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We isolated a Zea mays cDNA encoding the 40S subunit cytoplasmic ribosomal protein S11. The nucleotide sequence was determined and the derived amino acid sequence compared to the corresponding Arabidopsis thaliana protein showing an homology of 90%. This ribosomal protein is encoded by a small multigene family of at least two members. The mRNA steady-state level is about one order of magnitude higher in rapidly growing parts of the plant such as the roots and shoots of seedlings compared to fully expanded leaf tissue.  相似文献   
Summary The long-range structure of 5S rRNA gene clusters has been investigated in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Using aneuploid stocks, 5S rRNA gene clusters were assigned to sites on chromosomes 1B, 1D, 513 and 5D. Cluster sizes were evaluated and the copy number of 5S DNA repeats was estimated at 4700-5200 copies for the short repeating unit (410 bp) and about 3100 copies for the long repeat (500 bp) per haploid genome. A comparison of wheat cultivars revealed extremely high levels of polymorphism in the 5S rRNA gene clusters. With one restriction enzyme digest all varieties tested gave unique banding patterns and, on a per fragment basis, 21-fold more polymorphism was detected among cultivars for 5S DNA compared to standard restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected with single copy clones. Experiments with aneuploid stocks suggest that the 5S rRNA gene clusters at several chromosomal sites contribute to this polymorphism. A number of previous reports have shown that wheat cultivars are not easily distinguished by isozymes or RFLPs. The high level of variation detected in 5S rRNA gene clusters therefore offers the possibility of a sensitive fingerprinting method for wheat. 5S DNA and other macro-satellite sequences may also serve as hypervariable Mendelian markers for genetic and breeding experiments in wheat.  相似文献   
Molecular techniques provide powerful tools for studying the geographic structure of hybrid zones and the dynamics of gene exchange between incipient species. We examined allozyme variation at five loci (PGM, GPI, MDH-1, MDH-2, and LDH) for 27 populations of Palaemonetes kadiakensis from the central, coastal, and eastern regions of Texas. Central Texas populations of P. kadiakensis exhibited highly significant linkage disequilibrium and departures from Hardy-Weinberg genotype proportions. In populations with linkage disequilibrium, allelic differences at GPI defined two types of P. kadiakensis, designated A and B. Both types existed in central Texas with little or no evidence of interbreeding, whereas the populations from all other localities showed complete introgression of type B alleles into the type A gene pool. We also examined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in a subset of populations, chosen to cover a range of geographic locations and levels of linkage disequilibrium. Two groups of mtDNA haplotypes and two restriction fragment patterns for the rDNA corresponded to allozyme type A and B individuals in populations exhibiting linkage disequilibrium. In populations with ongoing hybridization, all hybrid animals (N= 15) exhibited type A mtDNA. Exhibition of type A mtDNA indicated that type A females had mated successfully with type B males, but type B females had not mated successfully with type A males. Genotype distributions suggest reduced reproduction by hybrid offspring in central Texas populations. These patterns are consistent with a mosaic model of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   
Summary A complete ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeat unit has been cloned from the genome of Pisum sativum (garden pea) and used to construct a map containing a total of 58 cleavage sites for 23 different restriction enzymes. Regions encoding 18s and 25s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) were identified by R-loop analysis. A 180 bp sequence element is repeated eight times in the intergenic nontranscribed spacer (NTS) region, as defined by eight evenly spaced RsaI cleavage sites. Sequence heterogeneity among these elements (subrepeats) is indicated by the presence of an NcoI site within the five RsaI subrepeats distal to the 25s rRNA gene but not in the three subrepeats proximal to this gene, and also by the presence of an additional RsaI cleavage site in one subrepeat.The approximately 4000 copies of the rDNA repeat in the pea nuclear genome show considerable heterogeneity with respect to the length of the NTS region, and differences are also frequently observed between different genotypes. In both cases the length variation appears to be due primarily to differences in the number of subrepeat elements.Comparison of rDNA restriction maps for two pea genotypes separated for hundreds or perhaps thousands of generations reveals that they contain many rDNA identical repeat units. This data is consistent with the view that new rDNA variants are fixed only infrequently in the evolution of a species.Differences also exist between the rDNA repeats of a single genotype with respect to the degree of base modification at certain restriction sites. A large number of sites known to exist in the pea rDNA clone are not cleaved at all in genomic rDNA, or are cleaved in only some copies of the rDNA repeat. We believe these examples of incomplete cleavage results mostly from methylation, although it is difficult to rule out the possibility of sequence variation in all cases. Most putative modifications are best interpreted in terms of cytosine methylation in CG and CXG sequences, but at least one example is more consistent with adenine methylation.We also have constructed a more detailed restriction map of the wheat rDNA clone pTA71 and present a comparison of this map to our map of pea, pumpkin, and wheat in order to assess the amount of useful evolutionary information that can be obtained by comparison of such maps.  相似文献   
