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激光光漂恢复技术测定了异硫氰基荧光素标记的林蛀卵表面分子在第一次卵裂前的运动。发现固着在玻片上的剥离“细胞膜”的分子运动形式为扩散。扩散系数为(4.6±1.3)×10~(-12)cm~2/s,可动部份为15%。完整卵子上的分子运动形式为流动。细胞膜在不停地流动着。它可能起着协助细胞质运动的作用。细胞膜流动的速度随时间而异,卵裂前不久,在大多数的卵子上,出现两个流动较慢的谷,少数细胞只测到一个谷。这可能与光漂起始时间,光斑与未来分裂沟的距离,和卵子间的差异有关。也讨论了这种速度变化与表面收缩波的关系。  相似文献   
The effects of delayed mating on mouse preimplantation embryos (78 ± 1 hours) were studied by setting up different mating periods in relation to the estimated time of spontaneous ovulation. Copulation occurred even in the late morning and early afternoon after the night of spontaneous ovulation. However, females mated in the early afternoon had no viable embryos at the time of laparotomy. Although embryonic development was not affected in the groups mated 6 or 10 hours after estimated ovulation, the percentage of degenerated embryos was increased in these groups. These results suggest that prolonged intervals between the estimated time of ovulation and mating have some deleterious effects on preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   
There are four main ideas in relapse prevention. First, relapse is a gradual process with distinct stages. The goal of treatment is to help individuals recognize the early stages, in which the chances of success are greatest. Second, recovery is a process of personal growth with developmental milestones. Each stage of recovery has its own risks of relapse. Third, the main tools of relapse prevention are cognitive therapy and mind-body relaxation, which are used to develop healthy coping skills. Fourth, most relapses can be explained in terms of a few basic rules. Educating clients in these rules can help them focus on what is important: 1) change your life (recovery involves creating a new life where it is easier to not use); 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don’t bend the rules.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic genomes are duplicated by a complex machinery, utilizing high fidelity replicative B-family DNA polymerases (pols) α, δ and ε. Specialized error-prone pol ζ, the fourth B-family member, is recruited when DNA synthesis by the accurate trio is impeded by replication stress or DNA damage. The damage tolerance mechanism dependent on pol ζ prevents DNA/genome instability and cell death at the expense of increased mutation rates. The pol switches occurring during this specialized replication are not fully understood. The loss of pol ζ results in the absence of induced mutagenesis and suppression of spontaneous mutagenesis. Disruption of the Fe-S cluster motif that abolish the interaction of the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the catalytic subunit of pol ζ with its accessory subunits, which are shared with pol δ, leads to a similar defect in induced mutagenesis. Intriguingly, the pol3-13 mutation that affects the Fe-S cluster in the CTD of the catalytic subunit of pol δ also leads to defective induced mutagenesis, suggesting the possibility that Fe-S clusters are essential for the pol switches during replication of damaged DNA. We confirmed that yeast strains with the pol3-13 mutation are UV-sensitive and defective in UV-induced mutagenesis. However, they have increased spontaneous mutation rates. We found that this increase is dependent on functional pol ζ. In the pol3-13 mutant strain with defective pol δ, there is a sharp increase in transversions and complex mutations, which require functional pol ζ, and an increase in the occurrence of large deletions, whose size is controlled by pol ζ. Therefore, the pol3-13 mutation abrogates pol ζ-dependent induced mutagenesis, but allows for pol ζ recruitment for the generation of spontaneous mutations and prevention of larger deletions. These results reveal differential control of the two major types of pol ζ-dependent mutagenesis by the Fe-S cluster present in replicative pol δ.  相似文献   
Survival was estimated for shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus in the north-west Atlantic from tag-recapture data. The data used in this study were collected by the National Marine Fisheries Service Cooperative Shark Tagging Programme from 1962 to 2003. In total, 6309 shortfin mako sharks were tagged, of which 730 were recaptured. The high recapture rate of 11·6% for this species provided adequate recapture data to carry out survival analyses. Estimates of survival were generated with the computer software MARK, which provided a means for estimating parameters from tagged animals when they were recaptured. The results of several models are presented with various combinations of constant and time-specific survival and recovery rates. A parametric bootstrap and the median variance inflation factor ( ) approach were used to test the fit of the general model to the data. The estimated indicated a very good model fit. The models with time invariant survival rate had the most support from the data and no group or time period effects were found. Recovery rate ( f ) appeared to increase from 0·043 in the early years to 0·056 in the later years. The nominal survival rate of 0·59 year−1 was adjusted with an estimated tag-shedding rate of 0·26 year−1 to generate a final corrected annual survival estimate of 0·79 with a 95% CI of 0·71–0·87.  相似文献   
Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching was used to investigate the translational diffusion of a fluorescent derivative of a membrane-spanning lipid in L phase multibilayers of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine prepared in water and in glycerol. The translational diffusion coefficient in hydrated bilayers (D w) ranged between 2 and 5x10–8 cm2/s and in glycerinated bilayers (D g) the range was between 3 and 24×10–10 cm2/s between 10° and 40°C. These results are discussed in terms of models for diffusion in membranes.  相似文献   
The fate of15N labeled nitrogen applied to mature citrus trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The efficiency and balance of nitrogen from one year's application was studied in a long-term fertigation experiment. Enriched nitrogen fertilizer, K15NO3, was applied to a 22-year-old Shamouti orange tree with a history of high N applications (N3) and to an N-starved tree (N1). The distribution of N in the different parts of the trees and in the soil was determined after the experimental trees were excavated. Similar total recovery of the labeled fertilizer N was found in the trees and soil in both treatments (N1−61.7% N3−56%). However, the distribution between tree and soil was different. The amount of recovered residual fertilizer in the soil was much larger in the N3 treatment than in N1. The highest percentage of fertilizer N was found in the new organs,i.e. fruits, twigs and leaves. The roots and branches took up only 6–14% from the labeled fertilizer. Only 20.9% of the leaf N and 23.4% of the fruit N in the N3 tree originated in the labeled fertilizer, indicating translocation of N from older parts of the tree to new growth. Evidence was found of storage of N in the wooded branches, while the roots contained a surprisingly small part of labeled fertilizer. Contribution 1599E.  相似文献   
The currrent California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) recovery plan entails increasing the reproductive rate via replacement-clutch manipulation of eggs. During the period from 1983 to 1985, 15 eggs were removed from wild nesting pairs for artificial incubation. The eggs were incubated at a dry bulb temperature of 36.4°C in modified forced-air Lyon Electric incubators. The incubation humidity was adjusted for individual eggs based on weight loss data (water = weight), 25.6–30.0°C wet bulb (41.0–63.0% Relative Humidity (RH)). The chicks were hatched initially under forced-air conditions of 36.1°C dry bulb, 31.1–01.7°C wet bulb (70.0–73.0% RH). In 1984, hatching parameters were changed to still-air conditions, 36.1°C dry bulb (top of the egg), 35.0°C dry bulb (bottom of the egg), 31.1–31.7°C wet bulb (70.0-73.0% RH). Tactile and auditory stimulation was utilized during the pip-to-hatch interval. From among 15 eggs collected, 13 hatched, and 12 condor chicks were raised successfully (hatchability: 86.7%; survivability: 92.3%).  相似文献   
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