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Melatonin, the major pineal hormone, modulates growth in poultry by influencing hormones involved in growth. We investigated the effects of dietary melatonin supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics, and excretion of nitrogen and some minerals in broiler Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to high-ambient-temperature stress (34°C). One hundred twenty Japanese quails (10 d old) were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups, 3 replicates of 10 birds each. The birds were kept in either an environment-controlled room at a constant 22°C or were kept at 22°C for 16 h/d and at 34°C for 8 h/d (9:00 am to 5:00 pm). At both temperatures birds were fed either a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 40 mg of melatonin per kilogram of diet. The experiment lasted for 32 d. Melatonin improved feed efficiency in both temperatures groups compared with their corresponding controls. Although feed intake was similar in all groups, the improvement in feed efficiency was more noticable in melatonin-fed quails kept at high temperature (p<0.01). Supplemental melatonin significantly increased live weight gain and carcass characteristics under stress conditions (p<0.01) but did not show the same effect at thermoneutral conditions (p>0.05). Heat exposure increased excretion of N, Ca, P, Zn, Fe, and Cr and decreased retention rates for them. Dietary melatonin supplementation returned these values to normal (p<0.01). No interactions between melatonin and temperature were found in the parameters measured. The results of the study show that melatonin supplementation attenuated the retardation in performance as well as the excretion of minerals caused by heat stress in broiler quails. Our data suggest that melatonin might offer protection against heat-stress-related depression in the performance of broiler quails.  相似文献   
Environmental stress causes adverse effects in performance and antioxidant status of poultry. Dietary chromium supplementation promotes the growth rate and feed efficiency of growing poultry and these beneficial effects of chromium appear to be greater under stress. Biotin, a member of the vitamin B complex, is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In a previous experiment, we examined the effects of chromium picolinate (CrPic) as a chromium source in birds subjected to high environmental temperature and the data showed that supplementation with CrPic ameliorated the deletorious effect of stress. The study was conducted to determine the effects of a supplementation of combination of CrPic and biotin (DiachromeTM) on performance, carcass characteristics, levels of oxidative stress markers, serum cholesterol, and glucose concentrations in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) exposed to high ambient temperature of 34°C. Two hundred forty Japanese quail (10 d old) were randomly assigned to 8 treatment groups consisting of 10 replicates of 3 birds. The birds were kept in a temperature-controlled room at 22°C (thermo-neutral [TN] groups) or 34°C (for 8h/d; 09.00 am to 05.00 pm; heat-stress [HS] groups). Birds were fed either a basal (control) diet (TN and HS) or the basal diet supplemented with either 1, 2 or 4 mg of Diachrome/kg of diet. Heat exposure decreased performance when the basal diet was fed (p=0.001). Diachrome supplementation increased feed intake (p=0.001), body weight (p=0.05), feed efficiency (p=0.01), and carcass traits (p≤0.05) variables linearly in birds reared under HS conditions. Serum vitamin C (p=0.05) and vitamin E (p=0.03) concentrations increased, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in serum and the liver (p=0.01), thigh muscle (p=0.05), and serum cholesterol and glucose concentrations (p=0.05) decreased in supplemented birds reared at a high temperature. It should be noted that when birds were kept at the thermo-neutral temperature, Diachrome supplementation did not affect (p>0.05) the variables measured, with the exception of a reduction in serum cholesterol and glucose. Results of the present study suggest that Diachrome can be considered a protective dietary supplement by reducing the negative effects of high environment temperature on performance and oxidative stress in quail.  相似文献   
