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Synopsis The sexual pattern of the zebra goby Lythrypnus zebra, is an apparent exception to sex allocation theory. Most L. zebra are simultaneous hermaphrodites (i.e., have active female and male gonadal tissue), yet it appears they do not reproduce as males and females simultaneously. Understanding the maintenance of simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra could expand sex allocation theory. In this study, I used a comparison with the blue-banded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, a sympatric congener with a qualitatively similar sexual pattern, to investigate the role of male spawning rate, body size and sexual flexibility in determining the sexual pattern of L. zebra and to isolate differences between the species that might explain their differing sexual patterns. Using field measurements of male nesting success, I found no differences between the species in the body size of nesting males suggesting that large size is associated with successful male reproduction in both species. In addition, nesting males spawned at approximately three times the rate of females in both species; thus, reproduction via male function can be equally advantageous relative to adopting the female role. However, the nest longevity of L. zebra males was shorter than that of L. dalli males, suggesting reproduction via male function may be less reliable in L. zebra. Finally, under laboratory conditions, L. zebra females tended to prefer large mates, and L. zebra were able to re-allocate in both directions, exhibiting a greater capacity to switch than L. dalli. Given these results, I suggest that switching between the sexes plays a greater role in maintaining simultaneous hermaphroditism in L. zebra than L. dalli, perhaps because male reproduction is not as consistent in L. zebra. Sexual flexibility may be an important factor affecting patterns of sex allocation, generally.  相似文献   
Segmentally flexible macromolecules are composed of a few rigid subunits linked by joints which are more or less flexible. The dynamics in solution of this type of macromolecule present special aspects that are reviewed here. Three alternative approaches are described. One is the rigid-body treatment, which is shown to be valid for overall dynamic properties such as translational diffusion and intrinsic viscosity. Another approach is the Harvey-Wegener treatment, which is particularly suited for rotational diffusion. The simplest version of this treatment, which ignores hydrodynamic interaction (HI) effects, is found to be quite accurate when compared to a more rigorous version including HI. A third approach is the Brownian dynamics simulation that, albeit at some computational cost, might describe rigorously cases of arbitrary complexity. This technique has been used to test the approximations in the rigid-body and Harvey-Wegener treatments, thus allowing a better understanding of their validity. Brownian trajectories of simplified models such as the trumbbell and the broken rod have been simulated. The comparison of the decay rates of some correlation functions with the predictions of the two treatments leads to a general conclusion: the Harvey-Wegener treatment determines the initial rate, while the long-time behavior is dominated by the rigid-body relaxation time. As an example of application to a specific biological macromolecule, we present a simulation of an immunoglobulin molecule, showing how Brownian Dynamics can be used to predict rotational and internal dynamics. Another typical example is myosin. Literature data of hydrodynamic properties of whole myosin and the myosin rod are compared with predictions from the Harvey-Wegener and rigid-body treatments. The present situation of the problem on myosin flexibility is analyzed, and some indications are given for future experimental and simulation work.  相似文献   
Colonies of the African stink ant Paltothyreus tarsatuslocated in the forest have nests with shorter horizontal galleries and a smaller total foraging surface than colonies located in open areas. Each solitary worker specializes on the same central or peripheral hunting zone but she does not specialize on a particular sector during group-retrieving. The search for prey is characterized by a wandering walk with spatial parameters varying in two ways. Capture of a termite releases a path characterized by sinuosity and a decrease in speed of movement. In contrast, a failure in the course of an attempted capture releases an increase in both sinuosity and speed of movement corresponding to a socalled reserve behavior. Each worker shortens her retrieving trip in comparison with her search trip and the straightness of the homing paths depends on the size and shape of the prey. Our data show that behavioral flexibility at the individual level in P. tarsatusis important in determining spatial foraging strategy at the colony level.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine membrane filtration of a single stranded DNA (ssDNA) with 60 thymine nucleotides, and to elucidate the variables controlling its transmission across track-etched porous membranes. Dead end filtration measurements were performed using different pore size membranes (10, 15, and 30 nm) at different transmembrane pressures in solutions with ionic strength ranging from 0 to 1000 mM NaCl. The diffusivity of the ssDNA was determined using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, yielding hydrodynamic radii ranging from 1.6 to 2.8 nm, with values decreasing with increasing solution ionic strength. Despite the small ssDNA/membrane pore size, nearly 100% rejection was observed for measurements performed with the 10 and 15 nm pore size membranes under low-ionic strength conditions. These high rejections can be attributed to strong repulsive electrostatic ssDNA-membrane interactions. With increasing ionic strength, electrostatic interactions as well as the effective size of the ssDNA decreases and the flexibility of the ssDNA increases, leading to a reduction in ssDNA rejection. A design of experiments approach was used to plan filtration experiments that adequately covered the variable space with a manageable number of experiments. The results yielded an empirical expression relating ssDNA rejection to pore size, solution ionic strength and transmembrane pressure. There was evidence of flow induced elongation at high-transmembrane pressures in the 30 nm pore size membranes, but not in the smaller pore size membranes. These results are consistent with critical flux estimates developed using a free draining model for the ssDNA.  相似文献   
