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The anatomical structures of the Chinese endemic and monotypic genus Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae) are described. There are reticulate, simple-reticulate, scalariform, simple-scalariform and simple perforations in vessel elements as well as in the fibres in the secondary wood of the roots and the stems. The node is trilacunar. The vascular bundles in the petiole are arranged in a ring. Clustered crystals occur in the parenchymatous cells of stems, petioles and pedicles. Leaf stomata are actinocytic. The nodes of sepals, petals and stamens both in male and female flowers are unilacunar and one-traced. There are three sterile carpels with two to three traces in the male flowers, three fertile carpels with two to three traces, and sometimes three sterile carpels lacking a vascular supply. In morphology, the anther dehiscence mechanism and pollen in the female flowers are the same as in the male flowers, such that the so-called female flowers might be bisexual in morphology. In comparing morphology, the sex of the flowers and the perforations of the vessel elements in Sinofranchetia with Decaisnea and other genera of the Lardizabalaceae, Sinofranchetia is considered a basic group at least as the same evolutionary level in the family as Decaisnea . © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 271–281.  相似文献   
In previous publications, we reported the benefits of a high‐aspect rotating‐wall vessel (HARV) over conventional bioreactors for insect‐cell cultivation in terms of reduced medium requirements and enhanced longevity. To more fully understand the effects that HARV cultivation has on longevity, the present study characterizes the mode and kinetics of Spodoptera frugiperda cell death in this quiescent environment relative to a shaker‐flask control. Data from flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy show a greater accumulation of apoptotic cells in the HARV culture, by a factor of at least 2 at the end of the cultivation period. We present a kinetic model of growth and bimodal cell death. The model is unique for including both apoptosis and necrosis, and further, transition steps within the two pathways. Kinetic constants reveal that total cell death is reduced in the HARV and the accumulation of apoptotic cells in this vessel results from reduced depletion by lysis and secondary necrosis. The ratio of early apoptotic to necrotic cell formation is found independent of cultivation conditions. In the model, apoptosis is only well represented by an integral term, which may indicate its dependence on accumulation of some factor over time; in contrast, necrosis is adequately represented with a first‐order term. Cell‐cycle analysis shows the percent of tetraploid cells gradually decreases during cultivation in both vessels. For example, between 90% and 70% viability, tetraploid cells in the HARV drop from 43 ± 1% to 24 ± 4%. The data suggests the tetraploid phase as the likely origin for apoptosis in our cultures. Possible mechanisms for these changes in bimodal cell death are discussed, including hydrodynamic forces, cell–cell interactions, waste accumulation, and mass transport. These studies may benefit insect‐cell cultivation by increasing our understanding of cell death in culture and providing a means for further enhancing culture longevity. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 64: 14–26, 1999.  相似文献   
Plant water relations, xylem anatomy and the hydraulic architecture of 1‐year‐old twigs of Spartium junceum, both healthy and affected by a phytoplasm disease, were studied. The disease causes twigs to be either shortened (witches broom disease, WBD) or flat (fasciate disease, FD). WBD twigs show a sevenfold increase in total leaf area, smaller and shorter xylem conduits, a higher stomatal conductance (gl) and a decline of minimum leaf water potentials ( Ψ l) below the turgor loss point. FD twigs had nearly twice the leaf area of the healthy controls as well as high gl values and Ψ l values below the turgor loss point. Moreover, significant differences between healthy and affected twigs in stem stomatal conductance (gs) and in the total stem area were recorded. Affected twigs die back under drought stress, which is explained by a pronounced loss of hydraulic conductivity of the infected stems (40 and 60%) in FD and WBD as well as by the unfavourable ratio of weighted conduit radius ( Σ r4) to total surface area (At), so that the efficiency of the stem in supplying the whole transpiring area with water is strongly reduced.  相似文献   
Summary Presented here are techniques developed to culture and analyze three-dimensional (3-D) adipose-like tissues as a means to bridge the gap between current liminations in culturing preadipocytes (PAs) and that of providing clinically relevant volumes of adipose tissue useful for soft tissue engineering stratgies in reconstructive surgery. Pilot studies were performed to determine techniques to visualize and analyze 3-D PA-like tissues as well as to develop successful strategies to culture 3T3-L1 cells in a high aspect ratio vessel rotating-wall bioreactor both with and without microcarriers. Next, a series of cultures were accessed to verify these techniques as well as to compare the culture of the cells with and without microcarriers. Finally, a perfused rotating-wall bioreactor was used to further investigate the nature of the aggregates or tissues being generated. The aggregates that formed in the perfused system were analyzed via histology and in vivo animal studies. PA-like tissues as large as 4–5 mm in diameter without microcarriers that were capable of lipid-loading and composed of viable cells were achieved. We have successfully demonstrated that large tissue aggregates can be grown in bioreactor culture systems.  相似文献   