Nutrient concentrations, enzyme activities, viable probiotic counts and organic acid levels of fermented barley (FB) produced by solid state fermentation (SSF) and of its unfermented counterpart (unfermented barley (UFB)) were determined by quantitative methods, and compared with the second derivate spectra analysis (SDSA) of their attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared measurements. Moreover, in order to test the nutritional value of FB and UFB feeds, 3-d old Japanese quails were fed FB or UFB at 400 g/kg diet for 4 weeks. Chemical analysis indicated that FB had significantly increased crude protein, ether extract and ash contents, associated with lowered fibre and sugar contents, as compared with UFB. IR spectra pattern of FB and UFB samples were similar, but their SDSA parameters, particularly peak areas, differed significantly. The differences between FB and UFB in peak areas were highly correlated with the differences between two feeds in lipid, protein, total fibre, starch and sugar contents (p < 0.05). Furthermore, SDSA analysis found new peak areas only available in FB samples, indicating fortification with new biomolecules due to the effect of SSF. Feeding the FB containing diet for 3 or 4 weeks enhanced growth performance significantly and increased the carcass yield of quails, indicating its nutritional benefits in young growing quails. The results indicated that the further analysis of IR spectra data revealed important information on the chemical and biological properties of feed materials, which are found to be highly correlated with the results of compositional analysis and their biological value in animal model.  相似文献   
Essentiality of selenium (Se) for Japanese quail,Coturnix coturnix japonica, was confirmed using a formulated semipurified low-Se diet (basal) (0.05 ppm). Selenium-deficiency symptoms appeared in quails on this diet within 15 d, which corresponded to low levels of hemolysate glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity. Selenium administration at 0.05 and 2.0 ppm levels resulted in an increase of hemolysate GSH-Px activity by 64 and 116%, respectively, in both short- and long-term experiments. Growth over a 2-mo period increased the hemolysate GSH-Px activity by 120% at each level of dietary Se. A differential response was exhibited by hepatic mitochondrial and soluble GSH-Px activity to Se supplementation, the former increasing progressively with increments of Se at 0.05, 2.0, and 4.0 ppm by 45, 70 and 150%, respectively. The soluble GSH-Px activities of tissues, such as liver, kidney, and testis, and RBC membrane-bound activity remained unchanged in long-term studies at different levels of Se. Replenishment of Se to quails maintained on low-Se diets reflected no change in RBC membrane-bound and liver-soluble GSH-Px activities, although the activity in hemolysate increased consistently with Se. The GSH-Px activity in hemolysate was restored to the levels comparable to those of long-term studies only at Se administration at the 2.0-ppm level. The differential response of mitochondrial and soluble GSH-Px activities to Se and other related observations on mitochondrial functions suggest an additional role for Se in mitochondrial membrane processes and glutathione-related metabolic regulations.  相似文献   
Intratracheal inoculation of young quail chicks with Aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. The lesions were restricted to respiratory tract and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body.Gross changes in lungs and air sacs were observed within 24 hours and continued up to 20 days while in trachea these were noticed from the 3rd to the 9th day post-infection. The lesions, in general, included congestion and focal haemorrhages in the first 2 days followed by the development of varying-sized greyish-white nodules in the lungs, air sacs and trachea.Microscopic changes consisted of congestion, haemorrhages and a diffuse cellular infiltration in the first 2 days followed by granulomatous reaction with well developed granulomas in lungs, air sacs and trachea. Spores and developing hyphae of Aspergillus could be demonstrated in sections from 24 hours to 20 days of infection.Reisolation of the fungus was consistently achieved from the lungs, air sacs and trachea up to 14 days.  相似文献   
Chromium picolinate is used in the poultry diet because of its antistress effects in addition to the fact that the requirement for it is increased during stress. This study was conducted to determine if the negative effects of high ambient temperature (34°C) on egg production, egg quality, antioxidant status, and cholesterol and mineral content of egg yolk could be alleviated by combination of chromium picolinate and biotin (0.6/2.0; Diachrome, as formulated by Nutrition 21 Inc.), in laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japanica), Quails (n=240; 50 d old) were divided into 8 groups, 30 birds per group. The quails were fed either a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 2, 4, or 8 mg of Diachrome/kg diet. Birds were kept at 22°C and 