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Summary A low passage rat liver cell line demonstrated in vitro growth stimulation when cultured in the presence of serum of homologous, partially hepatectomized rats. After 4-day incubation a 3.25-fold increase in the cell population was observed in cultures supplemented with posthepatectomy serum at a dilution of 1∶10. No response was observed with sham-operated animal serum. Continous cultures of Chang human liver and Don hamster lung cells were not responsive to the posthepatectomy serum. The limitations of tetraphenylboron as a dispersing agent for primary rat liver cells are discussed. Supported by Grant 67-7 from the Illinois Division of the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   
Rita Khanna  S. Rajan  H.S. Gutowsky 《BBA》1983,725(1):10-18
Measurements were made of the water proton relaxation rate (T?12 = R2), electron spin resonance (ESR) six-line signal of ‘free’ Mn2+, and O2-evolution activity in thylakoid membranes from pea leaves. The main results are: (1) Aging of thylakoids at 35°C causes a parallel decrease in O2-evolution activity, in R2 and in the content of bound Mn, suggesting that R2 may be related to the loosely bound Mn involved in O2 evolution. (2) Treatment of thylakoids with tetraphenylboron (TPB) at [TPB] > 2 mM produces a 2-fold increase in R2, without release of Mn2+. The titration curve exhibits three sharp end points. The first end point occurs at a [TPB][chlorophyll] of 1.25, at which the O2 evolution is completely inhibited. (3) Treatment of thylakoids with NH2OH also increases R2 by nearly 2-fold, either by the reduction of the higher oxidation states of Mn to Mn2+ and / or by exposing the Mn to solvent protons. Also, progressive release of bound Mn occurs at [NH2OH] ≥ 1 mM as shown by an increase increase in the Mn2+ ESR signal and a decrease in R2. (4) Addition of H2O2 (0.1–1.0%) to thylakoids causes an enhancement of R2 similar to that by NH2OH, but without the release of Mn2+. (5) Heat treatment of thylakoids at 40–50°C releases Mn2+ and increases R2. Conversely, pH values of 7 to 4 release Mn2+ without changing R2 while pH values of 7–9 increase R2 without releasing Mn2+. Thus, both high and low pH values as well as the heat treatment cause structural changes enhancing the relaxivity of the bound Mn or of other paramagnetic species.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum, induced by elevated pH, tetraphenylboron (TPB) or chemical modification, and the change in the surface charge of the membranes as measured by the fluorescence intensity of anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) is examined. The stimulated Ca2+ release is inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and external Ca2+. TPB, but not tetraphenylarsonium (TPA+), causes a decrease in ANS fluorescence, with 50% decrease occurring at about 5 m TPB. The decrease in ANS fluorescence as well as the inhibition of Ca2+ accumulation induced by TPB are prevented by TPA+. A linear relationship between the decrease in membrane surface potential and the extent of the Ca2+ released by TPB is obtained. Similar levels of [3H]TPB bound to sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes were obtained regardless of whether or not the vesicles have taken up Ca2+. The inhibition of Ca2+ accumulation and the [3H]TPB incorporation into the membranes were correlated. Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum, by pH elevation, chemical modification or by addition of NaSCN (0.2 to 0.5m) or the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin, is also accompanied by a decrease in ANS fluorescence intensity. However, chemical modification and elevated pH affects the surface potential much less than SCN or TPB do. These results suggest that the enhancement of Ca2+ release by these treatments is not due to a general effect on the membrane surface potential, but rather through the modification of a specific protein. They also suggest that membrane surface charges might play an important role in the control mechanism of Ca2+ release.  相似文献   
