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不同经营方式下毛竹光合特性分异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林木经营方式与林内光照、温度、水分及养分格局关系密切,影响到植株的光合水平。为探明毛竹对不同经营方式的光合响应特性,以安徽省黄山区3种经营方式下的5类毛竹林为对象开展研究,即:粗放经营(Ⅰ)、一般经营(Ⅱ)和集约经营(Ⅲ-挖冬笋量10%—15%,、Ⅳ-挖冬笋量15%—20%、Ⅴ-挖冬笋量约10%,每年9月施氮肥)。结果表明:1)不同经营方式下毛竹的叶面积指数(LAI)和SPAD值间存在显著差异,随经营程度的增加,LAI和SPAD值波动增大。2)光响应曲线变化趋势基本一致,非直角双曲线拟合良好,方程决定系数均大于0.96,随光合有效辐射(PAR)增强,净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(C_d)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、胞间二氧化碳浓度(C_i)随之降低,非集约经营(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)的总体变化水平高于集约经营下的Ⅳ和Ⅲ,但集约经营下的Ⅴ则与Ⅰ、Ⅱ趋势更接近,说明适当补充养分(Ⅴ)的集约经营能有效提高毛竹对光能的利用能力。3)光饱和点(LSP)、光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(R_d)3个参数均最大或最小的两种经营方式下,毛竹林具较高的适应性,表现为最大净光合能力(P_(nmax))显著高于其它经营方式毛竹林,由此推断,粗放经营(Ⅰ)或有效补充林地养分的集约经营(Ⅴ)的毛竹具有较高的光合能力。  相似文献   
Future human well‐being under climate change depends on the ongoing delivery of food, fibre and wood from the land‐based primary sector. The ability to deliver these provisioning services depends on soil‐based ecosystem services (e.g. carbon, nutrient and water cycling and storage), yet we lack an in‐depth understanding of the likely response of soil‐based ecosystem services to climate change. We review the current knowledge on this topic for temperate ecosystems, focusing on mechanisms that are likely to underpin differences in climate change responses between four primary sector systems: cropping, intensive grazing, extensive grazing and plantation forestry. We then illustrate how our findings can be applied to assess service delivery under climate change in a specific region, using New Zealand as an example system. Differences in the climate change responses of carbon and nutrient‐related services between systems will largely be driven by whether they are reliant on externally added or internally cycled nutrients, the extent to which plant communities could influence responses, and variation in vulnerability to erosion. The ability of soils to regulate water under climate change will mostly be driven by changes in rainfall, but can be influenced by different primary sector systems' vulnerability to soil water repellency and differences in evapotranspiration rates. These changes in regulating services resulted in different potentials for increased biomass production across systems, with intensively managed systems being the most likely to benefit from climate change. Quantitative prediction of net effects of climate change on soil ecosystem services remains a challenge, in part due to knowledge gaps, but also due to the complex interactions between different aspects of climate change. Despite this challenge, it is critical to gain the information required to make such predictions as robust as possible given the fundamental role of soils in supporting human well‐being.  相似文献   
Polymorphic Cytochromes P450 and Drugs Used in Psychiatry   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1. The cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and CYP2C9, display polymorphism. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 have been studied extensively, and despite their low abundance in the liver, they catalyze the metabolism of many drugs.2. CYP2D6 has numerous allelic variants, whereas CYP2C19 has only two. Most variants are translated into inactive, truncated protein or fail to express protein.3. CYP2C9 is expressed as the wild-type enzyme and has two variants, in each of which one amino acid residue has been replaced.4. The nucleotide base sequences of the cDNAs of the three polymorphic genes and their variants have been determined, and the proteins derived from these genes have been characterized.5. An absence of CYP2D6 and/or CYP2C19 in an individual produces a poor metabolizer (PM) of drugs that are substrates of these enzymes.6. When two drugs that are substrates for a polymorphic CYP enzyme are administered concomitantly, each will compete for that enzyme and competitively inhibit the metabolism of the other substrate. This can result in toxicity.7. Patients can be readily phenotyped or genotyped to determine their CYP2D6 or CYP2C19 enzymatic status. Poor metabolizers (PMs), extensive metabolizers (EMs), and ultrarapid metabolizers (URMs) can be identified.8. Numerous substrates and inhibitors of CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and CYP2C9 are identified.9. An individual's diet and age can influence CYP enzyme activity.10. CYP2D6 polymorphism has been associated with the risk of onset of various illnesses, including cancer, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and epilepsy.  相似文献   