53% relative humidity (RH). At 14 wk of age, the thermoneutral (TN) group remained in the same temperature as at the beginning of experiment, whereas the heat stress (HS) group was kept in an environment-controlled room (34°C and 41% RH) for 3 wk. Heat exposure decreased performance when the basal diet was fed (p=0.001). Diachrome supplementation at 4 and 8 mg/kg diet, increased feed intake (p=0.05), egg production (p=0.05), feed efficiency (p=0.01), egg weight (p=0.05), and Haugh unit (p=0.01) in quails reared under heat stress conditions. Heat exposure increased concentrations of serum malondialdehyde (MDA) (p=0.001), glucose, and cholesterol (p=0.01), which were elevated by supplemental Diachrome (p≤0.05). Egg yolk Cr, Zn, and Fe (p=0.01) concentrations increased linearly, whereas MDA and cholesterol concentrations decreased (p=0.05) as dietary Diachrome supplementation increased in HS groups. Similar effects of supplementation on serum levels of glucose and cholesterol (p=0.05) and egg yolk concentrations of cholesterol (p=0.05) and Cr (p=0.01) were observed in TN groups. No significant differences in other values were observed in the TN groups. Results of the present study suggest that supplementation with Diachrome protects the quail by reducing the negative effects of heat stress.  相似文献   
Rate of passage through the digestive systems and effects of ingestion on viability of contents of cysts of Heterodera rostochiensis were determined in feeding trials with pigeons, thrushes, starlings, cowbirds, sparrows, and quails. Depending upon species of birds, 12-82% of the cysts ingested passed through the digestive system within 0.5 h. Pigeons required 6 h for complete evacuation. All other birds cmnpletely evacuated ingested cysts from their digestive systems within 3 h. Contents of cysts were nonviable if they were retained in the digestive system of starlings for more than 1.5 h, pigeons more than 1 h, or other birds more than 0.5 h. Cyst contents were nonviable if they remained in contact with excreta from cowbirds or quails for 4 h, thrushes for 96 h, or other species for 72 h after passage. Viability of contents of cysts was inversely related to exposure to excreta-filtrate concentration. Larvae failed to emerge from cysts that were exposed to a 25% concentration of excreta filtrate from starlings, 50% concentration from pigeons or thrushes, or 100% concentration of excreta filtrates from each of the other species. Cysts that were subjected to 44 C (avg. body temperature of cowbirds) for more than 3.5 h were nonviable. Cysts that passed through birds and collected with excrement on polyethylene or soil produced no infective larvae on potato.  相似文献   
Intratracheal inoculation of 2-week-old quail chicks with Aspergillus fumigatus resulted in the development of clinical signs within 24 h of infection. These were characterized by anorexia, depression, accelerated respiration and gasping followed by death. The acute course of the disease lasted for 7–10 days followed by recovery in the surviving chicks. The overall mortality during a 6-week observation period was 20%.Although the mean body weight of A. fumigatus infected quail chicks continued to be slightly lower throughout the experiment but the difference, in comparison to controls, was not significant except at 42 days post-infection.There was no appreciable difference in the mean values of Hb, TEC, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC between the infected and control chicks at any stage of infection but TLC revealed a leucocytosis from 2–7 days which was the result of increase in the relative percentage of heterophils and decrease in lymphocytes.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of various levels of dietary chromium supplementation on performance, carcass traits, blood chemistry, and tissue distribution of chromium (Cr3+) in quails. Two hundred forty 1-d-old Japanese quails were divided into five groups with four replicates and were fed a basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 20, 40, 80, or 100 mg/kg Cr (CrCl3·6H2O) until 38 d of age. Chromium supplementation decreased carcass fat percentage, serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and glucose and increased serum magnesium (Mg) and Cr content of kidney, liver, and muscle. In conclusion, 20, 40, 80, or 100 mg/kg Cr supplementation to quail diet had no effect on performance, chemical composition of carcass except fat percentage, serum protein, calcium (Ca), and inorganic phosphorus (Pi) levels, but reduced serum glucose, LDL and fat percentage of carcass. Chromium is accumulated mainly in the kidneys and liver.  相似文献   
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