well-watered vines, daytime contraction was much less during ripening (after veraison) than before ripening. Daytime contraction was reduced by restricting berry or shoot transpiration, with the larger effect being shoot transpiration pre-veraison and berry transpiration post-veraison. The contributions of the pedicel xylem and phloem as well as berry transpiration to the net diurnal water budget of the fruit were estimated by eliminating phloem or phloem and xylem pathways. Berry transpiration was significant and comprised the bulk of water outflow for the berry both before and after veraison. A nearly exclusive role for the xylem in water transport into the berry was evident during pre-veraison development, but the phloem was clearly dominant in the post-veraison water budget. Daytime contraction was very sensitive to plant water status before veraison but was remarkably insensitive to changes in plant water status after veraison. This transition is attributed to an increased phloem inflow and a partial discontinuity in berry xylem during ripening.  相似文献   
This study aimed to explore the 24-h patterns of stroke volume, cardiac output, and peripheral vascular resistance along with other correlated variables, such as left ventricular ejection time, ejection velocity index, thoracic fluid index, heart rate, and blood pressure. The study was performed on 12 clinically healthy subjects by means of a noninvasive beat-to-beat monitoring using the thoracic electric bioimpedance technique associated with the automated sphygmomano-metric recording. Time data series were analyzed by means of chronobiological procedures. The results documented the occurrence of a circadian rhythm for all the variables investigated, giving relevance to the beat-to-beat bioperiodicity of cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance. Temporal quantification of the investigated variables may be useful for a better insight of the chronophysiology of the cardiovascular apparatus.  相似文献   
An essential role for an intact vagal nerve has been proven in the development of gastric mucosal cyto- and general protection. On the other hand, chemically-induced (ethanol, HCl, indomethacin) gastric mucosal damage is enhanced after acute surgical vagotomy. The aims of this paper were to study the possible mechanisms of the vagal nerve in the development of gastric mucosal defense. The following questions were addressed: 1) effect of surgical vagotomy on the development of ethanol- (ETOH), HCl-, and indomethacin (IND)-induced gastric mucosal damage; 2) changes in the gastric mucosal defense by scavengers, prostacyclin and other compounds (small doses of atropine and cimetidine: 3) changes in the gastric mucosal vascular permeability due to chemicals; 4) effect of indomethacin in the ETOH and HCl models with and without surgical vagotomy; 5) changes in the gastric mucosal content of prostacyclin and PGE2 in the ETOH and HCl models after surgical vagotomy; and 6) changes in the role of SH-groups in gastric mucosal defense after surgical vagotomy. It was found that: 1) the gastric mucosal damage produced by chemicals (ETOH, HCl, and indomethacin) was enhanced after surgical vagotomy; 2) the cyto- and general gastric protective effects of β-carotene, prostacyclin, and small doses of atropine and cimetidine disappeared after surgical vagotomy; 3) the vascular permeability due to chemicals (ETOH, HCl, indomethacin) significantly increased after surgical vagotomy in association with an increase in both number and severity of gastric mucosal lesions; 4) IND alone (in animals with an intact vagus) did not produce gastric mucosal lesions (in 1-h experiments), but it aggravated ETOH-induced gastric mucosal damage (both its number and severity); 5) the gastric mucosal levels of prostacyclin and PGE2 decreased after surgical vagotomy; 6) IND application (after surgical vagotomy) decreased further the tissue levels of prostacyclin and PGE2 in association with an increase of gastric mucosal damage; and 7) the gastric mucosal protective effects of SH-groups were abolished by surgical vagotomy.  相似文献   
Abstract: Post-embryonic development is controlled by two types of meristems: apical and lateral. There has been considerable progress recently in understanding the function of root and shoot apical meristems at the molecular level. Knowledge of analogous processes in the lateral, or secondary, meristems, i.e. the vascular cambium or cork cambium, is, however, rudimentary. This is despite the fact that much of the diversity in the plant kingdom is based on the differential functions of these meristems, emphasizing the importance of lateral meristems in the development of different plant forms. The vascular cambium is particularly important for woody plants, but it also plays an important role during the development of various herbaceous species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana. In this review, we focus on the two basic functions of cambial activity: cell proliferation and pattern formation.  相似文献   
In the angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare scalare ) numerous rodlet cells were found in the large post-orbital blood vessel caudal to the eye and in the surrounding extravascular space. Within the vessel the rodlet cells formed striking regular arrays, along the inner aspect of the wall. The rodlets within the cells were positive to PAS but negative to Sudan Black B, Masson's, and the Fuelgen stain. The capsule around the cells was negative for all these stains. These rodlet cells appeared to be traversing the vessel endothelium, and to be pushing the endothelium aside without damaging it. Some discharged their contents into the vessel, but we never observed the release of intact rodlets. The nuclei of rodlet cells in actual contact with the vessel were at the end of the cell more distant from the endothelial wall. Cell-to-cell adhesion structures or communications junctions between rodlet cells and the endothelium were not evident. A putative rodlet cell precursor in the extravascular space contained large electron-dense granules, and extended pseudopodia that contacted nearby rodlet cells. Based on their morphology, tissue distribution, and their behaviour, we conclude that the rodlet cell is an endogeneous teleost cell type, and possibly represents a form of matured granulocyte.  相似文献   
Thirty-two partial phytochrome sequences from algae, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms (11 of them newly released ones from our laboratory) were analyzed by distance and characterstate approaches (PHYLIP, TREECON, PAUP). In addition, 12 full-length sequences were analyzed. Despite low bootstrap values at individual internal nodes, the inferred trees (neighbor joining, Fitch, maximum parsimony) generally showed similar branching orders consistent with other molecular data. Lower plants formed two distinct groups. One basal group consisted of Selaginella, Equisetum, and mosses; the other consisted of a monophyletic cluster of frond-bearing pteridophytes. Psilotum was a member of the latter group and hence perhaps was not, as sometimes suggested, a close relative of the first vascular plants. The results further suggest that phytochrome gene duplication giving rise to a- and b- and later to c-types may have taken place within seedfern genomes. Distance matrices dated the separation of mono- and dicotyledons back to about 260 million years before the present (Myr b.p.) and the separation of Metasequoia and Picea to a fossil record-compatible value of 230 Myr B.P. The Ephedra sequence clustered with the c- or a-type and Metasequoia and Picea sequences clustered with the b-type lineage. The paleoherb Nymphaea branched off from the c-type lineage prior to the divergence of mono- and dicotyledons on the a- and b-type branches. Sequences of Piper (another paleoherb) created problems in that they branched off from different phytochrome lineages at nodes contradicting distance from the inferred trees' origin. Correspondence to: H.A.W. Schneider-Poetsch  相似文献   
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