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Abstract. Many ants use pheromone trails to organize collective foraging. This study investigated the rate at which a well‐established Pharaoh's ant, Monomorium pharaonis (L.), trail breaks down on two substrates (polycarbonate plastic, newspaper). Workers were allowed to feed on sucrose solution from a feeder 30 cm from the nest. Between the nest and the feeder, the trail had a Y‐shaped bifurcation. Initially, while recruiting to and exploiting the feeder, workers could only deposit pheromone on the branch leading to the feeder. Once the trail was established (by approximately 60 ants per min for 20 min), the ants were not allowed to reinforce the trail and were given a choice between the marked and unmarked branches. The numbers of ants choosing each branch were counted for 30 min. Initially, most went to the side on which pheromone had been deposited (80% and 70% on the plastic and paper substrates, respectively). However, this decayed to 50% within 25 min for plastic and 8 min for paper. From these data, the half‐life times of the pheromone are estimated as approximately 9 min and 3 min on plastic and paper, respectively. The results show that, for M. pharaonis, trail decay is rapid and is affected strongly by trail substrate.  相似文献   
A near infrared spectroscopic method was developed to determine drug content in a 20% (wt/wt) ibuprofen and spray-dried hydous lactose blend. A blending profile was obtained after blending for 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 minutes. Stream sampling was used to collect about 20 blend samples at each of the blending times from a laboratory scale V-blender. The samples collected were used to develop a near infrared calibration model. The calibration model was then used to determine the drug content of unknown samples from 2 validation blends. The validation blends were not included in the calibration model; they were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the calibration model. A total of 45 samples from the 2 validation blends were predicted by the near infrared calibration model and then analyzed by a validated UV spectrophotometric method. The root mean square error of prediction for the first validation blend was 5.69 mg/g and 3.30 mg/g for the samples from the second blend. A paired t test at the 95% confidence level did not indicate any differences between the drug content predicted by the near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) method and the validated UV method for the 2 blends. The results show that the NIRS method could be developed while the blending profile is generated and used to thoroughly characterize a new formulation during development by analyzing a large number of samples. The new formulation could be transferred to a manufacturing plant with an NIRS method to facilitate blend uniformity analysis.  相似文献   
The effect of moisture content on tensile and fracture properties of a plasticised starch/high molecular weight polyol blend was investigated. A wide range of mechanical behaviour was achieved by varying slightly the water uptake of this material. At low moisture content, the Young’s modulus was 3800 MPa and the yield stress, 54 MPa. When the moisture content reached 15 wt%, their values dropped, respectively, to around 1500 MPa and 21 MPa. As the material behaviour varies greatly over the moisture content range, two fracture mechanics techniques were employed: the linear elastic fracture mechanics approach to characterise brittle behaviour and the essential work of fracture method to investigate a more ductile material. At low moisture content, the measured strain energy release rate at fracture, JQ was very low and showed little dependency on the moisture content. As the moisture content increases, the material becomes increasingly ductile and displayed a brittle-to-ductile transition at 12% of moisture content, which corresponded to the glass transition temperature of the added polyol.  相似文献   
Efficient ternary polymer solar cells are constructed by incorporating an electron‐deficient chromophore (5Z,5′Z)‐5,5′‐((7,7′‐(4,4,9,9‐tetrakis(4‐hexylphenyl)‐4,9‐dihydro‐s‐indaceno[1,2‐b:5,6‐b′]dithiophene‐2,7‐diyl)bis(6‐fluorobenzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole‐7,4‐diyl))bis(methanylylidene))bis(3‐ethyl‐2‐thioxothiazolidin‐4‐one) (IFBR) as an additional component into the bulk‐heterojunction film that consists of a wide‐bandgap conjugated benzodithiophene‐alt‐difluorobenzo[1,2,3]triazole based copolymer and a fullerene acceptor. With respect to the binary blend films, the incorporation of a certain amount of IFBR leads to simultaneously enhanced absorption coefficient, obviously extended absorption band, and improved open‐circuit voltage. Of particular interest is that devices based on ternary blend film exhibit much higher short‐circuit current densities than the binary counterparts, which can be attributed to the extended absorption profiles, enhanced absorption coefficient, favorable film morphology, as well as formation of cascade energy level alignment that is favorable for charge transfer. Further investigation indicates that the ternary blend device exhibits much shorter charge carrier extraction time, obviously reduced trap density and suppressed trap‐assisted recombination, which is favorable for achieving high short‐circuit current. The combination of these beneficial aspects leads to a significantly improved power conversion efficiency of 8.11% for the ternary device, which is much higher than those obtained from the binary counterparts. These findings demonstrate that IFBR can be a promising electron‐accepting material for the construction of ternary blend films toward high‐performance polymer solar cells.  相似文献   
