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Summary Normal colonic epithelial cell cultures of mammalian origin are required to facilitate the study of both normal cellular functions as well as pathogenesis of certain (human) colonic diseases. To date, little information is available regarding the growth requirements of colonic epithelial cells in culture of eitehr animal or human origin. Such data would enable the development of a long-term culture system for these cells. In this study, we present methodology that results in the establishment of homogeneous cultures of adult rabbit colonic epithelial reproducibly, quickly, and in quantity. The epithelial nature of the cultures is unambiguously established by intermediate filament typing using antikeratin antibodies. Such culutres can now be used for a variety of functional studies as well as to investigate the growth requirements of colonic epithelial in culture. This work was supported by the Blinder Foundation for Crohn’s Disease Research, Harbor UCLA IBD Center (AM 36200) and grant AM 27806 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
We present the nucleotide and amino acid sequence for a novel human type I hair keratin, which could be identified through its high sequence homology and strict carboxyterminal length identity as a human ortholog of the murine hair keratin mHa3. Our hHa3 sequence differs, however, from that of a previously described hHa3 hair keratin (published only as an amino acid sequence; [13]) in 24 amino acid positions, 8 of which occur in the middle of the carboxyterminal domain. PCR of genomic DNA from 25 normal human subjects using a primer pair derived from sequence segments located in the 3-region of our hHa3 clone that encode conserved amino acid sequences in both keratins, resulted in the amplification of two distinct products of 0.38 kbp and 1.0 kbp. DNA sequence analysis of the cloned PCR products allowed identification of the 0.38 kb sequence as that originating from Yuet al. [13] and the 1.0 kb sequence as that being derived from our data. The difference in fragment length was due to unique intron 6 sequences, indicating that these two keratin species are encoded by genes of their own. Moreover, extensive Southern blot analyses with DNA from 25 unrelated individuals of different races using a 3-noncoding sequence from our keratin and the intron 6 sequence of the keratin of Yuet al. [13], as hybridization probes showed that both keratin genes are present as single copy sequences occurring ubiquitously and without gross alterations in the human genome. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the human type I hair keratin described in this paper represents an isoform of the previously described hHa3 keratin. We propose that these hHa3 isoforms be named in chronological order of discovery hHa3-I and hHa3-II.  相似文献   
Diseases of epidermal keratins and their linker proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epidermal keratins, a diverse group of structural proteins, form intermediate filament networks responsible for the structural integrity of keratinocytes. The networks extend from the nucleus of the epidermal cells to the plasma membrane where the keratins attach to linker proteins which are part of desmosomal and hemidesmosomal attachment complexes. The expression of specific keratin genes is regulated by differentiation of the epidermal cells within the stratifying squamous epithelium. Progress in molecular characterization of the epidermal keratins and their linker proteins has formed the basis to identify mutations which are associated with distinct cutaneous manifestations in patients with genodermatoses. The precise phenotype of each disease apparently reflects the spatial level of expression of the mutated genes, as well as the types and positions of the mutations and their consequences at mRNA and protein levels. Identification of specific mutations in keratinization disorders has provided the basis for improved diagnosis and subclassification with prognostic implications and has formed the platform for prenatal testing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Finally, precise knowledge of the mutations is a prerequisite for development of gene therapy approaches to counteract, and potentially cure, these often devastating and currently intractable diseases.  相似文献   
Simple epithelia express keratins 8 (K8) and 18 (K18) as their major intermediate filament (IF) proteins. One important physiologic function of K8/18 is to protect hepatocytes from drug-induced liver injury. Although the mechanism of this protection is unknown, marked K8/18 hyperphosphorylation occurs in association with a variety of cell stresses and during mitosis. This increase in keratin phosphorylation involves multiple sites including human K18 serine-(ser)52, which is a major K18 phosphorylation site. We studied the significance of keratin hyperphosphorylation and focused on K18 ser52 by generating transgenic mice that overexpress a human genomic K18 ser52→ ala mutant (S52A) and compared them with mice that overexpress, at similar levels, wild-type (WT) human K18. Abrogation of K18 ser52 phosphorylation did not affect filament organization after partial hepatectomy nor the ability of mouse livers to regenerate. However, exposure of S52A-expressing mice to the hepatotoxins, griseofulvin or microcystin, which are associated with K18 ser52 and other keratin phosphorylation changes, resulted in more dramatic hepatotoxicity as compared with WT K18-expressing mice. Our results demonstrate that K18 ser52 phosphorylation plays a physiologic role in protecting hepatocytes from stress-induced liver injury. Since hepatotoxins are associated with increased keratin phosphorylation at multiple sites, it is likely that unique sites aside from K18 ser52, and phosphorylation sites on other IF proteins, also participate in protection from cell stress.  相似文献   
