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Multiple mutations in different subunits of the tethering complex Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) have been identified as a cause for Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) in humans. Yet, the mechanisms by which COG mutations induce the pleiotropic CDG defects have not been fully defined. By detailed analysis of Cog8 deficiency in either HeLa cells or CDG‐derived fibroblasts, we show that Cog8 is required for the assembly of both the COG complex and the Golgi Stx5‐GS28‐Ykt6‐GS15 and Stx6‐Stx16‐Vti1a‐VAMP4 SNARE complexes. The assembly of these SNARE complexes is also impaired in cells derived from a Cog7‐deficient CDG patient. Likewise, the integrity of the COG complex is also impaired in Cog1‐, Cog4‐ and Cog6‐depleted cells. Significantly, deficiency of Cog1, Cog4, Cog6 or Cog8 distinctly influences the production of COG subcomplexes and their Golgi targeting. These results shed light on the structural organization of the COG complex and its subcellular localization, and suggest that its integrity is required for both tethering of transport vesicles to the Golgi apparatus and the assembly of Golgi SNARE complexes. We propose that these two key functions are generally and mechanistically impaired in COG‐associated CDG patients, thereby exerting severe pleiotropic defects.  相似文献   
COPI‐coated vesicles mediate retrograde membrane traffic from the cis‐Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in all eukaryotic cells. However, it is still unknown whether COPI vesicles fuse everywhere or at specific sites with the ER membrane. Taking advantage of the circumstance that the vesicles still carry their coat when they arrive at the ER, we have visualized active ER arrival sites (ERAS) by monitoring contact between COPI coat components and the ER‐resident Dsl tethering complex using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). ERAS form punctate structures near Golgi compartments, clearly distinct from ER exit sites. Furthermore, ERAS are highly polarized in an actin and myosin V‐dependent manner and are localized near hotspots of plasma membrane expansion. Genetic experiments suggest that the COPI?Dsl BiFC complexes recapitulate the physiological interaction between COPI and the Dsl complex and that COPI vesicles are mistargeted in dsl1 mutants. We conclude that the Dsl complex functions in confining COPI vesicle fusion sites.  相似文献   
Organelle tethering and intercommunication are crucial for proper cell function. We previously described a tether between peroxisomes and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that acts in peroxisome population control in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Components of this tether are Pex3p, an integral membrane protein of both peroxisomes and the ER and Inp1p, a connector that links peroxisomes to the ER. Here, we report the analysis of random Inp1p mutants that enabled identification of regions in Inp1p required for the assembly and maintenance of the ER‐peroxisome tether. Interaction analysis between Inp1p mutants and known Inp1p‐binding proteins demonstrated that Pex3p and Inp1p do not constitute the sole components of the ER‐peroxisome tether. Deletion of these Inp1p interactors whose steady‐state localization is outside of ER‐peroxisome tethers affected peroxisome dynamics. Our findings are consistent with the presence of regulatory cues that act on ER‐peroxisome tethers and point to the existence of membrane contact sites between peroxisomes and organelles other than the ER.   相似文献   
膜泡运输是不同细胞器间进行物质传递的基本方式,分为4个重要步骤:囊泡的出芽、转运、拴系和融合。在此过程中,有许多相关因子参与调控,如包被蛋白、Rab蛋白、拴系因子、SM蛋白和SNARE等。拴系因子在运输囊泡和靶位膜发生接触的最初阶段起重要调控作用,多数拴系因子形成大的多亚基复合体发挥功能。目前,关于拴系因子的功能已经有了一定的了解,在此,我们对酵母、哺乳动物以及植物细胞中的已知拴系因子的特点和功能进行了概述。  相似文献   
Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) comprises a heterogeneous group of neuropathies affecting upper motor neurons and causing progressive gait disorder. Mutations in the gene SPG3A/atlastin-1 (ATL1), encoding a dynamin superfamily member, which utilizes the energy from GTP hydrolysis for membrane tethering and fusion to promote the formation of a highly branched, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER), account for approximately 10% of all HSP cases. The continued discovery and characterization of novel disease mutations are crucial for our understanding of HSP pathogenesis and potential treatments. Here, we report a novel disease-causing, in-frame insertion in the ATL1 gene, leading to inclusion of an additional asparagine residue at position 417 (N417ins). This mutation correlates with complex, early-onset spastic quadriplegia affecting all four extremities, generalized dystonia, and a thinning of the corpus callosum. We show using limited proteolysis and FRET-based studies that this novel insertion affects a region in the protein central to intramolecular interactions and GTPase-driven conformational change, and that this insertion mutation is associated with an aberrant prehydrolysis state. While GTPase activity remains unaffected by the insertion, membrane tethering is increased, indicative of a gain-of-function disease mechanism uncommon for ATL1-associated pathologies. In conclusion, our results identify a novel insertion mutation with altered membrane tethering activity that is associated with spastic quadriplegia, potentially uncovering a broad spectrum of molecular mechanisms that may affect neuronal function.  相似文献   
