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Arundo donax L. (Poaceae) is native to Mediterranean Europe and invasive in the Rio Grande Basin of North America. Rhizomes from nine sites in France and Spain infested with a candidate control agent, the armoured scale Rhizaspidiotus donacis (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) weighed 50% less than those from nine sites without scale.  相似文献   
Plant-herbivore chemical signals and behavioral plasticity may enhance parasitoid host-foraging efficacy in the field; however, no studies have quantified the potential benefits from these factors under field-type conditions. The effect of plant-herbivore signals and learning on the foraging efficacy of Microplitis croceipes was quantified by directly observing and recording total and sequential duration of various foraging behaviors relative to 5 randomly placed herbivore-damaged and host-infested cotton plants and 20 undamaged and non-host-infested plants. Microplitis croceipes spent significantly more time searching (flying and antennation) on host infested versus uninfested plants. Antennation time was significantly and negatively correlated with successive host stings. Contrary to expectations of increased duration, flight time remained constant throughout the foraging bout, which may indicate that there was some learning associated with flight. These results suggest that plant-herbivore chemical signals and learning enhances the foraging efficacy of M. croceipes.  相似文献   
Summary Under the ?Bois plus? scheme, the CTBA is currently developing a third party certification, based on the Scrivener law, with the aim of defending the consumers' interests. At this early stage, wood preservatives and treated wood are checked for the efficacy of treatments in order to ensure the stability and security of works in buildings and civil engineering. According to the different classes of risks in service, ?Bois plus? provides the most adeguate level of protection. In the close future, the industry is planning to incorporate, with the help of the CTBA and experts, health criteria within the frame of the ?Bois plus? certification scheme. The means could beSafety indexes, which are objectives of quality for professionals.Safety indexes are concentrations of substances in wood which can be taken as safe for humans and the general environment, while still toxic for the wood pests. This attractive experience aims to make with the brandname ?Bois plus? a synonym of efficacy and safety. This approach meets the essential requirements 1, 3, 4 of the 89/106 EEC directive: mechanical resistance and stability/hygiene, health and environment/safety in use.  相似文献   
Summary Semigranular cells from the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, were separated by Percoll gradient centrifugation and were used to study the encapsulation of foreign particles. The semigranular cells were found strongly to encapsulate glass beads coated with haemocyte lysate in which the prophenoloxidase-activating system had been activated with laminarin or with a low concentration of calcium ions. The granular cells only weakly encapsulated these particles. The encapsulationpromoting factor was purified from haemocyte lysates and found to be a 76 kD protein which was recognized by an antiserum to the previously described 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. After the last step in purification (Con A-Sepharose chromatography), the flowthrough consisted of several proteins, which had some, but less, encapsulation-promoting activity and contained a 30 kD band that was also recognized by the antiserum to the 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. If the haemocyte lysate prepared in low [Ca2+] was incubated with a -1,3-glucan prior to purification, no 76 kD protein could be isolated but only a 30 kD protein. The 30 kD protein thus seems to be a degradation product of the 76 kD cell-adhesion factor. We conclude that the 76 kD protein which is released from degranulating haemocytes, and to a lesser extent its 30 kD fragment, can promote encapsulation. Phenoloxidase did not have any encapsulation-promoting activity.  相似文献   
棉铃虫病毒杀虫乳悬剂的生产及其药效试验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
成功研制出棉铃虫病毒(NPV)杀虫乳悬剂,改进了生产工艺和设备,建立了棉铃虫的室内品系,提高了生产效率,建立了产品的检测方法,提高了产品质量,促使棉铃虫病毒杀虫剂商品开发获得成功。大田试验证明,病毒乳悬剂的防治效果,相当于当前推广的化学农药,优于原病毒可湿性粉剂。相同剂量(0.53一1.07×10(10)PIB/公顷)的病毒乳悬剂可使虫口平均减退91.7%,而病毒可湿性粉剂为83.7%。  相似文献   
本研究采用EBV-EA诱导抑制实验的方法,对40种蔬菜,60个品种,共150个样品的防癌抗促作用效果进行了筛选与比较,其中具有中等以上抑制活性的样品117个,占样品总数的78%,尤其以非洲野苋菜、辣椒、羽衣甘蓝、山药芋头、苦瓜及紫苏、罗勒等一些芳香莱的效果较好。不同品种、不同植株部位、不同提取方法以及不同产地,对蔬菜的抗促活性也有影响,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is considered a new treatment for a wide range of diseases and injuries, but challenges remain, such as poor survival, homing and engraftment rates, thus limiting the therapeutic efficacy of the transplanted MSCs. Many strategies have been developed to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs, such as preconditioning, co‐transplantation with graft materials and gene modification. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is secreted by MSCs, which plays an important role in MSC therapy. It has been reported that the modification of the HGF gene is beneficial to the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs, including diseases of the heart, lung, liver, urinary system, bone and skin, lower limb ischaemia and immune‐related diseases. This review focused on studies involving HGF/MSCs both in vitro and in vivo. The characteristics of HGF/MSCs were summarized, and the mechanisms of their improved therapeutic efficacy were analysed. Furthermore, some insights are provided for HGF/MSCs'' clinical application based on our understanding of the HGF gene and MSC therapy.  相似文献   
镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的促生性   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
【目的】挖掘镍耐受性强、产铁载体活性高的植物根际促生细菌,研究镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的促生作用及其对花生吸收镍的影响。【方法】利用CAS(Chrome azurol S)培养基对花生根际产铁载体细菌定性筛选及定量测试获得产铁载体能力强的菌株,16S r RNA基因相似性及系统进化分析鉴定产铁载体细菌,并用含Ni~(2+)牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基测试细菌对Ni的耐受性;通过花生盆栽实验,测试花生的株高、根长、生物量、氮磷钾含量及镍含量来分析镍胁迫下产铁载体细菌对花生的影响。【结果】从花生根际分离筛选产铁载体芽孢杆菌5株,其中HSGJ1产铁载体能力最强,培养2 d后产156.56 mg/L的铁载体。HSGJ1对Ni~(2+)具有较强的耐受性,最小致死浓度为150 mg/L。在50、100 mg/kg的Ni~(2+)盆栽基质中,HSGJ1能够有效地促进花生的生长、增加花生的生物量及氮磷钾含量,并使花生根部和地上部分的镍含量降低。【结论】产铁载体芽孢杆菌HSGJ1是一株优良的植物根际促生细菌,可应用于镍污染农耕土壤的作物种植中,以提高作物在镍胁迫下的抗逆性,降低作物对镍的富集量,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   
鱼腥藻提取液对水稻生长发育和产量的促进作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以田间小区试验和大区产量直接对比的方法研究了鱼腥藻提取认对水稻幼苗生长和产量以及产量构成要素的影响,并探讨了方便有效且适宜于大田使用的方法。用藻液处理后水稻幼苗增高,根数、根长增加,分蘖能力增强,秧龄提前,叶面积明显加大。水稻成熟后除株高比对照略有下降外,各项产量构成要素如粒数、粒重、有效分蘖数、植株干重、千粒重、穗长等都优于对照组,但增产幅度随水稻品种和处理方式不同而异。大田使用时以1%鱼腥藻提  相似文献   
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