Over 20 marine fish species have been studied forfarming or stock enhancement in Australia. However,commercial production has been dominated by the cageculture of Salmo salar in Tasmania, Thunnusmaccoyiiin South Australia, and to a lesser extent Latescalcarifer in Queensland. A major impediment to thecommercial production of new species has been thelarge-scale production of juvenile fish. Thedevelopment of marine fish larval rearing technologyin Australia has had four main influences over thelast decade: culture system technology from France,live food culture and nutritional enhancement fromBelgium, artificial diets from Japan and extensivepond culture from the USA. Microalgae and live foodculture is based on traditional aquaculture speciesand methods. Recent Australian research has focusedon induced spawning, the role of stress in inhibitingovulation, factors influencing initial swim bladderinflation in larvae, larval nutrition, extensiveculture and diagnosis of disease. Over the next 5years, Australian aquaculturists should be able toproduce industrial quantities of a range of nativemarine fish, either in intensive fish hatcheries, orin combination with extensive pond culture.  相似文献   
Résumé Les prédateurs qui vivent aux dépens de ressources alimentaires groupées, modifient leur mode de déplacement après la capture et l'ingestion d'une proie. Ils passent de la recherche extensive (déplacements rapides et linéaires) à la recherche intensive (déplacements lents et sinueux). Chez les adultes et les larves de dernier stade de la coccinelle Semiadalia undecimnotata Schn. (Col., Coccinellidae), dans les premières heures qui suivent leur naissance ou leur mue, l'ingestion d'un premier puceron ne modifie pas les caractéristiques locomotrices individuelles: les déplacements restent de type extensif. Au début de chaque stade, cette coccinelle présente une période de sensibilisation à la proie rencontrée. Durant ces laps de temps, elle doit consommer plusieurs proies avant d'être capable d'adopter la recherche intensive. L'existence d'une période de jeûne avant cette première prise alimentaire favorise, au contraire, l'adoption de la recherche intensive.
The ladybird, Semiadalia undecimnotata, like all other entomophagous insects feeding on relatively sedentary prey, exhibits two types of walking pattern during the search for prey: xtensive and intensive search. The latter is engaged following detection of visual or chemical cues. Changes in the ladybird search pattern: extensive search—a single prey capture—intensive search, were investigated in relation to experience of prior feeding-periods (experienced coccinellids) or to lack of such experience (naïve coccinellids) and with respect to changes in duration of fasting. The analysis of their pathways was performed initially by comparison of three locomotory paramètres: the number of stops (number/s), the walking speed (mm/s) and the turning-rate (degrees/s), and subsequently by statistical classification (principle components analysis). Unlike experienced coccinellids, observations of naïve coccinellids, indicate that a single feeding session during the three to five hours after emergence of an adult, or ecdysis of the larva, will change the walking pattern slightly. These animals will maintain extensive search or adopt a particular, intermediate locomotory pattern which is a development of extensive search but do not adopt intensive search. Fasting, for periods over twelve hours, favoured intensive search in populations studied. It is probable that the requirement to feed on more than one prey item before adopting intensive search involves concepts such as forms of learning (sensitization).
Myzus persicae (Sulzer) is a highly polyphagous aphid species that attacks several economically important crop plants. Here, trophic webs involving M. persicae, its host plants and its parasitoids were described and quantified in wheat, oat and alfalfa agroecosystems from central Argentina, with special emphasis on the sub-habitats where interactions occur: crops and adjacent field margins. Three fields cultivated with each crop species and their margins were sampled during three years; aphid abundance and mummification percentage were compared among crop plants and the diverse natural vegetation in the borders. Interactions were described using a quantitative food web approach, and abundance and mummification percentage e data were analysed using a generalized linear model. Four plant species present in the borders (Capsella bursa-pastori, Rapistrum sp., Melilotus sp. and Trifolium repens) hosted M. persicae and its parasitoids. The alfalfa agroecosystem produced a significantly higher number of aphids than oat and wheat; however, in all cases, crops and borders sustained similar aphid abundance. A total of six Aphidiinae species attacked M. persicae, with no significant differences in the richness of parasitoid species between the borders and the crops, but with significant differences in parasitoid abundance, being higher in the crops. Mummification percentage were higher in crops than in the borders, with Lysiphlebus testaceipes, Aphidius colemani and A. ervi being the most abundant species. Almost 70% of M. persicae individuals were collected from fields borders, which highlights the importance of including these sites in studies of trophic interactions in crop fields.  相似文献   
为进一步研究和利用具有杂草生防潜力的狗尾草平脐蠕孢Bipolaris setariae菌株NY1,对其次级代谢产物进行了分离与结构鉴定。从菌株NY1的大米发酵的乙酸乙酯提取物中分离到7个化合物,通过波谱分析将其分别鉴定为:邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯,麦角甾-5,7,22-三烯-3β-醇,5α,8α-过氧化麦角甾-6,22-二烯-3β-醇,6-甲基苯-1,2,4-三酚,3-脱羟基蛇孢菌素A,邻羟基苯甲醛,蛇孢菌素I。其中3-脱羟基蛇孢菌素A是一种植物毒素,而具有抗癌、抗菌作用的蛇孢菌素I的产量较高,具有工业化生产的潜力。  相似文献   
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