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秋海棠属植物种类繁多,形态变异多样,导致种类的系统放置混乱,近缘种类鉴定困难。利用DNA条形码实现物种快速准确的鉴定技术具有不受形态特征约束的优势,为秋海棠属植物的分类鉴定提供了新的方法。本研究选择4个DNA条形码候选片段(rbcL,matK,trnH-psbA,ITS)对中国秋海棠属26种136个个体进行了分析。结果显示:叶绿体基因rbcL,matK和trnH-psbA种内和种间变异小,对秋海棠属植物的鉴别能力有限:ITS/ITS2种内和种间变异大,在本研究中物种正确鉴定率达到100%/96%,可考虑作为秋海棠属DNA条形码鉴定的候选片段。研究结果支持中国植物条形码研究组建议将核基因ITS/ITS2纳人种子植物DNA条形码核心片段中的观点。  相似文献   
连香树科及其近缘植物matK序列分析和系统学意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
测定和分析了连香树科(Cercidiphyllaeeae)、交让木科(Daplmiphyllaceac)、金缕梅科(Hamamelidaceae)代表植物的叶绿体marK序列(5′端31bps除外),以木兰属作为外类群,应用邻接法构建分子系统树,结果表明:连香树科与水青树科的亲缘关系较远。连香树科、交让木科和金缕梅科形成了一个自展数据支持率(bootstrap)为100%的单系类群,其中金缕梅科枫香属(Liquidambar)、红花荷属(Rhodoleia)和金缕梅属(Hamamelis)虽构成了一个单系类群,但自展数据支持率仅为68%;连香树科与交让木科构成的单系分支自展数据支持率仅为53%。由于连香树科、交让木科、金缕梅科之间的进化距离相当短,表明这3个科之间亲缘关系密切,内部分支的自展数据支持率不高,表明它们之间准确的亲缘关系有待进一步研究。本研究结果与rbcL、aptB、18S rDNA序列分析结果相似,但自展数据支持率更高,表明marK序列分析可应用于较高等级分类群系统发育关系的研究。  相似文献   
The monophyletic genus Wolffiella (Lemnaceae) comprises 10 species divided taxonomically into three sections. Relative to other genera of Lemnaceae, Wolffiella has a restricted range, with species distributed in warm temperate to tropical areas of Africa and the Americas, with only one species occurring in both areas. Sequence data from coding (rbcL and matK) and non‐coding (trnK and rpl16 introns) regions of cpDNA were analyzed phylogenetically to resolve relationships within Wolffiella, and these results were compared to earlier allozyme and morphological studies. Allozymes, cpDNA and morphology all supported the recognition of three sections. Relationships among species were similar in most respects between the allozyme and cpDNA trees, as well as among the different plastid partitions. In Wolffiella, both non‐synonymous and synonymous substitutions were greater in matK than in rbcL, as observed in other taxa. The synonymous substitution rate in matK was similar to the substitution rate of the non‐coding regions. All partitions, including coding regions, exhibited some homoplasy. Biogeographical reconstructions from a combination of cpDNA partitions indicated that Wolffiella originated in Africa with early movement to and radiation in the Americas. The one species found in both Africa and the Americas, W. welwitschii, likely originated in the Americas and subsequently dispersed to Africa. Using the SOWH test, the cpDNA data could reject two alternative biogeographical hypotheses suggested from analyses of morphological and allozyme data. The present distribution of Wolffiella can be explained by two major dispersal events and this contrasts with the more complex species distributions in other Lemnaceae genera. Limited dispersal in Wolffiella relative to other Lemnaceae genera may be due to more recent origins of species, lower dispersibility and poorer colonizing ability. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 79 , 565–576.  相似文献   
The chloroplast maturase K gene (matK) is one of the most variable coding genes of angiosperms and has been suggested to be a "barcode" for land plants. However, matK exhibits low amplification and sequencing rates due to low universality of currently available primers and mononucleotide repeats. To resolve these technical problems, we evaluated the entire matK region to find a region of 600-800 bp that is highly variable, represents the best of all matK regions with priming sites conservative enough to design universal primers, and avoids the mononucleotide repeats. After careful evaluation, a region in the middle was chosen and a pair of primers named natK472F and matK1248R was designed to amplify and sequence the matK fragment of approximately 776 bp. This region encompasses the most variable sites, represents the entire matK region best, and also exhibits high amplification rates and quality of sequences. The universality of this primer pair was tested using 58 species from 47 families of angiosperm plants. The primers showed a strong amplification (93.1%) and sequencing (92.6%)successes in the species tested. We propose that the new primers will solve, in part, the problems encountered when using matK and promote the adoption of matK as a DNA barcode for angiosperms.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding is a method of species identification and recognition using DNA sequence data. A tiered or multilocus method has been recommended for barcoding plant species. In this study, we sampled 196 individuals representing 9 genera and 54 species of Juglandaceae to investigate the utility of the four potential barcoding loci (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA, and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)). Our results show that all four DNA regions are easy to amplify and sequence. In the four tested DNA regions, ITS has the most variable information, and rbcL has the least. At generic level, seven of nine genera can be efficiently identified by matK. At species level, ITS has higher interspecific p-distance than the trnH-psbA region. Difficult to align in the whole family, ITS showed heterogeneous variability among different genera. Except for the monotypic genera (Cyclocarya, Annamocarya, Platycarya), ITS appeared to have limited power for species identification within the Carya and Engelhardia complex, and have no power for Juglans or Pterocarya. Overall, our results confirmed that a multilocus tiered method for plant barcoding was applicable and practicable. With higher priority, matK is proposed as the first-tier DNA region for genus discrimination, and the second locus at species level should have enough stable variable characters.  相似文献   
Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of flowering plants. Many species of orchid are endangered, and all species are included in Conventions on International Trade of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) I and II, but it is very difficult to identify orchid species, even those with fertile parts. The genus Holcoglossum (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) has long been problematic in taxonomy. It consists of both long-evolved and radiated species and is an excellent case to use for testing DNA barcodes for Orchidaceae. We investigated the power of a subset of proposed plant barcoding loci [rbcL, matK, atpF-atpH, psbK-psbI, trnH-psbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)] to discriminate between species in this genus. Our results showed that all these DNA regions, except psbK-psbI and atpF-atpH, can be amplified easily from Holcoglossum and sequenced with established primers. The DNA regions matK and ITS had the highest variability. Among the six loci, matK resolved eight of the 12 Holcoglossum species and had the highest discriminatory ability. However, the combination of matK and ITS showed a greater ability to identify species than matK alone. Single or combined DNA markers discriminated between Holcoglossum species distributed in tropical areas effectively, but had less ability to identify radiated species from the temperate Hengduan Mountains of China. In the study, matK proved to be a useful DNA barcode for the genus Holcoglossum; however, complementary DNA regions are still required to accelerate the investigation and preservation of radiated species of orchid.  相似文献   
DNA barcoding is a biological technique that uses short and standardized genes or DNA regions to facilitate species identification. DNA barcoding has been used successfully in several animal and plant groups. Ligustrum (Oleaceae) species occur widely throughout the world and are used as medicinal plants in China. Therefore, the accurate identification of species in this genus is necessary. Four potential DNA barcodes, namely the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and three chloroplast (cp) DNA regions (rbcL, matK, and trnH–psbA), were used to differentiate species within Ligustrum. BLAST, character-based method, tree-based methods and TAXONDNA analysis were used to investigate the molecular identification capabilities of the chosen markers for discriminating 92 samples representing 20 species of this genus. The results showed that the ITS sequences have the most variable information, followed by trnH–psbA, matK, and rbcL. All sequences of the four regions correctly identified the species at the genus level using BLAST alignment. At the species level, the discriminating power of rbcL, matK, trnH–psbA, and ITS based on neighbor-joining (NJ) trees was 36.8%, 38.9%, 77.8%, and 80%, respectively. Using character-based and maximum parsimony (MP) tree methods together, the discriminating ability of trnH–psbA increased to 88.9%. All species could be differentiated using ITS when combining the NJ tree method with character-based or MP tree methods. Overall, the results indicate that DNA barcoding is an effective molecular identification method for Ligustrum species. We propose the nuclear ribosomal ITS as a plant barcode for plant identification and trnH–psbA as a candidate barcode sequence.  相似文献   
龙脑香科植物是东南亚地区重要的热带木材来源树种, 对其开展DNA条形码评估在林业监管及森林资源保护等方面具有非常重要的实际应用价值。通过对龙脑香科植物样品进行rbcLmatKtrnL-trnFITS2四个片段的扩增和测序, 结合GenBank下载的数据, 共获得龙脑香科树种14属244种共计899条序列。通过比较4个片段的通用性、序列特征、种内和种间的遗传变异, 基于Best Match (BM)、Best Close Match (BCM)、相似性搜索算法(BLAST)和邻接树(NJ) 4种方法评估DNA条形码对于龙脑香科树种的鉴定能力。结果表明, ITS2在龙脑香科树种中鉴定效率最高, 通过优化的扩增体系能够从该科植物叶片中获得较高质量的ITS2片段; 叶绿体matK片段扩增和测序效率为100%, 且种内及种间遗传变异明显, 鉴定成功率高于其它叶绿体片段, 并据此提出ITS2matK适合作为龙脑香科树种的DNA条形码。  相似文献   
Ceanothus comprises ~55 morphologically and ecologically diverse species of woody perennials endemic to North America. Interpretations of the natural history of Ceanothus have served as a general model of evolution for woody perennials with simple entomophilous pollination systems, but these interpretations lacked explicit phylogenetic context. We used cladistic analysis of sequences of the chloroplast-encoded matK and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S coding region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) to reconstruct the phylogeny of Ceanothus. The nuclear and organellar phylogenies exhibited very low levels of both topological and character congruence. Subgenera Ceanothus and Cerastes are monophyletic sister taxa in both phylogenies, but both data sets suffer from a lack of resolution below the level of subgenus. Lack of taxonomic congruence between the two data sets may be a result of introgression and/or lineage sorting. The ITS tree was accepted as the better estimate of a species phylogeny for Ceanothus, on the assumption that nuclear markers are less prone to introgression. Three of five polytypic species in the ITS data set were paraphyletic, and four of six polytypic species in the matK data set were paraphyletic. This study demonstrates the degree to which matched independent data sets can produce conflicting summaries of evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Sequences of chloroplast gene matK and internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes were used for phylogenetic analyses of Aesculus, a genus currently distributed in eastern Asia, eastern and western North America, and southeastern Europe. Phylogenetic relationships inferred from these molecular data are highly correlated with the geographic distributions of species. The identified lineages closely correspond to the five sections previously recognized on the basis of morphology. Ancestral character-state reconstruction, a molecular clock, and fossil evidence were used to infer the origin and biogeographic history of the genus within a phylogenetic framework. Based on the molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus, sequence divergence, and paleontological evidence, we infer that the genus originated during the transition from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary (~65 M.Y.B.P.) at a high latitude in eastern Asia and spread into North America and Europe as an element of the “boreotropical flora”; the current disjunct distribution of the genus resulted from geological and climatic changes during the Tertiary.  相似文献   
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