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We have previously shown that computer simulations of processes that generate selectively advantageous changes together with random duplications and deletions give rise to genomes with many different genes embedded in a large amount of dispensable DNA sequence. We now explore the consequences of neutral changes on the evolution of genomes. We follow the consequences of sequence divergences that are neutral when they occur in dispensable sequences or extra copies of genes present in multigene families. We find that when divergence occurs at about the same frequency as duplication/deletion events, genomes carry repetitive sequences in proportion to their size. Inspection of the genomes as they evolved showed that multigene families were generated by relatively recent duplications of single genes and so would be expected to be highly homogeneous.  相似文献   
Airborne particulates were collected over a period of twelve months by the use of Hi-Vol samplers in the basin of Athens, Greece. N-Hexane extracts were tested in a battery ofin vitro tests for their ability to induce mutation in bacteria as well as mutation, sister chromatid exchange and morphological transformation in cultured mammalian cells. Positive results were found for mutagenicity withSalmonella strain TA98 in the Ames assay, for sister chromatid exchange induction in CHO cells and for transformation in BALB/c 3T3 cells in culture. They also showed weak non-doserelated induction of ouabain resistance in BALB/c 3T3 cells. The contribution of oxidizing and nitrating agents found in the Athens atmosphere, together with sunlight UV irradiation in the formation of direct acting mutagens and potential carcinogens from ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is suggested.Abbreviations FCS fetal calf serum - FPG fluorescent-plus-Giemsa technique - ouaR ouabain resistant - PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - SCE sister chromatid exchange - TSP total suspended particulate  相似文献   
Mouse strains which develop tumors at a high incidence with characteristics very similar to human cancers have been derived over the last 8 years. The tumors are caused by defined genetic alterations in the mouse genome. Three areas of research have contributed to the derivation of these mouse strains: (1) Molecular analysis of human tumors has shown that distinct oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are consistently involved in a high percentage of primary tumors. (2) Regulatory enhancer-promoter sequences have been identified which direct gene expression to specific target cells, preferentially mammary epithelial cells. (3) The introduction of recombinant DNA molecules into fertilized mouse eggs by microinjection and integration of the injected DNA into the genome of injected cells has given rise to mutant mouse strains with unique and defined genetic alterations. Studies with different promoter-oncogene combinations introduced into transgenic mouse strains have led to the following general conclusions: (1) Oncogenes expressed in mammary gland cells predispose transgenic mice to mammary tumors. (2) The oncogenic potential of individual oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells differs. (3) Oncogene expression initially often causes a preneoplastic state affecting growth and differentiation parameters of cells. (4) The expression of different oncogenes synergizes to reduce tumor latency. Synergism can also be observed with physiological growth signals like estrogen or growth hormone. The oncogenes with a role in mammary carcinomas which have been investigated in transgenic mice will be described here. The phenotypic consequences of oncogene expression and the implications for the multistep carcinogenesis model will be discussed.  相似文献   
Minutes have been considered for some time to be mutant at the sites of synthesis of some components of the protein synthetic apparatus. To study the hypothetical relationship between Minutes and suboptimal translation, a group of abundant proteins, the yolk polypeptides, was assayed in outcrossed females bearing M(3)w, M(3)h y , or M(1)n mutations. Recently emerged Minute females contained a lower amount of yolk polypeptides, in both ovarian and nonovarian tissues, than their non-Minute sisters. This low level correlated with the lower abundance of cytoplasmic RNA in Minutes compared to control females. By 1 week of age, both M(3)w and their non-Minute sibs contained the same amount of yolk polypeptides and the corresponding mRNA. The double heterozygote, ap 4/+;M(3)w/+, did not differ in yolk polypeptide content from control flies. M(3)w females demonstrated reduced fecundity during the period of low yolk polypeptide content but gradually increased egg deposition as yolk polypeptide levels rose. These results suggest that the low protein levels are due to the slower maturation of M(3)w, and not to less efficient translation machinery.This work was supported by the NSERC (Canada) and a Queen's University ARC grant.  相似文献   
