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Summary A recently proposed model for the origin of prebiotic progenitors of life in particles suspended in a primitive, specially organized atmosphere is considered critically. It is concluded that the physical and chemical framework of the new hypothesis conflicts with the conditions necessary for the evolution of the progenitors of life in the atmosphere of the early Earth. Therefore this model seems not to be a reasonable alternative to the Oparin thesis.  相似文献   
Multivariate statistical analysis has been applied to time series measurements of aerosol elemental composition from PIXE analysis of filter samples, and principal components have been resolved that represent distinct particle types in an external mixture in the atmosphere. In this study, it is argued that a combination of chemical and statistical analyses of the data may be more powerful in determining chemical species in atmospheric aerosols than studies that employ mainly direct chemical analysis of chemical species in unresolved mixtures of aerosol particle samples. Sulfur is generally associated with mineral dust elements. It is reasoned that the association may represent sulfuric acid coatings on particles that can lead to mineral dissolution and solubilization of significant amounts of aluminum, iron, and other metals. Upon wet or dry deposition to the surface, the fluxes of these metals in biologically-available form may be sufficient to affect primary productivity in the world ocean and cause ecological damage in lakes. As a consequence, the fluxes of biogenic trace gases to the atmosphere may be changed, possibly leading to changes in the tropospheric concentration of ozone. The inputs to lakes of soluble aluminum, which is toxic to fish, may be partly by deposition directly from the atmosphere, thus not limited to leaching of soils by acid deposition. Human inhalation of soluble aluminum and other solulilized mineral metals may account, in part, for the observed geographic pattern of deaths attributed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that show high rates in cities of the Western US and the southeast region, but low in most of the midwest and northeast.  相似文献   
Collections of lily genotypes are usually maintained by yearly planting, harvesting and storage of the bulbs. To facilitate this maintenance, a storage method has been developed for a collection of lily genotypes, including Asiatic hybrids, Oriental hybrids, Lilium longiflorum and L. henryi. Scale bulblets were stored either dry, sealed air-tight in polyethylene bags, or in moist vermiculite in open polyethylene bags for a period of 2 yr. The decrease in mass, sprouting proportion and ion leakage or sprouting proportion alone were determined for treatments carried out at -2°C, °C and 17°C. Sealing scale bulblets in polyethylene bags at -2°C resulted in the smallest decrease in mass, the least ion leakage and the highest sprouting proportion after 2 yr of storage.  相似文献   
The exchange of ammonia between the atmosphere and the canopy of spring barley crops growing at three levels of nitrogen application (medium N, high N and excessive N) was studied over two consecutive growing seasons by use of micrometeorological techniques. In most cases, ammonia was emitted from the canopy to the atmosphere. The emission started around 2 weeks before anthesis, and peaked about or shortly after anthesis. The volatilization of ammonia only took place in the daytime. During the night-time, atmospheric ammonia was frequently aborbed by the canopy. Occasionally, plants in the medium and high N treatments also absorbed ammonia from the atmosphere during the daytime. Daytime absorption of ammonia never occurred in the excessive N canopy. The loss of ammonia from the canopy amounted in both years to 0.5–1.5 kg NH3-N ha?1 and increased with the N status of the canopy. In agreement with the small losses of ammonia, the content of 15N-labelled nitrogen in the plants did not decline during the grain-filling period. The experimental years were characterized by very favourable conditions for grain dry matter formation, and for re-utilization of nitrogen mobilized from leaves and stems. Consequently, a very high part of the nitrogen in the mature plants was located in grain dry matter (80–84% in 1989; 74–80% in 1990). The efficient re-utilization of nitrogen may have reduced the volatilization of ammonia.  相似文献   
The land‐atmosphere exchange of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in a high‐Arctic wet tundra ecosystem (Rylekærene) in Zackenberg, north‐eastern Greenland, was studied over the full growing season and until early winter in 2008 and from before snow melt until early winter in 2009. The eddy covariance technique was used to estimate CO2 fluxes and a combination of the gradient and eddy covariance methods was used to estimate CH4 fluxes. Small CH4 bursts were observed during spring thawing 2009, but these existed during short periods and would not have any significant effect on the annual budget. Growing season CH4 fluxes were well correlated with soil temperature, gross primary production, and active layer thickness. The CH4 fluxes remained low during the entire autumn, and until early winter. No increase in CH4 fluxes were seen as the soil started to freeze. However, in autumn 2008 there were two CH4 burst events that were highly correlated with atmospheric turbulence. They were likely associated with the release of stored CH4 from soil and vegetation cavities. Over the measurement period, 7.6 and 6.5 g C m?2 was emitted as CH4 in 2008 and in 2009, respectively. Rylekærene acted as a C source during the warmer and wetter measurement period 2008, whereas it was a C sink for the colder and drier period of 2009. Wet tundra ecosystems, such as Rylekærene may thus play a more significant role for the climate in the future, as temperature and precipitation are predicted to increase in the high‐Arctic.  相似文献   