Cytotrophoblast (CTB) aggregates that bridge the gap between the placenta and the uterus are suspended as cell columns in the intervillous space, where they experience significant amounts of shear stress generated by maternal blood flow. The proper formation of these structures is crucial to pregnancy outcome as they play a vital role in anchoring the embryo/fetus to the decidua. At the same time, they provide a route by which CTBs enter the uterine wall. The mechanism by which the integrity of the columns is maintained while allowing cell movement is unknown. Here, we present evidence that the interactions of L-selectin with its carbohydrate ligands, a specialized adhesion system that is activated by shear stress, play an important role. CTBs in cell columns, particularly near the distal ends, stained brightly for L-selectin and with the TRA-1-81 antibody, which recognizes carbohydrate epitopes that support binding of L-selectin chimeras in vitro. Function-perturbing antibodies that inhibited either receptor or ligand activity also inhibited formation of cell columns in vitro. Together, these results suggest an autocrine role for the CTB L-selectin adhesion system in forming and maintaining cell columns during the early stages of placental development, when the architecture of the basal plate region is established. This type of adhesion may also facilitate CTB exit from cell columns, a prerequisite for uterine invasion.  相似文献   

A number of novel biotin phosphoramidites, possessing exceptionally long and uncharged tethering arms, were synthesized from methoxyoxalamido (MOX) and succinimido (SUC) precursors. Included among these monomers is a uridine derivative with the biotin moiety attached through the 2′-position. Some of these phosphoramidites were used to make 5′-biotinylated primers, which were applied in direct sequencing of genomic DNA and capture of Sanger fragment pools.  相似文献   
Soil is the main matrix which contributes to the transfer of environmental pollutants to animals and consequently into the food chain. In the French West Indies, chlordecone, a very persistent organochlorine pesticide, has been widely used on banana growing areas and this process has resulted in a long-term pollution of the corresponding soils. Domestic outside-reared herbivores are exposed to involuntary soil intake, and tethered grazing commonly used in West Indian systems can potentially favour their exposure to chlordecone. Thus, it appears necessary to quantify to what extent grazing conditions will influence soil intake. This experiment consisted of a cross-over design with two daily herbage allowance (DHA) grazed alternatively. Six young Creole bulls were distributed into two groups (G1 and G2) according to their BW. The animals were individually tethered and grazed on a restrictive (RES) or non-restrictive (NRES) levels of DHA during two successive 10-days periods. Each bull progressed on a new circular area every day. The two contrasting levels of DHA (P<0.001) were obtained via a different daily grazing surface area (RES: 20 m2/animal, NRES: 31 m2/animal; P<0.01) offered to the animals by the modulation of the length of the tethering chain (RES: 1.9 m, NRES: 2.6 m). These differences in offered grazing areas resulted in DHA of 71 and 128 g DM/kg BW0.75, respectively for RES and NRES treatments. As expected, the animals grazing on the reduced area realized a lower daily dry matter intake (DMI) (RES: 1.12 kg/100 kg BW, NRES: 1.83 kg/100 kg BW; P<0.05) and present a lower organic matter digestibility (RES: 0.67, NRES: 0.73; P<0.01) than NRES ones, due in part to the shorter post-grazing sward surface height (RES: 3.3 cm, NRES: 5.2 cm; P<0.01) of their grazing circles. Soil intake was estimated on an individual level based on the ratio of the marker titanium in soil, herbage and faeces. Grazing closer to the ground, animals on RES treatment ingested a significantly higher proportion of soil in their total DMI (RES: 9.3%, NRES: 4.4%; P<0.01). The amount of ingested soil in the diet was not significantly different between the two treatments (RES: 98 g/100 kg BW, NRES: 78 g/100 kg BW; P>0.05) due to the lower DMI of RES compared with NRES treatment.  相似文献   
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