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Thermal deactivation kinetics of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were studied from 45 to 90 °C in phosphate buffer and 5–25% (v,w/v) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [BMIM][BF4] and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride [BMIM][Cl]. HRP activity at 25 °C was not affected by the presence of ionic liquids up to 20% (v,w/v). Increasing the ionic liquids concentration up to 25% (v,w/v) changed the biphasic character of deactivation kinetics to an apparent single first-order step. The presence of 5–10% (v/v) [BMIM][BF4] significantly improved HRP thermal stability with lower activation energies for the deactivation second phase (83–87 kJ mol−1). After deactivation, enhanced activity regain of the enzyme, up to 70–80% of the initial activity, was found in 25% (v/v) [BMIM][BF4] and 10% (w/v) [BMIM][Cl] and correlated to prevalence of the deactivation first phase.  相似文献   
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of weight cycling (as defined by the frequency and magnitude of intentional weight loss) on bone mineral density and bone mineral content in obese sedentary women. Research Methods and Procedures: Bone mineral content and density measured by DXA, submaximal physical fitness assessment, nutrient intake, oral contraceptive use, and weight‐cycling history were assessed in 195 healthy, overweight sedentary women (age, 21 to 45 years; body mass index, 27 to 40 kg/m2) before beginning a behavioral weight‐loss intervention. Results: After controlling for body weight, multivitamin use, oral contraceptive/estrogen use, and calcium and magnesium intake, women who had a history of weight cycling did not have significantly lower total‐body bone mineral content or density or total femur bone mineral density. In addition, 99% of subjects were above or within one SD of age and gender normative data for total femur bone mineral density. Discussion: It does not seem that a history of weight cycling has an adverse affect on total femur and total‐body bone mineral density in overweight sedentary premenopausal women.  相似文献   
Objective: To compare weight regain, satisfaction, and convenience among three weight maintenance programs: telehealth, traditional classes, and no program. Research Methods and Procedures: This quasi‐experimental study compared weight change, satisfaction, and convenience among three program types. The telehealth participants interacted with a registered dietitian (RD) through the web and e‐mail, traditional program participants attended a traditional classroom program, and no program participants received no interaction. Eighty‐seven subjects (14 men and 73 women) were enrolled in the study: 31 traditional, 31 telehealth, and 25 no program participants. Eligibility included participation in a community‐based weight loss program (Colorado Weigh) and minimum 7% weight loss before enrollment. Results: Subject characteristics at baseline were as follows: age, 50 ± 9.3 (standard deviation) years; height, 1.68 ± 0.09 m; weight, 80.5 ± 18.4 kg, with no significant differences between groups. Over 6 months, the traditional group lost 0.5 ± 4.3 kg, the telehealth group lost 0.6 ± 2.5 kg, and the no program group gained 1.7 ± 3.0 kg. Weight change among all three groups was significant (p = 0.02); no program participants gained significantly more weight than the telehealth and traditional groups. There were no differences in overall satisfaction between the telehealth and traditional groups (p = 0.43), but individuals in the telehealth group rated their program as more convenient compared with the traditional group (p = 0.0001). Discussion: These results show the usefulness of telehealth programs in long‐term weight loss maintenance. They may be a useful alternative for those who successfully lose weight in a structured behavioral program but do not choose to participate in a formal behavioral weight loss maintenance program.  相似文献   
FOSTER, GARY D, DAVID B SARWER, THOMAS A WADDEN. Psychological effects of weight cycling in obese persons: A review and research agenda. This review summarizes studies on the psychological effects of weight cycling (i.e., weight loss and regain) in obese persons and proposes an agenda for future research on this topic. Among general psychological constructs, the current literature suggests that weight cycling is not associated with depression, other psychopathology, or depressogenic cognitive styles. Weight cycling is associated with decreased perceptions of health and well-being, although the clinical significance of this relationship is uncertain. Among weight- and eating-related constructs, weight cycling does not appear to be related to restraint, hunger, or personality traits associated with eating disorders. Weight cycling, however, does appear to be associated with clinically significant reductions in eating self-efficacy and weak but consistent increases in binge eating severity. Definitive conclusions about the presence or absence of the psychological consequences of weight cycling are premature, given the small number of studies, as well as a variety of methodological and interpretive concerns. A new generation of research is necessary to determine the extent and nature of the psychological sequelae of weight cycling.  相似文献   
This study was designed to examine the recovery of mitochondrial function and endogenous antioxidant systems in vitrified oocytes during extended incubations. After 16 hr of in vitro maturation, bovine meiosis‐II oocytes were vitrified, and then surviving oocytes were cultured an additional 8 hr. ATP content, ATP synthase activity, expression of ATP synthase F0 subunit 6 (ATP6) and 8 (ATP8) genes, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were investigated in the vitrified oocytes during this additional period (4 or 8 hr). The results showed that: (1) the ATP content and ATP synthase activities in vitrified oocytes at 8 hr post‐warming (754.6 fmol, 25.9 nmol NADH/min/mg) were significantly higher than in oocytes immediately warmed (568.3 fmol, 8.7 nmol NADH/min/mg), but still lower than in control oocytes (901.5 fmol, 30.7 nmol NADH/min/mg); (2) the relative expression of ATP6 and ATP8 was initially down‐regulated in oocytes when they were first warmed, increased by 4 hr post‐warming, and were again down‐regulated by 8 hr post‐warming; (3) ROS levels in oocytes at 0, 4, and 8 hr post‐warming were significantly higher than in control oocytes; and (4) after parthenogenetic activation, the blastocyst rate of oocytes at 8 hr post‐warming (26.7%) was significantly higher than that of oocytes immediately warmed (16.9%). These results indicated that mitochondrial function and endogenous antioxidant systems recovered significantly better in vitrified–thawed bovine oocytes with 8 hr of additional incubation, but they did not achieve the activity levels found in fresh oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:942–950, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Objective: The objective was to examine whether having a weight loss experience that lives up to one's expectations is related to maintenance in a group of successful weight losers participating in the STOP Regain trial. