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The complex and dynamic pattern of Hoxb3 expression in the developing hindbrain and the associated neural crest of mouse embryos is controlled by three separate cis-regulatory elements: element I (region A), element IIIa, and the r5 enhancer (element IVa). We have examined the cis-regulatory element IIIa by transgenic and mutational analysis to determine the upstream trans-acting factors and mechanisms that are involved in controlling the expression of the mouse Hoxb3 gene in the anterior spinal cord and hindbrain up to the r5/r6 boundary, as well as the associated neural crest which migrate to the third and posterior branchial arches and to the gut. By deletion analysis, we have identified the sequence requirements within a 482-bp element III482. Two Hox binding sites are identified in element III482 and we have shown that in vitro both Hoxb3 and Hoxb4 proteins can interact with these Hox binding sites, suggesting that auto/cross-regulation is required for establishing the expression of Hoxb3 in the neural tube domain. Interestingly, we have identified a novel GCCAGGC sequence motif within element III482, which is also required to direct gene expression to a subset of the expression domains except for rhombomere 6 and the associated neural crest migrating to the third and posterior branchial arches. Element III482 can direct a higher level of reporter gene expression in r6, which led us to investigate whether kreisler is involved in regulating Hoxb3 expression in r6 through this element. However, our transgenic and mutational analysis has demonstrated that, although kreisler binding sites are present, they are not required for the establishment or maintenance of reporter gene expression in r6. Our results have provided evidence that the expression of Hoxb3 in the neural tube up to the r5/r6 boundary is auto/cross-regulated by Hox genes and expression of Hoxb3 in r6 does not require kreisler.  相似文献   
Frog metamorphosis includes transition from water breathing to air breathing but the extent to which such a momentous change in behavior requires fundamental changes in the organization of the brainstem respiratory circuit is unknown. Here, we combine a vertically mounted isolated brainstem preparation, “the Sheep Dip,” with a search algorithm used in computer science, to identify essential rhombomeres for generation of ventilatory motor bursts in metamorphosing bullfrog tadpoles. Our data suggest that rhombomere 7, which in mammals hosts the PreBötC (PreBötzinger Complex; the likely inspiratory oscillator), is essential for gill and buccal bursts. Whereas rhombomere 5, in close proximity to a brainstem region associated with the mammalian expiratory oscillator, is essential for lung bursts at both stages. Therefore, we conclude there is no rhombomeric translocation of respiratory oscillators in bullfrogs as previously suggested. In premetamorphic tadpoles, functional ablation of rhombomere 7 caused ectopic expression of precocious lung bursts, suggesting the gill oscillator suppresses an otherwise functional lung oscillator in early development. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 73: 888–898, 2013  相似文献   
We describe here a transgenic mouse line MHB-Cre, which expresses Cre recombinase in a group of cells at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. Using this mouse line, we studied the contribution of the boundary cells to distinct brain areas during development. Initially, the MHB-Cre expression coincides with that of Cdh22 and p21 around the Otx2 expression border in a narrow population of cells with reduced proliferative activity. Consistent with their location on both sides of the Otx2 expression border, the Cre expressing boundary cells contribute both to midbrain as well as hindbrain. However, the majority of recombinant cells remain close to the mid- and hindbrain border, suggesting very limited cell mixing within these brain compartments during development. Interestingly, dorsocaudally oriented fibers of the midbrain dopaminergic neurons follow the path marked by the boundary cells.  相似文献   
Prior to rhombomere development, structures called prorhombomeres appear in the mammalian hindbrain. This study clarifies the developmental relationship between prorhombomeres and their descendent rhombomeres and hindbrain crest cells in mouse embryos by focal dye injections at various levels of prorhombomere A (proRhA), proRhB, and proRhC, as well as at their boundaries. ProRhA gives rise to two rhombomeres, rhombomeres 1 and 2 (r1 and r2), as well as to crest cells that migrate into the first pharyngeal arch, including the trigeminal ganglion. ProRhB develops into r3 and r4 and produces crest cells populating the second arch and acousticofacial ganglion. The anterior portion of proRhC gives rise to r5 and r6 and to crest cells migrating into the third pharyngeal arch and the IXth ganglion; its posterior portion develops into r7 and releases crest cells into the fourth pharyngeal arch region as well as the Xth ganglion. These results suggest that the boundaries between prorhombomeres serve as lineage restrictions for both hind-brain neuroepithelial cells and for segmental origins of crest cell populations in mouse embryos. The Hox code of the mouse head can be schematized in a much simpler way based on this prorhombomeric organization of the hind-brain, suggesting that prorhombomeres primarily underlie mammalian hind-brain segmentation.  相似文献   
Early in its development, the chick embryo hindbrain manifests an axial series of bulges, termed rhombomeres. Rhombomeres are units of cell lineage restriction, and both they and their intervening boundaries form a series that reiterates various features of neuronal differentiation, cytoarchitecture, and molecular character. The segmented nature of hindbrain morphology and cellular development may be related to early patterns of cell division. These were explored by labeling with BrdU to reveal S-phase nuclei, and staining with basic fuchsin to visualise mitotic cells. Whereas within rhombomeres, S-phase nuclei were located predominantly toward the pial surface of the neuroepithelium, at rhombomere boundaries S-phase nuclei were significantly closer to the ventricular surface. The density of mitotic figures was greater toward the centres of rhombomeres than in boundary regions. Mitotic cells did not show any consistent bias in the orientation of division, either in the centres of rhombomeres, or near boundaries. Our results are consistent with the idea that rhombomeres are centres of cell proliferation, while boundaries contain populations of relatively static cells with reduced rates of cell division.  相似文献   
The development of various tissues originating from the cephalic placodes is accompanied by the expression of the Sox2 gene. This Sox2 expression initiates in the pre‐placodal cephalic ectoderm, and is regulated by enhancer N‐4, which also regulates Sox2 in the embryonic central nervous system (CNS) posterior to the diencephalon. As the regulation of enhancer N‐4 in the ectoderm likely reflects that of the pre‐placodal cell state, its regulatory elements were characterized. A 110‐bp minimal and essential sequence of N‐4 (mini‐N‐4) was determined. By mutational and deletion analyses, nine regulatory elements were determined in the mini‐N‐4 sequence: three elements involved in activation in both the cephalic ectoderm and CNS, three elements specifically involved in activation in the cephalic ectoderm, three elements individually involved in activation in the mesencephalon, repression in the prosencephalon, and retinoic acid response in the rhombomeric region. The cephalic ectoderm‐specific elements include two potential sites for the binding of nuclear receptors, suggestive of a nuclear receptor‐dependent regulation. Multimers of the 3′ half of the mini‐N‐4 sequence, including all of the cephalic ectodermal elements, show strong and selective activity in the cephalic ectoderm, providing a powerful genetic tool for the manipulation of gene activities in the placodal lineages.  相似文献   
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