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Shearman DC 《Genetica》2002,116(1):25-43
The multitude of sex determination mechanisms displayed in dipteran insects has usually been described in terms of variations on a single principle in which the primary signal of the primitive pathway consists of a single allelic difference at one locus. Evolution of sex determination mechanisms is thought to have occurred by the addition of genes below the top gene of the pathway. The elucidation of the complex sex determination pathway of Drosophila melanogaster, as well as recent evidence that the basal genes of the pathway seem to be conserved across metazoan genera both in structure and, to a lesser degree, in function, points towards the possibility that sex determination pathways may have evolved from the bottom-up. Further to this is the question of whether the dominant male-determining factor, M, which is found in a number of insect species, represents part of the ancient sex determination pathway or is a later addition to the pathway. This, together with the possibility that the Mfactors found in numerous dipteran insect species may have a common origin, is discussed. The similarities of the sex determination pathways under the control of Mand the implications in relation to the construction of genetic sexing strains for biological control are also discussed.  相似文献   
Diachasmimorpha longicaudata is an Opiinae parasitoid used to control tephritid fruit flies, which cause tremendous economic losses of fruits worldwide. In Thailand, D. longicaudata is classified as three sibling species, DLA, DLB and DLBB, based on the morphological and biological species concepts but their genetic variation has not been studied. Therefore, we investigated the genetic differentiation of the mitochondrial COI gene to clarify the ambiguous taxonomy of this species complex. The 603‐bp COI region was sequenced from laboratory‐bred colonies and field‐collected specimens from seven locations representing five geographical regions in Thailand. DLA was associated with the host Bactrocera correcta while DLB and DLBB were associated with Bactrocera dorsalis. The interspecific nucleotide differences of COI sequences among the three groups ranged from 6.70% to 7.62% (Kimura 2‐parameter distance), which adequately separates species complexes within the order Hymenoptera and supports the current sibling species classification. The neighbor joining, maximum likelihood and consensus Bayesian phylogenetic trees constructed from COI sequences revealed that the three sibling species of laboratory and field‐collected D. longicaudata are monophyletic with 100% support. The high genetic variation and molecular phylogeny of the COI sequences were shown to discriminate between the D. longicaudata species examined in this study.  相似文献   
Adult Bactrocera tryoni from different generations of domestication were given various diets to determine whether either or both the bacteria Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella pneumoniae could provide a source of proteinaceous material sufficient to allow the female flies to produce mature oocytes and eggs or alternatively, whether the bacteria could act as a beneficial supplementary food when given in addition to the usual laboratory proteinaceous food that consisted of a paste of sucrose and yeast autolysate. Overall, there was no evidence from any generation studied that female flies could produce eggs or mature oocytes on a bacterial diet above the levels attained with access to culture medium without bacteria. Similarly, there was no evidence that bacterial supplementation to a diet that included a paste of sucrose and yeast autolysate was more beneficial than when the paste was the sole source of proteinaceous food. There was an increase in mature oocytes per female with the number of generations of culture but the extent of increase was greater when sugar/yeast paste was included in the diet. There was no evidence that mixtures of either bacterium species in nutrient broth or the broth itself was attractive to female B. tryoni over a distance of a few centimetres when the tested flies were caged at low density but flies of later generations did feed when offered either type of food at very close range.  相似文献   
Koinobiont parasitoids that attack an early host stage may have an advantage in suppressing competing parasitoids that attack later stages of the same host. We examined the competitive interaction between the two most important parasitoids of tephritid fruit flies in Hawaii, Fopius arisanus (Sonan), and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The former species attacks host eggs while the latter attacks host larvae, and both species emerge as adults from the host puparia. F. arisanus physiologically suppressed egg development of D. longicaudata. Over 90% of D. longicaudata eggs died in the presence of F. arisanus larvae within host larvae of either the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) or the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). D. longicaudata appeared not to discriminate against hosts previously parasitized by F. arisanus. The mechanism that F. arisanus uses to eliminate D. longicaudata is similar to that which it employs to eliminate five other larval fruit fly parasitoids so far reported in Hawaii. This suggests that there is a broad competitive superiority of the early acting species in fruit fly parasitoids. We discuss the implication of this in relation to future biological control introductions against tephritid fruit flies.  相似文献   
Jackson traps baited with male lures with or without insecticides are essential components of surveillance and monitoring programmes against pest tephritid fruit flies. The ability of a trap to capture a fly that enters, sometimes termed ‘trap efficiency’, is dependent on many factors including the trap/lure/toxicant combination. We tested the effects of three important components of Jackson traps on efficiency of capture of two important fruit fly species, using the ‘standard’ (i.e. as they are used in the state-wide surveillance programme in California) and alternative setups: Insecticide (Naled, DDVP or None), type of adhesive on the sticky panel (Seabright Laboratories Stickem Special Regular or Stickem Special HiTack) and use of a single or combination male lure (Methyl eugenol and/or cuelure). Experiments were conducted in large outdoor carousel olfactometers with known numbers of Bactrocera dorsalis and Zeugodacus cucurbitae and by trapping wild populations of the same two species. Lures were aged out to eight weeks to develop a comprehensive dataset on trap efficiency of the various combinations. Results indicate that the current liquid lure/naled combinations on cotton wicks used in California for surveillance of these flies can be effectively replaced by plastic polymer plugs for the lure and pre-packaged DDVP strips with no loss of trap efficiency for eight weeks of use or longer. The ‘high tack’ adhesive showed no advantage over the current standard against these flies, and both have low efficiency when used without an insecticide in the trap. Combination lure + DDVP varied when compared to the current standard liquid lure + naled: Olfactometer assays showed similar efficiency between them for B. dorsalis, but higher efficiency for the wafer against Z. cucurbitae. Field result showed similar or slightly higher performance of the wafer compared with the standard for B. dorsalis, but a much lower catch of Z. cucurbitae.  相似文献   
