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Abstract 1. Experimental studies of multihost parasite dynamics are scarce. Understanding the transmission dynamics of parasites in these systems is a key task in developing better models of parasite evolution and to make more accurate predictions of disease dynamics. 2. Bumblebee species (Bombus spp.) host the trypanosomatid parasite, Crithidia bombi. Its transmission in the field occurs through the shared use of flowers. Flowers are a perfect scenario for inter‐taxa transmission of diseases because they are used by a wide range of animals. 3. Honey bees host a poorly studied trypanosomatid, Crithidia mellificae. In this study, five questions have been experimentally addressed: (a) Can C. bombi infect honey bees? (b) Can C. mellificae infect bumblebees? (c) Can the honey bee act as a vector for C. bombi? (d) Are C. bombi cells present in honey‐bee faeces? (e) Does C. bombi have an effect on the mortality of honey bees after ingestion? 4. While both parasites were found to be specific to their hosts at the genus level, results suggest that honey bees may play a role in the epidemiology of C. bombi transmission.  相似文献   
Pathogen infection is typically costly to hosts, resulting in reduced fitness. However, pathogen exposure may also come at a cost even if the host does not become infected. These fitness reductions, referred to as “resistance costs”, are inducible physiological costs expressed as a result of a trade‐off between resistance to a pathogen and aspects of host fitness (e.g., reproduction). Here, we examine resistance and infection costs of a generalist fungal pathogen (Metschnikowia bicuspidata) capable of infecting a number of host species. Costs were quantified as reductions in host lifespan, total reproduction, and mean clutch size as a function of pathogen exposure (resistance cost) or infection (infection cost). We provide empirical support for infection costs and modest support for resistance costs for five Daphnia host species. Specifically, only one host species examined incurred a significant cost of resistance. This species was the least susceptible to infection, suggesting the possibility that host susceptibility to infection is associated with the detectability and size of resistance cost. Host age at the time of pathogen exposure did not influence the magnitude of resistance or infection cost. Lastly, resistant hosts had fitness values intermediate between unexposed control hosts and infected hosts. Although not statistically significant, this could suggest that pathogen exposure does come at some marginal cost. Taken together, our findings suggest that infection is costly, resistance costs may simply be difficult to detect, and the magnitude of resistance cost may vary among host species as a result of host life history or susceptibility.  相似文献   
Characterizing host and parasite population genetic structure and estimating gene flow among populations is essential for understanding coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites. We examined the population genetic structure of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni and its two host species (the definitive host Rattus rattus and the intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata) using microsatellite markers. Parasites were sampled from rats. The study was conducted in five sites of the Guadeloupe Island, Lesser Antilles. Mollusks display a pattern of isolation by distance whereas such a pattern is not found neither in schistosomes nor in rats. The comparison of the distribution of genetic variability in S. mansoni and its two host species strongly suggests that migration of parasites is principally determined by that of the vertebrate host in the marshy focus of Guadeloupe. However, the comparison between genetic differentiation values in schistosomes and rats suggests that the efficacy of the schistosome rat-mediated dispersal between transmission sites is lower than expected given the prevalence, parasitic load and migration rate of rats among sites. This could notably suggest that rat migration rate could be negatively correlated to the age or the infection status of individuals. Models made about the evolution of local adaptation in function of the dispersal rates of hosts and parasites suggest that rats and mollusks should be locally adapted to their parasites.  相似文献   
After experimental introductions from North America in 1978–1982, the biocontrol agent Paranosema locustae became established in grasshopper communities of the western Pampas region of Argentina. The use and establishment of P. locustae in Argentina constitute both a case of neoclassical or new association biological control (use of an alien species against native pests) and a case of pathogen pollution (anthropogenic introduction–establishment of an infectious disease in populations of native species). Since P. locustae is a multihost pathogen among grasshoppers, its presence in the western Pampas represents an additional factor disrupting grasshopper communities according to the differential susceptibility of each species and possibly threatening some species. Microscopic examination of 504 grasshopper samples (the mean number of individuals per sample = 185) belonging to 43 species from 93 localities throughout the Pampas revealed an establishment area of approximate 90,000 km2 from about 35° North to 38° South and from 61° East to 65° West. Field infections by P. locustae have now been detected in 21 grasshopper species in the western Pampas. Susceptible species with geographic distributions mostly restricted to the establishment area and with numerically small populations, like the melanopline Scotussa daguerrei, are predicted to be the ones facing higher risks of negative impacts.  相似文献   
Adaptation depends greatly on the distribution of mutation fitness effects (DMFE), but the phenotypic expression of mutations is often environment dependent. The environments faced by multihost pathogens are mostly governed by their hosts and therefore measuring the DMFE on multiple hosts can inform on the likelihood of short‐term establishment and longer term adaptation of emerging pathogens. We explored this by measuring the growth rate of 36 mutants of the lytic bacteriophage φX174 on two host backgrounds, Escherichia coli (EcC) and Salmonella typhimurium (StGal). The DMFE showed higher mean and variance on EcC than on StGal. Most mutations were either deleterious or neutral on both hosts, but a greater proportion of mutations were deleterious on StGal. We identified two mutations with beneficial fitness effects on EcC that were neutral on StGal. Host‐specific differences in fitness were associated with particular functional classes of genes involved in the initial stages of infection in accordance with previous studies of host specificity. Overall, there was a positive correlation between the effects of mutations on each host, suggesting that most new mutations will have general, rather than host‐specific fitness effects. We consider these results in light of simple fitness landscape models of adaptation and discuss the relevance of context‐dependent DMFE for multihost pathogens.  相似文献   
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