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The encyrtid wasp Epidinocarsis (= Apoanagyrus) lopezi (De Santis) was imported from Paraguay into Nigeria for the biological control of the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero. It was mass-reared and released at four localities in Nigeria. The parasitoid is now established and it is dispersing throughout cassava growing areas of Nigeria.
Libération et installation au Nigéria d'Epidinocarsis lopezi, parasitoïde de la cochenille du manioc Phenococcus manihoti
Résumé Epidinocarsis lopezi (Apoanagyrus) lopezi a été introduit du Paraguay au Nigéria pour lutter contre la cochenille du manioc, Phenacoccus manihoti. Il a été lâché dans quatre champs de manioc pour étudier son acclimatation et son installation au Nigéria. Trois ans après les lâchers, les résultats ont permis de conclure que E. lopezi s'est établi avec succès et se disperse dans la plupart des zones de culture du manioc au Nigeria; il a aussi survécu à trois saisons pluvieuses pendant lesquelles les populations de P. manihoti ont été très faibles. Quatorze mois après les premiers lâchers, cet encyrtide a été obtenu à environ 150 km du lieu de libération.
Planococcus citri (Risso) is one of the major pests of citrus orchards in India. For the control ofP. citri, an encyrtid parasite,Leptomastix dactylopii How. was introduced from West Indies in 1983. The parasite was mass bred and inoculative releases were made in 2 selected citrus orchards where infestation of mealybug on fruits (sweet orange, seedless lime and acid lime) ranged from 38 to 65 per cent. Establishment of the parasite in the 2 release orchards resulted in complete control of the mealybug within 3 to 4 months. No insecticidal sprays were required subsequently for the control ofP. citri in the following seasons. Contribution No. 152/85 of the IIHR, Bangalore — 560089.  相似文献   
The parasitoids Apoanagyrus lopezi De Santis and A. diversicornis (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) have been introduced into Africa for the biological control of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). We have studied competition between these species to investigate if they can coexist. Here we report on the influence of the simultaneous presence of non-conspecific adult females on searching efficiency on patches. Wasps of either species foraged on discs of cassava leaf with mealybugs, while at the same time different numbers of non-conspecifics were also depleting the patch. Patch area per parasitoid and number of hosts available to each parasitoid were equal in all treatments.In both species, the presence of other foragers clearly affected several aspects of the parasitoids' behaviour. Patch residence time increased with the number of non-conspecifics in A. diversicornis. In both parasitoid species, the proportion of hosts left unparasitized after the patch visit decreased with increasing numbers of females on the patch. The proportions of super- and multiparasitism did not change with the number of females. Both species produced more offspring during a patch visit in the presence of more non-conspecifics. These behavioural changes did not, however, lead to a change in the offspring production rate on patches. A. diversicornis produced offspring at a rate three times that of A. lopezi when one A. lopezi and one A. diversicornis foraged simultaneously. This is the first report of an aspect of interspecific competition where A. diversicornis has an advantage over A. lopezi. Interference between adult females thus promotes coexistence of the two species on P. manihoti.  相似文献   
The between-stalk dispersion characteristics of adults of the pink sugarcane mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell) were determined in southern Queensland. Iwao's patchiness regression was inappropriate to describe the relationship between mean and variance. Taylor's power law indicated that adults were aggregated, especially at the beginning and end of the ratoon growth period. Binomial data were modelled by the Nachman model; the model of Grout and two models of Wilson & Room were inappropriate to describe the relationship between proportion of stalks infested and mean numbers of adults per stalk. Relationships to determine sample sizes for fixed levels of precision and binomial fixed-precision-level stop lines are developed for different sampling times using Taylor's power law and Nachman's equation.  相似文献   
The Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine leafroll‐associated viruses 1 and 3 (GLRaV‐1 and GLRaV‐3) are associated with grapevine diseases that induce severe reductions in yield and berry quality. These three viruses are known to coexist in both grapevine and insect vectors, but their cotransmission has been poorly characterised so far. This study investigates the acquisition and transmission of GLRaV‐1, GLRaV‐3 and GVA by Planococcus ficus and Planococcus citri (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) following feeding on multiple‐infected plants. The retention and load of the three viruses in the two insect species were analysed. After feeding onto GVA, GLRaV‐1 and GLRaV‐3 mixed‐infected grapevines, nymphs of P. ficus and P. citri showed similar virus acquisition rates and retained low quantities of viruses until the third post‐acquisition day. Despite the similar acquisition patterns, the two vectors differed in transmission efficiency: P. ficus showed a higher efficiency in transmitting GVA and GLRaV‐3, whereas P. citri transmitted GLRaV‐1 more efficiently. When focusing on the virus cotransmission, it appears that GVA could be transmitted to grapevine without GLRaV‐1 and/or GLRaV‐3 and that the transmission of both GLRaVs could take place in the absence of GVA. This comparative study involving different viruses and vector species improves the current knowledge of the semi‐persistent transmission of these three viruses and contributes to the understanding of grapevine virus epidemiology.  相似文献   
