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Small conductance Ca2+-sensitive potassium (SK2) channels are voltage-independent, Ca2+-activated ion channels that conduct potassium cations and thereby modulate the intrinsic excitability and synaptic transmission of neurons and sensory hair cells. In the cochlea, SK2 channels are functionally coupled to the highly Ca2+ permeant α9/10-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) at olivocochlear postsynaptic sites. SK2 activation leads to outer hair cell hyperpolarization and frequency-selective suppression of afferent sound transmission. These inhibitory responses are essential for normal regulation of sound sensitivity, frequency selectivity, and suppression of background noise. However, little is known about the molecular interactions of these key functional channels. Here we show that SK2 channels co-precipitate with α9/10-nAChRs and with the actin-binding protein α-actinin-1. SK2 alternative splicing, resulting in a 3 amino acid insertion in the intracellular 3′ terminus, modulates these interactions. Further, relative abundance of the SK2 splice variants changes during developmental stages of synapse maturation in both the avian cochlea and the mammalian forebrain. Using heterologous cell expression to separately study the 2 distinct isoforms, we show that the variants differ in protein interactions and surface expression levels, and that Ca2+ and Ca2+-bound calmodulin differentially regulate their protein interactions. Our findings suggest that the SK2 isoforms may be distinctly modulated by activity-induced Ca2+ influx. Alternative splicing of SK2 may serve as a novel mechanism to differentially regulate the maturation and function of olivocochlear and neuronal synapses.  相似文献   
The effect of intraventricular infusion of D2-CAM/N-CAM directed antibodies prior to the acquisition of a passive-avoidance paradigm is described. The antisera used in this study were the neuron specific anti-BPM and a D2-CAM/N-CAM specific serum, anti-D2. Anti-BPM reliably inhibited paradigm acquisition when recall was ascertained at 24 and 48 hours and no effect was noted with absorbed anti-BPM or in sham-operated animals. This effect was time-dependent and no inhibition of memory formation was noted when the antiserum was administered at 6 and 10 hours after training. In contrast, infusion of anti-D2 had no effect on paradigm acquisition. These findings are discussed in relation to the potential synaptogenic events associated with memory formation.  相似文献   
Summary Dissected ampullae of Lorenzini of the skate (Raja clavata) were studied with the aim of determining the synaptic transmitter between electroreceptor cell and afferent fibre. Resting activity and stimulus-evoked activity in response to electrical pulses were recorded in single afferent units at constant perfusion with normal and test solutions containing different putative neurotransmitters. Presynaptic transmitter release was blocked by Mg2+ (up to 50 mM) to investigate the effects of the test substances upon the postsynaptic membrane. l-Glutamate (l-GLU) and l-aspartate (l-ASP), both at concentrations between 10-7 and 10-3 M, enlarged strongly resting and stimulus-evoked discharge frequency in the afferent fibre. If transmission was blocked by high Mg2+, resting discharge frequency could be restored by l-GLU or l-ASP. The glutamate agonists quisqualate (10-8–105 M) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (10-5–10-3 M) enlarged spontaneous activity in the afferent fiber. The same was found for kainic acid (10-9–10-5 M). Taurine at concentrations between 10-5 and 10-3 M caused a concentration-dependent decrease in afferent activity. The same was found for gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA; 10-5–10-4 M), and for the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, both in concentrations between 10-5 and 10-3 M. Serotonine (10-5–10-3 M) and dopamine (10-5-10-3 M) had no effect on resting or evoked activity in the Lorenzinian ampulla afferents. Acetylcholine (ACh; 10-4 M) enlarged discharge frequency in those units with initial rates lower than 22–25 Hz, but diminished discharge frequency in fibres with initial activity higher than 25 Hz. When synaptic transmission was blocked by high Mg2+ solution, perfusion with additional ACh did not restore resting activity in the afferent fibre. The results suggest that the most probable transmitter in the afferent synapse of the ampullae of Lorenzini is l-GLU or l-ASP, or a substance of similar nature.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - GABA gamma aminobutyric acid - KA kainic acid - l-ASP l-aspartate - l-GLU l-glutamate - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate - Q quisqualate - n.s. normal solution  相似文献   
The elimination of transformed and viral infected cells by natural killer (NK) cells requires a specialized junction between NK and target cells, denominated immunological synapse (IS). After initial recognition, the IS enables the directed secretion of lytic granules content into the susceptible target cell. The lymphocyte function-associated antigen (LFA)-1 regulates NK effector function by enabling NK-IS assembly and maturation. The pathways underlying LFA-1 accumulation at the IS in NK cells remained uncharacterized. A kinase anchoring protein 350 (AKAP350) is a centrosome/Golgi-associated protein, which, in T cells, participates in LFA-1 activation by mechanisms that have not been elucidated. We first evaluated AKAP350 participation in NK cytolytic activity. Our results showed that the decrease in AKAP350 levels by RNA interference (AKAP350KD) inhibited NK-YTS cytolytic activity, without affecting conjugate formation. The impairment of NK effector function in AKAP350KD cells correlated with decreased LFA-1 clustering and defective IS maturation. AKAP350KD cells that were exclusively activated via LFA-1 showed impaired LFA-1 organization and deficient lytic granule translocation as well. In NK AKAP350KD cells, activation signaling through Vav1 was preserved up to 10 min of interaction with target cells, but significantly decreased afterwards. Experiments in YTS and in ex vivo NK cells identified an intracellular pool of LFA-1, which partially associated with the Golgi apparatus and, upon NK activation, redistributed to the IS in an AKAP350-dependent manner. The analysis of Golgi organization indicated that the decrease in AKAP350 expression led to the disruption of the Golgi integrity in NK cells. Alteration of Golgi function by BFA treatment or AKAP350 delocalization from this organelle also led to impaired LFA-1 localization at the IS. Therefore, this study characterizes AKAP350 participation in the modulation of NK effector function, revealing the existence of a Golgi-dependent trafficking pathway for LFA-1, which is relevant for LFA-1 organization at NK-lytic IS.  相似文献   
The accessibility of embryonic and adult neurons within invertebrate nervous systems has made them excellent subjects for neurobiological study. The ability to readily identify individual neurons, together with their great capacity for regeneration, has been especially beneficial to investigations of synapse formation and the specificity of neuronal connectivity. Many invertebrate neurons survive for long periods following isolation into primary cell culture. In addition, they readily extend new neuritic arbors and form electrical and chemical connections at sites of contact. Thus, cell culture approaches have allowed neuroscientists greater access to, and resolution of, events underlying neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. Studies of identified neuromuscular synapses ofHelisoma have determined a number of signaling mechanisms involved in transsynaptic communication at sites of neuron-target contact. At these sites, both anterograde and retrograde signals regulate the transformation of growth cones into functional presynaptic terminals. We have found that specific muscle targets induce both global and local changes in neurotransmitter secretion and intracellular calcium handling. Here we review recent studies of culturedHelisoma synapses and discuss the mechanisms thought to govern chemical synapse formation in these identified neurons and those of other invertebrate species.  相似文献   
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