The basement membrane (BM) proteins laminins, which consist of alpha, beta and gamma chains, play critical roles in the maintenance of tissue structures. One of laminin alpha chains, alpha3 has two isoforms, the truncated form alpha3A and the full-sized form alpha3B. In contrast to alpha3A laminins, little is known about alpha3B laminins. To show the histological distribution of the laminin alpha3B chain, we prepared alpha3B-specific monoclonal antibodies. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the alpha3B chain was colocalized with the alpha3A, beta3 and gamma2 chains in the epithelial BMs of the skin, esophagus, breast and lung, suggesting the presence of laminin-3B32 (laminin-5B) and laminin-3A32 (laminin-5A). In the lung alveoli, laminin-3B32 was dominant over laminin-3A32, but vice versa in other epithelial BMs. In contrast, the BMs of blood vessels including capillaries were strongly positive for alpha3B, but almost or completely negative for alpha3A, beta3 and gamma2. alpha3B was colocalized with beta1 and gamma1 in these BMs. The alpha3B chain was scarcely detected in the vessels of malignant skin cancers, though the gamma2 and beta3 chains were highly expressed in the cancer cells. These results strongly suggest that the laminin alpha3B chain is widely expressed in vascular BMs of normal tissues, probably as laminin-3B11/3B21 (laminin-6B/7B).  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the xylem anatomy and hydraulic characteristics of the mangrove Laguncularia racemosa grown under contrasting salinities. The study addressed the hypothesis that, at high salinity, water transport capacity may decrease in association with higher water use efficiency. Plants were grown in media to which 0, 15 and 30 NaCl was added. Vessel density and diameter were determined in transverse sections of stem and midrib leaves in terminal shoots, and hydraulic parameters were measured. In stems, the vessel density increased with salinity, while the anatomical diameter (d(a)) and hydraulic diameter (d(h)) declined; in leaves, these parameters remained unchanged with salinity. Huber value and hydraulic and specific conductivities decreased with salinity. Leaf blade resistance increased with salinity and represented the largest fraction of twig resistance. Xylem anatomy and leaf tissue of L. racemosa appeared to be modulated by salinity, which led to a coordinated decline in hydraulic properties as salinity increased. Therefore, these structural changes would reflect functional water use characteristics of leaves under salinity.  相似文献   
眼底图象定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了基于数学形态学的图象分析系统在生物医学,特别是眼底图方面日益广泛的应用.提出了运用图象分析系统取得眼底照片上一些参数的方法.主要参数包括:动静脉管径及其比例,无灌注区的面积等.这些参数不仅用于眼科方面的诊断和治疗,对于分析和诊断全身性疾病,如高血压、动脉硬化、糖尿病、静脉阻塞等都具有重要价值  相似文献   
Clinical trials have reported different restenosis rates for various stent designs. It is speculated that stent-induced strain concentrations on the arterial wall lead to tissue injury, which initiates restenosis. This hypothesis needs further investigations including better quantifications of non-uniform strain distribution on the artery following stent implantation. A non-contact surface strain measurement method for the stented artery is presented in this work. ARAMIS stereo optical surface strain measurement system uses two optical high speed cameras to capture the motion of each reference point, and resolve three dimensional strains over the deforming surface. As a mesh stent is deployed into a latex vessel with a random contrasting pattern sprayed or drawn on its outer surface, the surface strain is recorded at every instant of the deformation. The calculated strain distributions can then be used to understand the local lesion response, validate the computational models, and formulate hypotheses for further in vivo study.  相似文献   
利用XeCI准分子激光辐照主动脉血管正常组织和斑块组织,观察到组织被激光消融。消融所产生的凹坑与辐射时间呈对数直线关系。308nm激光感生的血管壁荧光光谱在可见波段出现二个荧光极大值,用二极值的相对强度之比可以判断正常或斑块组织。  相似文献   
在光学显微镜下观察了不同产地华中五味子(Schisandra sphenanthera Rehd.et Wils.)叶表皮结构和导管分子特征,应用多元回归方法对不同产地华中五味子的叶表皮特征及导管分子特征与环境因子的关系进行了分析。观察的指标有叶表皮特征(气孔器密度、气孔器指数、气孔器长宽、气孔器面积、气孔极区角质加厚、气孔器类型、表皮细胞垂周壁形状、分泌细胞密度及叶表面角质条纹)和导管分子特征(导管分子长度、直径、长/直径比值及穿孔板类型)。观察结果:上表皮有极少量气孔器和分泌细胞分布。在下表皮,气孔器类型为平列型和侧列型,气孔器指数为15.05%-22.53%,气孔器长59.2—74.2μm,气孔器宽37.9—46.8μm,分泌细胞密度为1.45/mm^2-3.99/mm^2。导管分子以具缘纹孔导管为主,穿孔板包含单穿孔和梯状穿孔板。导管分子长957.8—1270.2μm,导管分子直径85.0—136.7μm。随着产地的不同,华中五味子叶下表皮结构和导管分子的解剖特征有明显的差异。分析结果显示:年均气温与气孔器面积和气孔器长度,年降水量与气孔器宽度以及相对湿度与分泌细胞密度之间关系密切。随着年平均气温的升高,气孔器面积、气孔器长度呈减少的趋势,R^2值分别为0.74、0.71。随着年降水量的增加,气孔器宽呈减小的趋势,R^2值为0.64;导管分子长/直径比值增加,R^2值为0.46。相对湿度与分泌细胞密度呈正相关,R^2为0.63。  相似文献   
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