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Human skin fibroblasts were cultured under conditions optimized for collagen synthesis, and the effects of ascorbic acid on procollagen production, proline hydroxylation and the activity of prolyl hydroxylase were examined in cultures. The results indicated that addition of ascorbic acid to confluent monolayer cultures of adult human skin fibroblasts markedly increased tha amount of [3H]hydroxyproline syntehsized. Ascorbic acid, however, did not increase the synthesis of 3H-labeled collagenous polypeptides assayed independently of hydroxylation of proline residues, nor did it affect the amount of prolyl hydroxylase detectable by an in vitro enzyme assay. Also long-term cultures of the cells or initiation of fibroblast cultures in the presence of ascorbic acid did not lead to an apparent selection of a cell population which might be abnormally responsive to ascorbic acid. Thus, ascorbic acid appears to have one primary action on the synthesis of procollagen by cultured human skin fibroblasts: it is necessary for synthesis of hydroxyproline, and consequently for proper triple helix formation and selection of procollagen.  相似文献   
Immediate fragmentation of parental DNA by near-ultraviolet irradiation at 313 nm was measured in cultured skin fibroblasts from normal individuals, patients with Xeroderma pigmentosum of complementation group A (XPA) and Xeroderma pigmentosum variants (XPV) by the alkaline elution procedure. For a dose of 2.25 KJm?2 given at Oo fragmentation was comparable in all cell strains. However, fragmentation was strongly increased relative to Oo in XPV but not in normal fibroblasts and the XPA strains when irradiation was carried out at 37o. From our results it appears that a step in the repair of parental DNA is abnormal in XPV.  相似文献   
We describe a new tracer method to measure unidirectional fluxes of Li+, despite the lack of any utilizable radioisotope of lithium. This method uses the purified stable isotopes, 6Li and 7Li, detected with an ion-probe microanalyser. The accuracy is comparable to that obtained for other ions (e.g., Na+) with radiotracers.The method has been applied to frog skin with both faces bathed in a 20% lithium/80% sodium medium. Sodium and lithium unidirectional fluxes have been measured simultaneously. The results are consistent with lithium being actively pumped, the outflux of lithium being, however, much larger than that of sodium.  相似文献   
The nocturnally active weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii is known to employ active electrolocation for the detection of objects and for orientation in its environment. The fish emits pulse‐type electric signals with an electric organ and perceives these signals with more than 3,000 epidermal electroreceptor organs, the mormyromasts, which are distributed over the animal's skin surface. In this study, we measured the metric dimensions of the mormyromasts from different body regions to find structural and functional specialization of the various body parts. We focused on the two foveal regions of G. petersii, which are located at the elongated and movable chin (the Schnauzenorgan; SO) and at the nasal region (NR), the skin region between the mouth and the nares. These two foveal regions were compared to the dorsal part (back) of the fish, which contains typical nonfoveal mormyromasts. While the gross anatomy of the mormyromasts from all skin regions is similar, the metric dimensions of the main substructures differed. The mormyromasts at the SO are the smallest and contain the smallest receptor cells. In addition, the number of receptor cells per organ is lowest at the SO. In contrast, at the back the biggest receptor organs with the highest amount of receptor cells per organ occur. The mormyromasts at the NR are in several respects intermediate between those from the back and the SO. However, mormyromasts at the NR are longer than those at all other skin regions, the canal leading from the receptor pore to the inner chambers were the longest and the overlaying epidermal layers are the thickest. These results show that mormyromasts and the epidermis they are embedded in at both foveal regions differ specifically from those found on the rest of the body. The morphological specializations lead to functional specialization of the two foveae. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Inhibition by ouabain of rheogenic Na+ transport across the basolateral membranes of frog skin is found to be manifest within 3–4 min. This rate of pump inhibition is not different from the rate of diffusion through extracellular tissue layers between the serosal bath and the actual site of action, i.e., the epithelial cell layers. It is concluded that the well-known slow time course of decrease in transepithelial current flow is due ionic redistribution and conductance changes of the epithelial membranes secondary to pump inhibition.  相似文献   