The attraction of wild tephritids to semiochemical‐based lures is the ideal basis for trap network design in detection programmes, but in practice, mass‐reared colony insects are usually used to determine trap efficiency. For Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, a lower response by wild males compared with colony‐derived individuals, usually used to estimate attraction parameters, could mean that the sensitivity of detection networks targeting this pest is reduced. We describe the results of mark–release–recapture experiments with wild‐ and colony‐derived B. cucurbitae males in a grid of cuelure‐baited traps within a macadamia nut orchard in Hawaii Island designed to quantify the attraction of cuelure to each fly type. For colony males, we estimate a 65% probability of capture at 27 m, intermediate with previous estimates on the attraction of methyl eugenol to Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (36 m) and trimedlure to Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (14 m) at the same site. Results suggest similar response over distance by wild‐derived B. cucurbitae compared with colony in the field, but there may be qualitative differences in response between wild and colony based on very low response of wild males in a standard bioassay of attraction. For both fly types, the estimates of attraction in the smaller of two grid sizes tested were lower than for the larger spacing, suggesting trap competition was a factor at an intertrap distance of 75 m. Dispersal patterns within the grid were generally to the south for the colony‐derived males and more variable for the wild‐derived males. In neither case was the direction of recapture correlated with the prevailing direction of the wind.  相似文献   
To obtain a set of microsatellite markers for the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni , a genomic library was screened with a number of simple repeat oligonucleotide probes. Sequencing recovered 22 repeat loci. The microsatellite sequences were short, with repeat numbers ranging from five to 11. Of these, 16 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer sets yielded amplifiable products, which were tested on 53 flies from five widely separated sites. All loci showed polymorphism in the population sample, with the number of alleles ranging from two to 16. Several dinucleotide repeats showed alleles separated by single-base differences and multiple steps, suggesting a mutation process more complex than the stepwise mutation model.  相似文献   
Summary We develop a simple model explaining clutch size behaviour ofOrellia ruficauda on its principle host in North America,Cirsium arvense. Offspring of flies feed solely on thistle seeds and seed production is pollen-limited. Thus, female flies risk reduced offspring fitness when committing large clutches to hosts (female flower heads) occurring in localities where male plants are locally absent. We therefore predict that attacked hosts will contain fewer eggs in such localities, a prediction that is consistent with data obtained in the field: large clutches are never laid in flower heads in low-pollination localities. However, larvae reared from such low-quality hosts are significantly smaller on average and will therefore carry smaller egg loads as adults. Small clutches in poor-quality hosts may thus be an expression of lower per-adult fecundity. Nevertheless, sufficient numbers of large, fecund flies are produced in low-pollination localities to make this last explanation less convincing.  相似文献   
Abstract.— Two sibling species of tephritid fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis , occur sympatrically throughout the range of B. neohumeralis in Australia. Isolation between the two species appears to be maintained by a difference in mating time: B. tryoni mates at dusk, whereas B. neohumeralis mates during the middle of the day. A morphological difference in humeral callus color also distinguishes the two species. Despite clear phenotypic evidence that B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis are distinct species, genetic differentiation as measured by four markers–nuclear DNA sequences from the white gene and the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2), and mitochondrial DNA sequences from the cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) genes–is very small. Minor fixed differences occur in the ITS2 sequence, however, in all other cases the two species exhibit a high level of shared polymorphic variation. The close genetic similarity suggests either that speciation has occurred very rapidly and recently in the absence of any mitochondrial DNA sorting or that the sharing of polymorphisms is due to hybridization or introgression. A third species within the tryoni complex, B. aquilonis , is geographically isolated. Bactrocera aquilonis is also genetically very similar, but in this case there is clear differentiation for the mitochondrial loci. The three species form a group of considerable interest for investigation of speciation mechanisms.  相似文献   
1. Female insects lay eggs on low‐quality plants, resulting in progeny with no or low reproductive potential; this is referred to as ‘suboptimal oviposition’ in this study. 2. Here, it is reported that suboptimal oviposition of a tephritid fly species (Tephritis femoralis) supports the populations of parasitoid wasp species in a Tibetan alpine meadow. 3. Suboptimal oviposition was confirmed because the adult flies emerging from Asteraceae species Anaphalis flavescens flowerheads did not survive cold winters. 4. DNA barcoding of puparia indicated that tephritid larvae developing from suboptimal oviposition hosted populations of at least five parasitoid wasp species. Consequently, suboptimal oviposition has significant effects on parasitoid population dynamics and species diversity.  相似文献   
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