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Sedimentation in fluvial and lacustrine environments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Rust  Brian R. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):59-70
Sedimentation in rivers is dominated by a complex set of physical processes, associated with the unidirectional flow of water. Variations in these processes give rise to different fluvial channel types, whose character can commonly be recognised in the ancient record. Chemical and biological processes are comparatively unimportant in fluvial sedimentation. In contrast, physical, chemical or biological processes can each dominate sedimentation in lakes. Physical (clastic) deposition dominates in high-latitude and mountain lakes (in which chemical and biological activity are low), and in lakes with high relief of the drainage basin and lake floor. Its variety reflects a range of processes influenced by river inflow, wave and current action, thermal and density effects. Economic benefits from the study of lake and river sedimentation include both resource and environmental aspects. An example is given of a mercury pollution study in a fluvial ecosystem. It shows that return to background levels can take place within a relatively short interval after cessation of pollutant input.  相似文献   
Aspergillus flavus is a common saprophytic and pathogenic fungus, and its secondary metabolic pathways are one of the most highly characterized owing to its aflatoxin (AF) metabolite affecting global economic crops and human health. Different natural environments can cause significant variations in AF synthesis. Succinylation was recently identified as one of the most critical regulatory post-translational modifications affecting metabolic pathways. It is primarily reported in human cells and bacteria with few studies on fungi. Proteomic quantification of lysine succinylation (Ksuc) exploring its potential involvement in secondary metabolism regulation (including AF production) has not been performed under natural conditions in A. flavus. In this study, a quantification method was performed based on tandem mass tag labeling and antibody-based affinity enrichment of succinylated peptides via high accuracy nano-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry to explore the succinylation mechanism affecting the pathogenicity of naturally isolated A. flavus strains with varying toxin production. Altogether, 1240 Ksuc sites in 768 proteins were identified with 1103 sites in 685 proteins quantified. Comparing succinylated protein levels between high and low AF-producing A. flavus strains, bioinformatics analysis indicated that most succinylated proteins located in the AF biosynthetic pathway were downregulated, which directly affected AF synthesis. Versicolorin B synthase is a key catalytic enzyme for heterochrome B synthesis during AF synthesis. Site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical studies revealed that versicolorin B synthase succinylation is an important regulatory mechanism affecting sclerotia development and AF biosynthesis in A. flavus. In summary, our quantitative study of the lysine succinylome in high/low AF-producing strains revealed the role of Ksuc in regulating AF biosynthesis. We revealed novel insights into the metabolism of AF biosynthesis using naturally isolated A. flavus strains and identified a rich source of metabolism-related enzymes regulated by succinylation.  相似文献   
Among diplopods with desert populations, only three species of Spirostreptida have been studied in an ecological context. The present review compares regional environments, life-history patterns, and uses of habitat by Orlhoporus ornatus (Girard) from southwestern North America, Archispirostreptus tumuliporus judaicus (Attems) from the eastern Mediterranean seaboard, and Harpagophora nigra (Attems) from southwestern Africa. Published and unpublished studies are used to explore evidence for convergence among these species, as opposed to traits adapting them to physical aspects of given regions or habitats. Unlike A. t. judaicus, O. ornatus and H. nigra are relatively restricted to arid habitats, although populations of all three species experience a variety of rainfall regimes and regional topographies. Where studied, O. ornatus and H. nigra hibernate during the long, often cool or cold dry season; they forage following warm-season rains. A. t. judaicus , in contrast, forages during its long, warm dry season and hibernates in the cool, wet winter. Populations from the Judaean and Negev deserts differ from those inhabiting a mesic habitat (Megiddo) closer to the coast in regard to rates of development, seasonal activity and seasonal water balance. Convergence in the form of well-developed desiccation resistance characterizes the two strictly desert species. All three species, together with other subtropical millipedes exposed to long dry seasons, are convergent with respect to patterns of diel surface activity and use of shelter. However species- and habitat-specific life-history features such as the seasonal timing of dormancy and emergence tend to mask convergence at the habitat level. Hence, the independent evolution of the three species with desert populations has resulted in life histories and habitat use that combine a moderate amount of convergence with considerable opportunistic adaptation to regional and local conditions.  相似文献   
Summary The use of parameter estimation techniques for partial differential equations is illustrated using a predatorprey model. Whereas ecologists have often estimated parameters in models, they have not previously been able to do so for models that describe interactions in heterogeneous environments. The techniques we describe for partial differential equations will be generally useful for models of interacting species in spatially complex environments and for models that include the movement of organisms. We demonstrate our methods using field data from a ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) and aphid (Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum) interaction. Our parameter estimation algorithms can be employed to identify models that explain better than 80% of the observed variance in aphid and ladybird densities. Such parameter estimation techniques can bridge the gap between detail-rich experimental studies and abstract mathematical models. By relating the particular bestfit models identified from our experimental data to other information on Coccinella behavior, we conclude that a term describing local taxis of ladybirds towards prey (aphids in this case) is needed in the model.  相似文献   
