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I.CORRELATIONBETWEENL0ESSSECTI0NAND0XYGENIS0TOPESTAGESIntheYuanloessarea,manyscientiststhinkthatthesedimentsarecontinuousandtheclimaticrecordsareperfect.Thisdoesnotappeartobeaccurate.Sedimentationwasdiscontinuousinmanysections.Forexample,manyscientistsarguethatS2corresp0ndstooxygenisot0peStage7(Liu,l985,KuklaandAn,l989;Dingetal.,l990).lnfact,S2includesthreelayersfS2SSl,S2LLlandS2SS2.Dingetal.(l990)reportedthatthereisathickunitofloessbetweenS2SSlandS2SS2intheBaicao…  相似文献   
Aim  To assess temporal changes in gammarid distribution in Brittany and microhabitat-use overlap between the endangered endemic Gammarus duebeni celticus Stock & Pinkster, 1970 , the expanding natives G. pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) and Echinogammarus berilloni (Catta, 1878), and the introduced G. tigrinus Sexton, 1939.
Location  Brittany and adjacent regions in western France.
Methods  The spatial and temporal patterns in distribution of gammarids at the scale of Brittany were studied using 351 sites. Longitudinal distributions (from the source to the estuary of the river) and microhabitat-use (substratum type and water velocity) were also considered in selected rivers.
Results  At the regional scale, all species occurred together less often than expected statistically, with significant deviations from expected for G. pulex vs. both G. duebeni celticus and G. tigrinus , and for E. berilloni vs. both G. duebeni celticus and G. tigrinus . However, at the microhabitat scale, E. berilloni occurred significantly more often than expected with the endemic G. duebeni celticus , and this appears to be due to similar substratum and water velocity preferences, although at both the regional and microhabitat scales E. berilloni prefers wider streams than G. duebeni celticus . This study reveals a decline in the endangered G. duebeni celticus since 1970.
Main conclusions  The longitudinal and local distributions of G. duebeni celticus , and the higher-than-expected co-occurrence of the species with G. pulex , suggest that the decline of the endemic species may be due to changes in the environment and/or interference from native G. pulex , which is expanding its range in Brittany. The results are discussed as regards to the consequences for regional biodiversity.  相似文献   
The geographical and bathymetric distribution of southern African octocorals is analysed. Of the over 200 estimated species of regional octocorals, 81 confirmed and adequately described species are studied using a radial sector method. Two primary faunal components are recognized–endemic (53.3% of the fauna by numbers of species) and Indo-Pacific (39.4%). An Atlantic component contributes only minimally (about 1.7%), while the remaining fauna is made up of cosmopolites (2.8%) and scattered species (2.8%). A subantarctic component is not evident for the present-day, although evidence for previous contact is presented. A sister-group analysis using genera as a guide to sister species, shows the biogeographic affinities for the present-day fauna as a whole to be 45% Indo-Pacific, 31% cosmopolitan, 10% endemic, 10% Atlantic and 4% southern oceans (subantarctic). Applying the same method to only those genera with endemic species shows the affinities of the present-day endemic fauna to be 27.5% Indo-Pacific, 27.5% endemic, 24% cosmopolitan, 14% Atlantic and 7% subantarctic. Clearly defined boundaries for west, south, and east coast faunas (as recognized by previous authors in describing various intertidal faunas) are found not be present with regard to the octocoral fauna (largely due to its overwhelmingly subtidal nature). Instead two primary zoogeographic provinces are recognized–the Cape Endemic Province (extending from Liideritz to Inhaca Island) and the south-western fringe of the Indo-Pacific Province from East London north-eastwards. An overlap zone between these two is recognized between East London and Inhaca Island, with the region in the vicinity of Richards Bay having an essentially evenly mixed fauna (roughly 50% Cape Endemic Province and 50% Indo-Pacific). Of the 84 octocoral genera recorded for the region, seven (or 8.3%) are endemic, and of these, five are monotypic while two are ditypic. The fauna is shown to be predominantly sublittoral (about 95% by numbers of species), the shallow sublittoral (< 100 m in depth) being the region with highest species richness. Pennatulaceans