Loblolly pine trees (Pinus taeda L.) occupy more than 20% of the forested area in the southern United States, represent more than 50% of the standing pine volume in this region, and remove from the atmosphere about 500 g C m per year through net ecosystem exchange. Hence, their significance as a major regional carbon sink can hardly be disputed. What is disputed is whether the proliferation of young plantations replacing old forest in the southern United States will alter key aspects of the hydrologic cycle, including convective rainfall, which is the focus of the present work. Ecosystem fluxes of sensible () and latent heat (LE) and large‐scale, slowly evolving free atmospheric temperature and water vapor content are known to be first‐order controls on the formation of convective clouds in the atmospheric boundary layer. These controlling processes are here described by a zero‐order analytical model aimed at assessing how plantations of different ages may regulate the persistence and transition of the atmospheric system between cloudy and cloudless conditions. Using the analytical model together with field observations, the roles of ecosystem and LE on convective cloud formation are explored relative to the entrainment of heat and moisture from the free atmosphere. Our results demonstrate that cloudy–cloudless regimes at the land surface are regulated by a nonlinear relation between the Bowen ratio and root‐zone soil water content, suggesting that young/mature pines ecosystems have the ability to recirculate available water (through rainfall predisposition mechanisms). Such nonlinearity was not detected in a much older pine stand, suggesting a higher tolerance to drought but a limited control on boundary layer dynamics. These results enable the generation of hypotheses about the impacts on convective cloud formation driven by afforestation/deforestation and groundwater depletion projected to increase following increased human population in the southeastern United States.  相似文献   
赫荣乔 《微生物学通报》2012,39(12):1851-1851
在冷却牛肉的贮藏过程中,微生物的生长繁殖是导致其腐败变质的主要原因。在低温冷藏条件下,大多数微生物的生长受到抑制,但仍有一些嗜冷菌可以生长繁殖,从而对冷却肉的品质及人类健康安全造成威胁。因此,研究和分析生鲜冷却牛肉中菌群构成及其演替规律,不但具有重要的  相似文献   
《Science activities》2013,50(2):73-76
The purpose of this activity was to help students understand the percentage of cloud cover and make more accurate cloud cover observations. Students estimated the percentage of cloud cover represented by simulated clouds and assigned a cloud cover classification to those simulations.  相似文献   
1-MCP和CO2对‘南果梨’冷藏后货架期能量代谢特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别对‘南果梨’果实采用0.75μL/L 1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)在20℃熏蒸20h后装入保鲜袋(0.02mm)、用2%CO2充气果实包装袋(0.04mm)、以保鲜袋果实为对照,各处理组果实均置于(0±1)℃贮藏5个月后移至室温下(18℃±3℃),测定各处理果实在货架期间的褐变度以及果实线粒体蛋白含量、MDA含量、ATP含量,以明确1-MCP和CO2对南果梨冷藏后果实货架期的能量代谢特性。结果显示:(1)1-MCP和CO2处理可不同程度延缓南果梨冷藏后货架期果实果心褐变指数和褐变度,且1-MCP处理效果更好,但CO2处理在货架后期反而使果实褐变度较对照提高。(2)1-MCP和CO2处理可有效抑制果实MDA含量增加,延缓细胞膜透性的升高,保持细胞完整性。(3)1-MCP处理有利于提高货架前期果实中线粒体蛋白质含量,能够在货架后期保持较高的ATP含量和能荷水平,而CO2处理在货架前期果实内含有较高水平的ATP,促进了果实内的能荷水平。研究发现,1-MCP和CO2处理均可以通过影响南果梨果实的能量代谢特性从而影响果实的成熟衰老进程,且1-MCP处理可以抑制货架前期的ATP含量和能量供应,有利于保持细胞膜完整性,抑制果心褐变的发生,延缓果实成熟衰老进程;而2%CO2处理与对照相比对果实能量代谢特性的影响不大。  相似文献   
Parallel experimental measurements and theoretical calculations have been used to investigate the energetics of electrostatic interactions in the complex formed between a 22 residue, alpha-helical peptide from the N protein of phage lambda and its cognate 19 nucleotide box B RNA hairpin. Salt-dependent free energies were measured for both peptide folding from coil to helix and peptide binding to RNA, and from these the salt-dependence of binding pre-folded, helical peptide to RNA was determined ( partial differential (DeltaG degrees (dock))/ partial differential log[KCl]=5.98(+/-0.21)kcal/mol). (A folding transition taking place in the RNA hairpin loop was shown to have a negligible dependence on salt concentration.) The non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation was used to calculate the same salt dependence of the binding free energy as 5.87(+/-0.22)kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the measured value. Close agreement between experimental measurements and calculations was also obtained for two variant peptides in which either a basic or acidic residue was replaced with an uncharged residue, and for an RNA variant with a deletion of a single loop nucleotide. The calculations suggest that the strength of electrostatic interactions between a peptide residue and RNA varies considerably with environment, but that all 12 positive and negative N peptide charges contribute significantly to the electrostatic free energy of RNA binding, even at distances up to 11A from backbone phosphate groups. Calculations also show that the net release of ions that accompanies complex formation originates from rearrangements of both peptide and RNA ion atmospheres, and includes accumulation of ions in some regions of the complex as well as displacement of cations and anions from the ion atmospheres of the RNA and peptide, respectively.  相似文献   
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