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Large-scale milk production and consumption historically have been localized to Europe and countries with large European-derived populations. However, global patterns have now shifted, with dramatic increases in milk consumption in Asian countries and flat or declining consumption in European and European-derived countries. Efforts to market it around the world emphasize milk's positive effects on child growth, and, by extension, the individual and national benefits that derive from that growth. At the same time, milk has newly emerged in milk promotions in the United States as food that facilitates weight loss. Milk has been able to achieve a global presence and continuing relevance in populations in which its consumption has been declining by continually transforming and repositioning itself as a "special" food with properties able to alleviate the health concerns seen as most salient at the time.  相似文献   
IgE antibodies in the sera of subjects allergic to beta-lactam antibiotics detect a spectrum of specificities ranging from side-chain groups to an entire penicillin or cephalosporin molecule. In addition to such structural heterogeneity of allergenic determinants, IgE antibodies in the sera of different allergic subjects show heterogeneous recognition responses. Detailed immunochemical studies were carried out on the sera of penicillin-allergic subjects that showed selective and unexpected reactions with the frequently prescribed penicillin, amoxicillin. Antibodies from one subject reacted only with the amoxicilloyl determinant while IgE from another subject showed multiple reactivity with penicilloyl and penicillanyl determinants of different penicillins but not with the amoxicilloyl determinant. Quantitative hapten inhibition studies revealed that the combining sites of the former antibodies were complementary to amoxicillin in a form that permits binding to the hydroxyaminobenzyl side-chain and the thiazolidine ring carboxyl. These conditions are satisfied with the drug in the '-oyl' but not in the '-anyl' form which involves linkage through the 2-carboxyl of the thiazolidine ring. With the second serum, adsorption studies showed that the wide-ranging reactivity of IgE was due to a single population of antibodies that detected a common specificity on the different penicillins. Combining site studies revealed clear recognition of the benzyl portion of the side-chain of benzylpenicilloyl, benzylpenicillanyl, ampicilloyl, ampicillanyl and amoxicillanyl determinants when free antibody access to the side-chain was possible but little or no recognition of the ring hydroxyl of amoxicillin. Such uninhibited access may not occur, however, when amoxicillin is conjugated in the '-oyl' form since opening the beta-lactam ring allows increased flexibility and rotation of the molecule and the possibility of close association of the hydroxyaminobenzyl side-chain of amoxicillin with the linked peptide carrier. In such close steric association, H-bonding involving the ring hydroxyl and amino acids of the carrier may prevent antibody access to the side-chain region of the amoxicilloyl determinant.  相似文献   
The effects of a cow's milk diet on receptor activity and histamine metabolism in gastric glands and mucosa isolated from adult rats were examined. The milk diet was associated with (1) a decreased mobilization of H2 receptors by histamine and (2) an increased mobilization of PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) receptors in mucous cells (cytoprotective effect) and parietal cells (antiacid effect). These changes are not observed for the receptors reducing pentagastrin- and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion (pancreatic/enteroglucagons, somatostatin) and stimulating mucus, bicarbonate and pepsin secretions in the rat (secretin). Cimetidine produced a parallel displacement of the histamine dose-response curve, suggesting competitive inhibition between this classical H2 receptor antagonist and histamine in the two experimental groups. Prostaglandins and other components in milk such as EGF (epidermal growth factor) and somatostatin might therefore protect gastric mucosa by a differential control of PGE2 and histamine H2 receptor activity eitherdirectly (PGE2 in milk) orindirectly (inhibition of endogeneous histamine synthesis/release and stimulation of PGE-I synthesis/release).  相似文献   
Sensitized guinea pigs produced specific IgG and IgE antibodies toward Cladosporium and Alternaria. In presence of fungal extracts, nasal mast cells degranulate. Ultrastructural modifications of the cells during degranulation have been established. The ciliary epithelium and the ciliary beating are not affected by fungal allergens.  相似文献   
A soluble Lewis blood-group gene associated -3/4-L-fucosyltransferase has been purified from human milk by a series of steps involving hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose 4B, ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose 4B and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. The first step separated -3-L-fucosyltransferase activity directed towardsN-acetylglucosamine in Type 2 (Gal1-4GlcNAc-R) acceptors from an -3/4-fucosyltransferase fraction acting on both Type 1 (Gal1-3GlcNAc-R) and Type 2 acceptors. Further purification of this latter fraction on CM-Sephadex and GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose gave a single peak of fucosyltransferase activity that catalysed the addition of fucose toN-acetylglucosamine in both Type 1 and Type 2 acceptors and to theO-3 position of glucose in lactose-based oligosaccharides. The enzyme preparation at this stage resembled previously described -3/4-fucosyltransferase preparations purified from human milk. However, gel filtration of this preparation on Sephacryl S-200 or Sephadex G-150 separated further amounts of -3-fucosyltransferase activity acting solely on Type 2 acceptors and left a residual -3/4-fucosyltransferase that retained strong -4 activity with the Type 1 acceptor, lacto-N-biose 1, and -3 activity with 2-fucosyllactose, but had relatively little -3 activity withN-acetyllactosamine and virtually no capacity to transfer fucose to glycoproteins withN-linked oligosaccharide chains having unsubstituted terminal Type 2 structures.  相似文献   