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants (N = 314, 81% women, mean age, 51.3 ± 10.1 years; BMI = 28.6 ± 4.8 kg/m2) who lost ≥10% of their body weight within the past 2 years were randomly assigned to a maintenance program delivered either face‐to‐face or via the Internet or to a control group and assessed at 0, 6, 12, and 18 months. Results: At study entry, participants had lost 19% of their body weight, yet 86% of participants were currently trying to lose more weight. Further losses of 13% of body weight were needed to reach self‐selected ideal weights, with heavier participants wanting to lose more (p < 0.001). The weight loss‐related benefits participants achieved did not live up to their expectations (p ≤ 0.01). However, neither satisfaction with current weight, nor amount of further weight loss desired, nor discrepancies between actual and expected benefits predicted regain after adjusting for treatment group, gender, baseline weight, and percent weight loss before entry. Discussion: Even among very successful weight losers, expectations were not met and substantial further weight losses were desired; however, these factors were not related to subsequent weight maintenance outcomes.  相似文献   
Objective: The objectives were to investigate the characteristics associated with frequent self‐weighing and the relationship between self‐weighing and weight loss maintenance. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants (n = 3003) were members of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) who had lost ≥30 lbs, kept it off for ≥1 year, and had been administered the self‐weighing frequency assessment used for this study at baseline (i.e., entry to the NWCR). Of these, 82% also completed the one‐year follow‐up assessment. Results: At baseline, 36.2% of participants reported weighing themselves at least once per day, and more frequent weighing was associated with lower BMI and higher scores on disinhibition and cognitive restraint, although both scores remained within normal ranges. Weight gain at 1‐year follow‐up was significantly greater for participants whose self‐weighing frequency decreased between baseline and one year (4.0 ± 6.3 kg) compared with those whose frequency increased (1.1 ± 6.5 kg) or remained the same (1.8 ± 5.3 kg). Participants who decreased their frequency of self‐weighing were more likely to report increases in their percentage of caloric intake from fat and in disinhibition, and decreases in cognitive restraint. However, change in self‐weighing frequency was independently associated with weight change. Discussion: Consistent self‐weighing may help individuals maintain their successful weight loss by allowing them to catch weight gains before they escalate and make behavior changes to prevent additional weight gain. While change in self‐weighing frequency is a marker for changes in other parameters of weight control, decreasing self‐weighing frequency is also independently associated with greater weight gain.  相似文献   
The serotonergic pathway plays a major role in the development of obesity. Its activity can be modulated by the 5-HT transporter–linked polymorphic region in the SLC6A4 gene and the upstream variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism in the MAOA gene. We studied whether these genetic modulations have an influence on weight reduction and weight maintenance in a one-year weight reduction program (OPTIFAST®52). The polymorphisms were genotyped by PCR in a sample of 135 female and 67 male subjects with severe obesity (44 ± 13 years, 122.3 ± 22.2 kg, BMI: 41.7 ± 6.7 kg/m2). The program leads to a total weight loss of 19.9 ± 9.8 kg (16.9 ± 8.3 %) in women and 27.4 ± 13.6 kg (20.4 ± 9.9 %) in men. Anthropometric measurements and blood levels were determined at the start of the program (T0), after the weight reduction phase (T1) and after the subsequent weight maintenance phase at the end of the program (T2). Each polymorphism alone did not significantly influence weight loss or weight maintenance neither in men nor in women. However, women carrying both risk genotypes (SS and 3/3) displayed a lower total weight loss during the program (p = 0.05). This effect derived mainly from difficulties in the weight maintenance phase (p = 0.11), while the weight reduction phase was not affected (p = 0.61). No influence was found in men (p = 0.93). Modulation of the serotonergic pathway by carrying both risk alleles seems to influence success of weight loss programs in women with severe obesity due to problems in stabilizing body weight after weight reduction.  相似文献   
Objective: To compare the impact of weight regain and weight loss on health‐related quality of life. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 122 (106 women, 16 men) overweight and obese participants in a weight reduction program (phentermine‐fenfluramine and dietary counseling) who had initially lost at least 5% of their total body weight and then regained at least 5% of their weight during the follow‐up period. Follow‐up periods ranged from 10 to 41 months (mean, 28 months). Participants completed the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life‐Lite, an obesity‐specific health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measure, at 3‐month intervals. Results: Mean BMI at baseline was 40.9 ± 6.6 kg/m2 (range, 29.2 to 63.7 kg/m2). Average weight loss from entry was 18.8 ± 6.7% (range, 6.0% to 43.7%), and average regain was 10.1 ±4.4% of baseline weight (range, 5.0% to 30.6%). The effects of weight regain on HRQOL mirrored the effects of weight loss—rates of HRQOL change were similar in magnitude but different in direction for comparable weight loss and regain. Those with more severe initial impairments in HRQOL experienced greater improvements in HRQOL during weight loss as well as greater deterioration during weight regain than those with less severe impairments. Discussion: Weight loss and regain produced mirror image changes in HRQOL. The initial severity of HRQOL impairment had a greater impact on the magnitude of HRQOL change than the direction of weight change. Findings underscore the importance of maintaining weight loss for the purposes of retaining obesity‐specific HRQOL benefits.  相似文献   
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