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Within the genus Homo, the most encephalized taxa (Neandertals and modern humans) show relatively wider frontal lobes than either Homo erectus or australopithecines. The present analysis considers whether these changes are associated with a single size-based or allometric pattern (positive allometry of the width of the anterior endocranial fossa) or with a more specific and non-allometric pattern. The relationship between hemispheric length, maximum endocranial width, and frontal width at Broca's area was investigated in extant and extinct humans. Our results do not support positive allometry for the frontal lobe's width in relation to the main endocranial diameters within modern humans (Homo sapiens). Also, the correlation between frontal width and hemispheric length is lower than the correlation between frontal width and parieto-temporal width. When compared with the australopithecines, the genus Homo could have experienced a non-allometric widening of the brain at the temporo-parietal areas, which is most evident in Neandertals. Modern humans and Neandertals also display a non-allometric widening of the anterior endocranial fossa at the Broca's cap when compared with early hominids, again more prominent in the latter group. Taking into account the contrast between the intra-specific patterns and the between-species differences, the relative widening of the anterior fossa can be interpreted as a definite evolutionary character instead of a passive consequence of brain size increase. This expansion is most likely associated with correspondent increments of the underlying neural mass, or at least with a geometrical reallocation of the frontal cortical volumes. Although different structural changes of the cranial architecture can be related to such variations, the widening of the frontal areas is nonetheless particularly interesting when some neural functions (like language or working memory, decision processing, etc.) and related fronto-parietal cortico-cortical connections are taken into account.  相似文献   
We previously suggested that the cell fate of the protozoan ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila, effectively relates to a quorum-sensing mechanism where cell-released factors support cell survival and proliferation. The cells have to be present above a critical initial density in a chemically defined nutrient medium in order to release a sufficient level of these factors to allow a new colony to flourish. At a relatively high rate of metabolism and/or macromolecular synthesis and below this critical density, cells began to die abruptly within 30 min of inoculation, and this death took the form of an explosive disintegration lasting less than 50 milliseconds. The cells died at any location in the culture, and the frequency of cell death was always lower in well-filled vials than those with medium/air interface. Cell death was inhibited by the addition of Actinomycin D or through modifications of the culture conditions either by reducing the oxygen tension or by decreasing the temperature of the growth medium. In addition, plastic caps in well-filled vials release substances, which promote cell survival. The fate of low-density cultures is related to certain 'physical' conditions, in addition to the availability of oxygen within closed culture systems.  相似文献   
目的:研究降痰宁神胶囊对血瘀性脑缺血大鼠脑组织物质代谢、能量代谢及抗氧化系统的影响。方法:采用连续注射地塞米松后结扎双侧颈总动脉来复制血瘀性脑缺血大鼠模型,通过观测大鼠脑组织代谢水平及抗氧化系统,考查降痰宁神胶囊抗脑缺血的作用及其作用机制。结果:3.56g/ks降痰宁神胶囊可减缓血瘀性脑缺血大鼠体重的下降,1.78-3.56g/妇降痰宁神胶囊能提高模型大鼠脑组织中葡萄糖、总氨基酸、ATP、Na+-K+.ATPnse的含量以及超氧化物歧化酶与过氧化氢酶的活性;降低脑组织中乳酸、丙二醛的含量以及脑组织含水量(P〈0.05,O.01)。结论:降痰宁神胶囊具有一定的抗脑缺血作用,调节脑组织物质与能量代谢、抗氧化是其抗脑缺血机制之  相似文献   
The large apical segments of guinea pig sperm acrosomes were mechanically separated from the spermatozoa and subsequently isolated by density gradient centrifugation. The isolated acrosomal caps were very stable and maintained their crescent morphology when suspended in sucrose-based medium buffered at pH 5.6, with or without the acrosin inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine (pAB). Examination under the electron microscope showed that the acrosomal caps were free of plasma membrane and were bound by an outer acrosomal membrane which was discontinuous. Enzymatic analysis after lysis of the caps indicated that acrosin and hyaluronidase were present with high specific activity, while only a trace amount of acid phosphatase activity and no arylsulphatase, phospholipase A2, or phospholipase C activities were present. Significant particulate acrosin activity, but only trace amounts of soluble acrosin activity, could be detected in the isolated acrosomal caps if assayed immediately after isolation in the absence of pAB. However, soluble acrosin activity of high specific activity was obtained after the acrosomal caps were extracted by 10% glycerol buffered at low pH (pH 3.0). The new procedures provide a means to isolate and purify guinea pig sperm apical acrosomal segments rapidly.  相似文献   

Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (standard addition method) was used to determine the total arsenic in wild-growing mushrooms after digestion with nitric acid, then with perchloric acid and in associated soils after digestion with mixtures of nitric and hydrofluoric acids in a microwave system. Among 83 species of mushrooms the highest concentrations of arsenic on a dry mass basis were found in Laccaria amethystea (26–125 mg kg?1), Laccaria laccata (11–33 mg kg?1), Thelephora terrestris (38 mg kg?1), Boletus cavipes (11.6 mg kg?1) and Ramaria botrytis (10 mg kg?1). Mushroom caps of L. laccata, L. amethystea, and B. cavipes had approximately double the arsenic concentrations found in stems. The arsenic concentrations in caps of L. amethystea and L. laccata were directly proportional to the concentrations in the soils. The concentrations of arsenic in the soils were in the range 6.5–65 mg kg?1. Among the 19 mushroom caps with arsenic concentrations above the method detection limit of 0.2 mg As/kg dry mass, only L. amethystea and L. laccata had arsenic concentration ratios ‘cap/soil’ higher than 1 (between 1.1 and 1.9). Thelephora terrestris had a ratio of 2.37.  相似文献   
大麦根边缘细胞发育的生物学特性   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
FDA—PI(fluorescein diacetate-propidium iodide)检测结果表明,在大麦种子萌发过程中,根边缘细胞(border cells)活性约为95%。0.5mol/L甘露醇有利于离体边缘细胞的生存。第一个边缘细胞几乎与初生根根尖同步出现,当根长为20—25mm时,边缘细胞数目达到最大值(约1400);移去全部边缘细胞48h后,又有新的边缘细胞形成。与25℃相比,15和35℃明显抑制根的伸长,但不明显抑制边缘细胞的发育。在边缘细胞诱导和发育过程中,边缘细胞的游离与根冠果胶甲基酯酶活性有密切的正相关性。  相似文献   
We report the harvesting of an average of 4,000 kg of saffron milk caps (Lactarius deliciosus Fr.) per day during four to six weeks between mid-October and mid-November in a village of 200 inhabitants in northern Spain. Nearly every inhabitant picks saffron milk caps, for which they receive an average of 2 ε/kg. A family of four could make a profit of 5,600–8,400 ε in a season (average annual income per family in the area is 18,727 ε). Pickers sell the harvested mushrooms either to a local middleman or directly to the buyer, who then takes the produce to the final point of sale, usually in Catalonia, where the demand for saffron milk caps is increasing yearly. This trade has occurred for 30 years, and began when saffron milk caps started to appear in the area after pine trees were introduced to replace the native oaks. This study provides evidence that the collection and marketing of wild edible fungi is a profitable task on a local and national scale.  相似文献   
Summary Changes in the abundance and form of endoplasmic reticulum in the three major cell types of the maize root cap were investigated by stereological and stereometric techniques. Quantification from thin sections was by the modification and application of standard morphometric procedures. This revealed dramatic increases in both the volume fraction and surface densities of endoplasmic reticulum as the meristem cells differentiate into starch and secretory cells. A stereometric technique for analysing thick sections was used to assess changes in the types of endoplasmic reticulum as cells differentiate through the root cap. This procedure showed that the proportions of cisternal endoplasmic reticulum to tubular endoplasmic reticulum was highest in the peripheral secretory cells. Electron opacity of the endomembrane system was enhanced by selective staining with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide (ZIO).  相似文献   
Root Caps and Rhizosphere   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In this paper we discuss recent work on the physiological, molecular, and mechanical mechanisms that underlie the capacity of root caps to modulate the properties of the rhizosphere and thereby foster plant growth and development. The root cap initially defines the rhizosphere by its direction of growth, which in turn occurs in response to gradients in soil conditions and gravity. The ability of the root cap to modulate its environment is largely a result of the release of exudates and border cells, and so provides a potential method to engineer the rhizosphere. Factors affecting the release of border cells from the outer surface of the root cap, and function of these cells and their exudates in the rhizosphere, are considered in detail. Release of border cells into the rhizosphere depends on soil matric potential and mechanical impedance, in addition to a host of other environmental conditions. There is good evidence of unidentified feedback signals between border cells and the root cap meristem, and some potential mechanisms are discussed. Root border cells play a significant mechanical role in decreasing frictional resistance to root penetration, and a conceptual model for this function is discussed. Root and border cell exudates influence specific interactions between plant hosts and soil organisms, including pathogenic fungi. The area of exudates and border cell function in soil is an exciting and developing one that awaits the production of appropriate mutant and transgenic lines for further study in the soil environment.  相似文献   
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