The frog skin host-defense peptide tigerinin-1R (RVCSAIPLPICH.NH2) is insulinotropic both in vitro and in vivo. This study investigates the effects on insulin release and cytotoxicity of changes in cationicity and hydrophobicity produced by selected substitutions of amino acids by l-arginine, l-lysine and l-tryptophan. The [A5W], [L8W] and [I10W] analogs produced a significant (P < 0.01) increase in the rate of insulin release from BRIN-BD11 rat clonal β cells at concentration of 0.01 nM compared with 0.1 nM for tigerinin-1R. The increase in the rate of insulin release produced by a 3 μM concentration of the [S4R], [H12K], and [I10W] analogs from both BRIN-BD11 cells and mouse islets was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than that produced by tigerinin-1R. No peptide stimulated the release of lactate dehydrogenase at concentrations up to 3 μM indicating that plasma membrane integrity had been preserved. [A5W] tigerinin-1R was the only analog tested that showed cytotoxic activity against human erythrocytes (LC50 = 265 ± 16 μM) and inhibited growth of Escherichia coli (MIC = 500 μM) and Staphylococcus aureus (MIC = 250 μM). The circular dichroism spectra of tigerinin-1R and [A5W] tigerinin-1R indicate that the peptides adopt a mixture of β-sheet, random coil and reverse β-turn conformations in 50% trifluoroethanol/water and methanol/water. Administration of [S4R] tigerinin-1R (75 nmol/kg body weight) to high-fat fed mice with insulin resistance significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced insulin release and improved glucose tolerance over a 60 min period following an intraperitoneal glucose load. The study supports the claim that tigerinin-1R shows potential for development into novel therapeutic agents for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
The linearity of the stress-strain relationship for food gel is limited to a very narrow range of the strain (usually less than 0.1 as a Cauchy measure). The reason is thought due to the change in cross-sectional area of the gel upon deformation. In this report, the cross-sectional area was approximately corrected of the compressed gel on the assumption that the gel expanded uniformly without changing its volume upon compression. In cases when the initial Young’s modulus was calculated from the thus-corrected area for some food gels, the linearity was increased for a wider range of strain.  相似文献   
This clinical study is a first attempt to use autofluorescence for recurrence diagnosis of skin cancer in postoperative scars. The proposed diagnostic parameter is based on a reduction in scar autofluorescence, evaluated in the green spectral channel. The validity of the method has been tested on 110 postoperative scars from 56 patients suspected of non‐melanoma skin cancer, with eight patients (13 scars) available for the repeated examination. The recurrence diagnosis within a scar has been made after two subsequent autofluorescence check‐ups, representing the temporal difference between the scar autofluorescence amplitudes as a vector. The recognition of recurrence has been discussed to represent the significant deviations from the value of vector angle θ. This new autofluorescence‐based method can be easily integrated into the postoperative monitoring of surgical scars and can help diagnose the recurrence of skin cancer from the early stage of scar development.  相似文献   
Pre- and postoperative intradermal administration of OK-432 enhanced the SU-PS skin reaction in patients with gastric cancer, but failed to prevent a fall in the NK activity induced by the operation.The change in NK activity was not associated with a change in the proportion of Leu 7-positive cells, but was related to Leu 11a-positive cells. Intradermal injection of OK-432 increased the proportion of Leu 7-positive cells in the patients in whom they accounted for less than 20% of lymphocyte population. The case was the same with Leu 11a-positive cells.Intravenous injection of OK-432 tended to increase suppressor-inducer T cells (CD4+2HA+ cells), B cells and Leu 7-positive cells. Particularly, the proportions of OK-M1-positive cells and MHC class II antigen-positive cells increased in all patients. Immunotherapy with OK-432 given intravenously at a dose of 0.1 KE appeared to be safe because no side effects were essentially observed.  相似文献   
We describe an organotypic model of human skin comprised of a stratified layer of human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts within a contracted collagen lattice. Feasible and reproducible production of the skin construct has required the use of traditional as well as specialized culture techniques. The configuration of the construct has been engineered to maintain polarity and permit extended culture at the air-liquid interface. Morphological, biochemical and kinetic parameters were assessed and functional assays were performed to determine the degree of similarity to human skin. Light and ultrastructural morphology of the epidermis closely resembled human skin. The immunocytochemical localization of a number of differentiation markers and extracellular matrix proteins was also similar to human skin. Kinetic data showed a transition of the epidermal layer to a morein vivo-like growth rate during the development of the construct at the air-liquid interface. The barrier properties of the construct also increased with time reaching a permeability to water of less than 2%·h after approximately 2 weeks at the air-liquid interface which is still on average 30-fold more water-permeable than normal human skin. The construct is currently used forin vitro research and testing and is also being tested in clinical applications.  相似文献   
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