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Traditionally, single-copy orthologs have been the gold standard in phylogenomics. Most phylogenomic studies identify putative single-copy orthologs using clustering approaches and retain families with a single sequence per species. This limits the amount of data available by excluding larger families. Recent advances have suggested several ways to include data from larger families. For instance, tree-based decomposition methods facilitate the extraction of orthologs from large families. Additionally, several methods for species tree inference are robust to the inclusion of paralogs and could use all of the data from larger families. Here, we explore the effects of using all families for phylogenetic inference by examining relationships among 26 primate species in detail and by analyzing five additional data sets. We compare single-copy families, orthologs extracted using tree-based decomposition approaches, and all families with all data. We explore several species tree inference methods, finding that identical trees are returned across nearly all subsets of the data and methods for primates. The relationships among Platyrrhini remain contentious; however, the species tree inference method matters more than the subset of data used. Using data from larger gene families drastically increases the number of genes available and leads to consistent estimates of branch lengths, nodal certainty and concordance, and inferences of introgression in primates. For the other data sets, topological inferences are consistent whether single-copy families or orthologs extracted using decomposition approaches are analyzed. Using larger gene families is a promising approach to include more data in phylogenomics without sacrificing accuracy, at least when high-quality genomes are available.  相似文献   
The ratio of singletons to the total number of segregating sites is used to estimate a reproduction parameter in a population model of large offspring numbers without having to jointly estimate the mutation rate. For neutral genetic variation, the ratio of singletons to the total number of segregating sites is equivalent to the ratio of total length of external branches to the total length of the gene genealogy. A multinomial maximum likelihood method that takes into account more frequency classes than just the singletons is developed to estimate the parameter of another large offspring number model. The performance of these methods with regard to sample size, mutation rate, and bias, is investigated by simulation. The expected value of the ratio of the total length of external branches to the total length of the whole tree is, using simulation, shown to decrease for the Kingman coalescent as sample size increases, but can increase or decrease, depending on parameter values, for Λ coalescents. Considering ratios of tree statistics, as opposed to considering lengths of various subtrees separately, can yield better insight into the dynamics of gene genealogies.  相似文献   
In the upwelling zone of the northeastern Pacific, cold nutrient-rich conditions alternate with warm nutrient-poor intervals on timescales ranging from months to millennia. In this setting, the abundances of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) and northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) fluctuate by several orders of magnitude, with sardine dominating during warm conditions and anchovy dominating during cool conditions. Two population models can explain the response of these fishes to adverse conditions. Under the basin model, species distributions contract to a central (optimal) range during population crashes. Expectations of this model may include a single range-wide population with a decline in genetic diversity on both sides of a central refuge. In contrast, the self-recruitment model invokes a series of local oceanographic domains that maintain semi-isolated subpopulations. During adverse conditions, some subpopulations cannot complete the life cycle within the local environment and are extirpated. Expectations of this model include some degree of population genetic structure and no clear gradient in genetic diversity. We examined mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences to assess these competing models for anchovy (N = 196; 539 bp) and sardine (N = 107; 425 bp). The mitochondrial DNA gene genealogies are shallow but diverse for both species. Haplotype frequencies are homogeneous among subpopulations, but genetic diversities peak for both species along Baja California and adjacent southern California. Mismatch distributions and Tajima's D-values reveal distinctive signatures of population bottlenecks and expansions. Sardine haplotypes coalesce at approximately 241,000 years bp, with an initial female effective population size Nf0 = 0 followed by exponential growth to Nf1 = 115 million. Anchovy haplotypes coalesce at approximately 282,000 years bp, with an initial population size of Nf0 = 14,000, followed by exponential growth to Nf1 = 2.3 million. These results indicate a founder event for sardine and a severe population decline for anchovy in the California Current during the late Pleistocene. Overall, these data support the basin model on decadal timescales, although local recruitment may dominate on shorter timescales.  相似文献   
Defining population structure and genetic diversity levels is of the utmost importance for developing efficient conservation strategies. Overfishing has caused mean annual catches of the European spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) to decrease alarmingly along its distribution area. In this context, there is a need for comprehensive studies aiming to evaluate the genetic health of the exploited populations. The present study is based on a set of ten nuclear markers amplified in 331 individuals from ten different localities covering most of P. elephas distribution area. Samples from Atlantic and Mediterranean basins showed small but significant differences, indicating that P. elephas populations do not behave as a single panmictic unit but form two partially‐overlapping groups. Despite intense overfishing, our dataset did not recover a recent bottleneck signal, and instead showed a large and stable historical effective size. This result could be accounted for by specific life‐history traits (reproduction and longevity) and the limitations of molecular markers in covering recent timescales for nontemporal samples. The findings of the present study emphasize the need to integrate information on effective population sizes and life‐history parameters when evaluating population connectivity levels from genetic data. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 407–418.  相似文献   