Cladoceran populations, as revealed by sedimentary remains, were studied in six lakes which by diatom evidence have become strongly acidified during the past 30 years. The accumulation rates of cladoceran remains and in two of the most strongly acidified lakes both relative and absolute numbers ofBosmina greatly increased during this period. Species numbers were not reduced, but there were shifts in relative abundances of cladoceran species.Bosmina longispina dominated all the lakes. Low pH (4.7) seemed not to be straight-forwardly harmful toDaphnia longispina, but the relative abundances of this taxon were reduced because ofBosmina.  相似文献   
太湖16000年来沉积环境的演变   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王建  刘金陵 《古生物学报》1996,35(2):213-223
通过对太湖钻孔岩芯岩性,结构,构造的剖析及粒度,磁化率的测试,发现冰后期东太湖形成于跑今6500年前,在距今6500-5800年,为一水深约2-3m的,经常受到流水作用影响的浅水湖泊,距今约5800-5700年,东太湖曾一度干枯或接近于干枯,距今5700年以来湖泊变浅,平均水深只有1m左右,由于湖泊变浅,湖底经常遭受波浪的扰动,形成波状层理或透镜状层理。西太湖局部洼地集水成湖的时间比东太湖早,并且  相似文献   
Factors affecting phytoplankton productivity are analysed in turbid systems, such as shallow lakes and rivers. When resuspension from the sediment or loading from the catchment significantly increases inorganic (non-algal) turbidity and hence light attenuation potentials for high production are not realised. Energy available for phytoplankton growth is strongly regulated by underwater light availability which depends on the critical mixing depth, fluctuating light intensities and algal circulation patterns. Higher production rates in shallow waters are often compensated by greater algal respiration due to higher water temperatures when compared to deeper lakes.Total daily integral production of turbulent, turbid environments can be predicted from a combination of easily measured variables such as maximum photosynthetic rates, algal biomass, surface irradiance and some measure of underwater light attenuation.  相似文献   
Ollikainen  Minna  Simola  Heikki  Niinioja  Riitta 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):405-413
Sedimentary diatom assemblages in two large oligotrophic clear-water lakes were analysed, to assess their present ecological state and possible eutrophication due to diffuse nutrient loading. The lakes Pyhäjärvi and Puruvesi (Finnish lake district) are proportionally large for their catchment areas which accounts for their long retention times (ca 7 and 11 yr) and oligohumic character. Pyhäjärvi was studied by pairwise comparison of surface sediment diatom assemblages collected in 1985 and 1990 at 12 sites from different parts of the lake. In Puruvesi, the stratigraphy of diatoms was analysed in two short cores from 8 m and 32 m depths.The diatom assemblages of the two lakes are rather similar, and quite distinct from the assemblages of the mesohumic large lakes of the area. Cyclotella kuetzingiana is the most common planktonic dia- tom, but Aulacoseira ambigua abounds in Pyhäjärvi at sites with local sources of eutrophication. A diverse assemblage of benthic forms, especially Fragilaria and Achnanthes spp. characterizes the shallow bottoms in both lakes.There was little change within the short-core diatom profiles of Puruvesi, but the floral composition of the 8-m and 32-m sites differed markedly. The 8-m site, with 60–70% of benthic forms, represents illuminated bottom, on which much of the buried algae have lived in situ, while the deeper site is true profundal, dominated by sedimented planktonic algae.In Pyhäjärvi there was a slight increase in the benthic diatoms from 1985 to 1990, coinciding with increased phosphorus and chlorophyll concentrations as well as Secchi depth lowering. We interprete this observation as a very early step of eutrophication, of which first the sessile algal communities of the illuminated bottom areas have benefited.  相似文献   
中国优质水果资源的分布与适宜生态环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据农业部在80年代两次组织评选出的全国189个优质水果产地的生态环境资料,用微型电子计算机系统建立数据库,统计分析柑桔、苹果和梨优质产品的构成比例、产区分布地域及其适宜的环境指标和主栽品种的生态适应性,为果树良种区域化栽培与选育提供依据。  相似文献   
The behaviour of organic matter has been approached in two fluvio-marine areas of the Gulf of Lions in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: deltas of the Rhône and Têt rivers. Elemental analysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (main classes of organic compounds) and high performance liquid chromatography (phenolic compounds) enabled to show the fractioning processes and the differentiation of water layers from the river mouth to the open sea. Transitory horizontal and vertical geochemical gradients appeared in the water column. They were more marked in surficial sediments. They underlined the effects of the river inputs which were characterized by high phenol contents. The increase of the marine character towards the open sea was shown by increasing nitrogen-containing compounds. In the Rhône delta, the distribution of the suspended material and organic compounds emphasized the occurrence of a multi-layered water system. In the surficial layers the suspended organic matter was in a little degraded state. On the contrary, the bottom nepheloid contained altered organo-mineral complexes enriched in resistant organic compounds. In the deeper areas of the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon, in front of the Têt prodelta, the abundance of phytoplanktonic material in the euphotic zone was emphasized by the increase of both nitrogen-containing compounds and aminosugars. In the deeper layers, the suspended material transported by advective currents showed a detrital characteri.e. enriched in clays and in degraded organic matter. The observations carried out in the Rhône delta, the Têt prodelta and the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon underlined the importance of the general transfer system of suspended material from East to West enhanced by the Liguro-Provençal current.  相似文献   
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