Excised pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) cotyledons were used to investigate the effects of two different types of cytokinins: N6-benzyladenine and N1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N2-phenylurea on RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei. Treatment of cotyledons with both cytokinins resulted in a rapid enhancement of nuclear RNA-polymerase-I activity (EC Maximum stimulation of RNA polymerase I, responsible for rRNA synthesis, was observed 4–6 h after the start of cytokinin action. The activity of RNA polymerase II was stimulated much more slowly and to a lesser extent. Uridine 5-monophosphate-uridine analysis of the alkalidigested nascent pre-rRNA chains showed that the stimulation of RNA-polymerase-I activity was the consequence of an increase of the polyribonucleotide-clongation rate. No significant change in the number of transcribing enzyme molecules was defected after hormone treatment (86·103 RNA-polymerase-I molecules per diploid genome).Indications that de-novo protein synthesis is necessary for cytokinin-mediated RNA-polymerase stimulation were derived from experiments showing inhibition by cycloheximide.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - [PU]-30 N1-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N2-phenylurea - UMP undine 5-monophosphate - UTP udine 5-triphosphate  相似文献   
An attempt was made to transform Alternaria alternata protoplasts using a plasmid vector, pDH25, bearing the Escherichia coli hygromycin B (Hy) phosphotransferase gene (hph) under the control of the Aspergillus nidulans trpC promoter. Transformants arose on a selective medium containing 100 μg Hy/ml. There were two types of transformants, forming large and small colonies on the selective medium. Transformation with one μg of the vector produced an average of 4.5 large colonies and 600 small ones. In large-colony transformants, the vector often integrated into the recipient chromosome in the form of highly rearranged tandem arrays. To increase transformation efficiency, fragments of the highly repetitive ribosomal RNA gene cluster (rDNA) of A. alternata were used to construct four new vectors for homologous recombination system. Use of these vectors gave higher transformation efficiency than the original plasmid. The best vector, pDH25r1a, gave rise to large-colony transformants at a frequency 20 times higher than pDH25. Transformation events in A. alternata with pDH25r1a occured by homologous recombination as a single crossover between the plasmid-borne rDNA segment and its homologue in the chromosome, often giving rise to tandemly repeated vector DNA.  相似文献   
Summary Nicotiana tabacum lines carrying maternally inherited resistance to spectinomycin were obtained by selection for green callus in cultures bleached by spectinomycin. Two levels of resistance was found. SPC1 and SPC2 seedlings are resistant to high levels (500 g/ml), SPC23 seedlings are resistant to low levels (50 g/ml) of spectinomycin. Lines SPC2 and SPC23 are derivatives of the SR1 streptomycin-resistant plastome mutant. Spectinomycin resistance is due to mutations in the plastid 16S ribosomal RNA: SPC1, an A to C change at position 1138; SPC2, a C to U change at position 1139; SPC23, a G to A change at position 1333. Mutations similar to those in the SPC1 and SPC2 lines have been previously described, and disrupt a conserved 16S ribosomal RNA stem structure. The mutation in the SPC23 line is the first reported case of a mutation close to the region of the 16S rRNA involved in the formation of the initiation complex. The new mutants provide markers for selecting plastid transformants.  相似文献   
Restriction site and length variations of nrDNA were examined for 51 populations of seven species ofKrigia. The nrDNA repeat ranged in size from 8.7 to 9.6 kilobase (kb). The transcribed region, including the two ITSs, was 5.35 kb long in all examinedKrigia populations. In contrast, the size of the nontranscribed IGS varied from 3.35 to 4.25 kb. Eight different types of length-variations were identified among the 51 populations, including distinct nrDNA lengths in the tetraploid and diploid populations of bothK. biflora andK. virginica. However, a few variations were detected among populations of the same species or within a cytotype. All populations ofKrigia sect.Cymbia share a 600 bp insertion in IGS near the 18 S gene, and this feature suggests monophyly of the section. AllKrigia spp. had a conjugated type of subrepeat composed of approximately 75 basepairs (bp) and 125 bp. Base modifications in the gene coding regions were highly conserved among species. Forty-five restriction sites from 15 enzymes were mapped, 24 of which were variable among populations. Only four of the variable sites occurred in the rRNA coding region while 20 variable sites were detected in the noncoding regions. Collectively, 25 enzymes generated about 66 restriction sites in each nrDNA; this amounts to about 4.3% of the nrDNA repeat. A total of 50 restriction sites was variable, 28 of which were phylogenetically informative. Phylogenetic analyses of site mutations indicated that two sections ofKrigia, sect.Cymbia and sect.Krigia, are monophyletic. In addition, relationships among several species were congruent with other sources of data, such as cpDNA restriction site variation and morphology. Both length and restriction site variation supported an allopolyploid origin of the hexaploidK. montana. The average sequence divergence value inKrigia nrDNA was 40 times greater than that of the chloroplast DNA. The rapid evolution of nrDNA sequences was primarily due to changes of the IGS sequences.  相似文献   
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