are eurybathic (intertidal to 4756 m) and clearly show a high proportion of cosmopolites (20% of presently identified species). Soft corals are stenobathic and restricted to the intertidal, continental shelf and uppermost portion of the continental slope (<500m), while gorgonians are intermediate in depth distributon (intertidal to 1200 m). No cosmopolitan alcyonaceans are presently recorded. The centre of the Cape Endemic Province is the Agulhas Bank–an extensive region of shallow continential shelf (< 200 m in depth) between Cape Town and East London. Two regions of octocoral radiation for southern Africa are postulated–the Agulhas Bank and the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   
Global fire regimes are shifting due to climate and land use changes. Understanding the responses of belowground communities to fire is key to predicting changes in the ecosystem processes they regulate. We conducted a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 1634 observations from 131 empirical studies to investigate the effect of fire on soil microorganisms and mesofauna. Fire had a strong negative effect on soil biota biomass, abundance, richness, evenness, and diversity. Fire reduced microorganism biomass and abundance by up to 96%. Bacteria were more resistant to fire than fungi. Fire reduced nematode abundance by 88% but had no significant effect on soil arthropods. Fire reduced richness, evenness and diversity of soil microorganisms and mesofauna by up to 99%. We found little evidence of temporal trends towards recovery within 10 years post‐disturbance suggesting little resilience of the soil community to fire. Interactions between biome, fire type, and depth explained few of these negative trends. Future research at the intersection of fire ecology and soil biology should aim to integrate soil community structure with the ecosystem processes they mediate under changing global fire regimes.  相似文献   
江西九连山自然保护区昆虫区系分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
据对有较详细分布资料的1312种昆虫的分析,该区的昆虫区组成以东洋界成员为主体计817种,占总数的62.27%,说明本区昆虫属于东洋界范畴,按中国动物区划分析表明,华中,华南,西南三区的昆虫亲缘关系最为密切,阐述了182种昆虫在我国东部地区分布的南北限。  相似文献   
There are sevenlagoons onthe east coast of Korea,including Kyeongpo Lake,Hyang Lake,Mae Lake,Chung-cho Lake,Yeoungrang Lake,Songji Lake and HwajinpoLake.They are all originally natural and brackish waterlakes.Therefore,these lakes are not only historically veryimportant but also have high values for geological,andecological sciences.Natural lakes like lagoons are different from man-made lakes.That is,water level in natural lakes is almostconstant,cline by waterside is not much,and wet la…  相似文献   
Two benthic ctenophores, Coeloplana waltoni and Vallicula multiformis, are contrasted in terms of their coastal environments, habitats, abundances, seasonal occurrences, and behavior in south Florida. Coeloplana waltoni occurs as an epibiont on octocorals in open water settings, and V. multiformis is present in bio‐fouling communities, associated with macroalgae, bryozoans, and inanimate substrates in protected, back‐water habitats. In our study, individuals of C. waltoni were found under moderate to strong current flow and relatively constant temperature and salinity (T/S) conditions, whereas individuals of V. multiformis occurred at sites of low current flow and more variable T/S conditions. In C. waltoni, individuals generally adhered tightly to host colony surfaces, whereas in V. multiformis, individuals often disassociated from substrates and floated free. Mean population densities of C. waltoni ranged ~500–850 individuals 100 mL?1 (measured as the displacement volume of the octocoral habitat), and densities of V. multiformis ranged 5–360 individuals 100 mL?1 (measured as the displacement volume of the biofouling habitat). Abundance of C. waltoni was significantly highest in the 2014 warm season (June–October) when numerous minute (≤0.5 mm body length) juveniles were present. Vallicula multiformis was abundant in the 2015 and 2016 warm seasons (July–October), and also relatively abundant in the 2016 cool season (March–April). Ctenophore abundance and surface seawater temperature indicate a significant positive response to warm‐season conditions in C. waltoni, whereas numbers of V. multiformis did not show any effect of seawater temperature. Recently settled individuals of V. multiformis (≤1.0 mm) occurred throughout the year. Individuals of V. multiformis recruited to fiber‐coated sponges during warm and cool periods, with mean body sizes increasing in one cohort from 1.41 to 6.46 mm over a 39‐d period, suggesting a growth rate of ~4% d?1. Feeding in both species involves tentacle capture of water‐borne zooplankton and particulate organic matter. Individuals of C. waltoni were also observed inserting tentacles into octocoral polyps, possibly pilfering food. Chlorophyll a was detected in extracts of both ctenophore species. The high abundances and feeding behavior of benthic ctenophores could have a strong influence on octocoral and biofouling communities.  相似文献   