A thermodynamic characterization of the Na+-H+ exchange system in Halobacterium halobium was carried out by evaluating the relevant phenomenological parameters derived from potential-jump measurements. The experiments were performed with sub-bacterial particles devoid of the purple membrane, in 1 M NaCl, 2 M KCl, and at pH 6.5–7.0. Jumps in either pH or pNa were brought about in the external medium, at zero electric potential difference across the membrane, and the resulting relaxation kinetics of protons and sodium flows were measured. It was found that the relaxation kinetics of the proton flow caused by a pH-jump follow a single exponential decay, and that the relaxation kinetics of both the proton and the sodium flows caused by a pNa-jump also follow single exponential decay patterns. In addition, it was found that the decay constants for the proton flow caused by a pH-jump and a pNa-jump have the same numerical value. The physical meaning of the decay constants has been elucidated in terms of the phenomenological coefficients (mobilities) and the buffering capacities of the system. The phenomenological coefficients for the Na+-H+ flows were determined as differential quantities. The value obtained for the total proton permeability through the particle membrane via all available channels, LH = (?JH +pH)Δψ,ΔpNa, was in the range of 850–1150 nmol H+·(mg protein)?1·h?1·(pH unit)?1 for four different preparations; for the total Na+ permeability, LNa = (?JNa+pNa)Δψ,ΔpH, it was 1620–2500 nmol Na+·(mg protein)?1·h?1·(pNa unit)?1; and for the proton ‘cross-permeability’, LHNa = (?JH+pNa)Δψ,ΔpH, it was 220–580 nmol H+·(mg protein)?1·h?1·(pNa unit)?1, for different preparations. From the above phenomenological parameters, the following quantities have been calculated: the degree of coupling (q), the maximal efficiency of Na+-H+ exchange (ηmax), the flow and force efficacies (?) of the above exchange, and the admissible range for the values of the molecular stoichiometry parameter (r). We found q ? 0.4; ηmax ? 5%; 0.36 ? r ? 2; ?JNa+ ? 1.3 · 105μmol · (RT unit)?1 at JNa = 1 μmolNa+ · (mgprotein)?1 · h?1; and ?ΔpNa ? 5 · 104 ΔpNa · (mg protein) · h · (RT unit)?1 at ΔpNa = 1 unit, for different preparations.  相似文献   
This study describes an analysis of different treatments that influence the relative content and the midpoint potential of HP Cyt b559 in PS II membrane fragments from higher plants. Two basically different types of irreversible modification effects are distinguished: the HP form of Cyt b559 is either predominantly affected when the heme group is oxidized (“O-type” effects) or when it is reduced (“R-type” effects). Transformation of HP Cyt b559 to lower potential redox forms (IP and LP forms) by the “O-type” mechanism is induced by high pH and detergent treatments. In this case the effects consist of a gradual decrease in the relative content of HP Cyt b559 while its midpoint potential remains unaffected. Transformation of HP Cyt b559 via an “R-type” mechanism is caused by a number of exogenous compounds denoted L: herbicides, ADRY reagents and tetraphenylboron. These compounds are postulated to bind to the PS II complex at a quinone binding site designated as QC which interacts with Cyt b559 and is clearly not the QB site. Binding of compounds L to the QC site when HP Cyt b559 is oxidized gives rise to a gradual decrease in the Em of HP Cyt b559 with increasing concentration of L (up to 10 Kox(L) values) while the relative content of HP Cyt b559 is unaffected. Higher concentrations of compounds L required for their binding to QC site when HP Cyt b559 is reduced (described by Kred(L)) induce a conversion of HP Cyt b559 to lower potential redox forms (“R-type” transformation). Two reaction pathways for transitions of Cyt b559 between the different protein conformations that are responsible for the HP and IP/LP redox forms are proposed and new insights into the functional regulation of Cyt b559 via the QC site are discussed.  相似文献   
We analyze the diffusion of hydrophobic molecules in a dialysis apparatus with respect to their adsorption on biological membrane vesicles confined to one dialysis chamber. The process is described with a kinetic model, which shows that, depending on the pattern of the adsorption isotherm, the kinetic parameter of the diffusion process through the dialysis membrane is up to two-fold increased by the presence of the adsorbing vesicle surface. The model successfully describes the diffusion of tetraphenylborate and 9-aminoacridine in the presence of chromatophores from photosynthetic membrane, with which they interact with hyperbolic and S-shaped isotherms, respectively.  相似文献   
C.C. Schenck  B. Diner  P. Mathis  K. Satoh 《BBA》1982,680(2):216-227