Normal and mutant human adenosine deaminase genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fixation rates of selfing rate modifiers were found by stochastic simulation in an infinite site model, including effects of several deleterious alleles with variable effects, which were randomly distributed in the genome without assuming any pollen discounting. Previous results on the evolution of selfing obtained by more precise methods were in this study further validated, and it was concluded that the effect of genetic associations on the evolution of mating systems is small except in the case of full pollen discounting. Furthermore, attention was given to the uneven distribution of the genetic load in the population, and the accompanying large among-genome variation in fixation rates. This among-genome variation will be of significance for the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   
A higher ratio of substitutional to synonymous changes in between-species than in within-species comparisons has been taken as evidence for positive selection changing amino acids. A model is presented in which a difference of this kind arises as a result of purely neutral mutations, provided that the species compared are sufficiently different to approach a steady state between forward and backward mutation. In Neissseria, substitutions are twice as frequent, relative to synonymous changes, in between-species comparisons: it is shown that the data are consistent with the neutral model. The argument does not invalidate evidence for positive selection, for example in Drosophila, when the species compared are fairly similar.  相似文献   
Genetic study of over 200 cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru have brought a reliable body of evidence that the familial forms of CJD and all known cases of GSS and FFI are linked to germline mutations in the coding region of the PRNP gene on chromosome 20, either point substitutions or expansion of the number of repeat units. No pathogenic mutations have so far been found in sporadic or infectious forms of CJD, although there are features of genetic predisposition in iatrogenic CJD and kuru. In FFI and familial CJD, clinically and pathologically distinct syndromes that are both linked to the 178Asp→Asn substitution, phenotypic expression is dependent on a polymorphism at codon 129. Synthetic peptides homologous to several regions of PrP spontaneously form insoluble amyloid fibrils with unique morphological characteristics and polymerization tendencies. Peptides homologous to mutated regions of PrP exhibit enhanced fibrilogenic properties and, if mixed with the wild-type peptide, produce even more abundant and larger fibrous aggregates. A similar process in vivo may lead to amyloid accumulation and disease, and transmission of “baby fibrils” may induce disease in other hosts.  相似文献   
A specific-locus test was carried out to examine the mutagenic activity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) on mouse primordial germ cells (PGC). Embryos of C3H/He mice were treated transplacentally with 30 or 50 mg ENU per kg of maternal body weight on day 8.5, 10.5, or 13.5 of gestation (G8.5 day, G10.5 day, or G13.5 day). Male and female mice that had been treated with ENU in embryonic stages were mated with female or male tester PW mice to detect recessive mutations induced in PGC.

ENU induced recessive mutations at a relatively high rate in PGC at these developmental stages. The most sensitive stage was G10.5 day. On G8.5 day, the induced mutation rate in males and females was not significantly different. Cluster mutations, which originate from the limited number of PGC and cell killing, were more frequently induced at an earlier developmental stage. The induced mutation rate per unit dose of ENU (1 mg/kg) was higher in G8.5 and G10.5 day PGC than in stem-cell spermatogonia. It can be concluded that mouse PGC are more sensitive than stem-cell spermatogonia to the induction of recessive mutations by ENU.  相似文献   

Paul Little  Li Hsu  Wei Sun 《Biometrics》2023,79(3):2705-2718
Somatic mutations in cancer patients are inherently sparse and potentially high dimensional. Cancer patients may share the same set of deregulated biological processes perturbed by different sets of somatically mutated genes. Therefore, when assessing the associations between somatic mutations and clinical outcomes, gene-by-gene analysis is often under-powered because it does not capture the complex disease mechanisms shared across cancer patients. Rather than testing genes one by one, an intuitive approach is to aggregate somatic mutation data of multiple genes to assess their joint association with clinical outcomes. The challenge is how to aggregate such information. Building on the optimal transport method, we propose a principled approach to estimate the similarity of somatic mutation profiles of multiple genes between tumor samples, while accounting for gene–gene similarities defined by gene annotations or empirical mutational patterns. Using such similarities, we can assess the associations between somatic mutations and clinical outcomes by kernel regression. We have applied our method to analyze somatic mutation data of 17 cancer types and identified at least five cancer types, where somatic mutations are associated with overall survival, progression-free interval, or cytolytic activity.  相似文献   
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