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The distribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, fibronectin (FN), has been examined ultrastructurally in noninjured and injured rat corneal endothelium in vivo and in vitro by immunoperoxidase cytochemistry. In noninjured endothelia, FN was observed within the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisternae but not along the cell-Descemet's membrane (DM) interface. Twenty-four and 48 h after a circular freeze injury, immunoperoxidase reaction product was detected at the cell-DM interface as well as within cytoplasmic vesicles and intercellular spaces. By 1 and 2 wk post-injury, a line of reaction product could still be demonstrated at the cell-DM interface and evidence for newly deposited basement membrane material was observed in this region. In order to understand whether fibronectin deposition during wound repair was dependent on cytoskeletal influences, organ culture experiments were performed in which the media was supplemented with either 10(-8) M colchicine or 2.5 X 10(-3) M cytochalasin B. Without inhibitors, injured corneas cultured for 24 h had FN deposition at the cell-DM interface similar to the in vivo results. Corneas cultured in the presence of cytochalasin B also showed FN deposition at the cell-DM interface. However, when injured endothelia were cultured in the presence of colchicine, no reaction product was observed at the cell-DM interface, although it could be detected intracellularly within RER. Incubating the tissues in the presence of puromycin abolished all extracellular and intracellular staining. These results indicate that during wound repair, corneal endothelial cells produce fibronectin and deposit it upon Descemet's membrane by a mechanism that may be mediated by microtubules.  相似文献   
Surface properties of fibrinogen and fibrin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By contact angle measurements on layers of fibrinogen and fibrin, it can be shown that the transformation from fibrinogen to fibrin is accompanied by a change in surface properties from very hydrophilic (fibrinogen) to moderately but definitely hydrophobic (fibrin). It is also shown that, contrary to serum albumin and gamma globulin, fibrinogen does not become more hydrophobic upon drying.  相似文献   
Migrating cells degrade pericellular matrices and basement membranes. For these purposes cells produce a number of proteolytic enzymes. Mast cells produce two major proteinases, chymase and tryptase, whose physiological functions are poorly known. In the present study we have analyzed the ability of purified human mast cell tryptase to digest pericellular matrices of human fibroblasts. Isolated matrices of human fibroblasts and fibroblast conditioned medium were treated with tryptase, and alterations in the radiolabeled polypeptides were observed in autoradiograms of sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels. It was found that an M(r) 72,000 protein was digested to an M(r) 62,000 form by human mast cell tryptase while the plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1, was not affected. Cleavage of the M(r) 72,000 protein could be partially inhibited by known inhibitors of tryptase but not by aprotinin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or EDTA. Fibroblastic cells secreted the M(r) 72,000 protein into their medium and it bound to gelatin as shown by analysis of the medium by affinity chromatography over gelatin-Sepharose. The soluble form of the M(r) 72,000 protein was also susceptible to cleavage by tryptase. Analysis using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels showed that both the intact M(r) 72,000 and the M(r) 62,000 degraded form of the protein possess gelatinolytic activity after activation by sodium dodecyl sulphate. Immunoblotting analysis of the matrices revealed the cleavage of an immunoreactive protein of M(r) 72,000 indicating that the protein is related to type IV collagenase. Further analysis of the pericellular matrices indicated that the protease sensitive extracellular matrix protein fibronectin was removed from the matrix by tryptase in a dose-dependent manner. Fibronectin was also susceptible to proteolytic degradation by tryptase. The data suggest a role for mast cell tryptase in the degradation of pericellular matrices.  相似文献   
We have incorporated antibodies against fibronectin or laminin into liposomes and studied their interaction with insoluble forms of these antigens. The antibodies, after modification by palmitoylchloride, were incorporated into the lipid bilayer by the cholate dialysis method. The antibodies in the liposomes recognized their specific antigen with little reaction to the alternative attachment protein or to albumin (less than 2%). The binding of antibody-containing liposomes to insoluble antigen was inhibited by soluble antibodies to the respective antigens but not by antibodies to other antigens. The affinity constant of the liposome-antibody complex with the antigen was estimated at 1-10 X 10(-9) M liposomes. Thus, antibodies in liposomes retain their reactivity and specificity, and the reaction constant is comparable to that observed for immune complexes.  相似文献   
We have studied the expression of the fibronectin gene in 7 day-old chick embryo (stage 32) by in situ hybridization at the light and electron microscope levels, using a 397 base-pairs chicken cDNA, labeled by radioisotope or biotin-11dUTP. Cryostat sections of whole chick embryos displayed a selective label on the upper layer of the dermis, fibrous sclera and mesenchymal cells but not on cartilagenous sclera cells. These results show that the expression of the fibronectin gene varies in relation to the morphogenetic events. Hybridization at the ultrastructural level on thin sections of sclera embedded in Lowicryl K4M showed a selective labelling on various cell compartments. Biotin-11dUTP and radiolabeled probes were compared. The labeling was found precisely on the membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and on the nuclear envelope. A few silver grains were located on the nucleus and in the perinucleolar region. This study shows that the postembedding in situ hybridization is a powerful procedure to study the expression of the extracellular protein genes and gives further information on the localization of mRNA.  相似文献   