Colostrum Zn concentrations were measured in eight randomly selected Holstein dairy cows. Overall mean Zn concentrations were highest within 12 h postpartum (257 +/- 14 microM, mean +/- SEM), fell to 141 +/- 8 microM by 24 h, and then declined at a linear rate of 30 microM/d during the following 48 h. Zn concentrations at 3 d (82 +/- 5 microM) were not different from 150-d milk samples (72 +/- microM). In a second experiment, 32 early-gestation cows were blocked by stage of lactation into four groups in a randomized block design and injected with 0, 15, 30, or 45 mg of dexamethasone. Milk and blood samples were collected at 0, 12, and 24 h after injection and analyzed for Zn, and for fat, protein, and lactose in milk. Cows administered 0 and 15 mg of dexamethasone showed no difference in milk Zn concentrations compared to pretreatment measurements; however, milk Zn concentrations in cows administered 30- and 45-mg doses increased significantly. Plasma cortisol decreased in the dexamethasone-treated cows. Plasma Zn and milk fat, protein, and lactose did not change. These data indicate that glucocorticoids can mediate Zn uptake and transport by the mammary glands of lactating cows and suggest that the high Zn concentration in colostrum could be a result of the preparturient surge of cortisol.  相似文献   
The effects of heating (20, 37 or 50 °C), cooling (5 °C), pasteurisation (71 °C for 15 s), boiling (100 °C), agitation (5 or 10 min), pH (acid or alkaline), and addition of chemicals such as silver and lead nitrates, copper sulphate and sodium chloride on lipase activity in Shammi goat milk were studied. There were non-significant differences (P < 0.01) in chemical composition between Shammi goat milk and Arabi cow milk. Lipase activity in Shammi goat milk was non-significantly (P < 0.01) lower than in Arabi cow milk. Lipase activity in milk of Shammi goats and Arabi cows was reduced when the milk was subjected to heating, cooling, pasteurisation, boiling, or when chemicals or acid was added, whereas in agitated and alkaline milk, the lipase activity was increased. The increase following agitation was greater after 10 min than 5 min. It can be concluded that heating, pasteurising, boiling, cooling, addition of certain chemicals and acidity are means by which lipase activity in milk can be reduced.  相似文献   
Summary During 1982 – 1991 pollen deposition in the centre of Cracow (southern Poland) was investigated using the gravimetric method. 32 taxa of the 84 identified were taken into consideration, and nearly all of them can be allergenic. The beginning of mass pollen fall was observed in the second decade of March, and the third decade of September saw the completion of the yearly cycle of abundant appearance of pollen in the aeroplankton. Tree pollen dominates quantitatively.  相似文献   
Contact allergy to implantable cardiac defibrillators (ICD) is an uncommon and underdiagnosed complication. We report a case of a 20-years-old man patient that was resuscitated from sudden cardiac death. Workup imaging study was unremarkable, but genetic testing identified a mutation in the KCNH2 gene of uncertain significance. The patient underwent a subcutaneous implantable cardiac defibrillator (S-ICD) implantation, with no complications. The patient suffered two hospital re-admissions due to a device-related inflammatory reaction, leading to two device re-implantations. At the first time, it was considered a bacterial infection and the S-ICD was replaced by an endovascular device. At the second time, a tissue-device interaction, with hypersensitivity reaction and device rejection was suspected. The skin patch-tests were inconclusive, but it was decided to implant a custom-made gold-coated endovascular ICD. Indeed, the tendency is an initial misdiagnosis as an infection and a high clinical suspicion is essential to an early diagnosis.  相似文献   
The content, composition and variation of vitamin compounds in goat milk have been little studied. An experimental design was based on 28 commercial farms, selected considering the main feeding system (based on main forage and especially pasture access), goat breed (Alpine vs Saanen) and reproductive management (seasonal reproduction), in the main French goat milk production area. Each farm received two visits (spring and autumn) that included a survey on milk production conditions and bulk milk sampling. Milk vitamins (A, E, B2, B6, B9, B12) and carotenoid concentrations plus colour indices were evaluated. A stepwise approach determined the variables of milk production conditions that significantly altered milk indicators. The main forage in the diet was the major factor altering goat milk vitamin and carotenoid concentrations and colour indices. Bulk milk from goats eating fresh grass as forage was richer in α-tocopherol (+64%), pyridoxal (+35%) and total vitamin B6 (+31%), and b* index (characterising milk yellowness in the CIELAB colour space) was also higher (+12%) than in milk from goats eating conserved forages. In milk from goats eating fresh grass, concentrations of pyridoxamine, lutein and total carotenoids were higher than in milk of goats fed corn silage (+24, +118 and +101%, respectively), and retinol and α-tocopherol concentrations were higher than in milk of goats fed partially dehydrated grass (+45 and +55%). Vitamin B2 concentration was higher in milk of goats eating fresh grass than in milk of goats fed hay or corn silage as forage (+10%). However, bulk milk when goats had access to fresh grass was significantly poorer in vitamin B12 than when fed corn silage (?46%) and in γ-tocopherol (?31%) than when fed conserved forage. Alpine goats produced milk with higher vitamin B2 and folate concentrations than Saanen goats (+18 and +14%, respectively). Additionally, the milk colour index that discriminates milks based on their yellow pigment contents was 7% higher in milk from Alpine than Saanen herds, but milk from Saanen goats was richer in lutein (+46%). Goat milks were richer in vitamins B2 and B12 and folates, but poorer in vitamin B6 in autumn than in spring (+12, +133, +15 and ?13%, respectively). This work highlights that goat milk vitamin and carotenoid concentrations and colour indices vary mainly according to the main forage of the diet and secondly according to the breed and season.  相似文献   
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