The rotational correlation time of two homologous cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase molecules isolated from pig and chicken hearts was obtained by spin-labeling technique. The maleimide and iodoacetamide spin-labels modyfying external SH-groups of a protein were used. In the interpretation of ESR spectra a rotational motion of nitroxide group relative to the protein molecule was taken into account. To determine the macromolecule rotational correlation time two methods of the immobilization of a protein molecule were used: 1) by means of increasing protein solution viscosity and 2) by fixation of the protein molecule on adsorbent. From comparison of experimental and theoretical values of rotational correlation time it was conclude that the both enzymes exhibits an intramolecular flexibility.  相似文献   
ObjectiveInfluenza A virus belongs to the most studied virus and its mutant initiates epidemic and pandemics outbreaks. Inoculation is the significant foundation to diminish the risk of infection. To prevent an incidence of influenza from the transmission, various practical approaches require more advancement and progress. More efforts and research must take in front to enhance vaccine efficacy.MethodsThe present research emphasizes the development and expansion of a universal vaccine for the influenza virus. Research focuses on vaccine design with high efficacy. In this study, numerous computational approaches were used, covering a wide range of elements and ideas in bioinformatics methodology. Various B and T-cell epitopic peptides derived from the Neuraminidase protein N1 are recognized by these approaches. With the implementation of numerous obtained databases and bioinformatics tools, the different immune framework methods of the conserved sequences of N1 neuraminidase were analyzed. NCBI databases were employed to retrieve amino acid sequences. The antigenic nature of the neuraminidase sequence was achieved by the VaxiJen server and Kolaskar and Tongaonkar method. After screening of various B and T cell epitopes, one efficient peptide each from B cell epitope and T cell epitopes was assessed for their antigenic determinant vaccine efficacy. Identical two B cell epitopes were recognized from the N1 protein when analyzed using B-cell epitope prediction servers. The detailed examination of amino acid sequences for interpretation of B and T cell epitopes was achieved with the help of the ABCPred and Immune Epitope Database.ResultsComputational immunology via immunoinformatic study exhibited RPNDKTG as having its high conservancy efficiency and demonstrated as a good antigenic, accessible surface hydrophilic B-cell epitope. Among T cell epitope analysis, YVNISNTNF was selected for being a conserved epitope. T cell epitope was also analyzed for its allergenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation. YVNISNTNF epitope was found to be a non-allergen and not toxic for cells as well. This T-cell epitope with maximum world populace coverages was scrutinized for its association with the HLA-DRB1*0401 molecule. Results from docking simulation analyses showed YVNISNTNF having lower binding energy, the radius of gyration (Rg), RMSD values, and RMSE values which make the protein structure more stable and increase its ability to become an epitopic peptide for influenza virus vaccination.ConclusionsWe propose that this epitope analysis may be successfully used as a measurement tool for the robustness of an antigen–antibody reaction between mutant strains in the annual design of the influenza vaccine.  相似文献   
Controllable storage and release of solar energy has always been a highlighted scientific issue for its benefit of mankind. Solar thermal fuels (STFs) supply a closed cycle and renewable energy‐storage strategy by transforming solar energy into chemical energy stored in the conformation of molecular isomers, such as cis/trans‐azobenzene, and releasing it as heat under various stimuli. Although the potential high energy density of the STFs which are based on the hybrids of azobenzene derivatives and carbon nanomaterials has been reported the solvent‐assistant charging hinders their practicability. In this study, a solid‐state STF device is designed and fabricated by compositing one photoliquefiable azobenzene (PLAZ) derivative with a flexible fabric template. The photoinduced phase transition of the PLAZ derivative enables the charging of the flexible STFs to be totally solvent‐free. Interestingly, the energy‐storage capacity (energy density ≈201 J g?1) of flexible PLAZ STFs has been improved by the soft fabric template. The exothermic situation is monitored with one infrared camera, which shows 4 °C temperature difference between charged and discharged samples under blue light stimulus. The flexible STFs are may be used in practice as heating equipment.  相似文献   
行为特征可在外来动物建立种群和扩张过程中发挥重要作用,因此,要正确理解动物入侵,常常需要仔细研究其行为机制。20世纪80年代以来,随着动物入侵规模在世界各地的迅速加剧,有关其行为机制的研究也受到了广泛关注。最近一些研究表明,一些入侵动物种内攻击和觅食等行为具有可塑性,因此它们能够灵活应对多变的环境条件,这对于种群的建立和维持至关重要;入侵动物与土著物种发生行为互作时,往往占据优势,从而取代土著物种,并有助于其地域扩张;入侵动物长距离扩散可以提高其地域扩张速度,许多行为可与扩散行为结合进一步促进扩张。今后需要加强对入侵动物的行为分析,使之全面地融合到生物入侵的研究之中。这不仅可以提高对外来物种入侵的预警和治理能力,而且为探索动物行为的奥秘以及动物间行为互作在物种进化中的意义提供了独特的机会。  相似文献   
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