The ecofriendly ternary blend polymer film was prepared from the chitosan (CH), polylactic acid (PLA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Immobilization of Candida cylindracea lipase (CCL) was carried out on ternary blend polymer via entrapment methodology. The ternary blend polymer and immobilized biocatalyst were characterized by using N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm, SEM, FTIR, DSC, and (%) water content analysis through Karl Fischer technique. Biocatalyst was then subjected for the determination of practical immobilization yield, protein loading and specific activity. Immobilized biocatalyst was further applied for the determination of biocatalytic activity for N-acylation reactions. Various reaction parameters were studied such as effect of immobilization support (ratio of PLA:PVA:CH), molar ratio (dibutylamine:vinyl acetate), solvent, biocatalyst loading, time, temperature, and orbital speed rotation. The developed protocol was then applied for the N-acylation reactions to synthesize several industrially important acetamides with excellent yields. Interestingly, immobilized lipase showed fivefold higher catalytic activity and better thermal stability than the crude extract lipase CCL. Furthermore various kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were studied and the biocatalyst was efficiently recycled for four successive reuses. It is noteworthy to mention that immobilized biocatalyst was stable for period of 300 days.  相似文献   
Wingless males of the ant genus Cardiocondyla exhibit a remarkable range of intrasexual competition, from mutual tolerance among males in the colonies of some species to regular lethal fighting in the nests of others. Here, we describe male–male antagonism in Cardiocondyla thoracica (Smith, 1859) from Northern Australia. Males appear to widely ignore adult competitors, but grab defenseless, young rivals during or immediately after emergence and daub them with hindgut secretion. This fluid elicits fatal worker aggression against the besmeared individual. Besmearing and subsequent worker aggression is known from other species of Cardiocondyla but is usually directed towards adult contenders, whereas males kill freshly eclosing males by biting or dismembering. The behavior of C. thoracica males thus constitutes a novel nuance of rival elimination.  相似文献   
The western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is the most significant pest of field maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), in the USA. Maize plants expressing Bt toxins targeting the corn rootworm complex have been widely adopted and are the primary insecticidal control measure for this pest in North America. Insect resistance management tactics using various refuge structures have been adopted to ensure Bt products will retain durability. An assumption of the refuge strategy is that males and females emerging from Bt and refuge plantings mate randomly; this has not been tested in the field. We conducted cage studies using field populations of WCR in Indiana, USA, to generate empirical field data on mating rates between beetles emerging from Cry3Bb1‐expressing Bt and refuge maize plants. Two refuge configurations were tested; all refuge plants were labeled using the stable isotope 15N. This mark persists in adult beetles after eclosion, allowing for collection and analysis of isotopic ratios of all beetles. Additional data collected included adult emergence rates, timing and sex ratios for each of the treatments, and head capsule size and dry weights of beetles collected. Treatment had a significant effect on dry weight; mean dry weight decreased in Bt‐only treatments. Fisher's exact test of proportions of mating pairs of refuge and Bt insects indicated that mating was not random in 20% strip refuges and 5% seed blend treatments. We found high percentages of beetles that fed on Bt‐expressing plants as larvae, suggesting that mating between resistant beetles may not be rare even if random mating did occur.  相似文献   
Biodegradation of a polyvinyl alcohol-starch blend plastic film   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Attempts were made to elucidate the degradation mechanism of a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-starch blend plastic. A part of the starch fraction of this plastic was dissolved into an aqueous phase in a control test. Treatment with a PVA-degrading bacterium or enzyme gave a maximal weight loss of approximately 70% and film breakage occurred. Since this plastic contains 40% PVA, it is apparent that not only the PVA fraction but also a considerable portion of the starch fraction was lost from the film by treatment with the PVA-degrading enzyme. As the PVA-degrading bacterium and enzyme used here showed no starch-degrading activity, loss of the starch fraction seems to depend on its dissolution with degradation of the PVA fraction. These experimental results indicated that the degradation of the PVA fraction is an important requisite for complete degradation or decomposition of this plastic film.  相似文献   
The present study was carried out to investigate the chemical nature of the urine of male mice and to assess its bioactivity. Urine of mature male mice was extracted with dichloromethane (1:1 ratio v/v) and analysed by gas-chromatography linked mass-spectrometry (GC-MS). Ten different compounds such as alkanes, alcohols, etc. were detected in the urine. Among the ten, five compounds are specific to males, namely 3-cyclohexene-1-methanol (I), 3-amino-s-triazole (II), 4-ethyl phenol (III), 3-ethyl-2,7-dimethyl octane (IV) and 1-iodoundecane (V). The compound, 4-ethylphenol, has been previously reported in several strains of male mice. Furthermore, the compounds (II) and (IV) are similar to 2-sec-butylthiazole and dehydro-exo-brevicomin compounds which have already been reported in male mice. Bioassay revealed that compounds (II), (III) and (IV) were responsible for attracting females and in inducing aggression towards males, as compared to the other compounds, i.e. (I) and (V). The results indicate that these three volatiles (II, III and IV) of male mice appear to act as attractants of the opposite sex.  相似文献   
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