A large offspring-number diploid biparental multilocus population model of Moran type is our object of study. At each time step, a pair of diploid individuals drawn uniformly at random contributes offspring to the population. The number of offspring can be large relative to the total population size. Similar “heavily skewed” reproduction mechanisms have been recently considered by various authors (cf. e.g., Eldon and Wakeley 2006, 2008) and reviewed by Hedgecock and Pudovkin (2011). Each diploid parental individual contributes exactly one chromosome to each diploid offspring, and hence ancestral lineages can coalesce only when in distinct individuals. A separation-of-timescales phenomenon is thus observed. A result of Möhle (1998) is extended to obtain convergence of the ancestral process to an ancestral recombination graph necessarily admitting simultaneous multiple mergers of ancestral lineages. The usual ancestral recombination graph is obtained as a special case of our model when the parents contribute only one offspring to the population each time. Due to diploidy and large offspring numbers, novel effects appear. For example, the marginal genealogy at each locus admits simultaneous multiple mergers in up to four groups, and different loci remain substantially correlated even as the recombination rate grows large. Thus, genealogies for loci far apart on the same chromosome remain correlated. Correlation in coalescence times for two loci is derived and shown to be a function of the coalescence parameters of our model. Extending the observations by Eldon and Wakeley (2008), predictions of linkage disequilibrium are shown to be functions of the reproduction parameters of our model, in addition to the recombination rate. Correlations in ratios of coalescence times between loci can be high, even when the recombination rate is high and sample size is large, in large offspring-number populations, as suggested by simulations, hinting at how to distinguish between different population models.  相似文献   
We introduce a new method to measure the lateral diffusivity of a surfactant monolayer at the fluid-fluid interface, called fluorescence recovery after merging (FRAM). FRAM adopts the same principles as the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) technique, especially for measuring fluorescence recovery after bleaching a specific area, but FRAM uses a drop coalescence instead of photobleaching dye molecules to induce a chemical potential gradient of dye molecules. Our technique has several advantages over FRAP: it only requires a fluorescence microscope rather than a confocal microscope equipped with high power lasers; it is essentially free from the selection of fluorescence dyes; and it has far more freedom to define the measured diffusion area. Furthermore, FRAM potentially provides a route for studying the mixing or inter-diffusion of two different surfactants, when the monolayers at a surface of droplet and at a flat air/water interface are prepared with different species, independently.  相似文献   
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a powerful tool for model‐based inference of demographic histories from large genetic data sets. For most organisms, its implementation has been hampered by the lack of sufficient genetic data. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) provides cheap genome‐scale data to fill this gap, but its potential has not fully been exploited. Here, we explored power, precision and biases of a coalescent‐based ABC approach where GBS data were modelled with either a population mutation parameter (θ) or a fixed site (FS) approach, allowing single or several segregating sites per locus. With simulated data ranging from 500 to 50 000 loci, a variety of demographic models could be reliably inferred across a range of timescales and migration scenarios. Posterior estimates were informative with 1000 loci for migration and split time in simple population divergence models. In more complex models, posterior distributions were wide and almost reverted to the uninformative prior even with 50 000 loci. ABC parameter estimates, however, were generally more accurate than an alternative composite‐likelihood method. Bottleneck scenarios proved particularly difficult, and only recent bottlenecks without recovery could be reliably detected and dated. Notably, minor‐allele‐frequency filters – usual practice for GBS data – negatively affected nearly all estimates. With this in mind, we used a combination of FS and θ approaches on empirical GBS data generated from the Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus), collectively providing support for a population split before the last glacial maximum followed by asymmetrical migration and a high Arctic bottleneck. Overall, this study evaluates the potential and limitations of GBS data in an ABC‐coalescence framework and proposes a best‐practice approach.  相似文献   
The concomitant production of formic acid and pterin compounds from guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP) has been found in cell-free extracts of Serratia indica. Among the pterin compounds, l-threo-neopterin–the major Crithidia factor in S. indica–, a cyclic phosphate of neopterin (cNP), d-erythro-neopterin and 6-hydroxymethyl pterin were detected and isolated. Formate-14C elimination from GTP-8-14C was quantitatively distributed in the ethyl acetate layer in the ehyl acetate-hydrochloric acid partition system. Carbon 8 of GTP was released as formic acid. Enzymatic production of formate and cNP was linear for 2 hr at 37°C. Formate production was proportional to the enzyme concentration. The optimum pH for formate elimination was observed around pH 8.6. Optimum temperature for the production of formate and cNP was 50°C. The apparent Km value of GTP for formate production was 6.2×10?bm. Formate eliminating activity was activated by disodium phosphate but was inhibited by Mg2+ or AMP. Incorporation of GTP-U-14C into pterin compounds was also regulated with disodium phosphate. Effective incorporation into cNP and d-erythro-neopterin occurred in the presence of phosphate. When phosphate was omitted from the system, however, effective incorporation into 6-hydroxymethyl pterin was observed. The biosynthetic process of the Crithidia factors, i.e. l-threo-neopterin and cNP, from GTP in S. indica is also discussed.  相似文献   
In the newly emerging field of statistical phylogeography, consideration of the stochastic nature of genetic processes and explicit reference to theoretical expectations under various models has dramatically transformed how historical processes are studied. Rather than being restricted to ad hoc explanations for observed patterns of genetic variation, assessments about the underlying evolutionary processes are now based on statistical tests of various hypotheses, as well as estimates of the parameters specified by the models. A wide range of demographical and biogeographical processes can be accommodated by these new analytical approaches, providing biologically more realistic models. Because of these advances, statistical phylogeography can provide unprecedented insights about a species' history, including decisive information about the factors that shape patterns of genetic variation, species distributions, and speciation. However, to improve our understanding of such processes, a critical examination and appreciation of the inherent difficulties of historical inference and challenges specific to testing phylogeographical hypotheses are essential. As the field of statistical phylogeography continues to take shape many difficulties have been resolved. Nonetheless, careful attention to the complexities of testing historical hypotheses and further theoretical developments are essential to improving the accuracy of our conclusions about a species' history.  相似文献   
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