Snake scales contain specialized hard keratins (beta-keratins) and alpha- or cyto-keratins in their epidermis. The number, isoelectric point, and the evolution of these proteins in snakes and their similarity with those of other vertebrates are not known. In the present study, alpha- and beta-keratins of snake molts and of the whole epidermis have been studied by using two-dimensional electrophoresis and immunocytochemistry. Specific keratins in snake epidermis have been identified by using antibodies that recognize acidic and basic cytokeratins and avian or lizard scale beta-keratin. Alpha keratins of 40-70 kDa and isoelectric point (pI) at 4.5-7.0 are present in molts. The study suggests that cytokeratins in snakes are acidic or neutral, in contrast to mammals and birds where basic keratins are also present. Beta keratins of 10-15 kDa and a pI of 6.5-8.5 are found in molts. Some beta-keratins appear as basic proteins (pI 8.2) comparable to those present in the epidermis of other reptiles. Some basic "beta-keratins" associate with cytokeratins as matrix proteins and replace cytokeratins forming the corneous material of the mature beta-layer of snake scales, as in other reptiles. The study also suggests that more forms of beta-keratins (more than three different types) are present in the epidermis of snakes.  相似文献   
The process of cornification in the shell and non-shelled areas of the epidermis of the turtle Chrysemys picta was analyzed by light and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry for keratins, filaggrin and loricrin. Beta-keratin (hard keratin) was only present in the corneus layer of the plastron and carapace. The use of a beta-keratin antibody, developed against a specific chick scale beta-keratin, demonstrated that avian and reptilian hard keratins share common amino acid sequences. In both, shelled and non-shelled epidermis, acidic alpha keratin (AE1 positive) was limited to tonofilament bundles of the basal and suprabasal layer, while basic keratin (AE3 positive) was present in basal, suprabasal, and less intensely, pre-corneus layers, but tended to disappear in the corneus layer. The AE2 antibody, which in mammalian epidermis recognizes specific keratins of cornification, did not stain turtle shell but only the corneus layer of non-shelled (soft) epidermis. Two and four hours after an injection of tritiated histidine, the labelling was evenly distributed over the whole epidermis of both shelled and non-shelled areas, but was absent from the stratum corneum. In the areas of growth at the margin of the scutes of the shell, the labelling increased in precorneus layers. This suggests that histidine uptake is only related to shell growth and not to the production of a histidine-rich protein involved in keratinization. No filaggrin-like and loricrin-like immunoreactivity was seen in the carapace or plastron epidermis. However, in both proteins, some immunoreactivity was found in the transitional layer and in the lower level of the corneus layer of non-shelled areas. Loricrin- and filaggrin-like labelling was seen in small organelles (0.05-0.3 mum) among keratin bundles, identified with mucous-like granules and vesicular bodies. These organelles, present only in non-shelled epidermis, were more frequent along the border with the corneus layer, and labelling was low to absent in mature keratinocytes. This may be due to epitope masking or degradation. The immunolabelling for filaggrin was seen instead in the extracellular space among mature keratinocytes, over a material previously identified as mucus. The possibility that this labelling identified some epitopes derived from degraded portions of a filaggrin-like molecule is discussed. The present study suggests that proteins with some filaggrin- and loricrin-immunoreactivity are present in alpha-keratinocytes but not in beta-keratin cells of the shell.  相似文献   
Keratins 8 and 18 (K8/18) heteropolymers may regulate cell signaling via the known K18 association with 14-3-3 proteins and 14-3-3 association with Raf-1 kinase. We characterized Raf-keratin-14-3-3 associations and show that Raf associates directly with K8, independent of Raf kinase activity or Ras-Raf interaction, and that K18 is a Raf physiologic substrate. Raf activation during oxidative and toxin exposure in cultured cells and animals disrupt keratin-Raf association in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Mutational analysis showed that 14-3-3 residues that are essential for Raf binding also regulate 14-3-3-keratin association. Similarly, Raf phosphorylation sites that are important for binding to 14-3-3 are also essential for Raf binding to K8/18. Therefore, keratins may modulate some aspects of Raf signaling under basal conditions via sequestration by K8, akin to Raf-14-3-3 binding. Keratin-bound Raf kinase is released upon Raf hyperphosphorylation and activation during oxidative and other stresses.  相似文献   
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