Fibronectin (FN) turnover and turnover changes induced by the anticancer drug Adriamycin (ADR) were measured in human mesangial cells (HMC) in vitro. HMC cultures synthesize cellular FN (2.2+-0.3% of totalprotein synthesis; n = 12) which is secreted and incorporated into a fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM). A 24 hr incubation of HMC with ADR (0.5–5 g/ml) resulted in an accumulation of FN in the culture medium, with a maximum increase following 5 pglml(7.3+-2.3pg/cell vs. controls: 4.4+-1.9pg/cell; n= 10). Correspondingly, radioactively labeled immunoprecipitable FN was increased in a dosage-dependent manner in the culture medium up to 50% vs. controls. The incorporation of radioactively labeled FN into ECM was significantly increased following 2 g ADR/ml. In accordance, immunofZuorescence staining revealed an expansion ofpericellular FNfibers in cultures exposed to 2 g ADR/ml. Concomitant with the accumulation of extracelhlar FN, radioactively labeled FN in the cells was reduced by 22%. Qualitative characterization of FN patterns revealed a diminished number of degradation products in the culture medium ofADR-treated HMC. These data suggest thatADR interferes with the turnover of FN secreted by HMC in vitro in such a way that FN accumulates extracellularly. This in turn leads to a reduced FN synthesis. These findings are compatible with a loss of urinary FN degradation products accompanying the onset ofproteinuria in ADR-treated rats.Abbreviations ADR adriamycin - BSA bovine serum albumin - DTT dithiothreitol - ECM extracellular matrix - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - FN fibronectin - HMC human mesangial cell - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
The myoblast cell surface activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase was stimulated by a laminin substrate, whereas fibronectin and gelatin did not increase the AMPase activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase. This increase was related to a higher expression of ecto-5′-nucleotidase on the surface of cells seeded on a laminin substrate, but without the mobilization of an intracellular pool of enzyme. Furthermore, laminin and its fragments E′1 and E8 modified the AMPase activity of the ecto-5′-nucleotidase purified from chicken striated muscle and reconstituted in liposomes. Over the range of concentrations used, intact laminin and its fragment E8, consisting of the distal half of the long arm, stimulated the AMPase activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase. By contrast, the large fragment derived from the short arms, designated E′1, inhibited the AMPase activity. Furthermore, the monoclonal anti-ecto-5′-nucleotidase antibody, CG37, abolished the stimulatory effect of fragment E8 on the AMPase activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase but did not reverse the inhibitory effect of fragment E′1. In conclusion, laminin stimulates the AMPase activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase by two mechanisms: inducing the expression of ecto-5′-nucleotidase to the cell surface and direct modulation of the enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Rabbit intestinal epithelial cells, obtained after a limited hyaluronidase digestion, were incubated in medium with or without calf serum, on bacteriological plastic dishes. The dishes, either plain or coated with an air-dried type I collagen film, were pretreated with medium alone or with medium containing purified laminin or purified fibronectin. Cells did not attach in significant numbers to untreated bacteriological plastic, even in the presence of serum. Cells did attach to collagen-coated dishes, and were judged viable on the basis of their incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into cell protein. Cell adhesion to the collagen substrate increased in proportion to the concentration of serum in the medium, with maximal attachment at 5% serum or greater. Pretreatment of plain or collagen-coated dishes with increasing amounts of fibronectin enhanced cell adhesion in a concentration-dependent manner. Either serum, or fibronectin-free serum in the medium enhanced cell attachment to substrates pretreated with cither fibronectin or laminin. Thus, intestinal epithelial cells appear to possess surface receptors for both laminin and fibronectin. The evidence further suggests that calf serum may contain factors, other than fibronectin, capable of enhancing intestinal epithelial cell attachment to collagen substrates.  相似文献   
Summary The growth of the endothelial cell (EC) is tightly regulated throughout the body. Many factors have been implicated in modulating EC growth including diffusible compounds, cell-to-cell interactions, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Retinol, or vitamin A alcohol, has recently been shown to inhibit the growth of bovine capillary ECs, in vitro. Retinoids are known to modify ECM in other cell systems, and pure ECM components have been shown to effect EC growth rates. We, therefore, examined the role of the matrix in the retinol-induced inhibition of ECs. Cell-free matrices from control and vitamin A-treated ECs were prepared by removing cells with EGTA treatment after 7 d of culture. Matrix proteins were analyzed by solubilizing the matrices in 5M quanidine-HCl and performing Western blot analysis using specific antibodies to matrix proteins. In isolating the ECM, we observed that retinol-treated cultures of ECs were resistant to EGTA removal; retinol-treated ECs required twice the exposure time to EGTA to detach from their matrix than did controls cells. Western blot analysis of matrix proteins derived from control and retinol-treated EC cultures demonstrated a 1.6-fold increase in lamininβ chains and a 2.5-fold increase in fibronectin in the ECM of retinol-treated EC compared to control cell matrix. Functional properties of these matrices were assessed by plating control and Day 6 retinol-treated ECs onto the matrices and measuring attachment and growth by determining cell numbers at 24, 72, and 144 h. These studies revealed that control cells attached in greatest numbers to a control matrix whereas retinol-treated ECs preferentially attached to a matrix derived from retinol-treated cells. Furthermore, control ECs which grew rapidly on a control matrix were growth inhibited on a retinol-derived matrix. These data indicate that vitamin A treatment of ECs effects both their phenotype and influences the composition and the functional properties of their underlying ECM. These studies also demonstrate that alterations of the matrix are at least in part responsible for the growth inhibition of EC by retinol.  相似文献   
Conclusion Two of the main reasons for developing serum-free medium are to improve the growth and to increase the productivity of a cell. This review has attetmpted to show that these goals can be achieved far more easily than generally realised by utilising the methods that have been developed during the past decade and by using a limited number of standard supplements. Serum-free media have contributed greatly to the advances made in recent years in the fields of cell biology and mammalian cell technology and it is clear that they will continue to play a major role in the clarification of cellular regulatory processes and in the refinement of processes in modern cyto-technology.  相似文献   
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