Damage caused by invasive downey snow line mealybug, Rastrococcus iceryoides Green (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) has been reported to vary between 30% to complete crop loss where no control measure is applied. The current studies seek to determine factors influencing R. iceryoides population outbreaks, parasitoid – host and predator–prey relationships as well as predict optimal management strategies through weather modelling over a period of 28 months from 2008 to 2010 in Tanzania. The highest incidence of R. iceryoides was recorded during the dry season coinciding with the major mango fruiting season. The relationship between R. iceryoides and the parasitoid was positive but not significant, which implies the influence on outbreaks was negligible probably due to low percent parasitism (<12%). However, the predator abundance was directly and significantly related to that of R. iceryoides. Average temperature, average relative humidity, rainfall, and R. iceryoides abundance were autocorrelated to each other. Cross-correlation coef?cients vary significantly from ?0.286 to 0.589 for the pair-variable between R. iceryoides, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, parasitism and predators. Our findings showed that temperature was the key climatic variable that significantly influenced R. iceryoides outbreaks while rainfall was significantly negatively associated with the pest. Time series analyses show R. iceryoides population increased 4 months after an increase in average temperature in all the sites, 11 months after rainfall and 11 months after relative humidity in Kibaha and Dar es Salaam, respectively. Our findings revealed that R. iceryoides is an excellent target for classical biological control. Thus, the importation of promising co-evolved parasitoid specific to R. iceryoides from the aboriginal home is crucial in formulating an efficient and sustainable management approaches against the invasive mealybug pest in mango agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   
Phenacoccus solenopsis has been recognized as an aggressively invasive species on cotton plants in different countries. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of green synthesized Cu/Zn-nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Prosopis juliflora (mezquite) against P. solenopsis. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed bimetallic nanoparticles of Cu/Zn-NPs with spherical shape with varying size of 74.33 nm to 59.46 nm. More than 30% mortality of P. solenopsis was observed with Cu/Zn-nanoparticles (100 ppm) at 96 hours after treatment. Negligible mortality of P. solenopsis was recorded with Cu/Zn solution (100 ppm) and aqueous P. juliflora extracts. The results of the viability test for Cu/Zn-nanoparticles of P. juliflora showed a significant reduction of the cell viability by 50% in insect exposed to Cu/Zn-nanoparticles-P.juliflora. Therefore studies about nanotoxicity of Cu/Zn-NPs of P.juliflora are needed to reveal the mechanism of toxicity this phytonanoparticles in P.solenopsis.  相似文献   
In a choice test among six life stages of Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard) used its antennae to examine adult and 3rd stadium females more than other stages and preferentially attempted to oviposit in these plus 2nd stadium females. Success of ovipositor insertion was unaffected by host stage. The outcome of these behaviors was preferential oviposition by E. diversicornis in the large female host stages. Acerophagus coccois Smith also preferentially examined larger female mealybugs (second and third stadium nymphs and adults) more than other stages and successfully inserted its ovipositor in these stages more often than in second stadium male nymphs and male cocoons, resulting in a similar preference in this species for larger female host stages. When given a choice between adult female hosts of two species, P. herreni and Phenacoccus gossypii Townsend & Cockerell, E. diversicornis exhibited a clear preference for P. herreni; whereas A. coccois preferred P. gossypii.
Résumé Epidinocarsis diversicornis (Howard), ayant la possibilité de choisir entre six stades différents de Phenacoccus herreni Cox & Williams, examine avec ses antennes plus particulièrement les adultes et les larves femelles du 3ème stade, et essaie de pondre de préférence dans ces stades et les larves femelles de second stade. L'insertion de la tarière s'effectue aussi bien quel que soit le stade de l'hôte. Il résulte de ces différents aspects du comportement que E. diversicornis pond de préférence dans les femelles des stades les plus avancés. Acerophagus coccois Smith préfère aussi examiner les cochenilles femelles les plus grosses (second et 3ème stade larvaires et adulte), et introduit sa tarière avec succès dans ces stades plus souvent que dans les larves mâles de second stade ou les cocons mâles; il en résulte aussi pour cette espèce une préférence pour les femelles des stades les plus gros.Quand on leur a donné le choix entre des femelles des deux espèces de cochenilles (P. herreni et Phenacoccus gossypii Towsend & Cockerell), E. diversicornis manifestait une nette préférence pour P. herreni, tandis que A. coccois préférait P. gossypii.
Surveys were made in the main grape growing region (Southeast Anatolia) of Turkey for the occurrence of Grapevine leafroll‐associated virus‐5 (GLRaV‐5). Plant samples with typical leafroll symptoms and mealybugs, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) were used for assessing the occurrence of GLRaV‐5 by RT‐PCR. A 272 bp band representing GLRaV‐5 infection was successfully detected in plants and mealybugs in some vineyards of the Southeast Anatolia region and the virus is the first time reported in Turkish vineyards.  相似文献   
The effects of different nitrogen fertilization regimes on body size and selected life‐history parameters (development time, survival, fecundity and fertility) of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), were investigated on potted grapevines under laboratory and screenhouse conditions. In both trials, five groups of four grapevines each were supplied with 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g/l of ammonium nitrate fertilizer for a month and then artificially infested with 200 first‐instar vine mealybugs (24 h of age). The concentration of nitrogen on grape leaves was measured during both experiments by a SPAD chlorophyll metre, showing statistical differences among treatments. The nitrogen fertilization significantly affected the investigated P. ficus parameters, providing consistent results in both laboratory and screenhouse trials. The vine mealybug females exhibited higher survival and fecundity, larger body size and lower development time on plants supplied with higher nitrogen fertilization rates. Survival, body size and fecundity of P. ficus were positively correlated with the leaf nitrogen concentration, whereas the development time was negatively correlated. Fertility did not vary significantly among treatments. Our results show that high nitrogen regimes increase the reproductive performance of P. ficus on grapevines and point out the importance of implementing balanced fertilization plans in grapevine IPM programs to reduce population densities and prevent insect outbreaks.  相似文献   
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