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Dominant males of nonseasonally breeding species should have more opportunity than seasonal breeders to monopolize access to estrous females and thus enhance their reproductive success. They may also use other strategies for maximizing reproductive success such as producing offspring by relatively high ranking females. To test these hypotheses, the paternity of 35 (80%) of 44 Macaca fascicularis offspring, born over a 28-month period, was established using electrophoretically and serologically defined genetic markers. The social ranks of each of the seven potential fathers and 26 potential mothers were determined by recording outcomes of dyadio agonistic interactions. No evidence could be found to support either hypothesis. Further, in view of previously reported significant, positive correlations between male social rank and sexual activity rates in this study group, sexual activity rates do not appear to predict the number of offspring a male sires in this species.  相似文献   
A new species, Galearis huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Galearis cyclochila (Franch. & Sav.) Soó and Galearis diantha (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt, but differs in having a short spur, two elliptical lateral stigma lobes and distinctly separated bursicles. This new species is known only from the type locality, the Huanglong Valley, Songpan County, western Sichuan, China, growing amongst mosses under alpine shrubs at an elevation of about 3000 m. Based on two years of observations of its population size, the species was categorized as critically endangered CR (B1a, B2a) according to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List Categories and Criteria, Version 3.1. The micromorphology of pollinia and seeds was observed by scanning electron microscopy and compared with that of G. cyclochila and G. diantha. The results supported G. huanglongensis Q.W.Meng & Y.B.Luo as a new species. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 689–695.  相似文献   
The study tested the proposition that relationship involvement influences the implicit responses of women to high- and low-status professions. It was hypothesized that when a high-involvement context was primed, women would have more positive implicit associations with high-status occupations than when a low-involvement context was primed. In contrast, when a high-involvement context was primed, women would have more negative associations with low-status occupations than when a low-involvement context was primed. To test the hypothesis, 123 female participants received a high or low relationship involvement prime. Then the participants completed a single category implicit associations test designed to measure the participants' associations with either high- or low-status occupations. As predicted, the relationship involvement prime influenced the positivity of associations made with high- and low-status occupations. The study pointed to the possibility that persons possess evolutionary-based implicit associations.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrate communities have been widely used as a tool for assessing the environmental quality of freshwater ecosystems, whereas zooplankton communities have been to some extent neglected. However, the importance of using different indicators to achieve a more comprehensive framework of assessment regarding water quality has been recognized. This study compared estimates of species richness (number of species) and the Shannon–Wiener index for data on macroinvertebrate and zooplankton communities in tropical reservoirs and related them to their trophic state. The trop+hic classification was obtained by applying the Carlson index (1977) modified by Toledo et al. (1983), and the index of the Brazilian Society of the Environmental Technology Agency. The comparative response of the different indicators was analyzed using a series of bivariate correlations (Draftsman’s plot). The results illustrate that diversity measures, namely species richness, responded differently when related to the trophic classification of reservoirs, depending on the community considered. The species richness of zooplankton was positively related to hypereutrophic conditions, due to the higher number of rotifer species, including tolerant generalist species and at the same time, as a result of the exclusion of species from other groups, whereas for macroinvertebrates, species richness was negatively related to hypereutrophic conditions. Melanoides tuberculatus, which exhibits a high tolerance and competitive ability under such conditions, was the dominant species in macroinvertebrate communities, which excluded endemic species and reduced local richness and diversity. The same indicators applied to the zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities might therefore provide contradictory responses regarding ecological quality assessment in tropical reservoirs, which suggest that zooplankton should be taken into account among the biological quality elements considered in the ecological quality assessment, management, and restoration of water bodies.  相似文献   