Light excitation of chloroplasts at low temperature produces absorption changes (ΔA) with a large positive peak at 990 nm and a bleaching around 480 nm. ΔA at 990 nm rises with t12 = 0.6 ms at 20–77 K and remains largely stable. This signal is not observed when Photosystem II (PS II) photochemistry is blocked by reduction of the primary plastoquinone. It is observed also in purified PS II particles, in which case it could be shown that during a sequence of short flashes, the absorption at 990 nm rises in parallel with plastoquinone reduction measured at 320 nm. In chloroplasts the light-induced 990-nm ΔA at 77 K is increased under oxidizing conditions (addition of ferricyanide) and upon addition of 2-(3-chloro-4-trifluoromethyl)anilino-3,5-dinitrothiophene (ANT2p). At 21°C, flash excitation of chloroplasts or of PS II particles induces only a very small ΔA at 990 nm, even when this is measured with a 100-ns time resolution or when the material is preilluminated. In both materials, however, a large flash-induced ΔA takes place when various lipophilic anions are added. After a flash the signal rises in less than 100 μs and its decay varies with experimental conditions; the decay is strongly accelerated by benzidine. The difference spectrum measured in PS II particles includes a broad peak around 990 nm and a bleaching around 490 nm. These absorption changes are attributed to a carotenoid radical cation formed at the PS II reaction center. It is estimated that in the presence of lipophilic anions at room temperature, one cation can be formed by a single flash in 80% of the reaction centers. At cryogenic temperature approx. 8% of the PS II reaction centers can oxidize a carotenoid after a single flash.  相似文献   
Various yeasts have been investigated for their ability to grow on N-acetylglucosamine as the sole carbon source and only those which are associated with the disease, candidiasis, gave positive results. The yeasts unable to grow on N-acetylglucosamine lacked the capacity to transport the aminosugar across the cell membrane. In pathogenic yeasts, two systems of different affinity for substrate were found to operate in the uptake of N-acetylglucosamine. In glucose-grown cells a constitutive, low affinity uptake system was present, but upon addition of inducer, a specific high affinity uptake system was synthesized. Experiments with the inhibitors of macromolecule synthesis suggested that the synthesis of RNA and protein is necessary for induction whereas the synthesis of DNA is not.In glucose-grown Candida albicans cells which are devoid of N-acetylglucosamine enters into the cells as phosphorylated form using a constitutive uptake system. Uranyl acetate (0.01 mM) which binds to cell membrane-associated polyphosphates, inhibited completely the inducible uptake of N-acetylglucosamine. Labelling experiments, designed to determine the temporal sequence of appearance of N-acetylglucosamine in intracellular free sugar and sugar-phosphate pools, indicated that N-acetylglucosamine first appeared in the cells as phosphorylated form. Similar results were obtained with Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3059 and some other yeasts which are devoid of N-acetylglucosamine kinase in both uninduced and induced conditions. These results are consistent with the model of van Steveninck that involves phosphorylation during transport. Furthermore, inhibitors of energy metabolism (arsenate, azide and cyanide), proton conductor (m-chlorocarbonylcyanide phenylhydrazine) and dibenzyl diammonium ion (membrane permeable cation) inhibited the inducible N-acetylglucosamine uptake in C. albicans.  相似文献   
Ken F. Jarrell  G.Dennis Sprott 《BBA》1983,725(2):280-288
The membrane potential (Δψ) of Methanobacterium bryantii was 133–142 mV as measured from the distribution of 86Rb+ in valinomycin-treated cells, and was considerably higher than that obtained using triphenylmethylphosphonium in the presence of tetraphenylboron. The Δψ measured using the Rb+/valinomycin method was sensitive to certain ionophores including gramicidin, nigericin, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and 3,3′,4′,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide. It was also dissipated by 1 mM tetraphenylphosphonium and was abolished in heat-treated or permeabilized cells. The Δψ could be varied by adjusting the extracellular potassium concentration in valinomycin-treated cells. Monensin-treated cells possessed a significantly increased Δψ, as monitored by the Rb+ / valinomycin method. Tetraphenylphosphonium cation (1 mM) abolished methane synthesis, intracellular ATP and Δψ, supporting a role for Δψ in ATP and CH4 synthesis. However, lower concentrations of the lipophilic cation (50 μM) greatly elevated both the intracellular ATP concentration and Δψ but decreased the rate of CH4 synthesis by almost 50%. Thus, tetraphenylphosphonium cation exerts a primary inhibitory effect on CH4 synthesis which cannot be attributed to the loss of Δψ or ATP.  相似文献   
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