Oreopithecus bambolii is a Late Miocene hominoid with an extensive fossil record in the Baccinello Basin (Tuscany, Italy), and was the only western European hominoid to survive a major extinction event ca. 9.6 Ma (millions of years ago). Oreopithecus lived in the insular Tusco-Sardinian paleobioprovince, where it evolved many unique anatomical specializations that make it important for understanding the mechanisms and history of Late Miocene hominoid evolution. The eventual extinction of Oreopithecus and its associated fauna ca. 6.5 Ma has generally been attributed to interaction with species that arrived from continental Europe following tectonic collision of the Tusco-Sardinian province with mainland Italy, but palynological, paleontological, and sedimentological records indicate an environmental shift toward more variable climate across the extinction event.To explore the possibility of environmental change as a contributing factor in the extinction of Oreopithecus, we developed a stable carbon and oxygen isotope record from organic matter in paleosols from the Baccinello Basin. These data show very low temporal and spatial variability (indicating plant ecosystem stability through time and space) and provide no evidence for ecologically significant changes in floral composition spanning the extinction event, suggesting that environmental change was not an underlying cause for the extinction of Oreopithecus and its associated fauna. The carbon isotope values fall entirely within the range of isotopic variability for modern plants following the C3 photosynthetic pathway (trees, shrubs, cool-season grasses), indicating that C4 vegetation (warm-season grasses) was not an important component of biomass. When corrected for temporal variation in the carbon isotopic composition of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the paleosol carbon isotope values are consistent with predicted values based on modern plants and the Baccinello palynoflora, supporting the reliability of paleosol isotopic records as paleoecological proxies.  相似文献   
Despite the increased and widespread usage of benthic indices for environmental health assessment, some methodological ambiguities remain to be solved. We tested the congruence and consistency of the benthic indices ITI, BO2A, BENTIX, AMBI and M-AMBI in a subtropical estuary (Paranaguá Bay, Brazil). Indices were applied to non-vegetated tidal flats increasingly contaminated by sewage to test: (i) correlations with molecular biomarkers of sewage (consistency); and (ii) evaluate the overall agreement/similarity of responses (congruence). The responses of the benthic indexes ITI, AMBI and BO2A were congruent among themselves and consistent with molecular biomarkers values. BENTIX and M-AMBI were less consistent and congruent and possibly need a readjustment of boundaries for subtropical habitats. The indices seemed robust to natural background yearly variations not related to contamination. Faecal sterols associated to nutrient contents suitably supported the validation of indices and could integrate reference conditions for sewage impacted coastal habitats. Benthic indices can successfully integrate management guidelines, but their suitable application demands further research on tolerance shifts of key indicator species.  相似文献   
系统记述了自2001年以来从贵州省毕节扒耳岩洞穴堆积中出土的偶蹄目化石:最后"双齿尖河猪"("Dicoryphochoerus"ultimus)、麂(未定种)(Muntiacus sp.)、凤岐祖鹿(?)(Cervavitus?fenqii)、黑鹿(相似种)(Cervus(R.)cf C.(R.)unicolor)、羚牛(未定种)(Budorcas sp.)、山羊亚科(属种未定)(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)、羚羊(未定种)(Gazella sp.)、斯迈提丽牛(未定种)(Leptobos(Smertiobos)sp.)8个种类。毕节扒耳岩巨猿动物群中的偶蹄类与广西柳城巨猿洞和湖北建始龙骨洞的偶蹄类可比性最大。毕节偶蹄类含有较多的古老种类, 指示其地质时代为早更新世早期; 同时显示其生态环境为植被既有密集的丛林又有开阔的草地(或草坡), 局部镶嵌有半开阔树林,而附近分布有一定的水域, 气候温暖, 非常适合高等灵长类栖息。  相似文献   
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