There are four main ideas in relapse prevention. First, relapse is a gradual process with distinct stages. The goal of treatment is to help individuals recognize the early stages, in which the chances of success are greatest. Second, recovery is a process of personal growth with developmental milestones. Each stage of recovery has its own risks of relapse. Third, the main tools of relapse prevention are cognitive therapy and mind-body relaxation, which are used to develop healthy coping skills. Fourth, most relapses can be explained in terms of a few basic rules. Educating clients in these rules can help them focus on what is important: 1) change your life (recovery involves creating a new life where it is easier to not use); 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don’t bend the rules.  相似文献   
Summary. Blood samples from a female sheep-goat hybrid and its back-cross male offspring were tested for electrophoretic variants of plasma albumin, transferrin and esterase, and of red cell carbonic anhydrase, nucleoside phosphorylase, NADH-diaphorase, 'X'-protein, superoxide dismutase, malic enzyme and haemoglobin. Red cells were also tested for blood group antigens. Both animals showed variants that could not be attributed to either sheep or goat alone, thus confirming previous chromosomal data that the female was a genuine sheep-goat hybrid.  相似文献   
Due to the intensive mixing polymictic lakes should be homogenous. However, morphometric diversity and high water dynamics contribute to the differentiation of many parameters in various areas of the lakes. This study analyzes both phytoplankton and zooplankton to assess differences in water quality along the north–south axis of the longest lake in Poland. New phytoplankton indicators were applied for determining the lake's ecological status: the Q index based on functional groups and the PMPL (Phytoplankton Metric for Polish Lakes) index based on phytoplankton biomass. TSIROT index (Rotifer Trophic State Index), which comprises the percentage of species indicating a high trophic state in the indicatory group and the percentage of bacteriovorus in the Rotifera population, was used for zooplankton analysis.TP content was different at different sites – we observed its gradual increase from the south to the north. Spatial variation of phosphorus did not considerably affect plankton diversity. The phytoplankton was dominated by Oscillatoriales, typical of shallow, well-mixed eutrophic lakes. The ecological status of the lake based on the EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) was poor or moderate. The zooplankton was dominated by rotifers (at almost all sites), which indicates a eutrophic state of the lake. The values of phytoplankton indices at the studied sites did not differ considerably; the differences resulted more from local conditions such as the contaminant inflow and the macrophyte development than water dynamics.We have demonstrated that in the lake dominated by filamentous Cyanobacteria the ecological status should be determined according to the PMPL index or other indices dependent on the dominant Cyanobacteria species. Since the Q index does not include the functional group S1, the results can lead to the false conclusion that water quality improves with an increased amount of phytoplankton. The high abundance of Cyanobacteria in the lake may have contributed to the poor growth of rotifers.  相似文献   
Structural variants of mercury reductase containing the N-terminal domain, which is easily cleaved by trypsin, have been found in Gram-positive bacteria with a low genomic G + C content (Bacillus, Staphylococcus and, possibly, some other genera). Mercury reductases without the N-terminal domain and relatively resistant to limited proteolysis are typical for Gram-positive bacteria with a high genomic G + C content (Arthrobacter, Citreobacterium, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium, Rhodococcus). Both types of mercury reductase genes may be located on plasmids.  相似文献   
The CDKN1C gene encodes a cyclin‐dependent kinase inhibitor and is one of the key genes involved in the development of Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome and cancer. In this study, using a direct sequencing approach based on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at genomic DNA and cDNA levels, we show that CDKN1C exhibits monoallelic expression in all seven studied organs (heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, muscle and subcutaneous fat) in cattle. To investigate how methylation regulates imprinting of CDKN1C in cattle, allele‐specific methylation patterns in two putative differential methylation regions (DMRs), the CDKN1C DMR and KvDMR1, were analyzed in three tissues (liver, spleen and lung) using bisulfite sequencing PCR. Our results show that in the CDKN1C DMR both parental alleles were unmethylated in all three analyzed tissues. In contrast, KvDMR1 was differentially methylated between the two parental alleles in the same tissues. Statistical analysis showed that there is a significant difference in the methylation level between the two parental alleles (< 0.01), confirming that this region is the DMR of KvDMR1 and that it may be correlated with CDKN1C imprinting.  相似文献   
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